Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #331 Recap Podcast
Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Anthony Towns to discuss Newsletter #331.
The Bitcoin Optech Podcast and transcription content is licensed Creative Commons CC BY-SA 2.0
Selected Q&A from Bitcoin Stack Exchange
● How does ColliderScript improve Bitcoin and what features does it enable? (43:24)
● Why do standardness rules limit transaction weight? (48:10)
● Is the scriptSig spending an PayToAnchor output expected to always be empty? (56:16)
● Why doesn't Bitcoin's PoW algorithm use a chain of lower-difficulty hashes? (1:01:47)
● What is this strange microtransaction in my wallet? (1:06:02)
● Why was BIP34 not implemented via the coinbase tx's locktime or nSequence? (1:13:15)
Releases and release candidates
Notable code and documentation changes
Mike Schmidt: Welcome everyone to Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #331 Recap on Riverside. Today, we’re going to be talking about the Bitcoin Lisp language; we have nine questions from the Bitcoin Stack Exchange, including questions about ColliderScript and a couple of questions on pay-to-anchors (P2As); and we also have our usual segments on Releases and Notable code changes. I’m Mike Schmidt, contributor at Optech and Executive Director at Brink where we fund Bitcoin open-source developers. Murch?
Mark Erhardt: Hi, I’m Murch, I work at Chaincode Labs on Bitcoin stuff.
Mike Schmidt: AJ?
Anthony Towns: Hi, I’m AJ, I’m a Bitcoin Core dev with MIT DCI, and these days I’m working on Lisp stuff.
Lisp dialect for Bitcoin scripting
Mike Schmidt: Well, that’s a good segue. We’re going to go through the newsletter sequentially here, with our first and only News item being about that Lisp dialect for Bitcoin Scripting. AJ, we covered the progression of what was once called BTC Lisp over the last couple years. In 2022, you posted to the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list about the idea and we covered that in Optech Newsletter #191. And then, in 2023, we covered a discussion about comparing something like BTC Lisp to existing Bitcoin Script, with some additional opcodes, and that was in Newsletter and Podcast #275. And then this year, earlier this year, we covered your Delving post titled, “Overview of Chia Lisp for Bitcoiners”, and that was in Newsletter and Podcast #293. And in this newsletter, we covered several of your recent posts about Bitcoin and Lisp. Maybe for those that didn’t hear or don’t recall those previous discussions, maybe you can quickly summarize your motivations and goals for the project, as well as your research around there?
Anthony Towns: I feel like maybe the best way is actually jumping into the second point, which is comparing the Winternitz post-quantum signatures between the great script restoration approach and the Lisp one. So, my original thinking that got me on to thinking about Lisp in the first place was that there are two things that you can’t really do in Bitcoin Script as it stands, and that are really difficult to do, even if you think about simple improvements to script. And those things, one of them is just looping. There’s an ‘if’ construct in script which lets you do branching, but there’s no ‘go to’ or ‘while’ or ‘for’ or any sort of looping construct that lets you do the same bit of code multiple times with different parameters, or any sort of thing you’d do looping or recursion for. And the other thing that it can’t really do is structured data. So, it’s got its stack, it’s got its alternative stack, and you can put little strings of data on the stack and that’s about it. So, there’s no classes, there’s no arrays, there’s no dictionaries or hashes. And you can still do pretty much everything with just a stack, but it makes any sort of programming you want to do a lot harder.
So, Jonas Nick posted on Twitter about his implementation of the Winternitz One-Time Signatures (WOTS) in his implementation of Rusty’s enhancement of script, to do everything that Satoshi originally thought it should be able to do. So, bringing back CAT, bringing back multiplication, bringing back big integers, and all of that stuff, but it still doesn’t have the structured data or the looping. And so, what that means is that a couple of things that you want to do with a WOTS is calculate lots of merkle trees, because merkle trees is the approach that uses to be quantum resistant. And to do a merkle tree, you need to look at all the individual leaves and hash them together and hash those together and hash those together and hash those together up to 16 levels. And then you want to combine 64 of those things. And that’s just doing the same operation a bunch of times, which is what looping is perfect for. But since script and GSR both don’t have loops, you have to write the code out for that for every possible iteration, which makes your program 16 times 64 times larger than it would be if you could just write a simple loop.
There are obviously a million different programming languages all with their million different ways of doing looping. I picked Lisp because it gives you a general language, but has kind of the simplest possible way of going from basic opcodes to being a full language. Like, it doesn’t introduce type analysis, it doesn’t have three or four different ways of doing the same thing that are more convenient in different scenarios, it’s just got very basic building blocks that seems to me like a good fit for a consensus language. So, that’s where I was coming from with that.
Mark Erhardt: Cool, that sounds good so far. So, you implemented the Winternitz signatures, demonstrated that it’s significantly smaller, like a sixth or maybe even a twentieth of the size. So, do you want to get into the bll (Basic Bitcoin Lisp language), symbll (symbolic bll), bllsh (bll shell) from here?
Anthony Towns: So, I pronounce them, ‘bll’, ‘symbol’ and ‘bullish’.
Mark Erhardt: Oh, I see!
Anthony Towns: Yeah. So, when I was working on BTC Lisp last, I got some replies, and the one that matched what I was feeling trying to write demo programs in it most was that you really need to have it be somewhat straightforward to write code, and have it be something that you can debug once written. And so, one of the natural ways of doing Lisp is that you can write Lisp programs that manipulate Lisp programs really easy, because everything’s a Lisp, both all the data and all the programs. But when you write a program that manipulates another program, and then you want to run that other program, you’ve got to understand both the program you’ve written and exactly how it’s been manipulated to be what gets told to the computer. And that gets you into the same sort of problems as debugging macros in C and templates in C++. And I mean, we write templates in C++ and debug them, so it’s not impossible, but it gets really complicated and confusing because you’ve got to hold a lot more stuff than just what you wrote in your head to do the debugging.
So, I banged my head against that wall for a while and eventually decided that this is stupid. What you want to do is have the high-level language that you’re writing code in, you want to be able to step through that and debug that directly without having to worry about any code rewriting or compilation, or whatever going behind the scenes. So, that made me decide essentially that you really want two languages. You want the consensus one that can be compiled to and run in the consensus code base, but the code that you’re writing in, you want to be able to interpret that pretty much directly too. And so that’s what the difference between bll and symbll is. Symbll is a slight variation on bll that makes it much more pleasant to code in, like you can name variables and have functions, and you can have ‘ifs’ that don’t execute both sides of the ‘if’ every time. And those all have straightforward translations into bll, but don’t really make it cost significantly more or anything else. So, they’re things that you can not worry about and not be too surprised by the things that you’re ignoring there. But it is, in a sense, it’s interpreted in the debugger as a language of its own. So, when you step through in the debugger, you’re not ever seeing anything but symbll code.
Mark Erhardt: Right, so – sorry, go ahead.
Anthony Towns: Bllsh here is that debugger which lets you do a REPL-like view of both symbll and bll code as you see fit.
Mark Erhardt: So, basically you extended your original language, bll, with two further tools to make just the user interface for would-be developers that want to write in those languages much more accessible?
