This week’s newsletter describes a vulnerability that allowed stealing from old versions of various LN implementations, announces a deanonymization vulnerability affecting Wasabi and related software, summarizes a post and discussion about LN channel depletion, links to a poll for opinions about selected covenant proposals, describes two types of incentive-based pseudo-covenants, and references summaries of the periodic in-person Bitcoin Core developer meeting. Also included are our regular sections summarizing a Bitcoin Core PR Review Club meeting, listing changes to services and client software, linking to popular Bitcoin Stack Exchange questions and answers, announcing new releases and release candidates, and describing notable changes to popular Bitcoin infrastructure software.


  • Vulnerability allowing theft from LN channels with miner assistance: David Harding announced to Delving Bitcoin a vulnerability he had responsibly disclosed earlier in the year. Old versions of Eclair, LDK, and LND with default settings allowed the party who opened a channel to steal up to 98% of channel value. Core Lightning remains affected if the non-default --ignore-fee-limits configuration option is used; this option’s documentation already indicates it is dangerous.

    The announcement also described two less severe variants of the vulnerability. All LN implementations listed above attempt to mitigate those additional risks, but a complete solution awaits additional work on package relay, channel upgrades, and related projects.

    The vulnerability takes advantage of the LN protocol allowing an old channel state to commit to more onchain fees than the fee-paying party controls in the latest state. For example, in a state where Mallory controls 99% of the channel balance, she dedicates 98% of the overall balance to endogenous fees. She then creates a new state that pays only minimal fees and forwards 99% of the channel balance to Bob’s side. By personally mining the old state that pays 98% to fees, she can capture those fees for herself—reducing the maximum value Bob can receive onchain from his expected 99% to an actual 2%. Mallory can use this method to simultaneously steal from about 3,000 channels per block (with each channel potentially controlled by a different victim), allowing theft of about $3 million USD per block if the average channel value is about $1,000 USD.

    Users who became aware of the attack before losing their funds would not have been able to protect themselves by shutting down their LN nodes, as Mallory may have already created the necessary states. Even if the victims attempted to force close their channels in their latest state (e.g., where Bob controls 99% of channel value), Mallory could cause them to lose 98% of channel value by sacrificing 1% of channel value herself.

    The worst-case vulnerability was fixed, and the less severe variants partly mitigated, by limiting the maximum amount of channel value that can be dedicated to fees. As fees in an earlier state are still allowed to be higher than the amount the fee-paying party controls in a later state, some theft is still possible—but the amount is bounded. A complete solution awaits improvements in fully exogenous fee sourcing (such as all states paying the same commitment transaction fee), which depends on robust package relay for CPFP fee bumping in the Bitcoin P2P protocol and channel commitment transaction upgrades for LN.

  • Insights into channel depletion: René Pickhardt posted to Delving Bitcoin and participated, along with Christian Decker, in an Optech Deep Dive about his research into the mathematical foundations of payment channel networks (namely LN). A particular focus of his Delving Bitcoin post was a discovery that some channels in circular paths on the network will eventually become depleted if the path is used enough. When a channel is effectively fully depleted, meaning it cannot forward additional payments in the depleted direction, the circular path (cycle) is broken. As each cycle in the network graph is successively broken, the network converges on a residual graph that has no cycles (a spanning tree). This replicates a prior result from researcher Gregorio Guidi, although Pickhardt arrived at it from a different approach, and also appears to be confirmed in unpublished research by Anastasios Sidiropoulos.

    Example of cycles, depletion, and residual spanning tree

    Perhaps the most notable insight provided by this result is that widespread channel depletion occurs even in a circular economy where there are no source nodes (i.e., net spenders) and sink nodes (i.e., net receivers). If LN was used for every payment—customer-to-business, business-to-business, and business-to-worker—it would still converge on a spanning tree.

    It’s not clear whether nodes would want their channels to be part of the residual spanning tree or not. On one hand, that tree represents the last part of the network that would still be capable of forwarding payments—it’s equivalent to a hub-and-spoke topology—so it may be possible to charge high forwarding fees across the residual channels. On the other hand, the residual channels are what’s left after all other channels have already collected fees to depletion.

