Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Bastien Teinturier and Joost Jager to discuss Newsletter #224.

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Mike Schmidt: Welcome everybody to the Optech Newsletter #224 Recap Twitter Space. I’ll introduce myself, Mike Schmidt, contributor to Optech and also Executive Director at Brink, where we fund open-source Bitcoin developers. Murch?

Mark Erhardt: Hi, I’m Murch. I work on Bitcoin-y stuff, mostly explaining it and sometimes even writing code.

Mike Schmidt: Joost, am I pronouncing your name right?

Joost Jager: Yeah, my name is Joost. So, yeah, I’m a Lightning developer, mostly working on LND and related spec issues.

Mike Schmidt: T-bast, do you want to introduce yourself for the group?

Bastien Teinturier: Hi, I’m Bastien. I’m working on the Lightning specification and one of its implementations, Eclair, and also on the Phoenix mobile wallet.

Mike Schmidt: Excellent, well thank you both for joining us today. I know there’s a couple of news items that you guys both had ideas and posts around, so it would be good to hear straight from the horse’s mouth what you guys are thinking. We’ll just go in order of the newsletter, but first a couple of announcements. This is in the newsletter a bit later, but you should be, if you haven’t already, considering upgrading LND, your BTCD node, LDK, any Rust Bitcoin, pre-0.28.2, and I believe Electrs as well. Yeah, Murch, you want to comment?

Mark Erhardt: Yeah, I just wanted to say, yes, do upgrade your Lightning software. But if you have questions and comments, we will be taking those in the last ten minutes or so of our Spaces. Please hold your questions until then.

Mike Schmidt: Yeah, that sounds good. And I think we can maybe get into why you should upgrade all that in a bit. I think folks are probably already familiar with some of the chatter on Twitter about this, but we can kind of jump into that in the software release section, get into some of the nitty-gritty there of what broke with these particular pieces of software and why. One more quick announcement. I didn’t mention this in our last couple of Twitter spaces, but in terms of conferences, BTC++, Lisa and crew, are putting on in Mexico City an onchain privacy conference, and that’s just a little over a month from now, December 9 through 11. So, if you’re interested in onchain privacy, you should look into that. BTC++ is the Twitter handle and you can search for CDMX for that particular conference.

Mark Erhardt: Did you just say December 9?

Mike Schmidt: I think so.

Mark Erhardt: I thought it was on the 2nd; we should verify that. Oh, no, I may have seen something incorrect. So, I guess we can google that while we’re chatting here and correct ourselves. All right, let’s jump into the newsletter.

Mempool consistency

Mempool consistency. So, I think we’ve had a few weeks of discussing this, but I think it might be prudent to frame the discussion slightly, and then we can jump into AJ’s post on the mailing list. So as a quick overview, for the last number of years, you’ve been able to fee bump a transaction using RBF and you have to opt in and signal that you are maybe going to replace that transaction. Currently, you can’t just do that with any transaction, and that’s been the case for several years. There’s now an option that has been added, and that’s the mempoolfullrbf option, and that’s currently slated to go in 24.0. It’s default off, but it allows you to turn on relaying transaction replacements that are not signaling. So, assuming a somewhat large percentage of the network enables that option, in theory you would not need to signal that you’re going to replace or might replace a transaction; you can replace any transaction. And so there’s been a bunch of chatter. You can see previous newsletters and previous Optech recaps that we’ve done with discussion on this, especially last week, a bit of a debate on this topic.

AJ started a discussion on the mailing list a bit more philosophical about this sort of approach. And he starts off by going through a bunch of different ways that currently you can modify policy in different ways, especially mempool policy. He sort of extrapolates those different ways that you can tinker with your own mempool policy on your own node. As we know, there is no “the” mempool; everybody has different mempools on their node based on latency and other small settings that can be tweaked. But he’s sort of framing that in a way that when we’re talking about this mempoolfullrbf, he sees a bit of a philosophical divergence in adding to that option as a default off, versus having it as a default on, and he gets into some potential ramifications of if there’s a philosophical change in Bitcoin Core, what are some considerations moving forward with that sort of a philosophy.

We can jump into some of his considerations, but I just wanted to pause there to see, Murch, if you wanted to help frame that discussion any more before we jump into some of the points that he made in his mailing list post.

Mark Erhardt: I thought that that was a pretty cogent email, and I also especially liked Suhas’ response to it. I’ve changed my own position on the discussion a bit since. So originally, I was very much in favor of moving to a full-RBF regime, where basically any transaction is treated as replaceable at all times. But especially, Suhas made the point to me that it’s not entirely clear what benefit we have, except for being able to better steal from businesses that rely on zero-conf by turning on full-RBF. And we are currently working on a separate proposal, v3 transactions, to facilitate a specific use case on the network and have separate relay policy for that. And if that is a valid use case, and we would argue that it should be used as intended, then we could make a similar case for being able to opt out of replaceability.

So, I think that the debate has actually gotten a lot better in quality. I’m not sure if it’s trivial to summarize all the nuances correctly right now, but check out our newsletter and if you want, also the mailing list directly, and there’s three or four PRs on Bitcoin Core by now that have different ideas on how to diverge from this situation. So, yeah, there’s a lot going on. I think we already have basically a draft for the next week update on the matter because the discussion is already moving on.

Mike Schmidt: Now, you mentioned you changed your mind in response to Suhas’ response to AJ’s post, and you sort of outlined a bit what that is. But in summary, he pointed out that one of the benefits of enabling mempoolfullrbf was not maybe fully thought through or it’s not a total fix, that there’s still some edge cases that can still allow for that particular attack, if you will. Is that what convinced you, that it doesn’t completely solve that use case?