Anthony Towns: Yeah, so the BTC Lisp stuff I was doing, if you wanted to execute that, you had to edit the .py file and make an explicit function call to run stuff. So, having a REPL for it is so much better, even just for me. And the Python REPL code’s actually pretty cool because you can hook it into readline and do ‘up arrow’ and ‘save history’ and stuff. So, that was like, I don’t know, 20 minutes of work and 100 lines of code or something, and it is just an order of magnitude improvement. And because it’s now interactive, you can put in step-through debugging and printf debugging and actually make that also much more easy to develop. And it’s still kind of simplistic and basic, like you write your list of expression on one line; you can’t make a multiline list program and indent it and make it really nice like that. It’s all one-line-at-a-time coding, but I mean still pretty preliminary sort of thing, right?
Mark Erhardt: Okay, cool. So, at what stage are you now with your Bitcoin Lisp project or bll, Bitcoin Basic Lisp language, I guess? So, you’ve clearly been able to use it to implement both this quantum-safe WOTS and the flexible coin earmarks that seem to be a development or evolution from OP_TAPLEAF_UPDATE_VERIFY. So, would you say that it’s ready for other people to start playing around with?
Anthony Towns: It’s totally ready for other people to start playing around with. So, there are examples of how you can simulate both the BIP342 … So, in Bitcoin, when you have a signature of a transaction, there are kind of two calculations that you do. One is you collect all the interesting bits of the transaction and hash it together. And you take that as the tx message, which is in this case defined in BIP342. And the second calculation is you take that hash that you calculated and plug it into schnorr signing from BIP340, and that produces the actual signature.
So, one of the things that I’ve obviously been thinking about for a while is the noinput, anyprevout sighash (signature hash) idea. And so, that is basically a different way of grabbing a hash that would then be put into the schnorr signature. And so, one of the nice things about a general programming language is that you’d be able to implement these ideas without needing a consensus change, because you’ve got all the power to do that calculation by writing a clever script, without needing to go and update everyone’s node to make a really efficient implementation of whatever new functionality you’ve got.
Mark Erhardt: So, one second here. The sighash opcodes, they live at a different level than the input script and output script of UTXOs. So, I assume that you would have to do a new sighash or something in order to be able to have it at the bll level later, or how would that plug together?
Anthony Towns: So, the replacement for the CHECKSIG operator in script in bll is two opcodes, one of which is to calculate the sighash, and the other of which is equivalent of OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK (CSFS). So, instead of taking two parameters, the pubkey and the signature, it takes three parameters, which is the pubkey, the message to be signed and the signature, which is the same three parameters that BIP340 specifies.
Mark Erhardt: Okay. And the message could be constructed on the stack using bll?
Anthony Towns: Yeah, so the tx message opcode that’s in there now just takes a 1-byte parameter, that is the sighash byte from signatures currently.
Mark Erhardt: Okay, awesome. Yeah, I see.
Anthony Towns: So, the idea is that you’re able to replace a call to tx message with your own code that can calculate the correct sighash of whatever you want to be signing that way. And so, I’ve got an example code in the bll Lisp that calculates the exact SIGHASH_ALL hash via tx introspection, rather than just handing it off to the tx message thing.
Mark Erhardt: Okay, yeah, cool. So right now, sighash is of course tied to an input, because the sighash flag is input dependent. And you solve that by changing how signature checking in the input script works in the bll language, where you can either use something that essentially reimplements the current behavior with the sighash flags, or you can just outright do it as a CSFS, where you would provide your own message to be checked, and that could be constructed on the stack with the bll codes. So, if and when that whole bll language would be implemented as presumably a new taproot leaf version, I assume?
Anthony Towns: Yeah.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah. Then you would be able to be extremely flexible because you can just essentially, on the fly, create your own signature checking mechanism by defining what the message is that needs to be signed, and potentially even, on the fly, calculating that in the transaction on the stack. Yeah, that sounds very flexible.
Anthony Towns: Yeah, so there’s an example in there in the repository of doing that for SIGHASH_ALL. And so, to turn that into one that didn’t look at the inputs, you would delete the parts that look at the input.
Mike Schmidt: Right.
Anthony Towns: There’s likewise a thing that calculates the taproot scriptPubKey, given essentially the control block and the script information, so it does the merkle calculation and it does the internal public key addition stuff, like the multiplication and adds, in ECC to do that. And there is also a direct implementation of BIP340 in terms of secp, again, multiplication and adds in ECC curves.
Mark Erhardt: Very cool.
Anthony Towns: Yeah. So, those are relatively easy to test correctness for because you can just compare them to real transactions. But I think they’re also kind of useful building blocks, and that’s something that people could look at if they get into it.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, so did I catch that right that you said you are reimplementing essentially the OP_INTERNALKEY BIP with the extracting it from the control block?
Anthony Towns: Yeah. So, there is just a tx opcode in there that has 20-ish parameters, which will get you all the different parts of the transaction, so the nSequence, the nLockTime, the parent txid, the stuff about the UTXO being spent, the output value. So, when you have a transaction and you’re verifying it, you have the prevout from the UTXO set that it’s being verified against, and you need that information for exactly what I was just saying. One of the things that BIP342 specifies that you’re signing is information from the prevout, so you’re signing the scriptPubKey that you’re spending, for instance, and the amount that you’re spending. So, in order to reimplement that, I had to make that accessible to the Lisp code, and all of that stuff is in the tx opcode.
Mark Erhardt: So, it sounds to me that it would be pretty simple to simulate something like CTV (OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY) or OP_TXHASH from that, because you can pick and choose which parts of the transaction you want to put on the stack. You have CSFS already, so you can sort of have these transaction introspection things. Yeah.
Anthony Towns: It’s very similar to, I believe, the OP_TXHASH spec that I looked at. It’s a little bit more verbose because this gives you a bit more structured data room to give parameters to things than you can easily do in script, and it obviously doesn’t automatically hash things afterwards. But yeah, otherwise it’s very close to that. I haven’t looked at exactly simulating CTV, but approximate simulations, like the tx message, is already calculating something very similar to the CTV hash. So, changing that to be an exact match for CTV wouldn’t be very hard.
Mark Erhardt: So, would it make scripts much bigger to manually redo all these other opcode operations, because you have to sort of specify which parts of the transactions are relevant, and so forth; is that a downside here that the script has to replicate all the parts of what happens in these packaged opcode proposals? Would that be right, or am I misunderstanding?
Anthony Towns: So, all the packaged opcodes are more or less duplicated in the opcodes I’ve got. So, like I said, OP_CHECKSIG is now two opcodes instead of one. So, that might be 4 bytes to encode instead of 1. And if you want to implement your own thing, like OP_ANYPREVOUT (APO), then yes, that’s a lot more bytes than if someone had put it in consensus as just a single-byte thing. But they’re not an extreme number of bytes; it’s like going from single-sig to 3-of-3 multisig, or something like that. That’s about the sort of size that it seems to be getting.
Mark Erhardt: And how extensible would this approach be? So, whatever, if someone implements their own take on OP_VAULT and it becomes super-popular and then you want to put it in as a pre-packaged operation in bll, would that just be a soft fork or how would more stuff be added?
