This week’s newsletter summarizes the disclosure of 10 vulnerabilities affecting old versions of Bitcoin Core and describes a proposal to allow BOLT11 invoices to include blinded paths. Also included are our regular sections announcing new releases and release candidates and summarizing notable changes to popular Bitcoin infrastructure software.


  • Disclosure of vulnerabilities affecting Bitcoin Core versions before 0.21.0: Antoine Poinsot posted to the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list a link to an announcement of 10 vulnerabilites affecting versions of Bitcoin Core that have been past their end-of-life for almost two years. We summarize the disclosures below:

    • Remote code execution due to bug in miniupnpc: before Bitcoin Core 0.11.1 (released October 2015), nodes had UPnP enabled by default to allow them to receive incoming connections through NAT. This was accomplished using the miniupnpc library, which Aleksandar Nikolic discovered to be vulnerable to various remote attacks (CVE-2015-6031). This was fixed in the upstream library, the fix incorporated into Bitcoin Core, and an update was made to disable UPnP by default. While investigating the bug, Bitcoin developer Wladimir J. Van Der Laan discovered another remote code execution vulnerability in the same library. This was responsibly disclosed, fixed in the upstream library, and incorporated into Bitcoin Core 0.12 (released February 2016).

    • Node crash DoS from multiple peers with large messages: before Bitcoin Core 0.10.1, nodes would accept P2P messages up to about 32 megabytes in size. Nodes, then and now, also allowed up to about 130 connections by default. If every peer sent a maximum-size message at roughly the same time, this would force a node to allocate about 4 gigabytes of memory in addition to the node’s other requirements, which was more than many nodes had available. The vulnerability was responsibly disclosed by user Evil-Knievel, assigned CVE-2015-3641, and fixed in Bitcoin Core 0.10.1 by limiting the maximum message size to about 2 megabytes (later increased to about 4 megabytes for segwit).

    • Censorship of unconfirmed transactions: new transactions are typically announced by a peer informing a node of the transaction txid or wtxid. The first time a node sees a txid or wtxid, it requests the complete transaction from the first peer that announced it. As the node waits for that peer to respond, it keeps track of other peers that announce the same txid or wtxid. If the first peer doesn’t respond with the transaction before a timeout, the node requests it from the second peer (and, if that request times out, the third peer, and so on).

      Before Bitcoin Core 0.21.0, a node only kept track of 50,000 requests. This allowed the first peer to announce a txid, delay responding to the node’s request for the full transaction, wait for all of the node’s other peers to announce the transaction, and send 50,000 announcements of other txids (possibly all of them bogus). That way, when the node’s original request to the first peer timed out, it wouldn’t request it from any other peers. The attacker (the first peer) could repeat this attack indefinitely to permanently prevent the node from ever receiving the transaction. Note that censorship of unconfirmed transactions can prevent transaction from being confirmed promptly, which can lead to the loss of funds in contract protocols such as LN. John Newbery, citing co-discovery by Amiti Uttarwar, responsibly disclosed the vulnerability and a fix was released in Bitcoin Core 0.21.0.

    • Unbound ban list CPU/memory DoS: Bitcoin Core PR #15617 (first included in version 0.19.0) added code that checked every IP address banned by the local node up to 2,500 times whenever a P2P getaddr message was received. The length of a node’s ban list was unbound and it could grow to immense size if an attacker controlled a large number of IP addresses (e.g. easy-to-obtain IPv6 address). When the list was long, each getaddr request could consume an excessive amount of CPU and memory, potentially making the node unusable or leading to a crash. The vulnerability was assigned CVE-2020-14198 and fixed in Bitcoin Core 0.20.1.

    • Netsplit from excessive time adjustment: older versions of Bitcoin Core allowed their clocks to be skewed by an average of the time reported by the first 200 peers they connected to. The code meant to allow a maximum skew of 70 minutes. All versions of Bitcoin Core temporarily ignore any blocks with a timestamp more than two hours in the future. A combination of two bugs could allow an attacker to skew the victims clock more than two hours into the past, resulting in it potentially ignoring blocks with accurate timestamps. The vulnerability was responsibly disclosed by developer practicalswift and fixed in Bitcoin Core 0.21.0.