Mark Erhardt: Yeah, I think that the benefits of introducing full-RBF were overstated previously. So, the main disputant that was saying that full-RBF fixes important things was Antoine. And he basically said, there are situations when you craft a multiparty transaction where the existence of transactions that signal finality can get other participants in the multiparty transaction stuck, so that they have basically a transaction that is signed that they can’t take back, that they have put into their own mempool, but that doesn’t propagate because a conflicting transaction has already been broadcast to the network. And I don’t think that is super-convincing at this point anymore, because essentially you’re saying you’re going to have a bad time if you’re trying to craft a multiparty transaction with a user that actually is trying to sabotage you. And they have so many different ways of sabotaging the multiparty protocol that this particular need of you having to flush a transaction that didn’t make it to the network from your mempool just isn’t that huge of a benefit.

Mike Schmidt: Okay, thanks for elaborating on that. I know, yeah, that the next newsletter already has some content around this and there has been some discussion since this current newsletter was drafted. I think maybe it is just worth noting some points from AJ’s post even outside of this particular mempool-related option with full-RBF. I wanted to get your thoughts on his points around allowing optional features surrounding the mempool, and potential downsides with allowing a high degree of customizability, in terms of mempool policy. He points out a few different points that could be concerning in allowing folks to do that.

His first point, or one point is, at least that we highlighted in the newsletter, is that if more options are better, then there’s a lot more options that could theoretically be added, which segues –

Mark Erhardt: Yeah! So, the whole point of the mempool is that there is not a single mempool, but there are many mempools. Every node has their own mempool and we cannot guarantee that the content across all of the nodes’ mempools is consistent. That’s why we need a blockchain in the first place, because we need to find a way to canonically order transactions on the network. So, we cannot make any promises about every node having the same mempool, that’s silly.

But the idea is we want the mempools to overlap as much as possible, because if mempools overlap then the transactions that we’re expecting to go into the block are actually being mined by miners and the block propagation gets faster, because what the miners send to the network can be forwarded with compact blocks. So, also we don’t want all these balkanized little networks that have different mempool policies and different mempools, where then every minor needs to connect to each of them to get the whole picture, because that will make it just so much harder for new mining entrants to become competitive. We want to de-mempool, or every node’s mempool to overlap with other nodes’ mempools as much as possible. So actually, more options is bad.

Mike Schmidt: Yeah, I think you touched on a couple of his points, which is, yes, having a variety of different mempool policies is going to require either more broad support for those policies on the network or this notion of preferential peering, where you sort of end up with, as you said, these sort of balkanized sections of the network, where I’m only talking to peers that support XYZ feature or policy, and that can be bad for the network for a variety of reasons. And then you also mentioned, if you end up in that situation, then Bitcoin miners need to support, in some capacity, trying to peer into all these different subnetworks or balkanized networks in order to find transactions that are most profitable to mine. And if that’s happening in a bunch of different subnetworks, or in the example I think AJ gave of relaying things along the Lightning Gossip Network, then now you’re adding a bunch of overhead to miners and that would point towards bigger miners being able to do that versus smaller miners, since you’re adding a bunch of overhead to the mining process, and that’s bad for decentralization.

Mark Erhardt: Yeah, you will introduce a centralization issue, and actually we have a live example of how that is terrible. If we just look at Ethereum right now with the whole MEV debate, they essentially have privatized mempools, and that’s not a slippery slope we want to get on.

Mike Schmidt: Yeah, I thought it was a good discussion. It was a good post to run through, so I highly recommend if folks have read the newsletter, but haven’t jumped into the original mailing list post and some of the responses, that it would be advantageous for you to do so. Anything else on mempool consistency, Murch?

Mark Erhardt: Just one more thought. That is, I think that at this point, I would not be sure when to recommend to a miner to turn it on. Right now, I don’t think I would recommend to a miner to turn on mempoolfullrbf. I would only recommend that if it were already the status quo on the network, or there were at least a few miners that are doing it. If a few miners start doing it, I think that we should have the option very quickly out in Bitcoin Core and allow nodes to see exactly what is going on on the network, and then I would also recommend to all miners to turn it on. But just because I think that once the unstable equilibrium falls, I don’t think that we should be the first one to throw a stone at that glasshouse.

It seems to be stable right now, it seems to be useful to a few businesses that have quite elaborately discussed with us why they are using it and how they’re mitigating their risks and all that. So, if it’s stable and it seems to be useful to people and there’s little benefit of activating it right now, then it’s just not clear to me why we should be releasing it. So, at this point I’m thinking that we should remove it from 24. T-bast, you might also have thoughts on mempool, or Joost. Does one of you want to chime in?

Bastien Teinturier: I don’t have a really strong opinion right now. Before we introduced v3, I had a very strong opinion that we needed to do full-RBF. But now that there is work on v3, transaction v3, that will kind of fix the RBF issues we have for eltoo contracts, I’m not so sure we actually need to activate full-RBF. So, I think I’m a bit like you and change my mind because of recent development.

Mike Schmidt: Joost, any thoughts?

Joost Jager: No, not really. I don’t really have a strong opinion on this. Just that’s like incentive compatibility, that would be my initial thought, that if there’s more fees to be earned, it’s probably going to happen anyway, one way or the other. But obviously there’s a lot more nuance to it in these recent discussions.

Mike Schmidt: And we will have more of this ongoing discussion, I presume, in future newsletters. So, I think that’s probably good to leave it there for today.

BIP324 message identifiers

The next item in the newsletter is a discussion from Pieter Wuille about BIP324, message identifiers. We talked a bit about BIP324 in a previous newsletter, but essentially it’s a design for allowing nodes to communicate encrypted instead of using plain text, and there’s a bunch of advantages to doing that, which we’ve got into previously. But this particular discussion that Pieter’s brought up is that as a part of that change, the BIP also proposes optimizing the existing P2P message command strings.

Currently, those command strings are fixed-length 12-byte ASCII strings, and they need to be 12 bytes, so even if it’s a shorter message, you pad it with a bunch of null bytes. So, these messages that you’re sending around the P2P Network all have these 12-byte identifiers, called command strings. And it’s probably way overkill for it to be in 12 bytes. And so, as part of BIP324’s design, they’ve decided to try to optimize that a bit by mapping this 12-byte command string into a 1-byte message type ID. And so the discussion that Pieter brings up on the mailing list is when you’re mapping a 12-byte string into a 1-byte ID, you obviously have less space for those different types of messages. And the mailing list post outlines how that mapping from 1-byte message types to the original command strings could be done, and there’s four different ideas that he throws out to the mailing list that they’re unsure and are seeking feedback on how to do that mapping. Murch, did you have thoughts on these message identifiers?

