OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY (CTV) is a proposed new opcode that takes a commitment and requires any transaction executing the opcode to match the commitment in the following fields: its version, locktime, signature scripts, number of inputs, sequences, number of outputs, outputs, and the location of the input being spent within the spending transaction. This allows an output to specify how its funds may be spent—a design known in Bitcoin as a covenant.

CTV has been suggested for use with a variety of protocols:

  • Congestion control transactions: a spender pays a single output that uses CTV to commit to a follow-up transaction that pays multiple outputs. When the initial transaction is confirmed to a suitable depth, this can assure the parties with outputs in the follow-up transaction that they will eventually be paid (e.g. when feerates are lower). This two-step process can probably be used anywhere payment batching is an option, although it requires extra communication to receivers for them to learn that they have been paid prior to the follow-up transaction being confirmed.

  • Channel factories: each change to a channel factory’s top-level state requires each party to receive a unilateral exit transaction that refunds them their current balance in the factory in case other parties later become unresponsive. Without CTV or something similar, unilateral exit transactions must be signed by all participants in a channel factory before each member signs the new state transaction, requiring two full rounds of communication. With CTV, a commitment to the refund transaction can be included directly in the next state transaction. This allows any party to propose a state transition that only requires one round of signing. Channel factories may also benefit from other uses of CTV, such as allowing channels to be opened in congestion control transactions. Channel factories have a similar structure to joinpools, so any features of CTV joinpools described below may also apply to CTV channel factories.

  • Joinpools: similar to a channel factory, multiple users can pool their funds together by creating a UTXO that allows any of them to unilaterally withdraw their funds at any time or allows all of them in agreement to spend a portion of the funds. This is possible today by having each participant sign the unilateral exit transaction for the next state before they sign the next state, but this requires two rounds of signing. When the number of parties needed to sign is large, each round can take a long time. CTV reduces the amount of signing to one round.

    Additionally, when one party wants to unilaterally exit a joinpool or channel factory, some other parties may want to remain in the joinpool (or form subsets of the original joinpool). This can minimize the amount of onchain fees that need to be paid by each party. Remaining in an existing joinpool requires each party agree to the outcomes for each other party exiting. Using presigned exits, the most efficient onchain version of this requires generating and transmitting a large number of offchain signatures, making it impractical for more than a few users to participate in any individual joinpool with per-party exit paths. Using CTV, signature operations can be replaced with CTV operations, which leaves the computational complexity but doesn’t require transmitting any additional data—each user can derive the necessary data on their own (which they would need to do anyway to validate the script they’re paying). Again, only the one round of signatures for each state transition would need to be communicated. Alternative consensus change proposals specifically designed to make joinpools with per-party exits efficient onchain have been proposed several times, although some of their authors have mentioned that CTV would be complementary to their proposals.

  • Vaults: without CTV or another consensus change, the only known way to create a vault is using ephemeral keys and presigned transactions that give spends to the vault’s recovery address priority over spends to a third-party. Any ephemeral keys used in the vault setup need to be securely deleted. This approach is fragile at best, making it reasonable for anyone with a large amount of funds—the ideal vault user—to be wary of trusting presigned vaults with large amounts of money. By comparison, a CTV vault can replace each use of ephemeral keys with a CTV output, which can be entirely precomputed without any special key handling considerations. The result is still less dynamic than many users might like, so specific consensus changes for vaults have been proposed, with at least one of those proposals (BIP345 OP_VAULT) using CTV in some of its operations.

  • DLC efficiency: discreet log contracts (DLCs) often involve a large number of potential outcomes; for example, “what price will Bitcoin be in USD terms at the end of the day, rounded to the nearest whole dollar?” might easily involve more than 10,000 different outcomes. Using existing DLC constructions, each outcome requires a separate signature adaptor that must be created, exchanged, verified, and stored. By comparison, CTV can replace the adaptors and allow each party to independently compute most of the state from a short specification of the contract—minimizing bandwidth and storage. A few signatures and adaptors are still needed, but the vast majority are eliminated.

Alternatives to CTV

Many alternatives to CTV have been proposed. The following have been covered by Optech:

  • Presigned transactions: anything CTV can do can also be done using presigned transactions and secure deletion of ephemeral keys. However, this requires perfectly reliable backups and deletion. For CTV, deletion is not required and the amount of data that needs to be reliably backed up consists of only the data a user expects to put onchain anyway (some of which it may be possible to compute as needed).

  • SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUT: this proposal, which was designed to improve payment channels before the announcement of CTV, can substitute for CTV in many cases (but not all), although it requires extra onchain vbytes to accomplish patterns that CTV is optimized for. At least one variant of SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUT has been proposed to extend the number of CTV usecases covered, although it still requires extra vbytes.

  • OP_CAT + OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK: the composition of the proposed OP_CAT and OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK opcodes can emulate CTV, although this may require significantly more vbytes.

  • OP_TX and OP_TXHASH: are roughly equivalent proposals to enable CTV features in a way that might be easier to extend in the future. Depending on the exact design, they may require slightly more vbytes to use than CTV.

  • Exploding keys: this proposal provides the core feature of CTV: the ability for a transaction output to commit to the outputs of the transaction that will spend it. CTV accomplishes this using a hash digest on the stack; exploding keys accomplishes it using a pay-to-contract-like commitment to the hash digest. The most efficient form of CTV use the same number of vbytes as exploding keys. However, if the creator of a covenant wants to allow taproot keypath spends as an option, exploding keys can save at least 16 vbytes compared to CTV when the keypath option is not used. Exploding key keypath spends would be indistinguishable from standard keypath spends made using the same segwit versions, improving privacy. However, creating exploding keys uses elliptical curve operations rather than SHA256 hash operations, the later generally being faster to compute on general CPUs and for which many modern chipsets offer hardware optimization; this could make CTV much preferable for cases involving large contracts states, such as DLCs and joinpools.

Criticisms of CTV

Several criticisms of CTV have been covered by Optech:

  • Not flexible enough: CTV was deliberately designed to provide a limited function that would be useful in a variety of constructions but without enabling recursive covenants. However, some critics would prefer to see a more general covenant solution. They worry that many of the people who ask for CTV now will not be satisfied with it. They may later ask for an improved construction that could render CTV unnecessary. They advocate instead for effort to be devoted to finding a solution that will fully satisfy user desires.

  • Not generic enough: CTV is almost maximally efficient at allowing an output to require it be spent to certain future outputs. It additionally provides some flexibility in the construction of that spending transaction, mainly related to which inputs it includes. However, its capabilities overlap to a significant degree with other covenant proposals, so it has been suggested that it would be better to use composable elements to replicate the features of CTV. Those elements may also be useful on their own, or they may be extensible in ways that don’t necessarily make sense for CTV. This is the origin of proposals such as OP_TX (described previously).

  • Limited experimentation: an analysis in 2022 found limited experimentation with CTV on signet, although at least some additional experimentation has been performed since then.

  • Commonly requires exogenous fees: CTV commitments to future transactions may be created long before those transactions are broadcast, making fee estimation challenging. A common solution to this is to allow CPFP fee bumping and other types of exogenous fee contribution. However, at least one reviewer has argued that widespread use of exogenous fee sourcing puts Bitcoin’s decentralization at risk due to an incentive to pay fees out of band.

Compositions of CTV and other consensus changes

Many proposals have been made for using CTV in combination with other consensus changes. Some of the proposals covered by Optech include:

  • CTV and OP_VAULT: the BIP345 OP_VAULT proposed soft fork is designed (in its latest versions) to work directly with CTV for committing to spending operations for creating dynamic vaults.

  • OP_VAULT alternative using MATT and CTV: the MATT proposed soft fork has been described as being able to almost emulate OP_VAULT when combined with CTV and two other opcodes. This proposal appears mainly designed to showcase the flexibility of MATT rather than suggest activating MATT and CTV instead of OP_VAULT and CTV.

  • CTV and OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK: the OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK (CSFS) proposed soft fork allows verifying that a signature on the stack commits to another item on the stack. This is in comparison to existing signature verification operations in Bitcoin that verify that a signature commits to a large amount of data and metadata for the executing transaction. It’s proposed that CTV and CSFS together can emulate the proposed SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUT (APO) soft fork and so can enable versions of LN-Symmetry (eltoo).


A simple covenant that committed to outputs was originally proposed as OP_CHECKOUTPUTSHASHVERIFY (COSHV). Its author updated it and gave the updated version the name, OP_SECURETHEBAG. The author later updated it again and again used a different name, OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY. The earliest public version of the proposal allowed use of inputs differently than the current proposal. A later extension to the proposal would allow use of 20-byte hash digests in addition the existing allowed use of 32-byte hash digests, plus allow the inclusion of additional commitments that must be provided as witness items when CTV is executed.

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