Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #335 Recap Podcast
Dave Harding and Mike Schmidt are joined by Yuval Kogman, Jeremy Rubin, and Steve Myers to discuss Newsletter #335.
The Bitcoin Optech Podcast and transcription content is licensed Creative Commons CC BY-SA 2.0
Changing consensus
Releases and release candidates
Notable code and documentation changes
Mike Schmidt: Welcome everyone to Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #335 on Riverside. We have two news items this week. We have a news item on deanonymization attacks against central coinjoin, and also an updated ChillDKG BIP draft that we’re going to talk about. And we also, starting this year, have a new monthly segment that we’re covering this week, that summarizes proposals and discussion about changing Bitcoin’s consensus rules. That segment covers five different discussions this week as well. And then we have our usual Releases and Notable code changes. I’m Mike Schmidt, contributor at Optech and Executive Director at Brink, funding Bitcoin open-source developers. Dave?
Dave Harding: I’m Dave, I’m co-author of the Optech Newsletter and of the third edition of Mastering Bitcoin.
Mike Schmidt: Yuval?
Yuval Kogman: Hi, I’m Yuval, or nothingmuch, previously involved with Wasabi coinjoin work. We’ll talk about that a little bit today. And currently working on other privacy stuff at Spiral.
Mike Schmidt: Jeremy?
Jeremy Rubin: Hi, I’m Jeremy Rubin, I’m the author of BIP119, CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY (CTV), and been contributing on the covenant upgrades for a while. And I’m working on a new project called Char.
Mike Schmidt: Yeah, Steve?
Steve Myers: Yeah, I’m Steve Myers, I’m one of the contributors on the Bitcoin Dev kit project. Also, the President of the Bitcoin Dev Kit Foundation.
Deanonymization attacks against centralized coinjoin
Mike Schmidt: Excellent. Thank you all for joining. For those following along, we’re gonna go, where possible, sequentially through the newsletter, starting with the News section. Deanonymization attacks against centralized coinjoin. Yuval, you posted to the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list and the email was titled, “Reiterating centralized coinjoin “Wasabi and Samourai) deanonymization attacks”. We covered another of your vulnerability findings in Newsletter and Podcast 333. Can you summarize the most recent post and vulnerabilities for us here?
Yuval Kogman: Yeah, so there’s a few misconceptions about it as well, so I want to kind of go slowly. But basically, in a coinjoin, the funds are never at risk because everybody signs, but we still need to have a way of agreeing what we’re going to sign. So Chaumian Coinjoin is this technique of using a server, and the server gives you blind signatures, which allow you to add your outputs anonymously. So, ‘anonymously’ here means you connect over an isolated Tor circuit that’s not linkable to your inputs. And, yeah, so the main issues I’ve been discussing over the years are mainly to do with passive deanonymization attacks. But this particular thing I wanted to document is a very egregious active deanonymization attack.
So, the scenario there is, if the client connects to the server, the server can trick the client into basically disclosing who it is. The classic way to do this is what’s called a key tagging attack. In this case, the blind signing key, that’s the Whirlpool vulnerability. The blind signing key would be unique for every user. So, the output edition, because it contains an unblinded signature by a unique key, the server knows exactly what input that corresponds to. In Wasabi, the vulnerability was a little bit more subtle. So recently, there was this loss of what they called ‘the round,’ should better be called ‘a session’, because it’s a bit of an overloaded term, but whatever, we’ll stick with round. So, Round ID is supposed to be like a hash of the parameters that go into deciding what goes into the transaction, among other things, the width of the range proofs required. So, they lost, in a refactor, the code that actually calculates the hash, and they claimed that this was a new vulnerability. I dispute that. And then they claim to have fixed it, which I also dispute.
The concern there is that the Round ID was never a binding commitment in the first place. So, every client could potentially be communicating under a different round ID. The server could be merging the inputs and outputs between these concurrent rounds and then creating a final merged transaction, which is still fully tagged, in terms of every user is uniquely assigned to their own Round ID. And there were ownership proofs, so BIP322 proofs, that were intended to kind of mitigate this. They have three purposes. One is to protect the server from DoS, so basically you can’t register with an input that you don’t own. The second concern is for hardware wallets, or in general, stateless signers to be able to recognize their own inputs and therefore avoid theft. So, you can imagine the hardware wallet not being told about all of its inputs, and then automatically signing for only a portion of the funds that it receives back. So, this was a well-known attack that ownership proofs were meant to mitigate. And the third concern is exactly that Round ID consistency. So, if everybody signs with their ownership proof, which is of just like an invalid transaction, but it has the same kind of signatures, and those signatures all commit to the same Round ID, and everybody sees and can verify everybody else’s ownership proofs, then everybody knows that they’re not being tagged, that they all see the same consistent view.
So, the problem was that initially the ownership proofs were never given to the client, so only the first purpose was actually used. Then, when Trezor got support for this, they only addressed the second concern. But the third concern of the Round ID consistency was never actually – although the clients received the ownership proofs, they just received potentially arbitrary previous outputs to verify them against and completely trusted the coordinator with that data. So, the ownership proofs were not binding, which means that the server could potentially generate a set of ownership proofs for each client with completely made-up keys, potentially also made-up amounts, and thereby still be able to get individual clients to basically tag themselves. I hope that makes sense.
Dave Harding: It does make sense. I just wanted to try to distill this. If I understand correctly, let’s say we have a coinjoin with just two participants, which I know is not good, but for simplicity, it’s Alice and Bob are the two participants. So, the server can send Alice an ownership proof for her actual scriptPubKey, and can send an ownership proof that claims to be for Bob’s scriptPubKey, but is actually made up or controlled by the server. And then, when sending its information to Bob, sends Bob his actual scriptPubKey, but a forged one for Alice, and then just maintains this and is allowed to keep state on them and just follow them through the protocol, because it’s partitioned them into two separate channels. Even though they think they’re working together, they’re actually only talking to the server, and the server is able to just see each one of them in isolation. Is that basically correct?
Yuval Kogman: Yes, that’s exactly it.
Dave Harding: Okay, that seems pretty bad.
Yuval Kogman: Yes, especially in the context of, like recently, free-for-all started happening with regards to who operates different coordinators. Some of them have actually stolen funds from clients, tricking them into participating in transactions that contribute nothing to privacy, but still claiming the fees. Subsequently, they removed the coordinator fee support entirely. So, yeah, it’s kind of a mess as it stands. And the thing that’s particularly upsetting to me is that I always believed that we would address this, because the entire motto behind this project was this can’t be evil, supposed to be a trustless coordinator. And there’s no technical reason why it shouldn’t be. So, for example, full node support is an optional thing that would allow absolute verification of ownership proofs. Even in lieu of that, the server could give the including block hashes and let clients spot-check those.
There’s another mitigation, which is if you take the hash of everything that went into the transaction and use that to shuffle the transaction, the inputs and outputs have no meaningful order. So, that’s a way of costlessly embedding a commitment to the shared view into the transaction itself. That would have prevented any such transactions from being fully signed, because everybody would be signing a different transaction. That was never implemented, even though I repeatedly raised that. So, there’s issues that were invariably closed for being stale by the GitHub stale bot. And yeah, so it’s not only that this is a serious technical concern, it’s also been a concern from day one, and there’s a bit of misinformation about whether or not the service is actually trustless. So, yeah, I’ll stop ranting there.
Dave Harding: And I think since we published the newsletter, there’s been some follow-up discussion on the mailing list between you and Sjors about possibly finding logs to see anybody who’s used these protocols. What is your thought there on people being able to find proof that this has happened, if it ever did happen?
Yuval Kogman: So, just to be clear, I don’t think this is likely to have happened, at least with the zkSNACKs coordinator. But the client did keep logs in the wallet directory, so there are debug logs which note the Round ID. So, at least the trivial version of this attack could be detected after the fact, had it happened. With the equivalent vulnerability in Samourai, I see absolutely no recourse. I think the ship has sailed entirely there. The good news is that one of the developers still contributing to Wasabi, now that the company is no longer in business, if I understand correctly, but some people are still contributing changes, so we had spoken and he said that he would add, first of all, a mitigation where redundant queries of the publicly available information would be made. So, instead of just querying which rounds are available once and then using the Round ID that you got there, the client would use multiple Tor circuits to query this several times and make sure that it’s still consistent. So, that’s not a foolproof mitigation, but certainly a substantially better situation. And secondly, he said he would try to implement the deterministic shuffling thing, because again, that’s not a protocol-breaking change.
