Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs)
Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs) are a contract protocol where two or more parties agree to exchange money dependent on the outcome of a certain event as determined by an oracle (or several oracles). After the event happens, the oracle publishes a commitment to the outcome of the event that the winning party can use to claim their funds. The oracle doesn’t need to know the terms of the contract (or even that a contract was made).
The transactions creating and settling the contract can be made indistinguishable from many other Bitcoin transactions or they can be executed within an LN channel. This makes DLCs more private and efficient than other known oracle-based contract methods. Additionally, DLCs are arguably more secure than earlier oracle-based methods because an oracle that commits to a false result generates clear evidence of fraud.
The original DLC construction was specific to schnorr signatures. Later, a version was developed to use signature adaptors that are compatible with Bitcoin’s existing ECDSA signature scheme.
Note on spelling: the name is a play on the discrete log problem, which gives the protocol its security, and DLC’s enhanced privacy making the contracts more discreet. The spelling used by the idea’s original author and the DLC interoperability specification is discreet log contracts.
Primary code and documentation
- Discreet log contracts (original paper)
- Introduction to discreet log contracts
- Discreet Log Contract Interoperability Specification
Optech newsletter and website mentions
- Wallet 10101 allows pooling funds between LN and DLCs
- Proposal for vault-enabling opcodes could also make DLCs much more efficient
- Using Bitcoin-compatible BLS signatures for DLCs
- Discussion about how CTV or other covenant features could make DLCs much more efficient
- Mailing list post about DLCs over LN
- Discussion about DLC specification breaking changes
- Alpha release of Suredbits’s DLC wallet
- Discussion of fraud proofs in DLC v0 specification
- New mailing list for discussion of DLC protocol development
- 2020 year-in-review: four compatible implementations of DLCs
- Beta application announced for creating test DLC derivatives
- Drafting of an interoperability specification for DLCs
See also
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Difficulty adjustment algorithms
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Discrete log equivalency (DLEQ)