Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #332 Recap Podcast
Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Antoine Riard and Antoine Poinsot to discuss Newsletter #332.
The Bitcoin Optech Podcast and transcription content is licensed Creative Commons CC BY-SA 2.0
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Mike Schmidt: Welcome everyone to Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #332 Recap. We’re recording on Riverside this week. We’re going to talk about a new transaction-relay jamming attack; we’re going to talk about the potential of a new fix being added to the consensus cleanup soft fork; and we have our usual Notable code segments and Releases and release candidates. I’m Mike Schmidt, contributor at Optech and Executive Director at Brink, funding Bitcoin open-source developers. Murch?
Mark Erhardt: Hi, I’m Murch, I work on Bitcoin stuff at Chaincode Labs.
Mike Schmidt: Antoine Riard.
Antoine Riard: Hi, I’m Antoine, I’m a long-term contributor to Lightning and Bitcoin Core and I’ve been active in this space since 2018.
Mike Schmidt: Antoine Poinsot.
Antoine Poinsot: Hi, I’m Antoine, I work at Chaincode Labs.
Transaction censorship vulnerability
Mike Schmidt: Thank you both for joining us this week to cover the two respective News items that you guys kicked off. First one is titled in the newsletter, “Transaction censorship vulnerability”. Antoine Riard, you posted to the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list the disclosure of a jamming attack that you’re calling, “Transaction-Relay Throughput Overflow Attacks”, and that type of attack, or two types of attacks, could target offchain protocols like Lightning. Antoine, can you describe the attack and its two different variations?
Antoine Riard: Okay, so we are going to get started. Should we start by a general reminder about offchain protocol security models like Lightning, and we explain how timelocks are useful and why do they matter?
Mike Schmidt: Yeah, I think you can give a little bit of context, if you can keep it fairly brief.
Antoine Riard: Yeah, yeah, I just don’t know what’s the level of the audience. Yeah, so basically in Lightning, we’re using timelocks for two main operations. The first one is when you do revoked transactions. At the transaction, you’re going to get a secret from your counterparty. And if this counterparty is ever going to broadcast a revoked chain state onchain, you do have creative timelocks encumbering these counterparty funds, and that gets you punished if you have to punish the counterparty. And there is a second main operation, which is where the timelocks are very useful. It’s for the second-stage HTLC (Hash Time Locked Contract) transactions, and we do have HTLC timeout as well as HTLC preimage. And the idea is like, I promise you an HTLC, and if you ever go offline or if you disappear, I can always broadcast my states and go to claim an HTLC before the timelock expires. Timelocks are at the very basis of insecurity models. When we talk about transaction-relay jamming, the idea is like, okay, can I present my counterparties to go onchain and confirm a state by just jamming the confirmation of the transactions until the timelock expires? So, that’s the basic idea with all this transaction-relay jamming stuff.
What is the transaction-relay throughput attack? It’s some kind of old, known concern. It was known for a while among a few people that in fact, you might be able to abuse, and you can abuse Bitcoin Core P2P stacks to just prevent your counterparty transactions over the network. And how do you do that? Well, the main tricks I explain in this writeup is exploring the fact that when you’re going to send an announcement to your Bitcoin Core peers, let’s just do some kind of pause and explain how the transaction relay works in Bitcoin Core.
So first, you’re going to send an announcement, so send an INV with a txid, or if you support BIP339, but witness txid. And when you receive that, like let’s say I send an INV txid to Mike, Mike is going to look up in his own inventories and say, “Hey, do I have already this transaction? Yes or no”. If you don’t have it, you’re going to do a getdata. I will receive this getdata, and if I’m honest, I will send you a transaction message and you do add transactions. And you’re going to validate a transaction, add a transaction to your mempool, and further relay as transaction over the network. So that’s how the transaction-relay P2P network works, if I’m correct, I’m not squeezing any state.
So, this transaction-relay mechanism is the one which is exploited. This scenario, where basically when we do an INV txid, we are going to sort them by feerates. So, we are going to take the highest ferrate with the highest ancestor score and send those txids. And you’re going to do this like every 3 to 7 seconds, something like this, because we don’t have the same trickle rate between inbound and outbound peers. And when you do that, in fact, if you receive far more transactions than you can actually flow out, at some point the low-feerate transactions are never going to propagate, even if they have been over your fee filters, so fee filter mechanisms. So, that’s how this attack works, where let’s say we are a Lightning counterparty and there is Alice and Bob and they do have pre-signed transactions, they pre-signed the stuff at 5 satoshis per vbyte (sat/vB), and what an attacker can do is now like, okay, I’m just going to propagate junk transactions at 6 or 7 sats/vB, just to get your transaction getting stuck into the internal inventory of your nodes. And these transactions are now propagating over the network. And you do that in loop until some kind of timelock expires.
Mark Erhardt: So, I have a question here. So, you described the attack as preventing the victim from being able to broadcast their transaction. But if you keep broadcasting very high-feerate transactions, you’re also competing for the block space. And could you describe what the advantage is of preventing the victim from broadcasting their transaction versus just buying all the block space? Because it seems like you’re doing both of it.