There are additional concerns. So, for example, the ownership proofs, or the Round ID, don’t commit to the address of the coordinator, which especially if it’s in a hidden service, that matters. And I still have many concerns about passive attacks. So, all of what we discussed today is just deanonymization attacks where the coordinator can get caught red-handed if it’s trying to deanonymize users. But there’s still some concerns about potentially passive or covert ones, which are a bit more insidious.
Dave Harding: That’s it for questions from me. Does anybody else have questions? Yuval, I want to thank you again for publishing about this to the mailing list. I’m sorry we didn’t cover this earlier when I heard about it on Twitter a few years ago. So, thank you again for publishing about this.
Yuval Kogman: Thanks for having me and let me speak my truth, I guess. And your apology is still denied. I don’t think you’re culpable in any way.
Mike Schmidt: Yeah, unfortunate situation, but thank you for jumping on and explaining the technical side of all of this to us, Yuval. You’re welcome to stay on for the rest of the newsletter, we’ve got a beefy one today. Otherwise, if you have other things to do, we understand and you’re free to drop.
Updated ChillDKG draft
Next and second and final News item is titled, “Updated ChillDKG draft”. Tim Ruffing had posted to the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list a bit ago, starting off his post with, “We made many changes, improvements, and cleanups to our BIP draft since our first announcement to the mailing list”. And then he goes on to outline some of those updates in bullet point format, but there’s also some more details around that as well. Dave, I know you had a chance to jump deeper into this one than I have. Do you want to walk through some of those notable updates to that draft BIP?
Dave Harding: Of course. I didn’t go too deep because when these crypto guys really get going, I just can’t follow the math and the crypto stuff. But they fixed a security vulnerability that they found in the protocol. Again, this is not a deployed protocol, so we just talk about it read out. They also added, and I think it’s very useful, a blame functionality to identify faulty parties. So, if you follow the protocol, you’re guaranteed to get a good key, a good threshold key for a good threshold or scriptless threshold signing. But if somebody messes up during the protocol of creating this key, before, you wouldn’t know who it was, and you could just keep going through the process over and over and over again and keep getting bad keys and not having something you can work with. Now, they’ve added an investigation phase that allows them to step through the protocol a bit slower and find out which party was at fault. This is useful for people who are deliberately messing up the protocol, but it could also be useful if there’s just mistakes being made.
They also say that they’ve made the threshold public key taproot-safe by default. I didn’t dig into exactly what that meant. I’m guessing they found something that meant it couldn’t be used for keypath spending immediately, or something. And they’ve also wrote that they let each participant encrypt the secret share intended for themselves. And their advantage for this, they say, is the encryption is symmetric to avoid the overhead of Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) computation. I don’t know where that would be a big deal, but we had previously talked on the mailing list about just encrypting the result by a public key that you might have, say, in your HD seed to make it very easy to recover these keys, because these keys can’t be – by yourself, you can’t derive them from your HD seed, you need backup information. So, that back information, you don’t want to just store that around anywhere where someone might stumble across it and find that information and then learn which outputs you partially control.
So, with this improved backup, at least as we previously discussed, it should be possible to encrypt that by your HD seed. You can store it anywhere, you could post it on a sign in front of your house if you wanted to, and people couldn’t read it because it’s encrypted. But with your HD seed, you could decrypt that information and get the key, and be able to find your outputs, and then hopefully be able to participate in spending them. I’m glad to see people still working on this.
Oh, and the other thing there is that they have been working with siv2r, who’s been working on a draft for a FROST signing. So, ChillDKG is about generating keys, and siv2r has been working on actually signing, threshold signing. They’ve been trying to keep their proposals in sync to ensure that this all works together and that we have some additional tools for doing scriptless threshold signing on Bitcoin, which makes me very happy.
Mike Schmidt: I don’t have anything to add there. I don’t know if anybody, any special guests have anything to chime in there? All right.
Dave Harding: It’s just Yuval noted really quick in the chat that the taproot-safe thing that we talked about earlier is not for keypath, it’s for scriptpath. And so, anyone wants to dig into that more can.
Mike Schmidt: That wraps up the News section, and we actually have, as I mentioned earlier, a new monthly segment in addition to our coverage of Stack Exchange questions, Client and service updates, and PR Review Club, we have a segment titled, “Changing consensus: a new monthly section summarizing proposals and discussions about changing Bitcoin’s consensus rules”. I’d like to note that, Dave, you’re the author of this segment and you use the same news sources for this monthly segment as you do for the News section, for listeners who are curious how things appear here or don’t appear here. Do you want to speak briefly, Dave, to the motivation about making this a monthly segment, as opposed to including these as items in the News sections, as we’ve done in prior years?
Dave Harding: Sure. First of all, we’ve had a lot of discussion about this in the last year in particular, but the year before that, and then building up before that. And I think it would be helpful to group this together, in part, actually, for this recap that we do. It would be great to have authors of proposals for changing consensus rules all on the same chat so they can talk to each other about their proposals. They’re the experts on this stuff, and it’s great to have multiple experts in the room at the same time. And then, also, I feel like some of these things, when we write about them every week, there’s a little bit of pressure for us to summarize them right away before they’ve had time for people to digest them and discuss them. So, by doing a monthly section, we give a little bit more time for people to have discussions about this, and then we can summarize that discussion. I feel like it just gives us a better view of the newsletter, because we’re not trying to analyze all this stuff ourselves; other people in the community have a chance to comment on it. So, that’s it and I hope it works out, and that we have a lot of fun in the coming year.
CTV enhancement opcodes
Mike Schmidt: Well, it’s quite appropriate then that we have Jeremy Rubin, who’s joined us, to talk about at least a few items that he’s involved with directly and indirectly. The first one that we covered in this segment was titled, “CTV enhancement opcodes”, and this was a post by moonsettler, who was unable to join us thus far, to both Bitcoin-Dev mailing list and Delving to talk about two new opcodes that could be used with CTV: OP_TEMPLATEHASH and OP_INPUTAMOUNTS. Jeremy, I saw that you replied on the Delving thread. Maybe you can jump into your analysis of these proposed enhancements.
Jeremy Rubin: Yeah. Well, I wish moon was here, because despite the allegations, we are in fact not the same person. So, I think that the two proposed opcodes that moon put out, one is template details, basically, and what that does is it can consume from the stack a bunch of the different pieces that go into a CTV hash, and then compute that hash to then be fed into CTV. This is helpful because you could be working on the stack with all the different pieces of data that you want to covenant over, and have them actually all broken up into their logical pieces. And then, once you finish doing those manipulations, then just make that call and then compare against maybe a signed template hash. This is nicer than something like OP_CAT in general, because when you’re doing OP_CAT, you have to take into consideration all sorts of serialization logic for what the actual representation is. Now, for CTV, it’s not that bad because we tend to use friendly formats, but for things like signature hashes, it can be a little bit more complicated. And then, once you’ve broken it up so it works programmatically, it’s just a lot simpler to work with. If you want to manipulate one output, you can push the other bits and work on it and then commit to it being a specific way. So, overall, I think that that’s pretty good.
Then, the other one is sort of an amount output. That one I’m a little bit less confident on. I think that obviously, moon has thought it through to a large degree, but I think that the different modes to me are still a little bit confusing. Generally, CTV avoids binding the specific amount in an input. There are a couple of reasons for it. One is that it’s not strictly necessary, and the BIP does say that it would be best left to a later upgrade to deal with committing to specific amounts. So, there is a need for some sort of opcode like that. The general problem is that amounts are larger than the largest script number that you’re allowed to represent. So, I’m a little bit wary of anything that’s not fully thought through on how to deal with larger numbers. There’s also some logic for being able to combine multiple inputs that have the same covenant, which I think is also, to me, a little bit confusing and probably unlikely to be used, maybe outside a very specific context where somebody’s really thought through that this works perfectly.