Mark Erhardt: Not too many. I think that the first that he describes just seems reasonable to me. So, there’s no reason why we should use 12 bytes. I think there’s about 27 message types right now on the network. One byte allows us to express 256 values, so being able to grow 10X seems like a lot of headroom, and we don’t really need to have much more. And if so, I think that we could probably build in some extensibility by just reserving, say, 0xFF, the maximum value of 255, and saying, “All right, if this comes first, then we’ll do something else later, and we’ll tell you what it is later”.

Anyway, it seems reasonable to have a 1-byte message and save 11 bytes on every message on the network.

Mike Schmidt: Yeah, it seems like a good improvement to put in, along with the work that they’re doing on encrypting communications.

LN routing failure attribution

All right, LN routing failure attribution. And so, we have one of our guests today, Joost, who proposed a version of this solution quite a long time ago, which is now updated. And so, Joost, do you want to provide a quick motivation for what is the problem that you’re trying to solve, and then maybe get into the proposed solution you have here?

Joost Jager: Yeah, definitely. So, within Lightning, payments can fail. And if a payment fails, it’s really important for the sender to know where it failed. Because suppose you’ve got a route consisting of 10 hops and there’s a failure, you need to know which part of that route you want to avoid for the next attempt. And if you don’t know where it failed, what will your next attempt look like? Like, are you going to avoid all of those nodes? Maybe then you will quickly run out of nodes on the network; or maybe you can try to triangulate where the error is. It’s just quite difficult to do. And fortunately, within Lightning, there is in the protocol the possibility to identify the source of an error.

The only problem is there that you need cooperation from all the nodes on the path to actually be able to decode that. So, if a node generates a failure, this failure is relayed back to the sender, but any of those nodes along the path, including the origin of the failure, can corrupt that failure message, and then the sender has no information at all on where things went wrong. And then, depending on which Lightning implementation you are running, your behavior varies between analyzing all the nodes on the path, this is what LND does; I think Core Lightning (CLN) penalizes none of the nodes on the path; in Eclair, I believe, Bastien can correct me there, we are penalizing nodes, but only for this particular payment. So, for the next payment, every node is available again. But in general, there’s not really a good way to deal with that if you don’t know where the failure happens.

The proposal attempts to fix that by creating a chain of Hash-based Method Authentication Codes (HMACs), where each node on the path adds its own HMAC to the failure message so that if one of the nodes modified the failure message somehow along the path, the sender is able to point out that node and apply the appropriate penalty there. So, that’s roughly the idea there.

Mike Schmidt: And it applies to failures as well as, I guess, looped in there would be delays as well, right?

Joost Jager: Yeah, that’s a good thing indeed, I guess, garbling failures, but it’s also that it knows just the delay along the path. So, they just relay the failure message back, okay, but they insert a delay there. And for the sender, they just see when they send out the Hash Time Locked Contract (HTLC) and when they receive the resolution, but they don’t know how the time is attributed between all the nodes on the path in between those two points. So, in this proposal, I also tried to address that by letting each node, not just add an HMAC, but add a timestamp as well when they received the HTLC and passed back the resolution, so that the sender can also use that information to point out slow nodes. And I think even if a node is not maliciously doing this, it’s still interesting because if you are a payment system and you want to compete with card payments, it needs to be really fast, and you also want to penalize notes that are just too slow. So, even if there’s no malicious intent there, if the node has a slow internet connection, it’s great if you can detect that and then avoid that node.

Mike Schmidt: It sounds like a great feature. What are the downsides to implementing something like this; what are the drawbacks?

Joost Jager: Yeah, so the main challenge really is the fixed size of the failure message. So, in order to not give away the position of all the nodes in the path to the routing nodes, the failure message always has the same length, so they can’t infer from the length where they are in the path. But this also makes it difficult to add those HMACs because you can’t just add HMACs. If you would do that, the failure message would grow on the way back, and they could learn something from the size of the message. So, some data needs to be replaced. So, when a node adds its HMAC and adds its timestamp somewhere, before that can be done, all that data needs to go. And this is what makes it complicated to solve this problem.

Basically, the chosen solution in this proposal is that the node is going to add a series of HMACs for every possible position that it could have within the path. So, if there’s like 27 positions possible, each node will add 27 HMACs for each of the positions that it could have in the path, and only the sender really knows which position that node actually has. So, the sender also knows which of those HMACs they should look at, and the other ones can be discarded. And this seems to work, at least in my prototypes it works, but the obvious downside of that is the size of the message, because you are adding this 27 HMACs per hops and you can reduce the total number of HMACs by 50%, but still you end up with a failure message size of around 12 kB, which is a lot bigger than what we currently have. And the question obviously is then whether that’s worth the benefits of being able to always identify the source of an error.

Mike Schmidt: So, in order to preserve some of the privacy, you essentially add some additional data to these messages, and therefore this large message size is a potential downside.

Mark Erhardt: I think the important point here is we get these failure messages for every single routing attempt we make. And since we don’t know where the balances are in channels that we haven’t interacted with recently, and whether they’ll be able to forward a payment that we’re trying to put through their channel, we will usually get a large number of failures before the payment succeeds. And currently, I think that is fairly small, but then now every single attempt to make a payment would incur these, what, 12 kB of error message, unless it succeeds. On the other hand, we will get much better at routing much more quickly, so maybe the number of failure messages goes down. Is that about right, Joost?

Joost Jager: Yeah, I’m not sure because the data is not public, but the bigger senders on the network sometimes publicize the statistics, and they generally have very high success rates, like 89%, 99%, 99.5% success rates. So, I would say that failures are just a minority of all the attempts made. Although, well actually, this is not correct because obviously they’re reporting the eventual success of a payment. We don’t really know how many attempts have preceded the final successful payment. So actually, I don’t know. But I do hope that over time, we go towards a network that is good enough to keep the number of attempts very low, preferably almost always one, because otherwise, there’s a lot of latency on those payments, and it’s not really comparable to card payments.