Antoine Riard: No, no, no. Yes, that’s a very good question. So, there is a trick which is mentioned in the article, is you can exploit mempool partitions. Because let’s say, Murch and Mike, you’re both Bitcoin Core nodes and you’re both broadcasting transactions, and there is no necessity that you have both – I can configure your mempool and I’m just going to broadcast like a 10 sats/vB parent A in Murch’s mempool and a 10 sats/vB parent B in Mike’s mempool. And then, I can spend on top of these parents all the traffic, which is going to reach the INV, which is going to overflow the throughputs of the inventory you can do throughout the time periods. So, you’re not going to buy the block space, you’re just going to overflow transactions through the… Yes, the attacker is going to overflow current traffic over your nodes, but this traffic, there is no necessity that it’s going to reconciliate and it’s going to learn some kind of miners’ block templates.
Mark Erhardt: Okay, basically you’re overwhelming the relay network with transactions that have a higher feerate than the victim’s transaction. And you can reuse transactions or replace transactions or have conflicting transactions go through the network, and that allows you to actually buy less than the total block space of the blocks that you prevent them from getting into.
Antoine Riard: Yes, exactly. I don’t know if you remember earlier this year, but I think it was Peter Todd who came with a few tricks to do free relay attacks, where actually you’re not going to pay for the bandwidth of what you’re relaying, but you can also exploit those kinds of vectors as building blocks of these attacks to lower your cost as an attacker.
Mark Erhardt: All right. Please continue.
Antoine Riard: Yes. So, that’s mainly the main idea. So, I came up with a proof of concept for high overflow and I tested on versions 27 or 28. And there is also the high-overflow variance, which is the low-overflow variance. And here, it’s more conceptual because we have not done real-world testing of it. And when you’re doing transaction relay, there is the way the sender is ordering the INVs, the inventory of txid, and there is also when I’m the receiving peer and I receive too much traffic, at some point I’m just going to discard traffic. And it’s our limit. It’s the same for all the Bitcoin Core nodes since version 2018 or 2019, it’s the MAX_PEER_TX_ANNOUNCEMENT, it’s a limit of 5,000. And here the idea is like, can you overflow this limit? And it’s more like an open question at the time of writing, we have not done extensive tests, because when you start to do that, you can play with a lot of topologies. There is no guarantee that if I start to – you can have up to 125 connections by default with Bitcoin Core, and if you start to overflow the traffic flow, not even the majority of it, but a certain number of connections, at some point you can observe there is a drift in the sense of the rest of your peers start to have a more and more consequential buffer of none of received txid, but non-processed. And that’s more like the high-overflow variance.
But the cost of the attack, so it was a very raw estimation. Timelocks, I’m talking here only for implementations, or I think Eclair is 100 intervals between the inbound HTLCs and outbound HTLCs; Rust-Lightning is something like 42; Core Lightning (CLN) I think is something like 30; LND, I think it’s also something like 40. But they do have also some kind of dynamic selection mechanisms for, like, say relative timelocks on conditional transactions.
Mark Erhardt: So, regarding that second attack, you’re flooding in the sense that you’re just sending a ton of transactions. And when the queue of unrequested transactions goes to high, they will no longer accept new inventory announcements, I think. But this is per peer, right? If you have, you said we’re looking at up to 125 peers, of course, and the attacker controls some of those, but usually not all of them. So, if they flood only their outbound, probably all of their outbound connections, because you would just add transactions to the node, those transactions will propagate. But what prevents another node to send the honest transaction? Is that why it’s less reliable?
Antoine Riard: So, you have to keep in mind you do have the Mallory, Alice and Bob transaction-relay topology. And Mallory is going to inject junk traffic on Alice to overflow the transaction-relay connection between Alice and Bob. And there is, like, if you do that on sufficient peers – in this attack, Alice is the original transaction issuer. Let’s say Alice is an LSP or a Lightning node, or running some kind of coinjoin coordinator, or something like that, and is the only one originally broadcasting the transactions. So, yes, one of the ways to mitigate that is actually, the rest of the network receiving the transaction, let’s say, from another transaction broadcast mechanism. But right now, it’s not something standard, in the sense of it has been discussed also in the past for like time-duration attacks to have redundant transaction-relay broadcast mechanisms, but it’s not something very standard in Lightning software.
Mark Erhardt: I see. So, this attack would be mitigated pretty easily by having a second broadcast avenue, and not just relying on your main node to be participating in the network, and also being the sole source of broadcasting?
Antoine Riard: Yes, yes, I can dig into that. But one of the main intuition is as an attacker, all my junk traffic is going to reflect or relay for all the honest peers, in a sense of this overflow is going to be like, if I uniquely announce the transaction to Alice, like let’s say in Mallory, and I’m crafting the transaction to be unique in the network, there is no way the peers get them from another, someone else. And that means, all this junk traffic would have to go through Alice and we’d have to overflow all the honest links of Alice. But it’s the same unique traffic. So, that’s the easiest mitigation, or at least most intuitive one, like we’re talking about it’s over-provisioning transaction-relay throughputs with adjacent full nodes where, yes, so let’s say you’re an LSP or, like a big, unique hub, and you will have ideally, you’re going to separate your full node doing block relay and your node doing transaction relay. And your node doing transaction relay is not going to take inbound connection from the outside, and will just have outbound connections open to special nodes. And yes, ideally, you’re going to open adjacent full nodes through your transaction-relay nodes, and that way, you’re going to increase your max capacity and make the attack more costly for an attacker.