Anthony Towns: So, I haven’t implemented it. I’ve kind of spec’d it out, but there is a soft fork opcode which takes as a parameter an expression that is evaluated in the context of some future specified op_fork. So, it should be flexible in that way. This is the approach that they use in Chia Lisp, so it’s already battle tested in that sense.
Mark Erhardt: So, is that sort of like OP_SUCCESS, or it’s more like an OP_NOP?
Anthony Towns: It’s kind of both. So, it’s an OP_NOP in the same sense that it just returns nil. The way that you write the code that goes in it has to throw an exception and fail the transaction; it can’t return data because there’s no way of doing that. But it’s much more like an OP_SUCCESS in that the code that’s within that expression, that you as a scriptwriter give to it, can do anything. So, you can introduce a new elliptic curve, you can do efficient calculations on that curve, you can come up with the results, you can compare the results to each other, as long as the end result of all that calculation is throwing an exception or saying, “Yeah, everything’s fine”.
Mark Erhardt: All right. May I throw you a curve ball?
Anthony Towns: You can try!
Mark Erhardt: So, if you approach this from a different angle, what problem are you solving with your bll proposal?
Anthony Towns: At a higher level than lack of loops and lack of structured data, right?
Mark Erhardt: Okay.
Anthony Towns: So, let me answer the question as I think you’ve asked it. Having done signet for a couple of years now and trying to get test soft forks and stuff on that, the thing I’ve been most surprised at is how hard it is to actually get what seemed like pretty simple soft forks to a reasonable state of code, like CI’s passing, doesn’t have any obvious bugs, it kind of looks like it works all right. So, I had thought CAT would be the absolute simplest example of that and take like half a minute to get in and deploy, because it’s already been there, it’s available in Liquid, we know what it does, there’s some level of interest in messing around with it. And that took, I don’t know, four or five months or something to get into signet, which really doesn’t have that higher standard for code quality, and like, it’s not going to lose anyone any money and stuff if it goes in, right? Obviously, CTV and APO and the new IPK and CSFS and stuff have also been really slow to progress.
So, that’s made me much more enthusiastic about the idea that we get some sort of general language available so that people aren’t trying to change consensus. They can just focus on writing their own scripts, because I mean that’s hard enough, let alone consensus changes.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, I mean people should be reminded occasionally that when they come up with a new transaction mechanism or like input script type, they’re designing a cryptographic interface or a cryptographic protocol. So, yeah, it’s harder than it looks.
Anthony Towns: Yeah. And so, you’ve got all that hardness in just specifying a protocol. And then when you’re trying to do consensus changes, you’re trying to come up with a language that makes doing good protocols easy and makes doing bad protocols hard, ideally at least one or the other. And I mean, there’s few enough people that know how to do just the development thing. Finding anyone who knows how to make that development thing easy and whatever, I don’t know, it’s a hard problem. And yeah, the other thing is even if none of this makes it into mainnet consensus, just having it be something that’s available for testing out ideas and having a quick proof of concept also seems like a win to me. I don’t know.
Mark Erhardt: Okay, cool. So you would, well, maybe not be as excited, but it would already be a win if you had it available in signet for people to be able to prototype soft fork behavior that they want to pursue, and it might make it easier to get stuff running on Inquisition or signet in general. And that way, making a first draft and concept and being able to play around and testing stuff wouldn’t require the heavy lift of making Bitcoin-Core-compatible soft forks before they can be merged in signet; and making those compatible with the other soft forks that are being tested on signet potentially, in conflict with various things, various aspects of the software that various people are pursuing. Yeah, that sounds interesting.
So, I have been staring at the, “Flexible coin earmarks”, thing a couple of times, and I must admit I don’t think I fully understood what you were doing there. Do you want to get into that?
Anthony Towns: Sure. Do you have any specific questions?
Mark Erhardt: So, it sounded like you were able to spend UTXOs in a predefined manner, such that the change had to come back to you, and you could create other outputs, but the mechanism of that eluded me. And what would it be used for? Or, yeah, could you maybe describe it at a high level again, what it is and how it would be used?
Anthony Towns: So, I guess we’ll go with the eltoo example. The idea of eltoo, not L2, is you have Lightning channels. The Lightning channel has a funding transaction that is on chain. It is essentially a 2-of-2 signature that to be spent, has to be signed off by both channel parties. And the eltoo approach is to say that, okay, we’ll establish these offchain spends and we’ll update them each time there’s a new state, and the way we’ll set them up is that if someone pushes an old state onchain, then any later state can be used to spend that spend as well as the original funding transaction, and so on recursively. So, if someone tries to cheat by spending an old state, that’s fine, we’ll just update it to the latest state and no one’s any worse off.
Mark Erhardt: Right. Each transaction binds to all predecessor transactions and can spend their output.
Anthony Towns: Yeah. And that’s something that SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUT was designed to allow. But the thing that it doesn’t really deal with is some of the complexity when you’ve got some open payments pending in the channel when you’re trying to close it. So, the idea is that when you close the channel onchain and publish its latest state, you have maybe, I don’t know, maybe 200, 300 blocks of wait time, which is to give your counterparty a chance to publish a later state so that you don’t just steal all the money straightaway. But the problem is that in that 300 blocks of wait time, one of the pending payments on your channel might expire and you want to reveal the hash preimage to claim the funds that have gone through. But if you wait the 300 blocks, the timeout’s occurred and that means the other guy can just take the funds from that HTLC (Hash Time Locked Contract).
The way that we do that currently is that in the LN-penalty model, we have different outputs for all the HTLCs on channel and you can update the output for that particular HTLC, so that it goes from being claimable by either the preimage or the timeout or by proof of someone cheating, to just be claimable by my signature after a delay, because I’ve already revealed the preimage; or, by the other guy proving that I cheated and published an old state.
Mark Erhardt: Right, so thinking about this, yes, the channel closure, or I think it’s called ‘trigger transaction’ in eltoo, must always have the same inbound amount and the same outbound amount. And then there’s another settlement transaction that’s chained off of that, and that would be the one that takes care of the remote side and local side outputs and the HTLCs. But clearly, for the ability to overwrite the channel state, the re-bindable part of the transactions, the trigger transaction has to have some sort of timeout that allows later trigger transactions, or I’m not sure what the proper term was, whether it was trigger transaction, but the one that actually triggers the closing, they have to be overwritable with the latest state. And if the settlement transaction had the HTLC that times out in between, you’d still lose the money. So, your idea is to use earmarks here in some cool way? How would that work?
Anthony Towns: Well, so let me just summarize how it is in eltoo, or LN-Symmetry as it’s been spec’d up until now, which is, as you said, so once you’ve established a state onchain, you’ve got a little bit of time to update that to a later state. And after that timeout’s passed, then you publish the settlement transaction which, take that one UTXO and expand it to different UTXOs for the balances and the open HTLCs, and that’s when you claim it. But that has the problem that if you’ve got an HTLC that’s about to expire, then that kind of forces you to close the channel if you’ve gone out of contact with people quite a bit earlier than you would otherwise, and there are other reasons that gets a bit awkward.
So, in the context of earmarks, the idea there is that the UTXO that’s spent the funding transaction is onchain, is waiting for this timeout. It still has the entire channel balance as its value, but internally to the scriptPubKey, it’s earmarked different parts of that total value. So, it’s earmarked part of it for my channel balance, it’s earmarked part of it for your channel balance, and it’s earmarked the rest of it between the various HTLCs that are still pending.