Mark Erhardt: That’s a fair point. T-bast, since you also work on Lightning, do you have some thoughts on this?

Bastien Teinturier: Yeah, actually I remember that we brainstormed on that exact issue with Joost in 2019 in Amsterdam, and we weren’t able to find a satisfying solution back then, but we already knew that this was an issue and something we hopefully wanted to fix. So, I haven’t had time yet to thoroughly analyze the proposal, but I’m really interested in seeing if it works, because that’s something we definitely want. I don’t have yet an opinion on the size issue, because if a number of retries and the reliability goes up, maybe it’s okay to have those bigger failures. I don’t know yet, to be honest, but that’s an important feature to add. And if we have attributable errors, that would be really a great improvement to Lightning. So, it’s an important thing to work on.

Joost Jager: Yeah, it would also be interesting. Of course, we have been thinking about the solution for a long time, as t-bast says. And now at this point, I thought, okay, maybe this is the best thing we came up with, so just let’s go ahead and see what happens if we try to implement it, if there’s any other surprises showing up. But perhaps it’s also possible for someone to provide proof that it’s not possible to do this chain of HMACs in a fixed size message in a compact way. That would be useful as well, so then we know that we can stop looking for a better solution.

Mark Erhardt: I also saw that there was an alternative proposal by Rusty. Have you had a chance to think about that a little bit?

Joost Jager: Yeah, that’s an alternative proposal, but I don’t think it addresses the timing issue. It’s very different from the failure message thing, it doesn’t fix the timing thing with the timestamps. And also it’s, yeah, you could say it’s more invasive because there’s actually money involved there. You need to forward extra sats that you’re not getting back, so it is also a little bit of a blend with certain anti-DoS mechanisms that have been proposed. So, yeah, to me it seems that just changing the encoding, relaying, and decryption of the failure message is a smaller, more contained change that is probably easier to agree with, I guess. But yeah.

Mark Erhardt: I think to briefly summarize Rusty’s idea, was that you attach extra sats that get spent to every hop, and that way you would be able to tell how far the message has propagated, because only once the full HTLC has been forwarded to the next peer, and they peel back the onion, they see the payment to them. So, when you get back a failure, you would see how many of the sats along the way have been collected, and like a sort of breadcrumb, you know which one was the last honest host that unpacked it and collected the money.

All right, I think we’ll have to follow this proposal and see what other people think when they’ve had a good look at it, but that sounds like an interesting way how we can get routing even more reliable on the Lightning Network.

Mike Schmidt: Joost, if you’re up for sticking around, we have some other Lightning-related discussions, but also I think a few of your PRs are covered later on in the newsletter, if you care to outline those for us.

Joost Jager: Yeah, I will be here.

Anchor outputs workaround

Mike Schmidt: Great. All right, the next item from the newsletter is titled Anchor outputs workaround, although I think we did make some change to the wording here; it’s not necessarily a workaround. But luckily, we have t-bast to help clarify that for us, and it’s his idea that he posted to the Lightning-Dev mailing list, so I’ll let him outline the motivation for this pre-signed different feerates and maybe outline the motivation, and then get into the proposed solution.

Bastien Teinturier: Sure, thanks. So, basically what we’ve changed with anchor outputs is that we changed the signature hash (sighash) flags we use to sign the HTLC transaction to use SIGHASH_SINGLE, SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY and pay zero fee. So, the idea is that you will set the fees at broadcast time and because that transaction right now pays zero fee, you have to add a new input, you just have to bring a wallet input to be able to make those transactions confirm. The issue though is that a channel can have potentially a bit less than 1,000 pending HTLCs, which means that an attacker can fill your channel with almost 1,000 HTLC outputs, and then force close the channel, and you have 1,000 transactions that you need to fee bump onchain. And you cannot easily use only one input to fee bump to create one transaction that uses all those outputs because they may not have the same timelocks. And especially if the attacker is malicious, and they are, they will make it so that the timelocks used are different.

So, you will have to use potentially a lot of inputs or at least use a tree of unconfirmed transactions and unconfirmed inputs to be able to pay the fees for your HTLC transactions, which is far from trivial and forces you to reserve UTXOs in your onchain wallet in case something bad happens. But the issue is that it’s really hard to dimension how bad things could go and how much you should reserve without sacrificing too much capital that you just keep idle. So, that is really frustrating because the HTLC output conceptually contains all the value that you want to claim. So, ideally, you would just want to decrease the output to pay the fee. You should not have to add any new inputs to pay the fee. It’s just because we don’t have a good mechanism to do it correctly that we have to do this work around.

So, what I’m proposing is a very unsatisfying solution because it’s ugly and inefficient, but is just to instead of only giving a signature for SIGHASH_SINGLE, SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY, paying zero fee for the HTLC transaction, to also give other signatures for each of the HTLC transactions that pay the transaction at various feerates, so that hopefully when broadcast time comes, you have one of those signatures that signs the transaction at a feerate that is okay for inclusion in the next n blocks, for example, and you don’t have to use the SIGHASH_SINGLE, SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY version. You still have it in case none of the pre-signed transactions pay the fee you want to pay, so you still have everything that you currently have with anchors, but also some redundant signatures that may alleviate the requirements that you have on your wallet available UTXOs.

So, it’s also especially useful for mobile wallets, who will generally not have a lot of UTXOs and not want to manage a big pool of UTXOs to protect their channels. So, if they already have pre-signed transactions at acceptable feerates, even if sometimes it overshoots, it’s probably better than not having anything at all. So, it wastes some bandwidth because you have to send a lot of redundant signatures and you don’t even know if you’re going to use them, most of them you’re just going to throw them away, but we didn’t find a better solution; and I don’t think that the sighash flags and the utilities that Bitcoin provides today let us correctly fix that issue. So, in the future, I would like to have some sighash magic that makes this whole problem completely go away more elegantly. But right now, I’m just looking for a pragmatic, short-term approach to make sure that we somewhat mitigate this issue on mainnet.