Mike Schmidt: Antoine, I have a question you can help clarify. Maybe it’s just my understanding, but for the high-overflow variant, if I want to get a transaction broadcast and someone’s trying to use this high-overflow variant, they’re going to send me 1,000 unconfirmed transactions or more and they’re going to be perhaps a higher feerate than the one that I would like to broadcast. And because Bitcoin Core doesn’t give any preferential treatment to my transaction, then it gets behind on that queue. So, I mean just, I guess, the maybe naïve version would be, “Well, hey, if it’s my node, put my transaction in there at least at 999, or something like that”, right?
Antoine Riard: Yeah. So, it doesn’t appear in the reports, but we talked about it among the coordination group, yes. Like, you know in the past, there was this idea of priority fees in Bitcoin Core, where you were able to bless your transactions, to favor its propagation, something like that?
Mike Schmidt: Yeah, wasn’t that something about the age of the UTXOs, or no?
Antoine Riard: There was something like that too, but in my memory it’s something different.
Mark Erhardt: No, it’s a prioritized transaction. So, you give a transaction in your own mempool and elevate it to virtual feerate.
Antoine Riard: Yes, that’s what I’m talking about, which has been removed years ago.
Mark Erhardt: No, no, no, that still exists. Are you talking about coin age priority which was removed, or are you talking about prioritized transaction to change the virtual feerate of transactions in your mempool?
Antoine Riard: I think I’m talking about prioritized transactions.
Mark Erhardt: That still exists.
Antoine Riard: Is there an RPC for that?
Mark Erhardt: I’m pretty sure that still exists.
Antoine Poinsot: It does exist still, I just checked.
Antoine Riard: You just checked? Okay. So, yeah, I went through the whole priority cut when I was working on that. And, yes, so ideally you could use that for, like, prioritize the fees of your own traffic.
Mike Schmidt: Does that affect relay or does that just affect –
Antoine Riard: That’s a good question. Let me check the code.
Mark Erhardt: It does affect relay, I think, because it treats the transaction as if it has a higher feerate in your mempool. But it shouldn’t overwhelm filters. So, if a connection says, “Don’t send me anything over 12 sats/vB”, and it’s below that, you wouldn’t send it. But it might affect relay priority. That’s a good question. Maybe we can find that out offline.
Antoine Riard: Oh yeah, prioritized transactions. We do have an RPC in our RPC mining. Yes, prioritized transactions.
Mike Schmidt: Yeah, I guess the question is, if that affects in this scenario with this 1,000 unconfirmed-transaction limit, does that move it up or down?
Antoine Riard: If it does affect relay, in my understanding, it would improve the issue, at least for the high overflow.
Mike Schmidt: Okay, all right. Well, I mean it sounds like there’s more to dig into as well. We noted in the newsletter writeup that this disclosure happened pretty close to the newsletter publication, and so there may be some more discussion on this that we dig into in the future. Antoine, anything that you’d say to wrap up this news item before we move on?
Antoine Riard: To wrap up that, yeah, it’s not said very explicitly in the report. It’s only talking about in the report, but most of the analysis should hold for other contracting protocols, like coinjoin, payjoin, wallets with timelocks, submarine swaps, what else? Onchain DLC. Yeah, anything which is using timelocks is very likely also affected. It depends on the timelock durations, but that’s my final point.
Mike Schmidt: Antoine, thanks for joining us. You’re welcome to stay on. I think there is a mention of an LND PR related to HTLC endorsements and channel jamming, if that’s curious to you, you can stay on. Otherwise, if you need to drop, we understand.
Antoine Riard: I can stay until like ten minutes more.
Continued discussion about consensus cleanup soft fork proposal
Mike Schmidt: Okay. Our second news item this week is titled, “Continued discussion about consensus cleanup soft fork proposal”. Antoine Poinsot, you followed up to the Delving Bitcoin thread on the great consensus cleanup saying, “I think the Consensus Cleanup should include a fix for the Murch-Zawy attack”. We covered the Murch-Zawy Time Warp attack in Newsletter #316 and, Murch, I think you represented the research on that in that Podcast #316 discussion. But Antoine, perhaps you can describe this new attack for us?
Antoine Poinsot: Yes, I think it’s more useful maybe to give an intuition of what this attack performs and how it relates to the existing time warp vulnerability and what would be the fix for this new attack. As a quick recap for the time warp vulnerability, the issue is that the retarget periods considered by the Bitcoin protocols for the difficulty adjustments do not overlap. The last block in a difficulty retarget period is not the first block for the next one. It means that it is possible, because the time that is going to be taken into account by the protocol to consider the time it took to mine the 2,016 blocks, is going to be the time of the first block in the period and the time of the last block in the period. So, it’s possible to have the last block of one period be very far in the future as much as you can. So, currently by protocol rules, it’s 2 hours in the future, and immediately have the first block of the next period be as far back in the past as you can. So, that’s why it’s called a time warp, because you’re going back in time when you go at the next period.
