Discrete log equivalency (DLEQ)
Also covering Proofs of discrete log equivalency (PODLE)
Discrete log equivalency (DLEQ) or proofs of discrete log equivalency (PODLE) is the ability to prove two points on an elliptic curve were both derived from the same private value (such as a private key). Applications of it include committing to ownership of a key in the UTXO set without publicly revealing the specific UTXO and proving a silent payment output was constructed correctly without disclosing a private key.
DLEQs have several different applications in Bitcoin:
PODLEs in JoinMarket
The earliest use of PODLE, pronounced poodle, was in the JoinMarket coinjoin implementation to allow a user (such as Alice) to claim to control a UTXO without publicly revealing anything about that UTXO. If another user (such as Bob) wanted to coinjoin with that UTXO, Alice could prove to him only that she actually owned the claimed UTXO. If Alice lied about owning the UTXO or attempted to create multiple proofs for the same UTXO, Bob could prove to everyone that she lied and other users would be less likely to interact with her in the future.
PODLEs as used in JoinMarket take advantage of a property of schnorr signature verification. If the same private key and the same private nonce are used to generate different public keys and public nonces using different generators, the s value of a signature that is valid for one key and nonce will also be valid for the other key and nonce.
For example, Alice creates a private key (a large number) and derives from it a Bitcoin public key in the normal way by multiplying the private key by a specified elliptic curve point (called a generator). Alice also multiplies the same private key by a second generator. Alice then creates a private nonce (another large number) and multiplies it by Bitcoin’s usual generator and the secondary generator. Then Alice commits to a message and creates an s value for the combination of private key, private nonce, and message. That same s value will be valid for either the Bitcoin public key or the public key created with the secondary generator.
When Alice announces to JoinMarket participants that she has a UTXO, she provides the secondary public key (as a hash digest). When Bob accepts her offer, she provides him the details of her UTXO (including the Bitcoin public key), the secondary public key (undigested), both public nonces, and the s value that proves discrete log equivalency. If Bob’s verification succeeds, only he learns the identity of Alice’s UTXO; if it fails, it can prove Alice lied.
DLEQ in silent payment signing
The output address for a silent payment is created using elliptic curve diffie-hellman (ECDH) which involves computing values using private keys. When several private keys are involved that belong to independent signers, it’s possible for one signer to include a correct signature but an incorrect value for the output address. This will lead to the destruction of money as it is sent to an output that cannot be spent by the receiver.
The method for creating a secondary public key in PODLE (described previously) is functionally the same as creating an ECDH key, so a very similar protocol is used to create DLEQs for silent payments. These DLEQs only need to be shared from one signer of a transaction to the other signers. Each signer can verify that every other signer produced a correct ECDH value without any of the signers needing to share their private keys.
Primary code and documentation
Optech newsletter and website mentions
- BIPs #1758 updates BIP374 to prevent potential leakage of the private key
- BIPs #1687 adds BIP375 to specify sending DLEQs for multi-signer silent payments using PSBT
- BIPs #1689 merges BIP374 to specify a standard way to generate and verify DLEQs
- Draft BIP for DLEQ proofs
- Continued discussion of PSBTs for silent payments with DLEQ proofs to verify correct ECDH generation
- C-Lightning #4410 updates to latest dual-funding specification draft, which no longer uses PODLE
- New proposal to prevent UTXO probing in LN dual funding compared to PODLE
- Analysis of proposal to use PODLE in dual-funded LN channels
PODLE proposed for use in dual-funded LN channels
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