Mike Schmidt: Jeremy, we haven’t had you on since this bigger picture discussion of covenants has started snowballing, in that there’s a wiki now, there’s people giving their feedback on the different proposals around script enhancements and covenants, a lot of support around CTV, which you’re the author of. Maybe a big-picture question, what is your take on that wiki or the conversation more broadly?
Jeremy Rubin: Yeah, I think I’m purposely avoiding having too much of a take. I think historically, there’s been a lot of pushback on me for various reasons. So, I’m pretty happy with the conversation just evolving as it goes. What I will say about the table in particular is, I think you’ve got to take with it a big grain of salt, you’ve got to really dig into what positions people hold and what they mean. I think on the table as a whole, I guess I’ll get in trouble for this one, but no doesn’t mean no. You look at the positions that people have where they say no on CTV, and then they are supporting other opcodes that we either would contain CTV or would be more powerful. So, I think there’s not really a simple read on it. My read is that everybody who has put their name on there, unless they’re ‘no’ across the whole board, is probably pretty happy with CTV. Previously, that was what I kind of claimed when I pushed for a CTV activation, was that CTV actually does have technical consensus and how I determined that was I looked at what everybody had said about covenants, and the only thing that I could come up with that was a reason not to do it was like, “Oh, we might want something more later down the line”. And that seems to be the same thing that’s happening.
There really aren’t any strong, valid technical critiques against CTV at this point, there are maybe some more strong technical objections of why we might not want the sort of full MEV unlock that something like OP_CAT would entail. There are reasons why something like OP_TXHASH is not near term given some of the design constraints. I think that that’s what we see with this new OP_TEMPLATEHASH, is it’s sort of an alternative to TXHASH, where TXHASH is a little bit more rigid of, you have to have, like, compute this exact flag set that you want. This is more like, “Well, let’s just get the things on the stack and we can manipulate them from there”. So, that might actually be a closer fit for what people are expecting as like programmers, and then other stuff that just seems a little bit more niche or understudied.
I think it does seem like there is sufficient support that nobody would be spiking a CTV and CHECKSIGFROMSTACK (CSFS) fork. I would love to see that include INTERNALKEY, because INTERNALKEY is almost just an implementation detail of CSFS; it’s not really a separate concept, just given if you look at like the prior literature, CSFS and ANYPREVOUT (APO) have included this notion of a pun key, where you use the byte 0x1 to stand for the INTERNALKEY. So, OP_INTERNALKEY is just doing that as an opcode instead of as the 1 byte, because it’s a little bit more generic than that mechanism. So, I think that would be my ideal situation, at least looking at consensus right now, is CSFS, CTV and INTERNALKEY. The other stuff I don’t feel has broad consensus for it. And I think if somebody tried to push or propose something like that, it would probably cause more controversy than not.
The only thing that’s been controversial ongoing is there’s a group of people who feel, in what I see as a self-fulfilling prophecy, that soft forks are difficult, which they are, but I think that they’re more difficult because of self-fulfilling prophecy than the actual difficulty, where it’s made difficult by people wanting it to be difficult; as opposed to, there’s a lot of, if you ask somebody, “Hey, what do you think?” they’re gonna say, “Oh, well, I need to figure out what everyone else thinks”. And it’s like, “Okay, well, can you give me your original thinking, or can you just say for what you personally would be okay with?” “Well, I would be okay with this, but because they’re so difficult, we could never get one again, so we really have to make this one more difficult so that if we never can do it again because they’re difficult…”, it’s like, okay, so you’re doing the job of making them more difficult.
So, I think that that’s something that there at least seems to be consensus that that set of upgrades is good and doesn’t fundamentally change how we understand Bitcoin. It just makes things that we’re sort of already doing more efficient and easier to build, more secure, more scalability. And then the OP_CAT and things like a TEMPLATEHASH opcode that puts more stuff on stack, that starts getting into more sophisticated covenant ability that maybe takes Bitcoin into application land instead of money land. So, that’s kind of my take. But I’m not really particularly advancing any activation, I think that the community needs to do that.
Mike Schmidt: Dave, I intentionally derailed us with that question because I was curious as to Jeremy’s answer. Is there anything else about CTV enhancement opcodes that you think is valuable, or do you have any questions for Jeremy based on his broader thoughts?
Dave Harding: Oh, on the broader thoughts, oh, geez.
Mike Schmidt: Whatever you feel comfortable with.
Dave Harding: I think that’s a completely respectable opinion. I think it’s supported from his perspective. I can understand how other people have other perspectives, but I don’t think there’s anything crazy controversial in there that we have to address.
Jeremy Rubin: I think one of the main things that I think is a little bit interesting to see is, people do need to advocate a little bit more strongly for things that are in their interest. I think notably, the Lightning community has been a little bit silent, and some of the minor changes are major space savings motivated by how well things will work for Lightning. So, I think for the broader Lightning-Dev community, if the answer is, “We’re happy to just have this stuff”, then any of it will do. But if it’s like, “Oh, we’re never going to implement this stuff anyways”, then maybe some of these things, like INTERNALKEY matter a little bit less.
Adjusting difficulty beyond 256 bits
Mike Schmidt: Jeremy, we have another item later in this consensus segment that we want to bring you on for, but there’s one in between, and this one is titled, “Adjusting difficulty beyond 256 bits”. Dave, I punted this one to you because I wasn’t exactly sure about this unfathomable increase in hashrate and the feasibility of that. I saw that there was some a couple of back and forths on the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list post as well. Do you want to summarize the idea here?
Dave Harding: Well, sure. I mean, the question somebody had was, “What do we do if we run out of space in the hash that gets included in the block header?” which is 256 bits. So, you’d have to grind in a ten-minute period; or really, your worst case of having to grind in a ten-minute period would have to exceed 256 bits on a regular basis. It’s not a problem that I personally worry about. I think that if that was possible, there are other reasons we would hard-fork upgrade Bitcoin, because it would mean things like txids and witness txids would not be secure. However, there was some interesting discussion there of how we could do a technically soft fork to extend proof of work beyond 256 bits, by having a secondary target that gets included in the block somewhere. And both the secondary target and the primary target in the block header would have to be met. Again, this is not something I’m personally concerned about, but I thought it was interesting. And it’s similar to some other ideas that we have previously discussed. And so, I just wanted to mention that as it’s clever, and it kind of connects to these other things. So, minor point, but fun discussion.
Transitory soft forks for cleanup soft forks
Mike Schmidt: All right, and we’re back to Jeremy to talk about transitory soft forks for cleanup soft forks. Jeremy, what’s going on here?
Jeremy Rubin: Yeah, so this is inspired by something Harding said a while ago, which is, “Why don’t we just make the forks temporary?” And I know we’ve got a little bit of a disagreement here, but I think for feature upgrades, I think it’s entirely inappropriate. And the reasoning that I have for that is maybe best understood by analogy. If I said, “Hey, you want to get in my car? Just FYI, it’s going to blow up after the odometer hits 30,000 miles, but it’s at 20,000, so it’s good”, you’d probably be like, “I don’t really want to drive around in that car”. And I think it’s a little bit more bad than that, because if you have a covenant proposal, for example, that you upgrade, and then all of a sudden, all of the LN is using it, and they’re using massive trees of channels that are mostly not going onchain, and then your covenant primitive is like, “Oh, it’s got a year left and it’s actually not going to get extended”, you might have more than a year’s worth of chain load to clear out that covenant soft fork and to clear out all the outputs, so everybody go onchain to resolve in a unilateral exit scenario. So, I think that just for that, for just the general reason of like, “Oh, I’m going to rely on a feature that if there’s enough bitcoin in it, will get repealed”, I think it just doesn’t really fit that well for the user of that, for somebody to form a reliant interest on that particular use case.
