Bitcoin Optech helps Bitcoin users and businesses integrate scaling technologies.
We provide workshops, weekly newsletters, original research, case studies and announcements, analysis of Bitcoin software and services, a podcast, and help facilitate improved relations between businesses and the open source community.
Recent newsletters, blog posts, and podcasts
Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #340
This week’s newsletter announces a fixed vulnerability affecting LDK, summarizes discussion about zero-knowledge gossip for LN channel announcements, describes the discovery of previous research that can be applied to finding optimal cluster linearizations, provides an update on the development of the Erlay protocol for reducing transaction relay bandwidth, looks at tradeoffs between different scripts for implementing LN ephemeral anchors, relays a proposal for emulating an
opcode in a privacy-preserving manner with no consensus changes required, and points to renewed discussion about lowering the minimum transaction feerate.Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #339 Recap Podcast
Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Dave Harding are joined by Matt Morehouse and 0xB10C to discuss Newsletter #339.
Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #339
This week’s newsletter describes a vulnerability affecting older versions of LDK, looks at a newly disclosed aspect of a vulnerability originally published in 2023, and summarizes renewed discussion about compact block reconstruction statistics. Also included are our regular sections summarizing popular questions on the Bitcoin Stack Exchange, announcing new releases and release candidates, and describing recent changes to popular Bitcoin infrastructure software.
Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #338 Recap Podcast
Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Andrew Toth and Dave Harding to discuss Newsletter #338.
Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #338
This week’s newsletter announces a draft BIP for referencing unspendable keys in descriptors, examines how implementations are using PSBTv2, and corrects in depth our description last week of a new offchain DLC protocol. Also included are our regular sections describing changes to services and client software, announcing new releases and release candidates, and summarizing recent changes to popular Bitcoin infrastructure software.
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