    Although a channel with higher forwarding fees is less likely to become depleted (all other things being equal), the properties of other channels in the same cycles strongly influence the likelihood of depletion, making it challenging for a node operator to attempt to use control over their forwarding fees alone to prevent depletion.

    Higher capacity channels are also less likely to become depleted than lower capacity channels. That seems obvious, but carefully considering the reason for it yields a surprising insight about k>2 multiparty offchain protocols. A higher capacity channel supports a greater number of wealth distributions between its participants, so payments through it remain feasible when equivalent payments through lower capacity channels would exhaust a party’s balance. For two participants, as in current-generation LN channels, each additional satoshi given to capacity will increase the range of the wealth distribution by one. However, in channel factories and other multiparty constructions that allow funds to move offchain between k parties, each additional sat given to capacity increases the range of wealth distributions by one for each of the k parties—exponentially increasing the number of feasible payments and reducing the risk of depletion.

    Consider an example of the current LN where Alice has channels with Bob and Carol, who also have a channel with each other: {AB, AC, BC}. Each channel has a capacity of 1 BTC. In this configuration, the maximum value Alice can control (and thus send or receive) is 2 BTC. The same limit applies to Bob and Carol. These limits would also apply if the total of 3 BTC were used to recreate all three channels in a channel factory; however, if the factory remained operational, an offchain state update between all three parties could zero out the channel between Bob and Carol, allowing Alice to control up to the full 3 BTC (and thus she could send or receive up to 3 BTC). A subsequent state update could do the same for Bob and Carol, also allowing them to send or receive up to 3 BTC. This use of multiparty offchain protocols allows the same amount of capital to give each participant access to higher-capacity channels that are less likely to become depleted. Fewer depletions and an expanded range of feasible payments correspond to a greater maximum throughput of LN, as Pickhardt has written about before (see Newsletters #309 and #325).

    In both his post and the Optech Deep Dive discussion, Pickhardt sought data (e.g., from large LSPs) that could be used to help validate the simulated results.

  • Poll of opinions about covenant proposals: /dev/fd0 posted to the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list a link to a public poll of developer opinions about selected covenant proposals. Yuval Kogman noted that developers were asked to evaluate both the “technical merit of [each] proposal” and their “vibes-based opinion about [its] community support,” but without developers being able to express all possible combinations of the two through the poll’s limited options. Jonas Nick requested “separating technical evaluations from community support,” and Anthony Towns suggested simply asking developers whether they had any outstanding concerns about each proposal. Nick and Towns separately recommended developers link to evidence and arguments supporting their opinions.

    Although the discussion highlighted faults in the poll, a showing of more support for some proposals over others may help covenant researchers converge on a short list of ideas for the broader community to review.

  • Incentive-based pseudo-covenants: Jeremy Rubin posted to the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list a link to a paper he authored about oracle-assisted covenants. The model involves two oracles: a covenant oracle and an integrity oracle. The covenant oracle places funds in a fidelity bond and agrees to only sign transactions based on a program returning success. The integrity oracle can seize funds from a bond by using accountable computing to prove a signature was created for a program that did not return success. If fraud occurs, there is no guarantee that a user who lost money due to the covenant oracle’s deceit will recover lost funds.

    Ethan Heilman independently posted to the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list a different construction that allows anyone to use a fraud proof to punish incorrect signing. However, in this case, the funds are not seized but destroyed. This ensures a fraudulent signer is punished but prevents victims from recovering their lost value.

  • Bitcoin Core developer meeting summaries: many Bitcoin Core developers met in person in October, and several notes from the meeting have now been published. Discussions topics included adding payjoin support, creating multiple binaries that communicate with each other, a mining interface and Stratum v2 support, improved benchmarking and flamegraphs, an API for libbitcoinkernel, preventing block stalling, improvements to RPC code inspired by Core Lightning, resumed development of erlay, and contemplating covenants.

Bitcoin Core PR Review Club

In this monthly section, we summarize a recent Bitcoin Core PR Review Club meeting, highlighting some of the important questions and answers. Click on a question below to see a summary of the answer from the meeting.

Track and use all potential peers for orphan resolution is a PR by glozow that improves the reliability of orphan resolution by letting the node request missing ancestors from all peers instead of just the one that announced the orphan. It does so by introducing m_orphan_resolution_tracker which is responsible for remembering which peers are candidates for orphan resolution and for scheduling when to make orphan resolution requests. The approach is designed to be bandwidth-efficient, to not be vulnerable to censorship, and to load-balance between peers.