So, the fix for this attack, which was already included in the original proposal for the consensus cleanup, is to tie the timestamp of the last block in a period to the timestamp of the first block of the next period, so that you cannot go back in time or you can only go back in time by a tiny amount, such as it’s safe to roll out for miners, but it does not enable an exploit of time warp. This second issue, so the time warp attack requires a majority of the hashrate to collude, but it’s still fairly achievable and pretty catastrophic if exploited to the full potential. This new attack is more theoretical but enables the same impact. So, it will be harder to roll out, I think, but enables the same impact as the time warp vulnerability, which is to drastically reduce the difficulty of mining, such as you end up with a very, very low difficulty, which makes it hard for the network to converge in the end.
This new attack exploits the fact that the retarget for the difficulty is going to be clamped by 4. Between 2 difficulty periods, the difficulty cannot be bumped by more than 4 times or divided by more than 4. So that’s what, at the end of the day, this attack is going to exploit. So, the attack goes like that. Murch, I need to speak under your correction, but the miner mines the first 2 weeks of blocks and is going to put the last timestamp as far in the future as possible. So, the first period is still publishable.
Mark Erhardt: They keep the timestamp back of all blocks, and only the last block they put 8 weeks into the future.
Antoine Poinsot: Okay, so they cannot publish the last block?
Mark Erhardt: They actually cannot publish the last block of the first attacker period yet.
Antoine Poinsot: Yeah, so they hold back the timestamps for one period. Last block, they put it very high in the future, so it means that at this point, the miner starts mining on –
Mark Erhardt: According to the difficulty, yeah.
Antoine Poinsot: – without publishing their block, like they’re hiding their block. Whereas with time warp, they’re always still publishing their block and the network just accepts them because it’s broken. But with this new attack, they just hide their block and because it was for 8 weeks in the future, it divides the difficulty by 4. So, they start mining the next period, so it’s going to take 2 weeks divided by 4 to mine the next block period, and they still do the same. So, they still put it 8 more weeks in the future, so the last block in the next period is going to be 16 weeks in the future. And so, it will make it possible to still reduce the difficulty by a factor of 4. And they are going to keep doing that until the real clock time is going to be –
Mark Erhardt: Let me jump in here briefly.
Antoine Poinsot: Yeah, go.
Mark Erhardt: They keep the timestamps of all blocks in the past as far as possible, and you only have to increase the timestamp block of every sixth block by one second. So basically, they can keep the timestamp of all the blocks of the attacker chain at the time that they started the attack, with some minuscule increase in seconds. Then in the first difficulty period, they set the last block to 8 weeks in the future. And because the first block of the next difficulty period is clamped to it, that one also has a timestamp of roughly 8 weeks in the future. And then, in the second difficulty period, they keep all the blocks in the past again, except for the first one. And then the last one, they set 16 weeks in the future. Because another 8 weeks have passed, between 8 weeks and 16 weeks, they reduce the difficulty again by a factor of 4. So, they are now at one-sixteenth of the original difficulty.
Then, in the third difficulty period, and here that’s the part that was missing, they start with a very high future time, 16 weeks in the future, but then they set the last timestamp in the difficulty period to the most in the past that they can, so to the time of the start of the attack. That means that the difficulty is increased by a factor of 4, because now -16 weeks passed for the third difficulty period. But because the difficulty adjustment is clamped to a factor of 4, it can only increase up to factor of 4 or reduce by a factor of four, they can basically go forward in 2 steps and reduce the difficulty by a factor of 16, and then go back in a single step and increase the difficulty only by a factor of 4. And that allows them now to repeatedly reduce the difficulty by another factor of 4, increasing the speed at which they’re mining blocks by a factor of 4 every 2 difficulty periods. And that allows them to still produce a chain that roughly has the same total difficulty, but mines a ton of blocks in a very short period of time with an increasing pace. And eventually, we have the same outcome as with the original time warp attack, where they can just reduce the difficulty to minimum and just blot out any other participant in the network by broadcasting blocks so quickly.
So, they can collect more fees because they have more block space, if the blocks are full in the defender chain, and they can collect all of the subsidies of blocks. So, the attacker is potentially making more money than 50% of the network, up to more than 100% of what the other network is earning, the defending chain, but they have to be in secret for 16 weeks, roughly. Actually, longer, right? Because they – well anyway, they can only publish the attacker chain when the timestamp is 16 weeks progressed. So, the attack requires an extreme amount of selfish mining in private where they have to continue to hold roughly 50% of the hashrate. So, it’s extremely unlikely to be used, but it still works even when the last and the first block at the end of a difficulty period to the start of the next one are clamped together. Okay, back to you.
Antoine Poinsot: Yes, I think the main observation also that Murch pointed out, even if you didn’t understand the whole attack from just a note here, if you look at the table for each block and the difficulty of this block, you would be able to understand the attack pretty quickly. But the other important thing to understand and to take away from this podcast is also that the time warp fix does not fix this attack. That’s why Murch’s description of the attack assumes that the first block is clamped to the timestamp of the last block of the previous period. So, yeah, that’s it. And the fix for this is also as simple as the fix for the time warp. Pretty much like we tied together the first block of a period with the last block of the previous period, for this fix, it’s to say that the last block of one period can never have a timestamp that is lower than the first block of the same period, which makes absolute sense. Why would a block 2,016 blocks later, have a timestamp lower than the block 2,016 blocks before. It’s also, as far as I know, never happened. On mainnet, it would be very safe to roll out. Yeah, and we’d completely prevent this attack.