Mark Erhardt: And the earmark is part of the output in the sense that at a specific state of the channels, different HTLCs existed; or is it independent of the channel?
Anthony Towns: While you’re still operating offchain, the channel state is the balances and the open HTLCs. When you are generating the commitment transaction for that, you’re encoding those as earmarks, and that gets put into a merkle tree and goes into the calculation of the scriptPubKey. And so, that scriptPubKey is the scriptPubKey of the UTXO that goes onchain when you close the channel.
Mark Erhardt: So, the scriptPubKey would encode in the earmarks the HTLCs, whereas it would still look as a total balance, but under the hood somehow a transaction pre-definition of where outputs have to be spent afterwards is carried.
Anthony Towns: Yes, emphasis on the ‘somehow’, but I’m still working out how to actually code that.
Mark Erhardt: Okay, but then if it gets re-spent by a later transaction, because the later transaction might encode a different set of HTLCs with earmarks, if it were able to rebind anyway, even though there were earmarks in the previous output, the earmarks might change, right?
Anthony Towns: So, the idea behind earmarks is you’ve got two ways to spend a scriptPubKey with earmarks. One way is via the keypath or by some other way, which just totally disregards all the earmarks, and you want to do whatever both parties have authorized. And so, that would be the update state to a later state because someone was cheating or restored from backup, or something. The other way of spending is via the earmarks. And so, that can involve updating the earmarks or releasing some funds according to the earmark specification, introducing a new earmark.
Mark Erhardt: Right. So, basically the internal key would stay the same, but the tweaked key would be depending on the earmarks, but wouldn’t that mean that both parties in the channel have to be aware of all the previous earmarks, in order to recognize their commitment transaction output and be able to re-spend it? Oh, I guess they would recognize it by it spending the funding output. Yeah, okay, sorry! Okay.
Anthony Towns: No, you’re quite right there. That might be a breakage in how I’m thinking of it at the moment.
Mark Erhardt: Oh, okay. Well, it sounds interesting. I think it might be still a little raw!
Anthony Towns: Absolutely. I mean, I think I’ve got an idea of how to code that up in bll. And even then, once it’s coded up, you’ve still got to figure out how to use it for actual interesting applications in a way that makes sense. The problem I always have with eltoo is remembering exactly how much information you’ve got to be able to – to be able to spend these things, you need to recreate the scriptPubKey or the scripts inside them. And to do that, you need to be able to recover some degree of information about stuff. And you don’t want to keep too much information around because eltoo, the idea is that you only have to keep the latest state around.
Mark Erhardt: Right, exactly.
Anthony Towns: But in that case, you need to have the person who closes the channel, in effect, get forced to publish the information that you’re not going to have if you don’t have the old state.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, that’s right.
Anthony Towns: And particularly with Lisp and some sort of powerful thing like that, you can just force them to publish the state as part of the spending conditions. So, I think that’s finessable at the very least. But yeah, it definitely needs thought.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, I think I also hadn’t really considered the conflict between the potentially timing out HTLCs and the follow after publishing the trigger transaction/initial – maybe it’s ‘staging transaction’, right? Staging and settlement?
Anthony Towns: I think it’s ‘layered transactions’, or at least that’s how it was originally introduced on the Lightning-Dev list. I’m not quite sure.
Mark Erhardt: Okay, as long as everybody knows what we mean!
Anthony Towns: Yeah.
Mark Erhardt: Okay, yeah, cool. Thanks for walking us through that and for the food for thought.
Anthony Towns: Yeah, sure. I think it’s cool.
Mike Schmidt: Yeah. You guys are riffing and actually doing protocol design here on the show, which is kind of fun. Yeah, maybe just zooming out and summarizing for folks. There’s been a lot of discussion recently about enhancing the expressiveness of bitcoin transactions. A lot of that has come in the form of new opcode proposals. In some cases, that’s a single opcode that’s maybe general purpose, if you will; in some cases, that’s an opcode that is very specific to a specific use case; and in some cases, folks are bundling packages of these proposed opcodes into proposals for soft forks as well. AJ, you’re taking a different approach and saying, what if we just had a new language besides Bitcoin Script to codify the behavior of transactions and not be tied down by the restrictions around Bitcoin Script. And you found this variant of Lisp, I believe it’s the Chia blockchain has had a version, programming language version of Lisp on their blockchain for some time. And so, it sounds like you’ve used that as a base and now we actually have a bll, a language; we have the symbll, which is sort of the miniscript, or the higher-level language that compiles down to bll; and bllsh, which is a way to sort of real-time experiment with what that would look like on a command line. And you’ve noted some of the benefits that you’ve seen.
We talked about the WOTS signatures being much smaller. We’ve talked about potential implications using this flexible coin earmarks in LN-Symmetry, or eltoo, but also, I guess, those earmarks can also be used in vaults and joinpools or coinpools or payment pools, or whatever we’re calling them these days. And so, it’s really more of an overhaul or alternative to Bitcoin Scripts, maybe similar to Simplicity, if folks are familiar with that. Is that a nutshell summary? Anything else you’d add or correct there, AJ?
Anthony Towns: That seems pretty accurate to me. And yeah, it’s a very similar approach to Simplicity and Symfony. So, it would be a separate taproot scripting type, just as Simplicity is on the Liquid testnet. The symbll higher-level language is a similar approach to both what Chia Lisp does with Chia Lisp versus its low-level CLVM, and what Simplicity does; Simplicity is the low level and Symfony is the high level. So, yeah, it’s a somewhat different set of trade-offs than that, which I’m hoping we’ll be able to compare in more detail as people write more Symfony code and bll starts getting a bit more easy to experiment with hopefully.
Mike Schmidt: And so, even in what I would wave my hands and say would be v1 of bll, you get some of these benefits that we talked about out of the box. But I think you and Murch were also talking about, there’s this mechanism to be able to upgrade the bll language with additional opcodes in the future. So, not only do you get a lot of this stuff immediately, but you have this sort of extensibility that would be built in as well. Do I have that right?
Anthony Towns: Yeah, so I mean I haven’t implemented quite all of the opcodes that I’ve spec’d out for bll, so the soft fork one for one thing. But when writing the WOTS+ stuff, I needed to implement the shift opcode, I think, like the Bitwise shift opcode, because I hadn’t done that and didn’t have something else that was convenient to implement it with. So, it’s still in the stage where adding opcodes is kind of just, add them once you figure out how you need them and figure out a good way of making them work.
Mike Schmidt: Murch, anything else before we wrap up this news item? Okay, I’ll look at that visual cues. AJ, thank you for joining us. Thank you for your time, for your 50 minutes here that you’ve spent with us talking about this. Seems very cool. I hope we’ll cover more of these developments as they come forth and people can start playing with this. You’re free to stay on for the rest of the newsletter or if you have other things to do, like sleep, you’re free to drop as well.
Anthony Towns: I might as well stay on for now, I reckon.
Mike Schmidt: All right.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, you might have some input on ColliderScript, huh?
Mike Schmidt: That’s a good segue.