Now, the flipside, and this is where my proposal came in, is people have been really excited about this great consensus cleanup, as maybe we can fix some of these longstanding bugs in Bitcoin. And I’m generally supportive of that. When I’ve looked at that in the past, one thing that I felt difficult is, I really don’t think that Bitcoin should make changes that could confiscate funds. And if Bitcoin does make changes that could confiscate funds, you have to deal with it one of multiple ways. The first way is that we earmark things that everybody knows that these things are going to change in the future. An example of that is the segwit versions. Now, today, I wouldn’t recommend doing segwit the way that it was done, because I think that maybe somebody is going to rely on some particular script version to evaluate to true, and that might be a little bit dicey. But when segwit was done, we set it up in the future, so that everybody knows the next segwit versions are going to be ANYONECANSPEND until something is actually installed there. And if you were to try to rely on that going forward, as it being spendable without any validation, I think you’d be pretty stupid. There’s so much documentation. I don’t know exactly how the reject rules work, if they reject non-standard outputs for unknown segwit versions. I think that they don’t. So, it’s conceivable that you could have this problem if you just weren’t really paying attention. But I think everybody kind of knows that these things are reserved for upgrades.
Now, for the other case, where it’s a change that would say like, “Oh, we had a problem with taproot and we now need to be quantum secure, so only a specific NUMS point can be used, you would confiscate a bunch of funds. And that would basically lock in a lot of people and maybe you’d say, “Oh, well, everybody knew that maybe you should include a branch with an unactivated lamport signature, something or other. And if you didn’t, that’s just too bad”. But I think those kind of confiscatory changes would entail, just in my personal opinion, that you would have to have some method of restitution. If you ended up confiscating a million bitcoin, you’d have to agree that, as a community, a hard fork will be taken to restore people; or maybe if it’s just 1 bitcoin that somebody can prove that there was missing, that maybe somebody just says, “Hey, we’ve insured this upgrade up to 10 bitcoin, and if you can show an output that you lost money, maybe we’ll try and pay you back”. Or you do a fork if you can’t pay people off at that point.
So, I think that that’s two things of like, if you do something that confiscates, it all kind of makes me a little bit cagey about, can we do something that confiscates? And all of these can great consensus cleanup things, they’re all confiscatory. And a lot of them I think are quite bad, because they fix a problem, but they create a new problem. And if we discover a further problem later on, the two fixes may actually not be compatible, because it might be that to fix issue A, we do one set of restrictions, then we discover issue B. And then, to fix B, given the fix to A that we’ve applied, it might be actually really hard to fix B without breaking something else. So, I think that these consensus upgrades that are compensatory in some way have a lot of danger, even though they seem to be making Bitcoin more secure, which they also do. They make Bitcoin more secure against a known problem, but they maybe create a confiscatory risk over a long time. I’m getting a thumbs up thing. So, that’s why I think I’m caged about them.
As an alternative, we could apply this idea of a transitory soft fork and, say, once every five years, or three years, or whatever, we re-ratify a soft fork bundle. And the soft fork can be configured to do this automatically. It’s not like you have to re-have the conversation. The signalling can be all set up in advance to re-signal and activate and lock in whatever the restrictions are. And then if it comes to light that this wasn’t the right approach, then people can make a new upgrade and activate a different set of rules, and then not reactivate the old set of potentially compensatory protocol changes. So, I think that that, for things like the great consensus cleanup, are valuable, because in contrast to a feature upgrade, nobody is relying on using behavior that breaks Bitcoin. Like, nobody’s relying on these transactions, except for maybe one person, right? One person might be relying on it, or we might discover that two fixes are incongruent and can’t be combined, or we might discover, one example that I really don’t like is there’s a proposal to ban 64-byte transactions. And one reason I don’t like that is that in the future, somebody is going to write a covenant thing that might emit a 64-byte transaction for some reason. And then, now every covenant, in order to be secure, you have to assert that your covenant program can never get into a state that requires emitting a 64-byte transaction, which just seems like a lot of protocol bloat.
So, if we wanted to add that, yeah, sure, add it speculatively, but make it something that we re-ratify, in case we discover later on that maybe we should fix SPV a different way. We shouldn’t live with permanent protocol bloat of a more complex protocol because we’re fixing an SPV issue that we later fix a different way anyways. So, that’s sort of like my general motives for it. The network would be made secure, we’d be able to deploy out fixes a little bit more aggressively. And I think the main counterargument that I’ve heard is, people don’t really want to have to re-advocate for the security fixes. That’s why I would just have the software by default automatically re-signal for this stuff. And it wouldn’t necessarily require a bunch of politicking, it would just be the way that the protocol works, is these things get renewed by default; but if we needed to disable them, there’s a path to disable them on some frequency.
Mike Schmidt: Dave, you’ve given some thought to this idea, as Jeremy referenced. I think it was a few years ago, you brought up this idea of transitory soft forks. What do you think about Jeremy’s philosophy on the matter?
Dave Harding: I mean, I liked transitory soft forks back then; I like them now. I think Jeremy’s points are all strong and valid. I especially like the point about the 64-byte transactions. I had not thought about it that way. I appreciate that. My concern on this was that when I proposed it a few years ago, nobody wanted to go for it for future forks. Jeremy has his reasons there, I don’t agree with those. I think that there’s always a small risk that the car you get into will blow up, and that’s just a kind of inherent risk in using stuff, especially new stuff. And with a transitory soft fork, those risks are much better specified than they are in ordinary things. If you want to use a new feature in Bitcoin, most people are not using the opcode directly, they’re using it through a product. And whether that’s an open-source product or that’s a commercial product, there’s a risk that that product will not be there in five years. So, if we have transitory soft forks that expire in five years, this is a risk that you already have to be prepared for, is that your stuff just isn’t going to work in five years.
Finally, if we’re in the case where we have thousands of people using this and it’s impossible to unwind in a year, I don’t know why you wouldn’t have enough community support to continue that soft fork. Because a transitory soft fork is not something that guarantees reverting. As Jeremy said, we can have the client automatically signal to continue it by default. But we can do that for future forks too. We can assume that we’re going to want to keep this, but if we decide we don’t want to keep it, we can get rid of it. However, I think just last time there wasn’t a lot of support for this. If there is support for doing transitory soft forks for consensus cleanups, I’m on board, I’m totally on board. And Jeremy, I’m glad you brought it up.
Jeremy Rubin: Yeah, I think also it is a design space. You can also do repealable soft forks, where it’s like 2016 consecutive miners, a majority, put in an OP_RETURN that says a pre-committed value of repeal, you know, x on bit 5. And then after that happens, then signalling starts in a month to disable a specific flag. So, it doesn’t necessarily even have to be automatic for it to be transitory. So it could be, these things live, but if we ever did want to repeal it, we could signal to repeal without permanently wasting a version bit. So, I think even something like that would be better for features, because you just need the active action for the thing to go away.
I think that the main difference I would draw is, like, the thing that happens automatically if a soft fork that’s a feature fork gets repealed, is all people relying on it get screwed over; and the thing that happens if a security soft fork gets repealed, that the network wasn’t exploited before it went live, is nothing, nothing happens. So, it’s just a difference of, do all users automatically get screwed who are still using that, or does nothing happen? And because, like, if 64-byte transactions became valid again after being invalid for SPV, we haven’t even seen 64-byte transactions, I think, live in blocks to exploit this issue.
Dave Harding: I don’t think we’ve seen anybody try to exploit the 64-byte transaction issue, because that requires a large investment of hashrate. We have seen transactions below 64 bytes. We had a discussion on that a few years ago where Electrum was actually, I think, accidentally creating those. But if you’re putting it in the hands of the miners, there could be incentives for them to do things like time warp. So, you’d have to have a user-activated soft fork to preserve the fix if that happened. Again, I think we’re probably getting into the weeds here. I think this is an interesting proposal. I think it’s something that people should really think about. I also still think people should think about it for future forks, but that’s just my perspective.
Jeremy Rubin: I’ll add one point in favor of Harding’s perspectives on repealing future forks, which is there are probably small tweaks that you could make to them that require it being invalidated, but would be good to add those small tweaks. One example would be with CTV. We have a 32-byte default argument that matches exactly one template. You could potentially make it match and try five different default templates, and that would only be doable if you repealed it and then reparsed it in exactly the same way. And it wouldn’t really negatively impact anyone, because people shouldn’t be necessarily relying on some particular, very specific hash value not being valid.