So, I took also the Bitcoin Optech Newsletter when you mentioned that – yeah, sorry, go ahead, Murch.
Mark Erhardt: So basically, we’re just requiring that a difficulty period at least takes one second; 2,016 blocks should take more than one second. And this prevents you from doing the going overly back in time thing in a difficulty period, which allows you to exploit the clamp, right? Where you previously were going down a quarter down to a sixteenth in 2 steps and then back up a factor of 4, but resetting the time so you could reuse the time span, this doesn’t work anymore because you’re going back is inhibited to not going back at all. You can’t go negative time in a difficulty period.
Mike Schmidt: I think when this discussion came up in #316, it was around testnet4. Is testnet vulnerable to this attack and is anyone doing any shenanigans with that?
Antoine Poinsot: I’m not aware of anyone exploiting it.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, we have not seen time warp on any Bitcoin-related network, I think. I don’t know if any altcoin has ever experienced a time warp attack or anything.
Antoine Riard: It did happen on, like, it was Vertcoin or something like that?
Antoine Poinsot: Verge, yeah, on Verge, yes.
Mark Erhardt: Was that the same as the big reorg attack? I thought that, was it, I seem to remember that I thought it was Verge coin had this 1,000-block reorg, but I’m not sure if they also did a time warp at the same time, did they?
Antoine Poinsot: I am pretty sure that there’s a Verge somewhere, a time warp.
Mark Erhardt: Cool, all right. So, in the newsletter, we mentioned that some other people had other ideas about how this attack would be fixed. Do you want to get into that a little bit?
Antoine Poinsot: Sure. So there, we had a lot of ideas about a lot of attacks and a lot of fixes for this specific issue. I do not think all of them are applicable to today’s Bitcoin and it would not be realistic to do a lot of the recommendations. One of them was potentially applicable to today’s Bitcoin, which is basically what we are saying when we want to say that one period takes at least one second, is that we enforce monotonicity between the first block of a period and the last block. And what he was saying, “Well, actually, we could just enforce monotonicity between every block in the period. And this way we have better timelocks and blah, blah, and we have better things”. And AJ was like, “That’s probably safe to do, because we have ten minutes between each block. It’s not like we have ten-second block intervals, so it could cause a coordination issue”.
I feel like the entire difficulty adjustment algorithm only relies on two timestamps, which is the first and the last block of periods, and that’s where the issue lies. And I feel like we are fixing Bitcoin on the fly here. So, I think we should go for the safest, simplest fix that entirely fixes the attack. So, maybe it would be nice to have to have monotonicity between each block, but not fixing on the fly, yes.
Mark Erhardt: So, what would be potential problems if every block had to have a higher timestamp or same timestamp as the previous block? That would mean that if someone starts doing shenanigans with the timestamp and broadcasting a block with a timestamp of up to two hours in the future, of course all of the subsequent blocks would have to adjust to that and basically regenerate from that in the next two hours. As blocks are found, the timestamps get closer to the real time again. But I think that AJ also mentioned the idea of requiring that no timestamp can be more than two hours earlier than the previous block, which matches the two-hour window. It does not, I think however, fix the Murch-Zawy time warp attack, because if you just go back two hours in every block, like from block 1 to block 2,016, you can go back 4,000 hours, and that should be probably more than 8 weeks, right?
Antoine Poinsot: Well, if you require one second more every time, yes, you can still do it a little bit, because you have 7,200 seconds and you have only 2,016 blocks. I’m not sure.
Mark Erhardt: So, my calculator says that if you can go back two hours in every block, you can actually achieve – never mind, the MTP prevents that, because your last 11 blocks would then never be more. Yeah, okay, never mind, you can’t hold back a timestamp that way anymore, so that does prevent the issue.
Antoine Poinsot: It’s fine, because you can just keep it two hours. The first block is two hours back from the current time, then the next block is the same, then you arrive at the sixth block where you need to put it two hours plus one second, and then you have a budget of six more blocks, and you do that, and you just need to bump by one second basically, so it doesn’t prevent it entirely.
Mark Erhardt: Well, I’ll have to think more about it, but if you can’t go more than two hours back and you always look at the last 11 blocks, putting the last and first block at a difficulty period edge to the actual time, or a future time, would mean that you can only move back six times two hours from that point. Because with each step, you can only go back two more hours, and then at some point, your MTP will catch up. So, you can’t go back more than I think 12 hours is my intuition, but I’ll have to verify that. We’re also getting super in the weeds here!
Antoine Poinsot: Yeah, we are. And I think it’s a good illustration of my point. It’s like the bell curve IQ meme, right? Just prevent negative timestamp for one period. Actually, we can make it monotonicity between each block, and actually it would cover the attack, but it just makes it harder to reason about and actually just avoids for it to be negative.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, and it has potential other second-order effects that we have to think through. Maybe some mining hashrate wouldn’t notice that they have to always match at least the last block minus two hours, or people might publish invalid blocks and lose money; or maybe our timestamps would get stuck two hours in the future all the time for some reason that I’d want to think more about, but things like that pop in the mind that need to be checked.
Antoine Poinsot: Yes, so tl;dr, my opinion on this is that it’s probably applicable, but I think it would be more reasonable to do if we were to design Bitcoin from scratch, and not if we are trying to fix it on the fly. Can I talk to the last item on the newsletter, or do we have anything else on the timestamps?