    • CPU DoS and node stalling from orphan handling: Bitcoin Core nodes keep a cache of up to 100 transactions, called orphan transactions, for which the node doesn’t have the necessary parent transaction details in its mempool or UTXO set. After a new transaction is validated, the node checks to see if any of the orphan transactions can now be processed. Before Bitcoin Core 0.18.0, each time the orphan cache was checked, the node would attempt to validate each of the orphan transactions using the latest mempool and UTXO state. If all 100 of the cached orphan transactions were constructed to require excessive CPU to validate, the node would waste an excessive amount of CPU and would not be able to process new blocks and transactions for several hours. This attack was essentially free to perform: orphan transactions are free to create because they can reference non-existent parent transaction. A stalled node would be unable to generate block templates, potentially preventing a miner from earning revenue, and could be used to prevent transactions from being confirmed, potentially resulting in users of contract protocols (such as LN) losing money. Developer sec.eine responsibly disclosed the vulnerability and it was fixed in Bitcoin Core 0.18.0.

    • Memory DoS from large inv messages: a P2P inv message can contain a list of up to 50,000 block header hashes. Modern Bitcoin Core nodes before version 0.20.0 would reply to that message with a separate P2P getheaders message for each hash it didn’t recognize, with each message being about 1 kilobyte. That resulted in the node storing about 50 megabytes of messages in memory waiting for its peer to accept them. This could be performed by all of a node’s peers (up to approximately 130 by default) to use more than 6.5 gigabytes of memory in addition to the node’s regular memory requirements—enough to crash many nodes. Crashed nodes may be unable to process timely transactions for users of contract protocols, potentially resulting in the loss of money. John Newbery responsibly disclosed the vulnerability and provided a fix that responded to any number of hashes in an inv message with a single getheaders message; the fix was included in Bitcoin Core 0.20.0.

    • Memory DoS using low-difficulty headers: since Bitcoin Core 0.10, a node requests that each of its peers send it block headers from their best blockchain (valid blockchain with the most proof-of-work). A known problem with this approach is that a malicious peer could spam the node with a large number of bogus headers belonging to low-difficulty blocks (e.g. difficulty-1), which are trivial to create with modern ASIC mining equipment. Bitcoin Core initially addressed this problem by only accepting headers on a chain that matched checkpoints hardcoded into Bitcoin Core. The last checkpoint, though from 2014, had a moderately high difficulty by modern standards, so it would require significant effort to create bogus headers starting from it. However, a code change incorporated in Bitcoin Core 0.12 allowed the node to begin accepting low-difficulty headers into memory, potentially allowing an attacker to fill memory with bogus headers. This could lead to the node crashing, which could result in the loss of funds for users of contract protocols (such as LN). Cory Fields responsibly disclosed the vulnerability and it was fixed in version 0.15.0.

    • CPU-wasting DoS due to malformed requests: before Bitcoin Core 0.20.0, an attacker or buggy peer could send an malformed P2P getdata message that would result in the message processing thread consuming 100% CPU. The node would also no longer be able to receive messages from the attacker for the duration of its connection, although it would still be able to receive messages from honest peers. This could be problematic for nodes on computers with small numbers of CPU cores but was otherwise a nuisance. John Newbery responsibly disclosed the vulnerability and provided a fix, which was incorporated into Bitcoin Core 0.20.0.

    Poinsot’s announcement said additional vulnerabilities fixed in Bitcoin Core 22.0 would be announced later this month, and vulnerabilities fixed in 23.0 would follow next month. Vulnerabilities fixed in later versions will be disclosed according to Bitcoin Core’s new disclosure policy as previously discussed (see Newsletter #306).

  • Adding a BOLT11 invoice field for blinded paths: Elle Mouton posted to Delving Bitcoin a proposed BLIP specification for an optional field that could be added to BOLT11 invoices to communicate a blinded path for paying the receiver’s node. For example, businessperson Bob wants to receive a payment from customer Alice but does not want to disclose the identity of his node or of the peers with whom he shares channels. He generates a blinded path starting a few hops out from his node and adds that to an otherwise-standard BOLT11 invoice that he gives Alice. If Alice uses software that can parse that invoice and route a payment using blinded paths, she can pay Bob.

    If Alice uses software that doesn’t support the BLIP, she will be unable to pay the invoice and will receive an error message.

