This week’s newsletter announces a draft BIP for a quantum-safe Bitcoin address format and includes our regular sections with the summary of a Bitcoin Core PR Review Club, announcements of new releases and release candidates, and descriptions of notable changes to popular Bitcoin infrastructure projects.


  • Draft BIP for quantum-safe address format: developer Hunter Beast posted to both Delving Bitcoin and the mailing list a “rough draft” BIP for assigning version 3 segwit addresses to a quantum-resistant signature algorithm. The draft BIP describes the problem and links to several potential algorithms along with their expected onchain size. The choice of algorithms and the specific implementation details are left for future discussion, as are additional BIPs necessary to fully realize the vision of adding full quantum resistance to Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Core PR Review Club

In this monthly section, we summarize a recent Bitcoin Core PR Review Club meeting, highlighting some of the important questions and answers. Click on a question below to see a summary of the answer from the meeting.

Don’t wipe indexes again when continuing a prior reindex is a PR by TheCharlatan that can improve startup time when a user restarts their node before an ongoing reindex has completed.

Bitcoin Core implements five indexes. The UTXO set and the block index are required, whereas the transaction index, compact block filter index, and coinstats index are optional. When running with -reindex, all indexes are wiped and rebuilt. This process can take quite a while, and it is not guaranteed to finish before the node is stopped for any reason.

Because the node needs an up-to-date UTXO set and block index, the reindexing status is persisted on disk. When a reindex is started, a flag is set, and it will only be unset when the reindex is finished. This way, when the node starts, it can detect that it should continue reindexing, even if the user didn’t provide the flag as a startup option.

When restarting (without -reindex) after an unfinished reindex, the required indexes are preserved and will continue to be rebuilt. Before Bitcoin Core #30132, the optional indexes would be wiped a second time. Bitcoin Core #30132 can make node startup more efficient by avoiding the wiping of the optional indexes when not necessary.

  • What is the behavior change introduced by this PR?

    Behaviour is changed in three ways. First, as per the goal of this PR, optional indexes are no longer wiped again when the node is restarted before reindexing is completed. This aligns the wiping behavior of optional indexes with that of required indexes. Second, when a user requests a reindex through the GUI, this request is no longer ignored, reversing a subtle bug introduced in b47bd95. Third, the log line “Initializing databases…\n” is removed. 

  • What are the two ways an optional index can process new blocks?

    When an optional index is initialized, it checks if its highest block is the same as the current chaintip. If it is not, it will first process all missing blocks with a background sync, through BaseIndex::StartBackgroundSync(). When the index catches up with the chaintip, it will process all further blocks through the validation interface using ValidationSignals::BlockConnected

  • How does this PR affect the logic of optional indexes processing new blocks?

    Before this PR, wiping the optional indexes without wiping the chainstate means these indexes will be considered out-of-sync. As per the previous question, that means they will first perform a background sync before switching to the validation interface. With this PR, the optional indexes remain in sync with the chainstate, and as such no background sync is required. Note: background sync only starts after reindex has completed, whereas processing validation events happens in parallel. 

Releases and release candidates

New releases and release candidates for popular Bitcoin infrastructure projects. Please consider upgrading to new releases or helping to test release candidates.

  • Core Lightning 24.05 is a release of the next major version of this popular LN node implementation. It includes improvements that help it better work with a pruned full node (see Newsletter #300), allows the check RPC to work with plugins (see Newsletter #302), stability improvements (such as those described in Newsletters #303 and #304), allows more robust delivery of offer invoices (see Newsletter #304), and a fix for a fee overpayment issue when the ignore_fee_limits configuration option is used (see Newsletter #306).

  • Bitcoin Core 27.1 is a maintenance release of the predominant full node implementation. It contains multiple bug fixes.

Notable code and documentation changes

Notable recent changes in Bitcoin Core, Core Lightning, Eclair, LDK, LND, libsecp256k1, Hardware Wallet Interface (HWI), Rust Bitcoin, BTCPay Server, BDK, Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs), Lightning BOLTs, Lightning BLIPs, Bitcoin Inquisition, and BINANAs.

  • Bitcoin Core #29496 bumps TX_MAX_STANDARD_VERSION to 3, which makes Topologically Restricted Until Confirmation (TRUC) transactions standard. If a transaction’s version is 3, it will be treated as a TRUC transaction as defined in the BIP431 specification. The CURRENT_VERSION remains 2, meaning the wallet will not create TRUC transactions yet.

  • Bitcoin Core #28307 fixes a bug that imposed the 520-byte P2SH maximum script size limit on SegWit redeem scripts for both P2SH-segwit and bech32. This fix enables the creation of multisig output descriptors involving more than 15 keys (now allowing up to the OP_CHECKMULTISIG consensus limit of 20), including signing for these scripts, along with other post-segwit redeem scripts that exceed the P2SH limit.

  • Bitcoin Core #30047 refactors the model of the bech32 encoding scheme charlimit from a constant of 90 to an Enum. This change allows for easy support of new address types that use the bech32 encoding scheme but don’t have the same character limit as BIP173 was designed for. For example, to enable parsing silent payment addresses, which require up to 118 characters.

  • Bitcoin Core #28979 updates the documentation of the sendall RPC command (see Newsletter #194) to mention that it spends unconfirmed change in addition to confirmed outputs. If unconfirmed outputs are spent, it will compensate for any fee deficit (see Newsletter #269). This item was corrected after publication.1

  • Eclair #2854 and LDK #3083 implement BOLTs #1163 to remove the requirement of a channel_update on an onion message delivery failure. This requirement facilitated an attack where a relayer node that generated the delivery failure error status could identify the sender of the HTLC through the channel_update field, compromising the sender’s privacy.

  • LND #8491 adds a cltv_expiry flag on the lncli RPC commands addinvoice and addholdinvoice to allow users to set the min_final_cltv_expiry_delta (the CLTV expiry delta for the last hop). No motivation for the change is described on the pull request, but it could be in response to LND recently raising its default from 9 blocks to 18 blocks to follow the BOLT2 specification (see Newsletter #284).

  • LDK #3080 refactors MessagerRouter’s create_blinded_path command into two methods: one for compact blinded path creation, and one for normal blinded paths. This enables optionality depending on the caller’s context. Compact blinded paths use short channel identifiers (SCIDs) that reference a funding transaction (or a channel alias) and are typically 8 bytes; normal blinded paths reference an LN node by its 33-byte public key. Compact paths may become stale if a channel is closed or spliced, so they’re best used for short-term QR codes or payment links where byte space is at a premium. Normal paths are preferable for long-term uses, including onion message-based offers where the use of node identifiers may allow forwarding a message to a peer even if the node and the peer no longer share a channel (since onion messages don’t require channels). ChannelManager is updated to use compact blinded paths for short-lived offers and refunds, while reply paths are refactored to use normal (non-compact) blinded paths.

  • BIPs #1551 adds BIP353 with a specification for DNS Payment Instructions, a protocol to encode BIP21 URIs in DNS TXT records, for human readability and to provide the ability to query such resolutions privately. For example, could resolve to a DNS address such as, which will return a DNSSEC-signed TXT record containing a BIP21 URI like bitcoin:bc1qexampleaddress0123456. See Newsletter #290 for our previous description and last week’s newsletter for the merge of a related BLIP.


  1. Our original published description of Bitcoin Core #28979 claimed sendall spending unconfirmed change was a behavior change. We thank Gustavo Flores for his original correct description (the error being introduced by the newsletter’s editor) and Mark “Murch” Erhardt for reporting the error.