Antoine Riard: Just the thing is, a block wouldn’t be valid if it’s more than two hours in the past compared to your local world clock.
Mark Erhardt: So, there’s two restrictions on the timestamp. One is nodes do not accept blocks that are timestamped more than two hours in the future from their own time. And the other one would be, that was one of the proposed solutions, that you cannot go back more than two hours from the timestamp of the predecessor block.
Antoine Riard: You cannot go back?
Mark Erhardt: Like, if the last block was mined at noon today, then you can’t have more than 10.00am today as the next block timestamp.
Antoine Riard: The last block was 10.00pm, the next block cannot be as 11.00am? That’s the idea? Yeah, I mean it sounds super-risky because now I can just, especially if you have a difficulty period where the difficulty is going down, I can mine cheaper blocks and use them to restrict, I don’t know.
Mark Erhardt: You would still have to adhere to the MTP rule. So, if the last 11 blocks have timestamps that are lower…
Antoine Riard: Yeah.
Mark Erhardt: Well, anyway, so it would be a second restriction on it. You can’t go back more than two hours than the previous block. Yeah, anyway, I think we’re reopening the same conversation again that Antoine and I had just before.
Mike Schmidt: Antoine, did you want to talk about the duplicate transaction component?
Antoine Poinsot: Yes.
Mike Schmidt: Okay, go ahead.
Antoine Poinsot: Yeah, very quick. I think we already discussed it back when you had me on, when I published the research on the consensus cleanup. I think it would be nice to make coinbase unique, base transactions unique, from now on, such as we do not have to re-enable the check for duplicate transaction in the future, which is something like 20 years from now. But if we’re going to do a cleanup soft fork, there is very simple fix that we can include, such as bitcoin transactions are actually unique again, so that’s cool. However, it requires slightly tweaking the coinbase transaction. So, I was just curious if there was any reason I was not aware of that one way of fixing it would be more complicated for miners to roll out than another. So, I posted to the Bitcoin-Mining-Dev mailing list to gather opinions about various possibilities to fix this.
I’ve got one reply from one person, I’m not sure from what organization though, but they said that this did not pose any of the fix, did not pose particular issue or should be preferred over another. So, various fixes have also interesting features that would be nice to have. So, if they’re the same, other things equal, we could probably favor one which allows, for instance, to take the block height value from the locktime field of a coinbase transaction without having to parse the scriptSig. That would be nice to have. Yeah, so that’s it, it was mostly a request for feedback from mining pools.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, so please, if you’re interested in or if you run mining operations and you’re familiar with the restrictions on coinbase transactions in your block template creation or hardware, and if there’s any restrictions on this, please chime in and let protocol developers that are proposing to potentially add more restrictions to coinbase transactions, please let them know if you would not be able to adhere to them or implement them. Other than that, I have a question while I have you here, Antoine. If you put the locktime to the current block height, that would of course be invalid if the sequence enforces that the locktime to be active, because the locktime in a transaction shows the last block that cannot include a transaction if the locktime is active. So, essentially you would be restricting both the sequence value to the max value, which disables the locktime, as well as the locktime field to a specific value. Did anyone previously set other values there? Why aren’t people using that for entropy or something? That seems like such an available field in coinbase transactions.
Antoine Poinsot: Yeah, I don’t know. I suggested to use the sequence final as well, on the Delving post, as you know. I think I’m coming around to just putting the block height minus one in the in the locktime field instead because, hey, we’re already constraining 4 bytes, so let’s keep the 4 bytes from the sequence free to be used by anything in the future. Or, as you mentioned, if anybody has some codes to actually use it today, let’s not make it invalid.
Mark Erhardt: One more question. So, another option would be to require that the coinbase transaction uses v2 or v3 for whatever reason. Maybe not v3 because that would limit the size of the coinbase transaction, but v2. Is there any downsides to that? That seems like a very clean, very simple fix.
Antoine Poinsot: V3 would not limit the size of the coinbase transaction. It’s only a standardness rule, right?
Mark Erhardt: That is correct, yes. You are most correct. You’re technically correct, which is the only way of being correct.
Antoine Poinsot: Yeah, the downside is that currently you can have software that might be interested in learning the height of a block just from the coinbase transaction, and right now it requires parsing the scriptSig of the coinbase transaction, which is mildly annoying. That’s feasible, but it’s a bit annoying. If you could just, from the header of the coinbase transaction, be able to learn the block height of the block, which is the nLockTime field in the coinbase, it’s in the header of the coinbase transaction, it would be neat. So, let’s say the trade-off here is we can just constrain 1 bit in the version of the coinbase transaction and we would fix the bug. But if we were to trade 4 bytes, we could also have this neat way of querying the block height of a transaction.
Mark Erhardt: Okay, let me spitball you something. Why not put the block height in the version? I think it’s just non-standard, right, not invalid to have higher versions?
Antoine Poinsot: Yeah, I think it’s possible. Didn’t I mention it? I think I mentioned it.
Mark Erhardt: I’m sorry, I read it like weeks ago. I didn’t read it again before our podcast, but anyway, okay. So, there’s lots of options.