Quantum computer upgrade path
Mike Schmidt: Next item from our consensus discussion was titled, “Quantum computer upgrade path”, and this was an item spurned by Matt Corallo posting to the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list. He talked about adding to tapscript a new quantum-resistant signature-checking opcode, and there’s some details around that, but I’ll pass it to Dave to sort of outline what BlueMatt was thinking here.
So, I think this is something that’s come up a few times before, but the way taproot and tapscript work is that if you use a tap, if you use tapleafs, there’s a commitment to them from the output. And so, you can stick stuff in there that’s protected by a hash and hashes are less vulnerable to quantum computer attacks. So, Matt just said, if we come up with an idea for a quantum-safe signature format, even if we don’t necessarily allow using it at present, but if we fully specify it, then people can start to create tapleafs that use that quantum signature format. And after we discovered that quantum computers are able to make schnorr signatures, public keys, ECDSA or EC public keys unsafe, they can use the taproot tapleaf spending condition. And then Luke added that, again, we don’t actually need to do a soft fork at all for this, even one that’s not standard or anything. We can just have a really good specification. I personally am a little skeptical about that. I worry about competing specifications.
Then Tadge Dryja suggested a transitory soft fork that people who thought quantum computers were right on the horizon, we could have that with an automatic reversion in a few years, unless there was proof of a quantum computer. So, if somebody created a proof that quantum computers were able to recover EC public keys or EC private keys, we would automatically lock in that transitory soft fork. Otherwise, it would revert after five years. But of course, it could be renewed for another five years through community consensus. And again, I think we’ve had a lot of these discussions before, but this kind of just pulled them all together into a single thread.
Mike Schmidt: So, am I right, Dave, that the idea would be, in one of these tapleafs, it’s essentially like an escape hatch, right? So, you would transact as normal. You would not be using that quantum signature scheme, but it would be there in the scriptpath if you needed to use it at some point in the future, so people could feel confident that if something did happen, they wouldn’t, I guess, need to move their coins immediately. They would already have some sort of protection and something would then trigger the ability to use that new opcode, if there was thought that quantum was here?
Dave Harding: Basically correct. It would be there in case there was a surprise quantum computer. If you woke up tomorrow and discovered that the NSA had a quantum computer capable of recovering EC private keys, all of our money would be gone, at least all of our money that – well, there’s a couple of special cases where we wouldn’t necessarily lose money. But pretty much, everybody’s money would be gone. And so, people who were concerned about that would have the opportunity to create a tapscript that allowed them to spend using a quantum-safe algorithm. This works for your cold wallet. It doesn’t necessarily work for you in a contract protocol, unless the quantum-safe algorithm has the same properties as we already depend on in these scripts. So, if we’re just using plain CHECKSIG in a tapscript with no key aggregation, then you’re fine. But if you’re using key aggregation, these quantum-safe keys don’t necessarily have that property.
So, it’s something that you could do. I don’t know that it’s the best solution, but it’s something we should talk about. And it is there for people who are really concerned about quantum computers right now. And there’s certainly people there, and I can understand their legitimate concerns.
Mike Schmidt: Is Matt’s idea that that specified opcode that would be quantum resistant would be usable immediately, or would there be some event that would trigger the ability to use that scriptpath with that new opcode?
Dave Harding: That was discussed a bit in the thread. The problem with the quantum-safe algorithms is the signatures for them are very large compared to existing signatures. The degree to which they’re larger has come down a lot in the last ten years, but they’re still quite a bit larger than a 64-byte schnorr signature. So, we might not want to allow them to be used right away, just to prevent people from using up a lot of block space. On the other hand, we might want them to be used right away, just to make sure they work and people can use them in practice. You can see it both ways. It’s kind of a challenge. And we also don’t necessarily need to specify the particular signature algorithm, as long as we can specify the public key format, and we have a strong belief that will be usable with a future quantum-safe signature algorithm.
Jeremy Rubin: Yeah, I think one thing I would just want to add into the mix on the subject, is ZK proofs, like STARKS are quantum resistant, or at least can be, from what’s on the market right now, re-engineered slightly to be quantum resistant, I think if you use like a larger hash digest. So, that’s also probably a very viable path to deal with a lot of the size constraints, is to do a proof over all of the proofs in each transaction, and then have one aggregated proof per block; or when you’re a client catching up, one aggregated proof per month or something. So, I think that it’s probably more worth it to use whatever the best primitive is and then not worry that much about space constraints. And I think also, just accept that we can maybe make it into a soft fork, but it may just be simpler to do a hard fork. And quantum resistance is a really, really big change from how Bitcoin works. And one of the things that we’ll probably want to do is do a hard fork to commit to a terabyte big block to allow everybody to close and reopen in one go. I think that probably quantum will be a hard fork, not a soft fork for the given extant UTXO set.
Consensus cleanup timewarp grace period
Mike Schmidt: Our last item from the consensus segment is titled, “Consensus cleanup timewarp grace period”. And Sjors posted to the Delving thread that is discussing the great consensus cleanup that we referenced earlier. And the great consensus cleanup as proposed today says that the first block in a new difficulty period can’t have a time more than 600 seconds earlier than the last block of the previous period, to fix some of the time-warp issues. But Sjors, in his response, is suggesting a less restrictive limit, proposing 7,200 seconds instead of 600 seconds. Dave, what would be the advantages of having such a longer grace period?
Dave Harding: The advantage there would be that we don’t know exactly what software and hardware miners are running, and we don’t know exactly how it works. We have lots of guesses and sometimes we have open-source software that we can look at and poke at and see how it works. But not in all cases do we know how pools are set up. And it’s possible that there might be some software there that wouldn’t work with 600 seconds. It could generate a block that would be valid. It would be a valid block, but it would have a time too far in the future to be accepted by full nodes immediately, which could cause other miners to create competing blocks, even though that block exists and they might have received it. Other miners might keep competing blocks and that first minor with the weird software we don’t know about would lose their block reward.
I went through this this thread, and Antoine Poinsot makes some pretty strong arguments, if you look at them from a probabilistic perspective, that this is quite unlikely to happen, just because of what an attacker has to do. However, like Jeremy was saying earlier, we, as bitcoiners, think it’s really important for us to be concerned about confiscation risk. I know this isn’t exactly confiscation. This would be causing somebody to lose money by trying to fix a bug that has so far never hurt anybody.
Jeremy Rubin: The hashrate validation is constant.
Dave Harding: Yeah, I agree. And so, Sjors is posing a limit that’s much more liberal, in that sense. I don’t know how existing software, unless it already had a really severe bug, could have a problem with 7,200 seconds. 600 seconds, you can kind of imagine that it’s possible, even though it’s a low probability thing. With 7,200 seconds, you’re two hours in the past, you’re very unlikely to bump into convenient time pass restrictions anyway, if you’re moving time. So, this is just a proposal to be extra safe about this, to be extra careful about not invalidating hashrate, having a confiscation risk here. So, I thought it was an interesting discussion.
Mike Schmidt: I haven’t checked the Bitcoin-Dev Mining mailing list to see if something like this was posted there recently, but this would be a good discussion to solicit any sort of miners and mining pools, if they are currently doing something that could roll the timestamp into the future like that. If folks are curious, when miners are hashing, they may tweak the timestamp, and I think that’s the concern here, is that as they’re hashing, they’re tweaking that timestamp past that 600 seconds and their algorithms may run more frequently over that 600 seconds than is anticipated in Antoine’s 600 seconds here. Yeah, interesting discussion. We’re wrapping up this segment. Bob, I know you had a comment or question. Do you want to talk about covenants now, it sounds like?