Mike Schmidt: Excellent. So, instead of, well I guess in addition to the current anchor output model and having to bring your own inputs in the situation that you mentioned, and all the overhead and risk mitigation that goes along with trying to evaluate how many inputs to have on hand, you can still do that, but in addition to that, you have these pre-signed paying the fee out of the actual HTLC itself, so that you can free up more capital to doing other things, including in Lightning channels, as opposed to sitting waiting to potentially fee bump.

Bastien Teinturier: Exactly. So, for example, you would still have what you have today, is the HTLC transaction at 0 sats/byte, for which you need to add new inputs, but you would also have a version at 1 sat/byte, 5 sats/byte, 20 sats/byte, and maybe one at 40 sats/byte, something like that. And among all of those, at broadcast time, you would choose which one you broadcast. Or, if you want to use the 0 sats/byte one and add inputs because you have available inputs in your wallet, you would do that. But it gives you more options at broadcast time to make sure that you get your HTLCs back onchain.

Mike Schmidt: I know one thing that you were looking for out of this mailing list post was to get support from other Lightning implementations, other Lightning developers on the idea. So, how has that feedback gone; are folks supportive; is it too early to tell; are there concerns that folks have brought up?

Bastien Teinturier: I think it’s too early to tell, but I’m happy because I was looking for – I kept the proposal quite high level because there are a lot of details where we can do things in many different ways. We can tweak that in many different ways and that’s quite a big design space once we open the door to potentially signing multiple feerates for every commitment. And I’ve already got good feedback from Matt and from the Electrum guys, because obviously the Electrum guys are interested in that as well because they don’t want mobile wallet users to have to reserve a pool of UTXOs, but they still want to benefit from anchor outputs. So, there’s been some discussion.

There’s been already some discussions around the different ways we could do that and it’s interesting, but I’m still waiting for more feedback, more ideas, what trade-offs people find acceptable or not, and I’m not sure I have yet a good answer on whether the high-level idea would be desirable or not. So, the discussion is still ongoing for that and we’ll see in the next couple of weeks if it makes progress. But I think we’re still going to go ahead and implement it in Eclair, and maybe experiment with it in Phoenix to see how it works end-to-end, and what potential issues may arise, and that will give us real-world feedback to bring back to the discussion.

Mark Erhardt: I especially like with this proposal that it would also be more block space efficient, because the transaction doesn’t need to have a second follow-up transaction that spends the anchor output. I was just wondering, because it’s on my mind this week, I assume that all of these transactions would be signaling replaceability, so even if you first choose to use the transaction at 20 sats/vbyte, and then it sits around for a while and you want to bump it, you could use the 40 after that, and then potentially even broadcast the 0 anchor output one to make a 60 sat/vbyte transaction if the 40 one doesn’t go through either, once we get package relay. Is that about right?

Bastien Teinturier: Yes, that’s exactly it.

Mark Erhardt: It’s a little hacky, but sounds pretty good to me. I also find it kind of funny that both of you have found solutions to some Lightning issues by just adding more bandwidth requirement to it!

Joost Jager: I was just about to say the same thing, like I’ve got the fat errors and now Bastien has the fat commitments, so yeah!

Bastien Teinturier: Yeah, we have bandwidth, let’s use it!

Joost Jager: 2022, we don’t need to do 8-bits anymore.

Mike Schmidt: Well, thanks t-bas, for outlining that for us. If anybody has questions, feel free to raise your hand towards the end of the discussion and we can answer any of those or any comments that you may have.

LND 0.15.4-beta and 0.14.4-beta

Moving on to Releases and release candidates, we talked about this in the announcements portion earlier in this discussion, but the LND security releases that contain the bug fix for processing recent blocks, some detail around that, the emergency hot fix. So, there was a BTCD among other, I think Electrs and Rust Bitcoin were unable to parse certain transactions that have a large number of witness inputs. And I believe it was Burak that made a P2TR spend that had an OP_SUCCESS opcode, and it included 500,001 empty pushes, which caused a consensus conflict between BTCD and Bitcoin Core. The fix there is to change the max witness items from 500,000 to the correct number, which is 4 million, and that that solved the issue.

One interesting thing about this transaction was that in an OP_RETURN message, it somewhat made clear that the transaction was crafted to break LND, as I think it said something like, “You will use CLN and you will be happy”. And one other interesting thing about the transaction is I believe that it needed cooperation from a miner to exploit. So, that was another interesting piece. Murch, have you been following this?

Mark Erhardt: I think it was non-standard in three ways. It used OP_SUCCESS, the witness item count was non-standard, and it used 125,000 vbytes, where standard transactions may only use up to 100,000. I have since learned that the creator of the transaction does actually not work at Blockstream, which I thought, because I saw him speak at conferences about very Blockstream-y topics, such as Simplicity and Liquid. But also I thought, just to be fair, that Christian Decker of the CLN team has disavowed of any sponsoring of this sort of behavior on the network, because it was widely regarded as, at least slightly, irresponsible.

Mike Schmidt: I think that, yeah, it was a large transaction. I think I saw something like $750 in fees. Is that right? Yeah, something like that. I think that is, let me think, so the transaction was 125,000 vbytes, so that’s 1.25 millibitcoin if you pay 1 sat/vbyte, so he must have paid something like 5 sats/vbyte or so; is that right? Oh wait, no, $700, not 700… Okay, I’m not going to do this calculation right now. But yeah, he paid something like $700 for it.

Mike Schmidt: So, I guess in summary, make sure you’re updated to the latest version of LND, BTCD, and these potentially other affected softwares, like LDK; I think I read it was 0.28.2. Anything before that is vulnerable, and I think I’ve seen that Electrs is also vulnerable. I’m not sure which versions of Electrs.