Anthony Towns: I’ll be happy to listen. I don’t think I know anything about it.
Mark Erhardt: All right.
How does ColliderScript improve Bitcoin and what features does it enable?
Mike Schmidt: We can jump right into that one since that’s our first question from the Stack Exchange. So, yes, we have our monthly segment, interesting questions from the Stack Exchange. We found nine interesting ones this month, and the first one is, “How does ColliderScript improve Bitcoin and what features does it enable?” We actually had Ethan Heilman on last week to discuss his work contributing to the ColliderScript white paper, and that proposal would use grinding, or similar to mining techniques, to achieve covenant-like functionality but at a high cost. I think we were talking in the millions of dollars or more for a single transaction. So, if you want to hear straight from Ethan’s mouth, refer back to Podcast #330 for our discussion around ColliderScript. This week was really a higher-level question about potential uses of ColliderScript, which include, among the general covenant use case that we discussed last week, the use case of vaults, the emulation of the CSFS opcode, and validity rollups. So, there’s a lot going on there. Murch, you had a week or more to digest some of the ColliderScript stuff. Do you have any further thoughts on this idea?
Mark Erhardt: Not that many yet. So, my understanding is basically just that you can pretty much do anything. All of the operation is out of band and you prove that you did it right by having the right hash, or something, to satisfy the out-of-band conditions. And that way, you can very easily check it in script because we can do hashes in script. But to have precomputed that correct script, you spend multiple blocks’ worth of hashrate on finding a hash collision, and that sort of makes it hard for other people to spend your money in other ways. And I’m still not entirely sure how practical that would be. It would be more like a once-a-year or maybe once-a-month thing, because it would be so expensive with the millions of dollars’ worth of hashing cost.
Mike Schmidt: And from our discussion with Ethan, it sounds like there are optimizations that would bring that number down, although it doesn’t seem feasible that this would be something that an individual would use anytime soon. It seems like the use case here would be these validity roll-ups, or some sort of a roll-up where you could justify these high costs, because there’s so much economic activity happening on these roll-ups or these bridges or these chains, or whatever.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, sure. If you hooked up a whole sidechain or a second layer on it and funneled all the activity through this proof, or anchored it with this proof, then maybe you’d be willing to spend, I don’t know, $1 million once a week or something. But I think I’m still missing the vision or the application.
Anthony Towns: I think it’s more the academic, as in this is proof that this is possible, rather than the practical.
Mark Erhardt: Right, exactly.
Mike Schmidt: Yeah, it’s funny that you say that, AJ, because when you started talking about the Bitcoin Lisp thing, that’s kind of what I thought as well. I was like, “Oh, he’s just playing with this thing”. I think Poelstra and Russell O’Connor came out with their offline, I forget what it’s called, but way to calculate and sign transactions all offline. But it does seem like sometimes these things –
Mark Erhardt: You mean the paper volvelles.
Mike Schmidt: Yes, yes, exactly. I forgot what the parent name of all that is. But yeah, here we have it.
Anthony Towns: That’s just the pubkeys. It’s not doing signing, surely, or sharing private keys, rather?
Mike Schmidt: I think there was at least one –
Mark Erhardt: I don’t think you can sign transactions with it, I think, or maybe I’m misremembering. But yeah, it’s about key sharding and manually calculating pubkeys.
Mike Schmidt: I think there was a Stack Exchange question that we had at some point, which was like, “Could you do it offline?” And of course, Poelstra comes up with some crazy –
Mark Erhardt: Sure, sure. Just takes a week or so of calculating at your desk!
Mike Schmidt: Okay, all right, next question. Or, AJ, anything else on ColliderScript?
Anthony Towns: No.
Why do standardness rules limit transaction weight?
Mike Schmidt: No, okay. Next question from the Stack Exchange, “Why do standardness rules limit transaction weight?” And, Murch, you both asked and answered this question, so I will let you ask and answer this question again.
Mark Erhardt: Okay, yeah, so this question came up at a conference recently. I was attending a talk and the speaker suggested that really, we should be dropping the standardness limit on transactions, because clearly there is a demand for big transactions now with people putting huge pictures into the blockchain and wanting to do roll-ups or STARK proofs, and all sorts of things that might consume multiple blocks’ worth of block space. And if we don’t allow them via standardness, people would just evade that, use dark mempools and get miners to include them directly, or so the argument went. And so, someone from the audience brought up the question whether everybody is aware of why transaction weight is even limited in the first place by standardness rules.
So, to be clear, by consensus, transactions can take the whole block. A single transaction, even the coinbase transaction, could be just the size of the whole block, and that’s a valid block. But on the unconfirmed transaction layer, what we propagate on a network with Bitcoin Core at least, we limit transactions to 100 kilo-vbytes (kvB), which translates to 400,000 weight units. So, you cannot have more than one-tenth of the block space for a single transaction. So, I asked this question and I answered this question. Eva also gave another answer in order to sort of write up the thoughts there. And so, while larger transactions would permit the introduction of these novel mechanisms, or STARK proofs and whatever, big pictures I guess, it would also make bigger consolidation transactions and batch payments more effective, but only slightly because you’re mostly just making the overhead smaller per payment output that you’re creating, or getting slightly less transaction overhead and number of outputs per inputs for a consolidation, but that is an asymptotic savings. So, really bigger transactions don’t make it that much more effective; I don’t think that’s a good argument. So really, we’re only talking about having bigger transactions for these novel mechanisms.
The problems that bigger transactions introduce are that all these thoughts around transaction relay, incentive compatibility, validation cost, the potential time that it can take for a transaction to be validated, they’re significantly easier for smaller transactions because they’re bounded. You can waste less network resources if you can only ever send a smaller package that has to be validated at once. And of course, the quadratic hashing problem is limited to legacy transactions. So you could, for example, only drop the limit for non-legacy transactions, and that would resolve some of those issues. But there’s another big issue around block template creation. So, block template creation is inherently a knapsack problem, and knapsack problems are NP-hard problems that cannot be optimally solved in polynomial time, which means basically that the more options you have, the more complex the computation is to find the optimal solution. Usually, these problems are solved by having a good enough solution which can be calculated efficiently. And we use often greedy approaches for that, like just do it step by step and always take the locally best option to get closer to the target, and then you’ll probably get a pretty decent but not optimal solution.
The problem with trying to find the best block is that you want to optimize for the total fee revenue, but transactions are multidimensional in that they can vary in size, they can vary in fee, and therefore they have a feerate, but the size matters in that at the tail end of the block, once not all of the remaining transaction options fit into the block, having picked other stuff earlier excludes transactions to be picked later. So, if you have very big transactions, you get to the point where maybe including a few small transactions excludes a lot of the big transactions and you can’t get the revenue from that. And that might actually lead to a less revenue block than if you had picked a bigger transaction, even though it didn’t have the highest possible feerate. So, it moves the tail end problem of the block way earlier into the block, and that can lead to people needing to run a linear solver or a more complex mechanism to find the optimal block, rather than using a simple greedy approach.