Bob McElrath: Sure, I hadn’t planned to say anything, but since you guys got into the meta of covenants and activation and which covenant and how, I just thought I’d offer my opinion, which I don’t usually say, because I haven’t been weighing in on this topic for quite some time. I am a fan of covenants and the perspective of the aficionados is that, “Well, show me something that you can do damaging with it”, and I think this isn’t strong enough. We really need to have something that we actually need to do with covenants. And the number one case that everybody put out, and I put out, was using it for wallets and vaults, right? And unfortunately, this idea has kind of failed in the market. There’s a company, Liana, that tried to do this using a signing server to essentially achieve covenants, and they have basically failed in the market. I personally have failed at this. I tried to shill it at Fidelity, even presented a demo to the CEO. This went nowhere. The fact of the matter is vault-based wallets are far more complex, and in every scenario, I’ve seen at least three times in my personal experience, companies have chosen to use HSMs because they’re far more flexible.
So, in the absence of that, we need a really good reason to do this. My perspective on the entire covenants conversation has been very much, “I have a hammer and everything looks like a nail” scenario, and a lot of the use cases are that. They’re like, “Okay, here’s a hammer, what can I do with it?” But I would really love to see a really strong, really good, “We need this”, where everybody can get behind and say, “We need this”, right? I posted to the Delving list today an idea for using covenants for Braidpool. This is in line with Jeremy’s post he did years ago about what he called a mining pool, which really is kind of a method to do miner aggregation with covenants. I would love to see a covenant proposal that achieves that, and I think that would be a very strong motivator to do a covenant proposal. And if somebody comes along with that, I will put my weight behind it.
Mike Schmidt: Jeremy, do you have any thoughts on that?
Jeremy Rubin: Yeah. I’ll give three thoughts. One is a joke, I guess, is first to show that somebody really needs vaults, you need to show that somebody really needs Bitcoin. So, I guess that that’s maybe still an exercise left to the reader. But I think if you look outside the Bitcoin community, an example would be the Gnosis like safe wallet. It’s a vault, it has like $100 billion worth of assets. That’s just one vault implemented in Ethereum land. So, I think it’s probably not a facet of vaults not having market demand, it’s more a facet of what we’ve been able to produce in Bitcoin being convincing enough for people to want to use them. And especially with pre-signed vaults, the data storage requirements are hard for people to want to swallow that pill, because they kind of want a stateless backup generally. So, I think that that’s one aspect of why maybe those approaches have not been so popular.
I think the follow-on to your other point about mining pools is, skipping over, where does the Venn diagram of mining pool versus some scheme that miners collaborate on to coordinate payouts terminologies therein, I think most of the stuff that I wrote about in terms of mining pool payouts and aggregation is applicable. I think the difference between your mailing list post and what happens there is whether or not the aggregation happens as a result of the covenant executing to combine two UTXOs, or whether the coordination and cooperation of participants is sufficient. I think with CTV in particular, probably just CTV, you can set up a mining pool where in every template, you pay out based on recent participation to all miners who are a member to that pool. And then you create outputs over time that have payout trees to, let’s say the last 100 miners, or something like that, or however your pool works, you have all those payouts. And then, you would maybe exclude anybody who’s a DoS risk, so you only want well-behaved miners who are actually keyholders. Other people, if you’re not well-behaved, maybe you get excluded from getting included in the multisig. And then you can coalesce those multisig outputs into one and do one condensing transaction on some frequency to rebalance those outputs.
So, I think what you’re asking for, it’s maybe a long way of saying it, but I think it probably would work fine with just CTV. The main thing that you really need is being able to set up unilateral exits from a given output without requiring signatures. Requiring signatures for the setup of a covenant in mining is a non-starter, because it requires an interactive signature scheme in the loop of forming new block templates, which I think is probably not going to be popular. But if you have non-interactive, then you can probably, if everybody has the data for what would go into that output, as a member of the mining pool, you can probably successfully aggregate. And the aggregation can happen interactively, it doesn’t need to be non-interactive aggregation across those inputs.
Bob McElrath: Great. I didn’t want to get into design right here. I’d love to have your input, Jeremy. Anyway, just that’s all I had to say.
Mike Schmidt: Thanks, Bob.
Jeremy Rubin: Yeah, thanks, Bob.
BDK wallet-1.0.0
Mike Schmidt: Releases and release candidates. We have what we’ve promised listeners for a few months, I’ll put it that way, on a few RCs, which is BDK wallet-1.0.0. We covered the beta releases for BDK in the past months, we’ve also covered probably a lot of the BDK-related PRs that went into this release, the last beta being in December with the 1.0.0-beta.6 RC, which I don’t think we covered, but we have here Steve Myers to celebrate the BDK 1.0.0 release. Congratulations.
Steve Myers: Thank you. Congratulations to the whole BDK team and all of our users, and thank you for all of your months of covering our releases, our beta releases, our alpha releases. It has been a long journey for the team. Yeah, we’re a little behind schedule, probably like a year-and-a-half, but we got it out, we got it done. Yeah, the team put in a lot of work this year, this past year, and yeah, got to that 1.0 milestone. One of the things I know that came up in your prior newsletters was this question of what we meant by betas is, were they RCs? I guess I was thinking about it more from an enterprise point of view, where beta basically means it’s ready for our users to test it. So, I guess you could call that an RC. But we were still, up until the end, making still changes based on that user feedback, so we did get users that found stuff. We were really lucky to get Antoine to do an audit before we did the 1.0 and he found some issues.
One of those issues is, I think you have later down on the list, which is this performance issue. But yeah, so 1.0 is a big deal, and finally got it out. Now, we have our new challenge, and this is my challenge to everybody out there using BDK or interested in BDK, is to please, if you’re using pre-1.0, now is the time to upgrade to 1.0. And I’ll post a link in the chat here that maybe we can post somewhere. We do have a migration guide. It’s a beginning of a migration guide, but I think it’s a pretty good start. We, as part of the 1.0, wanted to have better documentation, everybody wants that. So, we have this thing called, “The Book of BDK”, and it’s more of a tutorial-style documentation. And one of the chapters is on migrating. The main issue for migrating is you just primarily want to get your data from the pre-1.0 database into the new 1.0 database, and then it all works the same. Of course, the APIs have changed over time also. But in terms of the actual migration steps, we have that there in the guide.
Yeah, so I don’t know what else you’re curious about with 1.0, but we did make some pretty big API changes. A lot of the highlights, I guess you would say, is better no_std support, which means better WASM support, better async support. So, if you’re doing an application, this is primarily for server-side stuff, where you might have a lot of users accessing a single wallet. Async is very important, so things like accessing your database in an async manner, accessing whatever your blockchain source is in an asynchronous manner, so this would be Electrum or Esplora; those have asynchronous options now without having to block the main wallet. A lot of refactoring was also meant to improve performance, although we still had some performance issue that I think is completely fixed now.
I also wanted to mention that one of the new features that’s still sort of experimental, but is very exciting, is rustaceanrob is one of our new devs and he created a compact block filter client. That’s something we had a very basic version of before, but we now have a much better, more complete one. And this is a relatively new development, so that’s why it’s kind of considered experimental, but it’s ready for testing and use. We also have much better RPC support. So, yeah, for folks that are more server-based that might have access to a core node, we have much better, more efficient RPC support, where you could be tracking a lot of UTXOs in just every block. We just scan each block, so it’s like a block-by-block synchronization of a wallet. So, we’re excited about that also. So, yeah, any questions at this point? Otherwise, I’ll mention a couple of shills where people can find us.
Mike Schmidt: Yeah, quick question for folks that are listening, maybe they follow along with some of the PRs with BDK and maybe they’re just not sure if they should consider using it or migrating it or building on top of it, who is the best fit sort of target audience for using BDK?
Steve Myers: Good question. So, we’d initially focused primarily on sort of single-user wallets, this would be mobile wallets. Examples there would be Bitkey as a mobile wallet that uses BDK. That would be a typical case, but we’ve gotten a lot more interest in server-based wallets. So, this would be something like, still single user-based, but running more on a server, so someone like Proton Wallet, so they run on a server. So, I think definitely if you’re making a mobile wallet, take a look at BDK, but I think also if you’re making any kind of application that might be on the server where you need a wallet.
Antoine even did an interesting experiment back a few weeks ago, where he used BDK Core as sort of the back end with BDK as sort of the consensus layer stuff. And then he used some of the, what did he call it? There’s basically some new APIs around the Core consensus module, like the modularization of Core. He used those APIs to talk to a BDK wallet for synchronizing wallet data. So, in the future, I could see people who want to make more high-performance wallets on more of a server back end could use a scenario like that.