Mark Erhardt: Yeah, it’s funny. It actually broke the Liquid peg as well!

Bitcoin Core 24.0 RC2

Mike Schmidt: I missed that! Okay, that’s funny. The other release we had listed in the newsletter this week was one we’ve had for the last few weeks, which is Bitcoin core 24.0 RC2. There’s a nice testing guide that –

Mark Erhardt: RC3 was out yesterday night. Bastien?

Bastien Teinturier: Yeah, I’d like to chime in on the issue of BTCD bug, I must admit that we were implementing taproot in our own library and we were wondering why Bitcoin Core doesn’t have exhaustive tests on all the limits, because it sounds like they are not that hard to build; to create a test for all the limits wouldn’t require too many test cases and they can be generated semi-automatically. And if we had that in the standard test vectors, that would ensure that anyone implementing a library that parses and validates a transaction would not run into those issues. So, do you guys have any idea on why that has never been done in bitcoind?

Mark Erhardt: I am not sure that’s true. So, I think that at least for the previous – so there was another non-standard transaction a few weeks ago that also broke LND. And the problem there was – or actually that was standard, but problematic. The test cases in Bitcoin Core and the test vectors included a test for that, but LND passed the test on the transaction level, it did not pass the test at the block parsing level, which is sort of like all the things that can happen to transactions are also tested in custom-built blocks that include all the special behaviors, and I think that’s the test cases that are missing. So, the test vectors for transactions were fine, and I think also passed for this transaction.

Bastien Teinturier: Okay, interesting, because while we were implementing taproot in our library, we realized that we actually had a bug or something unrelated where we didn’t count an operation wait on one opcode, I think, one very not often used opcode, but still that made it so that we actually accepting transactions that would use one more of these opcodes than standardness would allow. And we just grabbed the test vectors from bitcoind and there was no test vector for that, so we had to generate more, and we were surprised that the test vectors were not exhaustive on the standardness checks.

Mark Erhardt: Oh, thanks, I stand corrected. But okay, so what Bitcoin Core does as well is fuzz testing, and fuzz testing does a lot of this sort of limit exploration automatically, because it just generates all possible values and plugs them into tests. And I think for fuzz testing, we don’t have vectors directly, but whenever we do find failures, we create vectors from it. So, I’m not sure if there’s fuzz testing for block parsing yet. Maybe that would be something that we could get someone to work on and then create a set of test vectors from the results with. But thanks for pointing out that the tests are not exhaustive.

Bastien Teinturier: Yeah, so ideally, any implementation that wants to reimplement something like script validation and standardness rules, we need to also rely on their own fuzzing that mimics what bitcoind does to ensure that they catch potential standardness issues, right?

Mark Erhardt: That would be lovely if everybody did that. I mean, if you just sort of generate all sorts of random behaviors and see that your software reacts exactly the same to it as Bitcoin Core, that would ensure or help that you are bug-for-bug compatible. So, maybe just take a whole step back here. One of the problems is that there is no specification for Bitcoin because it’s a fairly complicated protocol. So, de facto, the dominant network behavior is established by the dominant client on the network, which is Bitcoin Core. And Bitcoin Core, therefore, is sort of the spec. And that means that if there is a bug in Bitcoin Core that has behavior that wasn’t intended, but is de facto the behavior on the network, other implementations have to not implement the intended behavior, but have to implement the buggy behavior to match the behavior of Bitcoin Core. So, that’s the issue you run into when you’re trying to write your own parser for Bitcoin blocks and transactions; you have to match the behavior of Bitcoin.

In this specific case, it was a gratuitous additional limit in the wire library, I think, of, what is it, BTCD, and that was just incorrect. The limit was much lower than what was allowed on the network, and that caused it to fail a block that was allowed. And that’s how we got to the situation where LND just got stuck on a certain block height.

Mike Schmidt: Bitcoin Core RC2 for 24.0 is actually RC3 apparently, as of last night. I know we have a “guide to testing” link here. Murch, I don’t know if you have any comments you’d like to make on RC3 and what maybe changed there that could use some additional testing?

Mark Erhardt: Sorry, I’m not completely up to date. I know that there were a couple bugs found, just things that hadn’t been tested fully or that were like a new feature didn’t work in special cases, like preset inputs or with hardware wallets, so there were some small fixes in that regard. Obviously, we’re long beyond adding new features, and I think that we more or less certainly will have an RC4. So, depending on where the whole mempoolfullrbf debate goes, that might also be an item on the next release candidate, so that it gets rolled back if that happens.

Bitcoin Core #23927

Mike Schmidt: Great. Under our PR section for this week’s newsletter, this first one is Bitcoin Core #23927 and, Murch, I think you did the writeup for this PR. Do you want to provide an overview of what was changed here?

Mark Erhardt: Sure. So, Bitcoin Core allows you to get a block from peer while you’re still synchronizing. And when you do that, it skips ahead and just gets a block that you tell it to hash from, from one of its peers. When Bitcoin Core downloads blocks, it just stores them in big files that hold block data for its blockchain database, and these files go up to 130 MB. So, if you request a block explicitly and add it to your blockchain database, it just sits there, and we keep everything in exactly the order we downloaded it, not in the order of the height.

So, an interaction with pruned nodes here is, if you do this while you’re running a pruned node, you would usually throw away these blockchain database files after you have sufficiently progressed beyond a file. But if you have one of those blocks that have a much higher height in it, you can’t throw it away because the Bitcoin Core node hasn’t synchronized past that height yet. So, it sees that the blockchain database file still has data it hasn’t processed for the synchronization and keeps the block. And that actually breaks pruning because if you, say, limit your pruning to a very small amount, say 500 MB, 550 MB, the limit, and then you get a bunch of blocks from peers for future heights and thus pollute your blockchain database files with high-height blocks, then you stop being able to throw them away and you run out of block space.

So, what this bug fix does is when you’re running pruning, it disallows you from getting blocks from peers that are higher height than the current synchronization. It only allows you to get blocks from lower heights, which is still useful because once you’ve pruned and you don’t have that block anymore and you want to get it back, you might just want to get it back. And that’s what it allows you to do in the first place.