Antoine Poinsot: Oh, wait, no, no. Because there are weird constraints from earlier soft fork about block versions. So, we will have to see if the…
Mark Erhardt: Right. People, people will signal for…
Antoine Riard: Before BIP9 we were using…
Mark Erhardt: That’s in the block version, not in the transaction version, right?
Antoine Poinsot: So, I think by consensus, we reject block with block version. Oh yeah, no, that’s block versions. No, no, that’s nonsense, sorry.
Mark Erhardt: Okay. Let’s do on-the-fly protocol development some other time, I think. What do you think, Mike, have we covered this news item sufficiently?
Mike Schmidt: Yeah, yeah, this is great. So, I think the call to action here, Antoine, is you’ve posted on Delving, you’ve posted on the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list, and you’ve also posted on the Bitcoin development miner mailing list to solicit feedback on the approach here. So, if you’re affiliated with a mining organization, you should take a look at one of those places and opine accordingly, even if you don’t have further thoughts. Anything else Antoine?
Antoine Poinsot: No, I don’t have anything else. And of course, if you’re listening to this and feel not comfortable maybe shaming in public or opinionating on the protocol, and you want to reach out about that, I’m happy to discuss what the potential impact to your mining business could be of this. So, yeah, reach out in any way possible. If a miner is listening to this, reach out in any way possible.
Mike Schmidt: I was excited. I saw the discussion and I went to post on the Mining-Dev mailing list, and you had already posted. So, thank you.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, and I was confused because I didn’t see it, because he sent in the same email to the Mining-Dev mailing list and Bitcoin-Dev and then sort it into the Bitcoin-Dev field.
Mike Schmidt: Thanks for joining us, Antoine. You’re welcome to stay on or drop if you need to. Releases and release candidates. We have all the major LN implementations having a Release or release candidate this week, which I think is a first.
Eclair v0.11.0
First one, Eclair v0.11.0, which adds official support for BOLT12 offers. It also stops accepting non-anchor channels, and it adds a bunch of features around liquidity management that we spoke about with t-bast previously. Many of those PRs were from Newsletter #323. We had t-bast on in Podcast #323. He did a great overview of the features there, so I figured we wouldn’t bother him to do that again here. So, refer back to that episode for the details. I really recommend you listen to that segment, which included a discussion of liquidity ads, on-the-fly funding, and fee credits as well.
LDK v0.0.125
LDK v0.0.125. This is a bug fix release. It looked like it had four bug fixes. The most important bug fix that was noted was a fix for a bug that happened when you were upgrading to the previous version, v0.0.124, and during that upgrade process, it could cause unintended force closures of channels. And the details were beyond my understanding but check out the release notes if you’re curious about that, or just jump to 125.
Core Lightning 24.11rc3
Core Lightning 24.11rc3, which follows from our coverage of this RC2 from last week. And I see, as of yesterday, this 24.11 is actually officially released. So, I’m going to reach out to the CLN team to see if someone would like to join us perhaps next week when we cover the official release and can discuss that.
LND 0.18.4-beta.rc1
LND 0.18.4-beta.rc1, which is an RC that we covered last week, so refer back to that. Also, test your RCs please.
Bitcoin Core 28.1RC1
And last release candidate, Bitcoin Core 28.1RX1. I have in my notes here a link to the release notes, but I wanted to punt to Murch if you had any commentary on this RC.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, I looked at it briefly. So, this is the latest in the major 28 branch, which is of course the release that just came out in October. It looks like there’s just six bug fixes and there is some, I don’t know, nothing too major. If you are on the 28 branch, I would suggest that you check whether any of those fixes are relevant for you. And generally, you want to be on the latest version. Other than that, it’s just a maintenance release.
Bitcoin Core #30708
Mike Schmidt: Notable code and documentation changes. Bitcoin Core #30708 adds a getdescriptoractivity RPC that gets all the transactions associated with the descriptor within a set of blockhashes. It gets the activity. So, you parse in a list of blockhashes and get back from the RPC all the events for that descriptor, including spends and receives relevant to that descriptor. If someone’s not familiar with the scanblocks RPC, your first question would be, “How do you know which blockhashes are relevant to your descriptor?” And there is an RPC for that as well. The scanblocks RPC was added to Bitcoin Core in 2022, which given a descriptor, will give you a list of blockhashes that contain activity for that descriptor. So, you can use those two in conjunction.
Mark Erhardt: So if you, for example, had multiple descriptors on your wallets, you could use this to only look at the activity regarding one. For example, if you give someone a pubkey or a descriptor that they always paid to, you would that way sort of have an account-like feature after the account feature was removed in Bitcoin Core a few years ago.
Core Lightning #7832
Mike Schmidt: Core Lightning #7832 changes CLN’s behavior around anchor transactions. So, previously in CLN, if a commitment transaction didn’t have any HTLCs and wasn’t urgent, CLN didn’t create an anchor at all, which could cause issues, since CLN didn’t provide a good way for users to do this themselves. So, with this PR, CLN will now create a low-priority anchor for these low-fee unilateral closes, even if there is no urgency. And so, I think we noted in the newsletter –
Mark Erhardt: And when you say, “Will create an anchor”, you mean a transaction that spends the anchor output, right?
Mike Schmidt: Yes. And the approach is a 2,016 block, so two-week block target, and then slowly going down over time to that 12-block fee target over time.