But yeah, so I know what we’re really going for is we want to be a well-reviewed, open-source, free library that any businesses or individuals making apps that need a wallet can tap into. Of course, we’re descriptor-based, so that is, I guess, a limitation for some folks. Our BDK wallet library, that’s again something I should mention, is that originally the BDK library, pre-1.0, it was just called BDK. We’ve now split it up some more, so now it’s called bdk_wallet, if you’re on the Rust land, so look for that create, bdk_wallet. But underneath that, we have this lower-level thing called bdk_chain, which is really just focused on all the pieces you might need to track chain data. And that’s used at the higher-level wallet. But the reason I say that is you might have an application like, I don’t know, like Ark, for instance, that doesn’t necessarily use a traditional descriptor-based wallet, but still might be able to take advantage of some of the features in our chain crate to track UTXOs or to do coin selection, or things like that.
So, those components are now exposed that were not exposed before. So, I think it’s going to open us up to more esoteric Bitcoin applications beyond a simple wallet. We haven’t had anything like that ship yet, but I do see some of it on the horizon. But yeah, the quintessential case is anything that needs Bitcoin wallet onchain using descriptors. That includes taproot and all the features that, you know, we try as much as possible to stay consistent with the feature set of Core’s wallet. We may not be 100% there yet. We still have some features I’d like to implement in terms of privacy, and locking and unlocking, which is somewhat useful for some applications. But in terms of taproot support and descriptor support, miniscript, that’s where I think anybody building applications that need those features, we are there.
We also have a recent project that, I mentioned mobile. One of the things we spend a lot of time doing, in addition to the Rust library, is making a language bindings, which allows people to access primarily all of the features of BDK, but through Kotlin, or through Swift, or through Python. Those are the languages we focus on. And we have another team that’s working on JavaScript, so as a node; if you want to use it in node, that’s fairly new. And we also have, gosh, what’s it called? Google’s, I always forget the name of this language, it’s not Flash; it’s Flutter. So, there’s also a Flutter implementation that another team has built on top of BDK. So, yeah, we’re trying to be that resource in the ecosystem for people building tools in any of those platforms. Yeah, I basically said we want to make it available for everybody, is kind of the idea here. And it’s also a bit of a training exercise, like for instance, Python, we have people that might want to learn about Bitcoin, Python, you may not want to create an application, although we do have somebody who’s creating a very cool desktop wallet using Python and BDK. So, yeah, it’s sort of covering a lot of different application space there.
Mike Schmidt: Well, maybe the 1.0 milestone will get a few more folks interested. I’m glad you were able to come on and tell people about it. Congratulations.
Steve Myers: Thank you.
Mike Schmidt: We do have that BDK performance-related PR a little bit later.
Steve Myers: I’ll hang on for that. Thanks guys.
Mike Schmidt: Dave, did you have a comment? Okay, I couldn’t tell if you were raising your hand. All right, excellent.
LND 0.18.4-beta
Next release that we covered this week was LND 0.18.4-beta. This beta release includes four bug fixes that I saw, four RPC additions, and then there were eight PRs around a new feature to support custom channel functionality. There’s also this note about additional Bitcoin Core 28.0 compatibility testing. I saw in one of the comments or PRs, or maybe it was release notes, “Of note are the bitcoind v28.0 compatibility fix and an optimization for payment requests (invoices) that removes unnecessary size expansion. See full release notes for set of changes”. So, if you’re an LND user, check it out.
Core Lightning v24.11.1
Next release, Core Lightning 24.11.1. This is a minor release for Core Lightning (CLN). It included four fixes and four changes, most of which were around the xpay JSON-RPC and the xpay-handle-pay RPC. The PR notes, “This is a quick release due to the popularity of xpay, especially using the (reckless!) xpay-handle-pay option”. So, if you’re using any of those RPCs, you might want to check out this minor release.
Bitcoin Core 28.1rc2
Bitcoin Core 28.1rc2. We touched on rc1 briefly in Podcast #332, and I think we covered it also in #333. I am not aware of anything between rc1 and rc2. That doesn’t mean there isn’t anything, I just didn’t get a chance to dig into it. Dave, I’m not sure if you’re aware. Okay. All right. Well, I think Murch had the call to action last time we discussed the Bitcoin Core RCs, which was, “Please test them before they’re final”, because there’s at least some history of people just taking the final –
Dave Harding: Otherwise, it would be like LND, and you’ll have to put a release note saying, “Hey, we actually tested it in 0.18.4”.
LDK v0.1.0-beta1
Mike Schmidt: Good point. LDK 0.1.0-beta1. The release notes are forthcoming, is what I saw, without digging into the code itself and the PRs that were included with that. So, I don’t have a summary of that. I saw that the previous release was 0.0.125. So, with the 0.1.0, I’m not sure if there’s a change in version numbering there. I assume we’ll learn more shortly on that. Wasn’t able to get an LDK representative on to talk about this beta and the slew of LDK PRs later.
Bitcoin Core #31223
Notable code and documentation changes. Bitcoin Core #31223. This PR fix is an issue where if you were running multiple bitcoind instances using Tor, it would result in a crash. The common reason that someone might be running multiple nodes like this would be for testing. I’m not sure the other sorts of use cases, but that would be the common one. So, this has been an issue previously, where running multiple instances using Tor caused issues, but previously those Tor connections would just all go to the first node because they were all binding on the same port essentially. But with a recent 28.0, update it actually became a crash. So, this is a fix for folks who have multiple Tor nodes on the same machine.
Eclair #2888
Eclair #2888 implements a feature for peer storage, which is proposed as part of the BOLTs repository, currently an open PR, that’s PR #1110. And the peer storage functionality allows an Eclair node to store channel state for their channel peer, which could potentially allow a peer to keep using a channel, even after that peer lost local state for some reason, because its peer was nice and backed it up for them and provided it for them. There were a couple notes from t-bast on the PR, who was not the PR author but the reviewer, and he says a couple things. First, “I thought this was an easy PR, but as I dived into it, I think there are many subtle aspects that have a big impact on scenarios where users restore from seed. That’s why I have multiple comments that aren’t trivial, for which we need to decide how we’d like Eclair to behave”. And another quote saying, “I’m a bit afraid of the DoS risks associated with this feature”. I should note both of those concerning-sounding PRs were through the review process and they worked out all of those concerns. But if you’re curious of some of the details of why that could be thorny for Eclair, check out that PR and the commentary associated with it.
LDK #3495
LDK #3495, I have two different things I want to highlight. One was from the writeup this week, LDK #3495, “Refines the historical success probability scoring model in LN pathfinding by improving the probability density function (PDF) and related parameters based on real-world data collected from randomized probes”. So, that was our summary. The source material from the PR description had a bit of a writeup, and I thought a similar summary from there was also interesting, sort of iterating the same saying, “Utilizing the results of probes sent once a minute to a random node in the network for a random amount (within a reasonable range), we were able to analyze the accuracy of our resulting success probability estimation with various PDFs”, which was the probability density functions, “across the historical and live-bounds models”.
Dave Harding: I think we actually wrote up something about this before for LDK, when they started using those probes and started using them to refine their functions. I think this is a really useful approach for them to actually go out and do that testing and to see how it stacks up. I just really like seeing that, because this is something you can do on LN, is you can send probes that are basically free to send and see how your code actually stacks up. It’s not necessarily what your clients are using, because everybody has a slightly different view of the network in these sort of things, but it gives them a good basis for improving the code and making sure it works the way they expect it to. So, I’m very happy to see this testing-based improvement.
LDK #3436
Mike Schmidt: LDK #3436 moves the lightning-liquidity crate into LDK. Previously, that was in a separate repository under the LDK organization, and that lightning-liquidity crate contains a bunch of types and primitives to integrate a spec-compliant LSP with an LDK-based Lightning node. So, really just a little bit of reshuffling in there.