Bitcoin Core #25957

Mike Schmidt: Great summary. Thanks, Murch. The next PR this week was Bitcoin Core as well, #25957, which, “Improves the performance of rescans for descriptor wallets by using the block filter index”. This is, I guess, similar to one we covered a couple of weeks ago that added the scanblocks RPC that identified blocks in a given range for a provided set of descriptors, and that was an RPC call. And this one similarly uses BIP157 if you’re using a descriptor wallet and you need to do a wallet rescan, and instead of going through all of those blocks and looking for transactions, it’s actually using the filter, and then there’s some great performance gains that are done by using that block filter instead of going through every block. So, performance improvement here if you’re using descriptor wallet and you need to do a wallet rescan.

Mark Erhardt: Yeah, this is just faster because if you have tables of contents for each block already, you can just look at, “Hey, is there anything relevant in this block?” instead of going through this full block. And yeah, so that’s where the, whatever, 10X or even faster improvement comes from, ie just scan the table of contents instead of the whole blocks for what blocks are relevant when you’re rescanning.

Bitcoin Core #23578

Mike Schmidt: Next PR on the list is also a Bitcoin Core PR, #23578. And that is a change that allows external signing support for taproot keypath spends, not scriptpath but keypath spends, and that’s due to the latest HWI as well as recently merged support for BIP371, which includes additional taproot fields to PSBTs. So, now that you have these additional fields in the PSBTs to support taproot and HWI supports it, you can now do an external signing device for your taproot keypath spend. So, that’s great for the hardware wallet users out there. Murch, any thoughts on that one?

Mark Erhardt: So, from what I understand, with the newer Trezors and Ledgers, you can now use taproot keypath spins where the Ledger or Trezor is the actual signing device for a descriptor that lives on your computer.

Core Lightning #5646

Mike Schmidt: Next PR here is Core Lightning #5646, and there’s a few different things in here. Their implementation of offers removes x-only pubkeys and uses compressed pubkeys. And it also implements forwarding of blinded payments, but not yet generating and paying invoices with blinded payments. I didn’t dive too deep into this one, but Murch, do you have any thoughts on that?

Mark Erhardt: Let’s throw it to the Lightning desk! T-bast, you know something about this?

Bastien Teinturier: Yes, so basically blinded payments, blinded paths, onion messages, and offers are three features that stack on top of each other. Offers depend on onion messages, and onion messages depend on blinded paths. So, we’ve been able to make a lot of progress on those. We have almost finished implementing blinded paths and blinded payments in Eclair and CLN. So, we should be able to have an interop test, I hope, in the next weeks or months. Onion messages has already been interop tested between Eclair and LDK, and I think with CLN as well. And recently, Rusty made a lot of changes to offers to take into account a lot of feedback that had been added over the last six months, I guess.

So, we are making progress on all of those PRs. It’s really a long feature. It’s been a while since we started working on those, but they are making progress and they will eventually land in the next, hopefully, month.

Mark Erhardt: Super-cool. So, specifically about x-only public key, this only refers to the usage on the wire for Lightning, right; or does this also bleed over into onchain use of how Lightning uses it?

Bastien Teinturier: No, I think it’s only for the signatures of wire content of offers. The offers are not signed, but the invoices are signed. At first, Rusty started using x-only pubkeys, but it was a while ago. I think the first version when he introduced that was more than a year ago. More recently, everyone realized that x-only pubkeys create potentially a lot of issues for protocols that build on top. So, we moved away from them and went back to compressed pubkeys because we actually didn’t really need to use x-only pubkeys. It’s not worth saving one byte for messages that are sent on the wire and that are ephemeral. It’s not like we store them in a blockchain or something. So, it really was a premature optimization that was unnecessary, and that’s why it was reverted.

Mark Erhardt: Super, thanks.

Mike Schmidt: All right, we have three LND PRs here, two of which are authored by Joost. So, Joost, do you have the newsletter up in front of you to follow along here?

Joost Jager: Yeah, I’ve got it.

Mike Schmidt: Okay, great. Well, I’ll let you maybe provide summaries of each of these three since you’re the author of two of them and involved with the other. So, go for it.

LND #6517

Joost Jager: Yeah. So, the first PR is a so-called final settle signal. So, in LND, there’s an API to query the state of your invoices, and at some point an invoice moves to where the state is settled. And this suggests that you’re safe, that you’ve got the money, nothing can happen anymore besides the online requirement that you always have in Lightning that you need to keep watching your channels, but you can use a watchtower for that. But it doesn’t actually work like that. If LND reports an invoice as being settled, it actually only means that settle has been requested. So, the HTLCs have been accepted by LND and then we request it to settle them, but it may not have happened yet. In most of the cases, it has happened already, but it doesn’t necessarily need to have happened at that point.

It does mean that if at that point you bring down your node for an extended period of time, it might be so that HTLC isn’t successfully claimed by your node. At some point, you exceed the HTLC expiry height and then your counterparty might claim back the funds with a timeout transaction. And all of that time, your invoice remains in the settled state; it’s not leaving that settled state anymore, it’s the final state there. So, for small amounts, it’s probably not a problem. But as the amounts go up on the Lightning Network, it could be that some users want to have extra guarantees there as to whether the HTLC has really been resolved on the commitment transaction as well. So, not just the intention is probably settled to LND to settle, but they want to wait for it to actually happen.

So, what this PR does is it adds a new API to query the ultimate outcome of an HTLC if there’s already an ultimate outcome. And what you could, for example, do is just wait for all the HTLCs that are paying to an invoice – in the case of an MPP payment, it might be multiple HTLCs paying to that invoice – wait for all of them to reach their terminal state where they are settled, and only then, for example, send out the goods to the user or maybe credit something or complete a swap, or whatever you want to do at that point.

Mike Schmidt: It’s really great to have Lightning experts on the recap to help us with these Lightning PRs. Thank you. Sorry, continue. We can do #7001, I suppose.