So, this can actually make building a block that has good fee revenue, and fee revenue will be our main block reward component in the future, can make that a multidimensional problem, and that means that you might need significant compute to extremely quickly calculate a good new block template. And that means that smaller miners are at a disadvantage, because it’s clearly way easier for a big miner that has some percentage of the total hashrate to put a few computers here that can quickly calculate new block templates; whereas a home miner, that has maybe one rig or two rigs, will not run a high-end computer to quickly build block templates at the same time. So, in these ways, big transactions can significantly increase the advantage of bigger mining operations, and that would lead to another centralization pressure. All right, I talked a lot. AJ or Mike, do you have some other thoughts on this? I guess I knocked you out!
Mike Schmidt: Go ahead, AJ.
Anthony Towns: I really don’t. I thought that pretty much covered way more than anyone needs to know about it.
Mark Erhardt: Okay.
Mike Schmidt: So, we don’t need ColliderScript transactions then? It’s bad for Bitcoin, is that what you’re saying?
Mark Erhardt: I’m saying that one of the reasons why it’s currently easy for small miners to compete is that they can just very quickly find a pretty decent block. And if we had very, very big transactions, it could become much more costly to find the optimal block, and that might make at least a few percentage points difference, and that would be bad for small miners. I guess that will seem much simpler. You can cut out the long explanation later!
Mike Schmidt: That’s the good part.
Mark Erhardt: All right.
Is the scriptSig spending an PayToAnchor output expected to always be empty?
Mike Schmidt: Okay, next question, “Is the scriptSig spending a PayToAnchor output expected to always be empty?” The person asking this also asks whether a transaction spending a P2A with a non-empty scriptSig would be non-standard. Pieter Wuille answered that, yes, scriptSig should be empty because, “Segwit outputs are subject to a number of rules, but one of them is that they can only be spent using an empty scriptSig”. Thus, it would also be consensus invalid. Pretty straightforward answer there. I did link to last month’s Stack Exchange segment, where we went into the construction of P2A and how that was decided. So, check that out if you’re curious about this new P2A thing.
What happens to the unused P2A outputs?
Next question is also about P2As, “What happens to the unused P2A outputs?” And I did not prepare any notes for this, so, Murch, I don’t know if you have a good summary here, otherwise we can paraphrase instagibbs’ answer.
Mark Erhardt: Right, so P2A comes in two flavors, one of them is unkeyed and one is keyed. The keyed ones can only be spent by the two channel participants, because it needs a signature and they have the key for that. They would be hopefully cleaned up whenever an anchor gives you extra money by spending it back to yourself at some low feerates. Hopefully, once we get TRUC (Topologically Restricted Until Confirmation) transactions, ephemeral dust and unkeyed P2A outputs, then we would only have a single anchor and it is mandatorily spent on every transaction, so they wouldn’t linger in the first place. For the current situation, where we have anchors on transactions generally that are not necessarily spent because the commitment transactions might have enough fees by themselves, they would hopefully also have sufficient value that they would be cleaned up eventually, when feerates are low, by anyone because anyone can spend them.
Anthony Towns: So, I think P2A, I think there’s a difference between the anchors in the Lightning sense and P2A as the ephemeral output, the bc1p fees stuff.
Mark Erhardt: Right, so yeah, there is a difference. So, currently we already use anchor outputs and currently commitment transactions that use anchor outputs have two anchor outputs that are keyed to a single party and each party has their own. So generally, only one of them would ever be spent because the commitment transaction gets put into the mempool and somebody, if they need to bump it, they would attach their own child transaction to their own anchor. Correct me if I’m wrong on that one. But P2A now creates a new output type, and generally that is a witness program output. What am I looking for? A native segwit output. And native segwit outputs have a witness program. In this case, the witness program basically translates to OP_TRUE. But native segwit outputs can only be spent with an empty input script. And in this case, they also have an empty witness because they are already true in the witness program themselves. So, you only have to state which input you spend per the outpoint with the txid and the vout, and don’t have to provide more authentication or authorization to spend the UTXO.
So, this output type is new. It’s not being used anywhere yet in Lightning. But because it’s ANYONECANSPEND and very cheap, it would make commitment transactions slightly cheaper, and you would be able to transition to having only a single one. Originally, ephemeral anchors was proposed as a single composite and it got split out into P2As and ephemeral dust. So, with the ephemeral dust, you could have a P2A output that has an amount of zero in the output, and that would allow you to force that both the parent transaction has a fee of zero, the anchor output itself is worthless, and you are forced to spend it in order to be allowed to include – sorry, in the mempool, we would only accept the parent transaction because it has a zero fee in the context of a TRUC transaction, where the child brings the fees, and then, yeah, it would be cleaned up immediately, and we would only have one.
Sorry, there’s a bunch of different concepts here coming together. AJ, did that respond appropriately to your interjection?
Anthony Towns: Yeah, I think so.
Mark Erhardt: Okay, thank you.
Mike Schmidt: Seardsalmon clarified that it was codex 32 was what we were looking for earlier.
Mark Erhardt: Right.
Why doesn’t Bitcoin’s PoW algorithm use a chain of lower-difficulty hashes?
Mike Schmidt: Next question from the Stack Exchange, “Why doesn’t Bitcoin’s PoW algorithm use a chain of lower-difficulty hashes?” Person asking this question posted a few different graphs that, based on his research, would show that if you had a bunch of lower-difficulty hashes instead of one larger-difficulty hash that you would have tighter predictability in when blocks would come in and wondered, “Well, why don’t we just do that instead?” And both Pieter Wuille and Vojtěch answered that that would violate the progress-free property of mining, which is desirable and good for decentralization. But maybe, Murch, what is progress-free mining and how would progress-free mining being violated be bad for decentralization? Sorry to put you on the spot?
Mark Erhardt: No, I’m all there for it. So, what we want out of mining is that miners with a percentage of the hashrate get roughly the same percentage of the blocks. And that is achieved by basically making this PoW scheme do a lottery on all of the proposed blocks. So, every time someone hashes, it’s like buying a lottery ticket and about 1 in, I think it’s 5 times 1023 power, about 1 in, what is it, 500 quintillion tries wins a valid block. And by having each of these lottery tickets have the same chance of winning, we achieve that everybody that is attempting to mine has a corresponding chance to win the valid block with their attempts. Like, how often they enter in the lottery, that’s how big their chances of producing the valid block.
If we introduced something like this where we had to make a sequence of 10 hashes in order to find a valid block, people would find the individual hashes with the corresponding probability of succeeding at finding a valid block. But because you have to succeed 10 times in a row, it would extremely bias towards the people that have the most hashrate to achieve 10 successes in a row before anyone else. So basically, we would turn our scheme, where everybody gets blocks according to their hashrate, into a scheme where the miner with the most hashrate wins almost all blocks. And that would be a terrible step back from our PoW system.
Clarification on false value in Script
Mike Schmidt: Great explanation. Thanks, Murch. “Clarification on false value in Bitcoin Script”. This person was asking what exactly is false in Bitcoin Script, and Pieter Wuille listed three different values that evaluate to false, and anything outside of those three values is evaluated to true. The three values are 1) an empty array; 2) an array of just 0x00 bytes; and 3) an array with 0x00 bytes with a 0x80 at the end.