  • What is orphan resolution?

    A transaction is referred to as an orphan when the node doesn’t have at least one of the transactions the orphan is spending from. Orphan resolution is the process of trying to find these missing transactions. 

  • Prior to this PR, what are the steps for orphan resolution, starting from when we notice that the transaction has missing inputs?

    When a node receives an orphan transaction, it will request the parent transaction from the same peer that sent the orphan. Other peers aren’t actively queried, but may still send us the parent, for example when they announce it via an INV message, or when they send another orphan with the same missing parent. 

  • What are the ways we may fail to resolve an orphan with the peer we request its parents from? What are some reasons this may happen, honest or otherwise?

    An honest peer may simply have been disconnected, or it may have evicted the parent from its mempool. A malicious peer may just not respond to the request, or it may send a parent with malleated, invalid witness data which results in the parent having the expected txid while failing validation. 

  • How could an attacker prevent a node from downloading a 1p1c package by exploiting today’s orphan resolution behavior?

    An attacker can announce a malleated orphan unsolicited (see previous question). Once the malleated orphan transaction is accepted in the orphanage, the honest orphan transaction will no longer be accepted because it has the same txid. This prevents the package from being relayed. Alternatively, an attacker could flood a node with orphan transactions. Because the orphanage is limited in size, and transactions are evicted randomly, this will affect how well a node can download 1p1c packages. 

  • What is the PR’s solution to the problem in the previous question?

    Instead of adding the orphan’s missing parent to the transaction request tracker, the orphan transaction is added to the newly introduced m_orphan_resolution_tracker. This orphan resolution tracker schedules when the parent transaction should be requested from different peers, and then adds those requests to the regular transaction request tracker. Attendees suggested and discussed an alternative approach that doesn’t require an additional m_orphan_resolution_tracker, and this approach will be investigated further by the author. 

  • In this PR, which peers do we identify as potential candidates for orphan resolution, and why?

    All the peers who announced a transaction that turned out to be an orphan transaction are marked as potential candidates for orphan resolution. 

  • What does the node do if a peer announces a transaction that is currently a to-be-resolved orphan?

    Instead of adding the transaction to m_txrequest tracker, the peer is added as an orphan resolution candidate. This helps with preventing attacks such as described in the previous question about 1p1c package censorship. 

  • Why might we prefer to resolve orphans with outbound peers over inbound peers?

    Outbound peers are selected by the node and are therefore considered more trustworthy. While outbound peers may be malicious, at least they are much less likely to be specifically targeting your node. 

Changes to services and client software

In this monthly feature, we highlight interesting updates to Bitcoin wallets and services.

  • Java-based HWI released: Lark App is a command line application for interacting with hardware signing devices. It uses the Lark Java library, a port of HWI for the Java programming language.

  • Saving Satoshi Bitcoin development education game announced: The Saving Satoshi website provides interactive educational exercises for those new to Bitcoin development.

  • Neovim Bitcoin Script plugin: The Bitcoin script hints Neovim plugin for Rust shows Bitcoin script stack states for each operation within the editor.

  • Proton Wallet adds RBF: Proton Wallet users can now RBF fee-bump their transactions.

Selected Q&A from Bitcoin Stack Exchange

Bitcoin Stack Exchange is one of the first places Optech contributors look for answers to their questions—or when we have a few spare moments to help curious or confused users. In this monthly feature, we highlight some of the top-voted questions and answers posted since our last update.

Releases and release candidates

New releases and release candidates for popular Bitcoin infrastructure projects. Please consider upgrading to new releases or helping to test release candidates.

  • Core Lightning 24.11 is a release of the next major version of this popular LN implementation. It contains an experimental new plugin for making payments that using advanced route selection; paying and receiving payments to offers is enabled by default; and multiple improvements to splicing have been added, in addition to several other features and bug fixes.

  • BTCPay Server 2.0.4 is a release of this payment processing software that includes multiple new features, refinements, and bug fixes.

  • LND 0.18.4-beta.rc2 is a release candidate for a minor version of this popular LN implementation.