LND #7001

Joost Jager: Yeah, so #7001 is one I’m not particularly a fan of. I think this is like a decoration of an RPC response with additional fields where if I can get this correct, I think originally you could query the list of forwarded HTLCs and for every HTLC it showed incoming and outgoing channel ID, something like that. Yeah, I think the channel ID, right? And what this PR does is, like a previous PR, extended that with also the alias of the pair. And then there was a performance hit by doing that. And this PR allows you to disable that automatic lookup of the alias for each pair. But yeah, I’m not so sure that it’s a good idea to decorate those RPC responses with additional data. Personally, I’d rather solve that on the client level, let the client do another call or maybe cache some things in memory, because there are so many responses that you could wish for extra properties that you can also look up through another RPC, and where do you stop adding those?

Mike Schmidt: That makes sense.

Joost Jager: So, yeah, but I guess it’s good now that by default it’s not happening, so there’s no performance impact for people who don’t need this feature.

Mark Erhardt: It does sound pretty interesting, though, to get more information about who you’re transacting the most with and who is forwarding payments through you, so you know what channels to foster relationships with.

Joost Jager: Yeah, definitely. But that information is all available already, so this is just about designing the API and how do you split up the various sources where you can get that information, and is it necessary to add additional fields to not do another RPC call?

Mark Erhardt: Cool, thanks.

Joost Jager: Yeah, so there’s no new information, it’s just the way it is served.

LND #6831

So, the final one is interceptor watchdog. So, in LND, there is a so-called HTLC interceptor API. What you can do with that is when your node forwards an HTLC, you have the option to intercept the HTLC and decide whether you really want to forward that. And this is like an external process connecting to LND, receiving all these HTLCs that are about to be forwarded, and then you need to send back replies that instruct the node what to do with that forward. You can do forward, you can fill, and I think you can also settle. So, if you already have the preimage, you can shortcut this forwarding, just skip that and just settle with the preimage right away. So, there’s three different ways of resolving those HTLCs.

The only problem is that if your application is down that does the interception, LND will just hold on to those HTLCs until the application comes back. And if it never comes back for whatever reason, the HTLC will timeout, the counterparty will see this, and they will try to timeout the HTLC onchain. So, you will lose the HTLC in any case if you don’t answer really. But this allows you to act before your counterparty is going through the chain to prevent the force closure. Because if the counterparty goes to chain, there’s a few more blocks going through, but in the end you don’t have it anyway. So, with this, we recognize it’s probably better to act before that happens and just fill the HTLC offchain while still possible, and prevent the force close from happening.

So, it’s basically like a safety valve around the HTLC interceptor API. And I think it happened before with some users that they had a problem with the HTLC interceptor and then triggered a mass force closure of channels, because all those HTLCs stacked up and were just waiting for a resolution signal that never came.

Mike Schmidt: Excellent, thank you for summarizing those for us. I think you did a much, much better job than we would have. As we have a couple more PRs remaining in the newsletter, it would be a good time to let you all know that if you have a question or a comment that you’d like us to address at the end of this Spaces, feel free to raise your hand or request speaker access now so we have that ready to go as we wrap up here.

LND 609cc8b

The next PR was actually not a PR, it’s actually a commit to LND that adds a security policy for providing instructions if there is a vulnerability to who to contact and how, which unfortunately was not utilized per our discussion earlier about that large taproot transaction. But there is a security policy now for LND, and I hope folks use that.

Rust Bitcoin #957

There’s a Rust Bitcoin PR here, #957, and that adds an API for signing PSBTs. It does not yet support signing taproot spends just yet. Murch, I don’t know if you have any comments on that; that one seems pretty straightforward?

Mark Erhardt: No, I’m just generally super-excited that PSBTs are getting a lot of love in the last year or so. I think just creating multiparty transactions was so much harder when everybody had their own standards for how to express PSBTs; and there just being an open, good enough standard that serves everyone, that everyone implements, and now everybody speaks the same language, it’s making all of this so much easier.

BDK #779

Mike Schmidt: Agreed. And the last PR this week is BDK implementing low-r grinding, which is a way to generate multiple signatures until you get one that is slightly smaller, one byte fewer than other signatures that you could generate using ECDSA, and so it saves a bit of space there. Murch, I’m sure you have an improvement on that summary!

Mark Erhardt: This is one of my pet peeves. So, ECDSA signatures are not stable in length, because if you have an r-value that is in the upper half of the space, then it’s encoded with one more byte. So, this is an issue, for example, for transaction fee estimation. When you don’t know whether a signature’s going to be 71 or 72 bytes, you need to always pay for 72 bytes in order, for example, to hit minimum relay fees, or if you’re using something like the damn BIP70 that BitPay proposed, where it required minimum transaction fees or minimum transaction feerates on payments, then you might undershoot such requirements if you use the average, or like 71.5 bytes.

So, you always have to basically estimate with the maximum length signature in order to be safe, and this has caused issues in the past. Now everybody is just trying signatures multiple times, which usually takes an expected two attempts to get a signature that is of the smaller variety and then uses that end. So, this (a) saves one byte on your transaction size, (b) allows you to have better estimation of your feerate because the length of the transaction is always what it expected to be, and yeah, everybody should be doing this. So, great on BDK for having this.

Mike Schmidt: I had a feeling I would set you off with that! Good explanation, Murch. I don’t see anybody with their hand up or speaker requests, so I guess we could end by thanking our guests, Joost and t-bast, for joining us and providing some insights on their proposals, as well as some commentary on some of the PRs. So, thank you guys for your time.

Bastien Teinturier: Thank you. And thank you for all the work Optech always does. It’s a really great, great job, thanks.

Joost Jager: Definitely, it’s a great newsletter.

Mike Schmidt: Thanks for saying that, guys, and we’ll hopefully have you on a future episode so you can explain some of the other cool things that you guys are working on. Murch?

Mark Erhardt: Yeah, thanks everyone for coming. I hope you had fun and learned something, and see you all next week.

Mike Schmidt: Thanks, everybody.