    Mouton notes in the BLIP that blinded paths in BOLT11 is only intended to be used until the offers protocol has been widely deployed for communicating invoices, as that natively uses blinded paths and has other advantages over BOLT11 invoices.

    Bastien Teinturier argued against the idea and the related idea of exposing the offers invoice format. He prefers instead to focus on full deployment of offers, believing that it will get the system towards its ultimate state faster as well as eliminate the burden of supporting intermediate states for an indefinite amount of time. He believes that users receiving error codes when attempting to pay BOLT11 invoices with blinded paths will ask developers to add support for that feature, distracting them from working on offers.

    Olaoluwa Osuntokun replied that he prefers to work on blinded paths separately from the other dependencies of offers to ensure that it works as well as possible. He imagines BOLT11 invoices with blinded paths being used in protocols such as L402 where clients are already directly communicating with servers, giving them many of the benefits of offers, so they only need this small upgrade to use blinded paths to obtain the same privacy that offers would provide.

    At the time of writing, it wasn’t clear whether the discussion had concluded. BLIPs are optional specifications and it appeared from the discussion that this BLIP might be implemented in LND but not in Eclair or lightning-kmp (the basis for Phoenix wallet); plans for other implementations were not discussed.

Releases and release candidates

New releases and release candidates for popular Bitcoin infrastructure projects. Please consider upgrading to new releases or helping to test release candidates.

  • Bitcoin Core 26.2rc1 is a release candidate for a maintenance version of Bitcoin Core’s older release series.

Notable code and documentation changes

Notable recent changes in Bitcoin Core, Core Lightning, Eclair, LDK, LND, libsecp256k1, Hardware Wallet Interface (HWI), Rust Bitcoin, BTCPay Server, BDK, Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs), Lightning BOLTs, Lightning BLIPs, Bitcoin Inquisition, and BINANAs.

  • Bitcoin Core #28167 introduces -rpccookieperms as a new bitcoind startup option, allowing users to set file read permissions for the RPC authentication cookie by choosing between owner (default), group, or all users.

  • Bitcoin Core #30007 adds Ava Chow’s (achow101) DNS seeder to chainparams to provide an additional trusted source of peer discovery. It uses Dnsseedrs, a new open source bitcoin DNS seeder written in Rust that crawls node addresses on the IPv4, IPv6, Tor v3, I2P, and CJDNS networks.

  • Bitcoin Core #30200 introduces a new Mining interface. Existing RPCs like getblocktemplate and generateblock begin using the interface immediately. Future work like a Stratum V2 interface that uses Bitcoin Core as the template provider will use the new mining interface.

  • Core Lightning #7342 corrects the handling of a startup edge case where the service aborts because it detects that bitcoind has gone backwards on its block height, which may happen during a blockchain reorganization. It will now wait for the block header height to reach the previous level and begin scanning the newly received (reorged) blocks.

  • LND #8796 loosens restrictions on channel opening parameters by now allowing peers to initiate non-zero-conf channels with a min_depth of zero. Nonetheless, LND will still wait for at least one confirmation before considering the channel usable. This change improves interoperability with other Lightning implementations that support this, such as LDK, and aligns with the BOLT2 specification.

  • LDK #3125 introduces support for encoding and parsing HeldHtlcAvailable and ReleaseHeldHtlc messages required by the upcoming implementation of async payments protocol. It also adds onion message payloads to these messages, and an AsyncPaymentsMessageHandler trait for OnionMessenger.

  • BIPs #1610 adds BIP379 with a specification for Miniscript, a language that compiles to Bitcoin Script but which allows composition, templating, and definitive analysis. See Newsletter #304 for an earlier reference to this BIP.

  • BIPs #1540 adds BIPs 328, 390, and 373 with a specification for a MuSig2 derivation scheme for aggregate keys (328), output script descriptors (390), and PSBT fields to allow MuSig2 data to be included in a PSBT of any version (373). MuSig2 is a protocol for aggregating public keys and signatures for the schnorr digital signature algorithm that requires only two rounds of communication (MuSig1 requires three) to provide a signing experience that does not differ excessively from script-based multisig. The derivation scheme allows for BIP32-style extended public keys to be constructed from a BIP327 MuSig2 aggregate public key.