  • Bitcoin Core 28.1RC1 is a release candidate for a maintenance version of the predominant full-node implementation.

  • BDK 1.0.0-beta.6 is the last planned beta test release of this library for building Bitcoin wallets and other Bitcoin-enabled applications before the 1.0.0 release of bdk_wallet.

Notable code and documentation changes

Notable recent changes in Bitcoin Core, Core Lightning, Eclair, LDK, LND, libsecp256k1, Hardware Wallet Interface (HWI), Rust Bitcoin, BTCPay Server, BDK, Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs), Lightning BOLTs, Lightning BLIPs, Bitcoin Inquisition, and BINANAs.

  • Bitcoin Core #31096 removes restrictions on the submitpackage RPC command (see Newsletter #272) that disallowed packages containing only a single transaction by changing the logic of the AcceptPackage function and relaxing the checks on submitpackage. While a single transaction does not technically qualify as a package under the package relay specification, there is no reason to prevent users from submitting transactions that comply with network policies using this command.

  • Bitcoin Core #31175 removes redundant pre-checks from the submitblock RPC command and bitcoin-chainstate.cpp that validate whether a block contains a coinbase transaction or is a duplicate, as these checks are already done in ProcessNewBlock. This change standardizes behavior across interfaces, such as the mining IPC (see Newsletter #323) and net_processing, to prepare Bitcoin Core for the libbitcoinkernel API project. In addition, duplicate blocks submitted with submitblock will now persist their data even if it was previously pruned and the data will eventually be pruned again when the block file is selected for pruning, to be consistent with the behavior of getblockfrompeer.

  • Bitcoin Core #31112 extends the CCheckQueue functionality to improve script error logging during multi-threaded script validation conditions. Previously, detailed error reporting was only available when running with par=1 (single-threaded script validation) due to limited information transfer between threads. In addition, the logging now includes details about which transaction input had the script error and which UTXO was spent.

  • LDK #3446 adds support for including a trampoline payment flag on BOLT12 invoices. This doesn’t provide full support for using trampoline routing or providing a trampoline routing service, but serves to lay the groundwork for future functionality. Support for trampoline payments is a prerequisite for a type of async payments that LDK plans to deploy.

  • Rust Bitcoin #3682 adds several tools to stabilize the public API interface for the hashes, io, primitives and units crates such as pre-generated API text files, a script that generates those text files using cargo check-api, a script that easily queries those API text files, and a CI job that compares API code and its corresponding text file to easily detect unintentional API changes. This PR also updates the documentation to outline the expectations for contributing developers: when they update an API endpoint of these crates, they must run the text file generation script.

  • BTCPay Server #5743 introduces the concept of a “pending transaction” for multisig and watch-only wallets, which is a PSBT that does not require an immediate signature. The transaction collects signatures as signers come online and provide them, and when there are enough signatures, it is broadcasted. This PR also automatically marks transactions as complete when signed out-of-band, invalidates pending transactions when the associated UTXOs are spent elsewhere, and allows for optional expiry times to avoid outdated feerates. This system allows a payout processor to create pending transactions for payouts awaiting signatures and to cancel or replace pending transactions with updated versions if payouts change and signatures haven’t been collected. The enabled functionality was deemed only possible with hot wallets. This system can be extended to send emails when a pending transaction is created to alert signers to come online.

  • BDK #1756 adds an exception to fetch_prev_txout to prevent it from trying to query the prevouts (outputs from previous transactions) of coinbase transactions, since they have none. Previously, this behavior caused bdk_electrum to crash and the sync or full scan process to fail.

  • BIPs #1535 merges BIP348 for the specification of the OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK opcode, which allows to check if a signature signs an arbitrary message. It puts a signature, a message, and a public key on the stack, and the signature must match both the public key and the message. This is one of the many covenant proposals.

  • BOLTs #1180 updates BOLT12 to specify the optional inclusion of BIP353 human-readable Bitcoin payment instructions in the invoice request (see Newsletter #290). BLIPs #48 updates BLIP32 (see Newsletter #306) to reference the update to BOLT12.

Happy holidays!

This is Bitcoin Optech’s final regular newsletter of the year. On Friday, December 20th, we’ll publish our seventh annual year-in-review newsletter. Regular publication will resume on Friday, January 3rd.