Mark Erhardt: I have a note here. We computer scientists make a distinction here between a false value and a falsy value. So, a truthy and a falsy value are things that evaluate to true when cast to a Boolean or evaluate to false when cast to Boolean. So, in this context, I would say there’s only one false value, which is the empty array, which is the canonical encoding of the number zero. But the other values here are falsy, in the sense that they also evaluate to false, but are not the Boolean false. End of note!
What is this strange microtransaction in my wallet?
Mike Schmidt: Fair point, Murch. Next question is, “What is this strange microtransaction in my wallet?” And I think the person is really just referring to the amount that ended up in this person’s wallet and not the size of the transaction. In bytes, it was small. Then Vojtěch went on to explain the mechanics of an address poisoning attack and ways to mitigate such attacks. And I think there was actually some news in the last month or two about a fairly large amount of some coin, I think it was a non-bitcoin poisoning attack, where the idea is you send a small amount of tokens to an address that looks very much like the address that you’re sending to, and in most cases that would mean like a vanity address or grinding the beginning of the address and the end of the address to look very similar to the original address. And the hope is that when someone goes to transact in the future, sending coins to themselves, for example, or sending elsewhere, that they would actually copy that address that looks very much like the address but isn’t their address, and then send it there. Now, that’s obviously much more common in the case that you would be reusing an address and continuing to send to yourself, which is another reason that you would not want to reuse addresses. Go ahead, Murch.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, so this is much more common in cryptocurrencies where people tend to have only a single address in the first place. So there, of course, it’s worth to sort of populate their wallet with other addresses that look extremely similar, because they’re so used to seeing their address, they might not double-check. So, I hope that most Bitcoiners are less susceptible to this because they always use a fresh address anyway. And I also want to break another lance here for the, what is it, BIP353, the DNS names for Bitcoin. So, this is a newish BIP that was proposed in the last months, and it proposes being able to have a static address in your DNS record for your domain that could be used, for example, for a BOLT12 invoice and/or a silent payments address. And if you use this, you could have an address book where you resolve the DNS record to payment information, and then you would hopefully not be susceptible to looking at addresses and guessing which address you want to pay.
Mike Schmidt: Yeah, and with silent payments, silent payments can sort of act as an account, if you will, but because it’s not an actual address that you would reuse, it’s not susceptible to these sorts of attacks. So, another thumbs up for silent payments.
Are there any UTXOs that can not be spent?
Next question, “Are there any UTXOs that can not be spent?” And Pieter Wuille answered this. I think a lot of our listeners are probably familiar with OP_RETURN outputs as something that cannot be spent, and as a result is not stored for future potential spending. I was not familiar with a scriptPubKey longer than 10,000 bytes and, Murch, are you familiar with why a scriptPubKey that is longer than 10,000 bytes would not be spendable?
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, that’s a consensus rule. Scripts cannot be longer than 10,000 bytes. And funnily enough, we allow it in the creation of a scriptPubKey. But then, when you spend from that UTXO and it is evaluated for the input script on validity, it fails. So, you can create outputs that have output scripts with 10,000 bytes, but you can’t spend them. And apparently, we do not store them in the UTXO set of Bitcoin Core.
Mike Schmidt: Now, I know there’s like burn addresses, like 1-something-something-Eater, or BitcoinEater, or whatever it is. Now that, even though people acknowledge that as a burn address, the assumption then is that those coins are burned and can’t be used again, that is stored and that’s part of the caveat here, which is like the breaking of cryptographic assumption, so if there were some break in the cryptography, that you could actually spend from that burn address, right? And that’s why that’s continued to be stored, right, and you obviously don’t want manual tagging of what’s spendable either.
Mark Erhardt: So, to recap, what you’re saying here is the 1BitcoinEater address I think is a valid address that has, like, a probably unknown private key. So, someone obviously just picked the words, there’s way too many words for it to be actually a vanity address, and therefore it is considered completely unlikely that they also know the private key, because they picked the address and didn’t pick it via the private key. There is another burn address, I think, that uses a value for which there provably cannot be a private key. I think, maybe it was the generator point or something, something that is unspendable. And a bunch of people have been using that, I think, for a sidechain or, I don’t remember, some proof-of-burn scheme. And so, there’s two variants of those that are provably unspendable and ones that just seem extremely likely to not have a known private key. And the 1BitcoinEater address is no known private key.
So, if anyone – well, that is a P2PKH address, so not even the public key is known, so even breaking Discrete Logarithm Assumption, DLA, I guess, that it’s hard to go from public key to private key, even if that were broken, so if we got quantum computers, this wouldn’t be susceptible because nobody has spent from it ever. So, the public key that corresponds to this address is also not know, so they’d also have to break the hash here in order to get from the address to a public key, and from the public key to a private key. So, hopefully that would not become spendable, but people would be able to spend from P2PK and from any addresses that have known public keys, even if they’re hashed. Sorry, go on!
Why was BIP34 not implemented via the coinbase tx’s locktime or nSequence?
Mike Schmidt: Next question from the Stack Exchange, “Why was BIP34 (block v2, height in coinbase) not implemented via the coinbase tx’s locktime or nSequence?” This was a question from 2018, which had an answer the same day in 2018 by Pieter Wuille that said, “That would have made perfect sense, and I see no reason why that wouldn’t have been the superior way of doing it. However, as far as I remember, nobody suggested it at this time”. So, that was Pieter’s answer from 2018. Antoine Poinsot answered this year, just a month ago, pointing out that the nLockTime can’t be used to set the height of the block that it’s included in, because the nlock value represents the last block at which the transaction is invalid, not the first block at which it is valid. And so, you couldn’t do a one-to-one there. He goes on to say you could do height-one, but there’s some complexity there.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, you could either use the height previously, or you could require that the nSequence field is set to the max value, which means that it’s not locktimed. But I think that the coinbase nSequence value, isn’t that already fixed and has to be 0000?
Mike Schmidt: I don’t know. Maybe AJ knows.
Mark Erhardt: Does AJ know? Well, I’d have to search that right now and that might be out of our time availability.
Mike Schmidt: We’ll leave that as an exercise to the listener.
Anthony Towns: I think it’s just that prevout is now not necessarily the nSequence, is why.
Mark Erhardt: Oh, right. The prevout is, I think, some combination of zeros and Fs, right? Yeah, okay, let’s move on.
Core Lightning 24.11rc2
Mike Schmidt: Let’s move on. Releases and release candidates, Core Lightning 24.11rc2. I think since it’s a major release, we can probably cover it in more depth when it comes out, but it will have some of the features that we’ve covered in the Notable code segments recently, including xpay, BOLT12 by default, improvements to HSM functionality, and a bunch of, I think they said, “Nasty bug fixes”, in there.
BDK 0.30.0
BDK 0.30.0. This threw me for a loop, I was waiting for the BDK 1.0.0 still. Several minor bug fixes in this BDK release, and also prepares for the forthcoming 1.0 release that we have discussed previously by, “Preparing projects for migrating wallet data to the 1.0.0 version of BDK”.
LND 0.18.4-beta.rc1
LND 0.18.4 beta RC1. What I pulled out of here was just, “A minor release which ships the features required for building custom channels, alongside the usual bug fixes and stability improvements.