LDK #3435
LDK #3435 is a PR titled, “Authenticate blinded payment paths”. This PR fixes an issue where an attacker could potentially take a payment secret from a BOLT11 invoice issued by the victim node and then forge a payment. And I’ll paraphrase Jeff, who is the PR’s author here, and in the description when he says, “When receiving a PaymentContext from a blinded payment, the context must be authenticated. Otherwise, the context can be forged and would appear within a PaymentPurpose. In order to authenticate a PaymentContext, an HMAC and nonce must be included along with it. Upon receiving an HTLC (Hash Time Locked Contract) over a blinded path, ChannelManager can then authenticate it”. So, a few different pieces of LDK-specific jargon in there, but if you’re curious, you can jump into the details and generalize something like that a little bit more broadly.
LDK #3365
Another LDK PR, LDK #3365, which fixes the upgrade logic when upgrading from LDK 0.0.123 and prior. And that fix is to prevent scenarios where a couple of negative interactions between LDK’s internal handling of commitments between those various versions could cause issues. For example, before this PR, a situation could arise that would result in an assertion failure, if you’re in LDK’s debug mode, and a forced closure of the channel in production.
LDK #3340
LDK #3340 enhances LDK’s onchain transaction batching feature set. The PR is titled, “Batch on-chain claims more aggressively per channel”. Previously, LDK batched only non-pinnable claims, and this was to prevent risk around outputs that, if you claimed a bunch of outputs in a batch that might fail if one of the outputs was pinned, it would essentially be able to pin all of them. The PR noted, “However, if pinning is considered an attack that can be executed with a high probability of success, then there is no reason not to batch claims of pinnable outputs together, separate from unpinnable outputs”. I didn’t have anything else here, Dave. Did you dig into this one any deeper?
Dave Harding: A little bit. I think they were being very conservative before by saying, “If we have a pinnable output, let’s just do it individually”. And like you said, why not batch these together? If one of them is going to get pinned, you’re likely to get all of them pinned, because they’re probably all with the same counterparty. I didn’t check to make sure that was the case. But if you have multiple HTLCs and one of them is pinnable, they were all with the same counterparty, so that counterparty is probably trying to pin them all. And so, why not throw them all together? And again, you’re doing this within 12 blocks of the height, so they still have a little bit of time. They’re waiting until the end of the time before doing this. So, it seems like a useful thing. I hope they looked into it very carefully, would be my comment there.
Mike Schmidt: To your point, I think based on the PR title saying, “Per channel”, that it would be per counterparty. And there was, yeah, some discussion about the fact that an output can transition between unpinnable and pinnable based on block height. So, yeah, if you’re curious, jump into the PR. There’s some good discussion there.
BDK #1670
BDK #1670. Steve, you alluded to this a bit earlier, but do you want to double-click on that a bit and give us some details here?
Steve Myers: Yeah, I can give a little background on this. This was an issue that was found. This is a potential performance issue that was found by Antoine. It was one of these situations where it was a little bit of an edge case in the sense that it only came up in the scenario where you might have a lot of double spends, or like a very complicated tree of transactions that were double-spending each other. But because this could be done without waiting for those to get confirmed, it could just be in the mempool with this crazy cancellation tree, it was something that could be exploited. As far as we know, nobody ran into it, but we still wanted to fix it. Evan did a heroic job here at getting it really well spec’d out what the issue was and implementing a solution. And then, one of our new full-time devs, valuedmammal, did a really amazing job testing it. He created a whole benchmark framework. There’s a benchmark framework feature within Rust that he took advantage of and bottom line is, was able to get these.
So, the solution, just to kind of summarize what the solution was, we have this concept within BDK’s chain crate of canonical versus non-canonical, canonical meaning it’s in the best chain. And what we were doing before was we were checking every transaction when you did a transaction list individually to figure out if it was canonical or not. This improvement sort of just short-circuits that that says, if you’re canonical, then your ancestors are also canonical, so your parents are also canonical if you’re canonical. So, it sort of does some short-circuiting using that logic. And in valuedmammal’s testing, the performance went from milliseconds, and in some cases the tests didn’t even finish, so multiple seconds potentially, down to microseconds. So, it did solve the problem in a really great way. And yeah, we were happy to get that into the 1.0 release. So, like I said, I don’t think we had any users that ran into it, but I’m still happy to see we were able to get it fixed prior to the 1.0. And just in case anybody had any worries about complicated trees of transactions spending and re-spending each other.
BIPs #1689
Mike Schmidt: Great. Thanks, Steve. BIPs #1689 adds Discrete Log Equality Proofs, DLEQs, as BIP374. DLEQs can allow someone to prove that they can control a UTXO in the UTXO set without revealing the specific UTXO. We’ve talked about this on the show and in the newsletter previously. A different use case and the motivation for this PR was around another use case, which was proving a silent payment output was constructed correctly without disclosing a private key, specifically in the context of multiple parties creating a silent payment address and coordination between them. We had some discussion of this in Podcast #327, where we had the BIP author, Andrew Toth, on and he discussed the original BIP draft, so for further details, check out that episode. And we also have a DLEQ topic on the Optech Topics list as well, so please reference that if you’re curious.
Dave Harding: Yeah, just to quickly summarize what’s going on there, is when you’re creating a silent payment output, you have to use the recipient’s key, but you also have to use your own private key in there. If there’s multiple signers, everybody has to use their private key in order to derive the silent payment output. If they do it wrong, the silent payment output will be unspendable by the receiver, there’s just no way they’ll be able to spend it, and that money will be potentially permanently lost. So, this proof just makes sure that when there’s multiple cosigners, they all have assurances that everybody else generated the output correctly using their own private key, and that no money will be lost, but their receivers will get it. So, it’s a really powerful tool to have for multisig situations with silent payments.
BIPs #1697
Mike Schmidt: BIPs #1697, which updates BIP388 to add support for MuSig in descriptor templates. BIP388 is the BIP for wallet policies for descriptor wallets. This change involves some changes to the grammar to support MuSig expressions. So, if you’re using wallet policies, you can now, if your software is updated, use MuSig in those policies moving forward.
BLIPs #52
BLIPs #52. This PR and the one that we’re going to cover next are both additions to the BLIP repository based on specifications that originated from the LSP Spec group. We had Severin on, I don’t remember the episode or the newsletter number, but he was talking about this LSP Spec group. They have a series of specs that they’ve gone through, and these next two PRs that we’re covering are sort of upstreaming those to the BLIPs repository. The PR author noted, on a similar note, “As previously discussed on multiple occasions, the LSP Spec group is, however, moving to a BLIP-centric process, which is why we ‘upstream’ these previously-stabilized specifications here”.
So, this first PR, this BLIPs #52, specifies a protocol for communications between an LSP node and the LSP’s client. It uses BOLT8 and JSON-RPC as the mechanisms for that communication. And it’s essentially the LSPS0 spec from the Bitcoin and Lightning layer specs LSP repository that we’ve referenced previously.
BLIPs #54
BLIPs #54, similar to the previous PR, is the upstreaming of the LSPS2, which is the JIT channel negotiation spec from the LSP repository. It lets an LSP’s client with someone with no channels potentially to start receiving on LN without any channels, and the cost of that inbound liquidity is taken out of their received incoming payments. One thing not related to this PR, but Dave, I also noticed that there was an upstreaming of add BLIP51, which was the channel requests LSP spec, which is LSPS1. So, I guess for the audience, LSPS0, 1, and 2 were all merged into the BLIPs repository. And that LSPS1 is a specification for providing a standardized LSP API for wallets who wish to purchase a channel from an LSP direct.
Dave Harding: I don’t know how I missed that. Sorry, guys.
Mike Schmidt: So, I guess there’s three sort of similar, this upstreaming, it sounds to me like moving specs from the LSP repository into the BLIPs repository. So, there may be more of these, because I think I saw that there were more LSP specs that were in there that hadn’t moved yet. We’ll see. All right. Well, I think we can wrap up. We had a big one today. Steve, thanks for joining us. Congratulations on the BDK release. Thanks to Jeremy for joining us and Yuval as well and Bob for chiming in on his covenants and Braidpool perspectives. Dave, thanks for co-hosting this week. Thank you all for listening. Cheers.