Antoine Riard: That way, if you don’t agree with the point of priority on like a closing feerate for your channel, you can go with the lowest one and just like fee bump it with the CPFP.
LND #8270
Mike Schmidt: Thanks Antoine. Now LND #8270, the quiescence protocol PR. The quiescence protocol, essentially the way I think about it is it just pauses a channel for a period of time while larger changes to the channel can happen. One such change would be, for example, for splicing, and quiescence is a requirement for splicing. This PR is part of a series of PRs implementing dynamic commitments in LND, and it follows from the quiescence protocol updates in the BOLT specs that we covered earlier this year, in Newsletter #309. And the quiescence protocol is actually a prerequisite for dynamic commitments.
Mark Erhardt: And dynamic commitments is a channel commitment upgrade mechanism.
Mike Schmidt: That’s right. One thing to note that I saw from the writeup here, “This PR does NOT include a mechanism for timing out a quiescence session. This means that if we have an intentionally or unintentionally uncooperative peer, the channel will remain quiesced indefinitely”.
Mark Erhardt: That seems kind of dangerous.
Mike Schmidt: It did to me, so I thought I would note it.
Antoine Poinsot: Well, your peer can always decide to stop responding to messages.
LND #8390
Mike Schmidt: LND #8390 adds the ability for LND to set and relay an experimental field that signals endorsement of the HTLC. We note in the newsletter, “If a node receives an HTLC with the signaling field, it will relay the field as is; otherwise, it sets a default value of zero”. The goal here is continuation of research into channel jamming attacks and potential mitigations that we’ve covered over the last couple years. I think our topic entry on channel jamming gives a lot of historical context to this discussion, and also links off to a lot of the newsletters where we covered different research topics.
Mark Erhardt: So, so far this does not mean that HTLC endorsements are active, but rather HTLC endorsement messages are being propagated, so that the researchers can watch whether they do propagate and if they propagate, what value do they have. And that would allow them to learn whether it’s viable, or if the solution will not have any adverse effects, hopefully.
Mike Schmidt: And it’s a field on the HTLC that is a boolean. Is that right, Murch? So, it’s, “I endorse this or I don’t”.
Mark Erhardt: Right. Okay, so originally the idea was, so HTLCs are usually multi-hop contracts being set up and they originate from the sender. The sender builds a node and then sends a set of onions wrapped in each other that set up all of the HTLC steps to the receiver, right? And the idea for the HTLC endorsement mechanism to fix, I believe it’s slow jamming, is that you would reserve part of your capacity and part of your HTLC slots only for endorsed HTLCs. And once, let’s say, half of your capacity and half your slots are taken, you would not receive an unendorsed HTLC. And yes, the idea would be that when you set the HTLC, you signal to the other side whether you endorse that HTLC. And if the other side sees that, they might take that into account towards whether they want to also endorse it to the next step. And I think there was recently a discovery that some issues are mitigated if you do it in reverse order, but I don’t have it in detail right now. So, maybe we’ll talk about that in another episode sometime.
Mike Schmidt: Antoine or Antoine, any thoughts on this topic?
Antoine Poinsot: I do not have thoughts on the topic because I’m not familiar, but I just checked and it’s indeed just a flag, just a boolean set on the HTLC.
BIPs #1534
Mike Schmidt: Last PR this week to the BIPs repository, BIPs #1534, which adds BIP349, which is a specification for an OP_INTERNALKEY tapscript-only opcode. Murch, you are resident BIPs editor, and I believe you hit the button or reviewed this. What’s going on here? What is OP_INTERNALKEY?
Mark Erhardt: Okay, so there’s been a lot of work on various introspection or otherwise new opcodes to make introspection and covenant proposals more feasible. This belongs to the suit of proposals that belong to LNHANCE. And LNHANCE as a package would be proposing mechanisms to do both LN-Symmetry for the LN, and then things similar to CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY (CTV) and, well, it includes CTV. So, you’d be able to build covenants with it and other more complicated covenant-like structures, I think, like maybe payment pools would be pretty easy and things like that. OP_INTERNALKEY specifically is a very simple new opcode. It would push the internal key of the taproot output to the stack. And then you could, for example, interact with it with CHECKSIGFROMSTACK (CSFS) and use it as like the key to check this signature against. So, if there’s a message, a signature and a key, you can do a signature verification with CSFS. So, it belongs to that set of things.
It’s, as I said, fairly simple as an opcode, because it just reveals that internal key of the taproot construction. So, maybe to explain, taproot outputs have two keys, the publicly visible external key, and then there’s an internal key that is tweaked in combination with the merkle root of the taproot tree. So, this one would just reveal the internal key, not the external key that the output script shows. Anyway, in some constructions it can save 8 vbytes, and it’s merged, it’s still a draft BIP. I’m not sure, the LNHANCE suite is one of multiple competing proposals that I feel like all could use a little more public discussion or endorsement, and yeah, if covenant stuff interests you, I hope you can refer to OP_INTERNALKEY as BIP349 now.
Mike Schmidt: Thanks, Murch. Well, that’s it for the newsletter this week. Thank you to Antoine for joining and for Antoine for joining, and my co-host as always, Murch, and for you all for listening. Cheers.
Antoine Poinsot: Thanks for having us, cheers.
Mark Erhardt: Hear you soon.