Bitcoin Core #31122
Notable code and documentation changes. Bitcoin Core #31122 introduces the change, CTxMemPoolChangeSet, which is a wrapper for creating new mempool entries and removing conflicts. Suhas noted two different use cases for such a function. The first is determining if ancestor/descendant/TRUC limits would be violated, and then in the future there would also be cluster limits there as well, if either a single transaction or package of transactions were to be accepted; and the second use case would be determining if an RBF replacement would make the mempool, “Better”, both in a single transaction and package of transaction replacements. Murch, I think you could probably double click on this a bit.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, I dug a little into this one. So, this is not a user-facing change, this is totally under the hood. This is basically a refactor in the process between hearing about new transactions on-the-wire, processing whether they’re valid, and then adding them to the mempool. And specifically, this is after net processing is done and the transactions individually are valid, before a transaction is added to the mempool. This used to work that first you do all the validity, and then you check for conflict in the mempool. And the conflict evaluation would run, and then before this merge, if you accept that the new transaction will be added, you first, in a single step, would remove all the conflicts, the direct and indirect conflicts, from the mempool, then you would add the new transaction.
With this new change, you would do all of this at once. You would evaluate the set of transactions that are to be removed and the set of transactions that are to be added, check whether you want to accept the change set in total, and then effect all changes in a single step, remove everything and add the new stuff in a single change. The author tells me, “If you do see any differences in behaviors, please report. You shouldn’t!”
Mike Schmidt: Thanks, Murch.
Mark Erhardt: Oh, maybe one more sentence. So, why we’re doing this in the first place is we are looking forward to a future in which we will be processing packages of transactions more often. And especially in the context of cluster mempool, it is more important to see the change of multiple transactions as a group. And so, this is just building towards having it for cluster mempool. Yeah, sorry, go on.
Core Lightning #7852
Mike Schmidt: Core Lightning #7852. This fixes a compatibility with the pyln-client library that was unintentionally broken in recent Core Lightning (CLN) versions, when the description field that pyln required was dropped. Pyln is a package that implements the JSON-RPC that CLN, the daemon lightningd exposes. It can be used to call a bunch of functions on the node via the RPC interface. It also serves as the basic basis for a lot of the plugins that are written in Python. So, this fix is probably well received by a bunch of people who are using those plugins. Do upgrade to the latest when it comes out, but if you haven’t broken your plugins in a recent CLN version, make sure that you wait for this restored backward-compatibility to come out before upgrading.
Core Lightning #7740
Core Lightning #7740. This is a PR titled, “Askrene: improving the MCF Solver”. And this PR adds a bunch of graph data structures and algorithms for operating on those graph data structures to CLN. And it refactors the min cost flow solver in the askrene plugin to use those new constructs. It also adds several methods to improve the efficiency of these related flow calculations. And it also adds arbitrary precision flow unit, so you don’t need to use the msat in the calculations for the min cost flow moving forward, you can use any number depending on the total that you want to pay.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, I tried to stare at this one a little bit, but all I got was that it basically moves some stuff at a lower level in CLN to make it more accessible and performant.
Mike Schmidt: Well, good news is, related to this a bit is that we will be doing a deep dive on channel depletion research, which is somewhat related to this topic, with René himself. So, look forward to that podcast coming out in the next couple of weeks, we’re going to record it soon.
Core Lightning #7719
Core Lightning #7719 is a PR titled, “Splice Interop”, and this brings the implementation of splicing in Eclair and the implementation of splicing in CLN into interop status, which would allow splices to be executed between the two implementations. We actually spoke with Dusty, the PR’s author, last week about splicing on Podcast #330, so check that out if you want to hear more about the status of splicing. I think he also mentioned that this interop was coming, so, awesome. In this PR description, he notes all of the changes required to bring CLN and Éclair’s implementations into alignment to ensure that splicing between those implementations work. So, if you’re curious about what the delta was there, check out the PR description for more details.
Mark Erhardt: It’s only 22 commits and 36 files changed.
Eclair #2935
Mike Schmidt: Yeah, just jump right in. It’s a good first issue, yeah. Eclair #2935 adds a notification in Eclair when a force close occurs. I don’t know the details of Eclair’s notification architecture, but I assume that you can configure notifications to arrive via a bunch of different mediums. And so, this is just now another notification that can happen. Otherwise, it was just in your log somewhere.
Mark Erhardt: It also literally, I think, just publishes it to the event stream. So, I assume it’s like, yeah, it pops up or adds it to your mobile phone notifications when it happens.
Mike Schmidt: Yeah, that PR is quite different. I think it’s like a one-line code change compared to the 36 files, yeah!
Mark Erhardt: It is a single line, yeah.
LDK #3137
Mike Schmidt: LDK #3137 titled, “Implement accepting dual-funded channels without contributing”. So, this PR enables LDK nodes to accept peer-initiated dual-funded channels. However, neither funding nor creating dual-funded channels is supported yet in this PR in LDK. Likewise, zero-conf dual-funded channels and RBF fee bumping of these funding transactions are not supported yet either. Those are specific callouts. But good to see, and it’s part of LDK’s ongoing work to establish v2 channels. And so, there’s actually a tracking issue for that particular category of things, establishing v2 channels, and that tracking issue is #2302. And actually, that tracking issue itself is part of the broader tracking issue for LDK to support, in a big sense, the dual funding, which is tracking issue #1621. Good to see progress on these big chunks.
Mark Erhardt: It’s kind of funny. Originally, the white paper described channels as getting dual-funded, and now after, what is it, six years of channels being on mainnet, we’re getting closer to one of the implementations having support for it. Or, maybe there’s another one. Maybe LND has support for it already, or someone. I don’t remember.
Mike Schmidt: Is it not éclair, no?
Mark Erhardt: They do have splicing now, which probably could be used to achieve an effect like that, but not sure. I’m not sure, I might be wrong on this one.
LND #8337
Mike Schmidt: Let’s see, last PR this week, LND #8337. This is the first of four PRs that are around LND’s protofsm initiative. And the ‘fsm’ in protofsm stands for, “Finite state machine”, which is a mathematical model of computation, where the state of a given process can change or transition to other states based on some inputs. The PR gives an example of a state machine for Lightning in LND that represents the cooperative close process in LND’s implementation. “The goal of this PR is that devs can now implement a state machine based off of this primary interface”, which I assume would help better formalize some of the common workflows that happen in Lightning for LND developers.
Mark Erhardt: I haven’t looked into this one too much, but my guess would be that having a clearly defined state that a channel is in makes it easier to enumerate all the possible transitions to other states. And this might be not clearly delineated for some of the states, like while you’re negotiating an HTLC, a new HTLC is arriving, or something. If you properly formally describe the state, as in, “We only have to finish negotiating this HTLC first, and only then another state transition can happen”, it might be clearer how a node should respond to such a request while it arrives. It makes it cleaner in the sense that you very explicitly track of where you are with everything and how you can get to next states. That would be my guess, I haven’t dug into it. Is that it? You’re muted!
Mike Schmidt: That’s it. I was going to say, AJ, thank you for joining as our special guest this week and joining our experiment here on Riverside. Murch, thanks as always for co-hosting, and for you all for listening. Cheers.
Mark Erhardt: Yes, thanks, Mike. See you.
Anthony Towns: Thanks guys.