Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #330 Recap Podcast
Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by ZmnSCPxj, Vojtěch Strnad, Moonsettler, Brandon Black, Ethan Heilman, and Dusty Daemon to discuss Newsletter #330.
The Bitcoin Optech Podcast and transcription content is licensed Creative Commons CC BY-SA 2.0
Changes to services and client software
Notable code and documentation changes
Mike Schmidt: Welcome everyone to Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #330 Recap on Twitter Spaces. Today, we’re going to talk about pluggable channel factories, we’re going to talk about an activity report on what’s going on on signet, we’re going to talk about updates to the LNHANCE proposal, there’s an interesting paper that’s been published about covenants based on grinding rather than consensus changes, we have four interesting ecosystem software updates, we have our usual segment on Notable code changes including an interesting splicing PR that we’ll get to. I’m Mike Schmidt, contributor at Optech and Executive Director at Brink, funding Bitcoin open-source developers. Murch?
Mark Erhardt: Hi, I’m Murch, I work at Chaincode Labs.
Mike Schmidt: Rearden?
Brandon Black: Hey, I’m Rearden, I work at Swan on the Swan Vault product, and I do open-source Bitcoin stuff when I have time.
Mike Schmidt: Ethan?
Ethan Heilman: Hi, I currently work at Cloudflare, and I do a lot of work unaffiliated with Cloudflare on Bitcoin.
Mike Schmidt: Moon Settler?
Moonsettler: Hello, everyone, I’m basically trying to champion the LNHANCE proposal, so that’s kind of my thing.
Mike Schmidt: ZmnSCPxj?
ZmnSCPxj: Hi, I’m ZmnSCPxj, I’m a randomly generated internet person who happens to now work at Block as a Lightning subject matter expert.
Mike Schmidt: Vojtěch?
Vojtěch Strnad: Hey, I’m Vojtěch, I occasionally develop open-source Bitcoin tools.
Mike Schmidt: And I think we’ll have Dusty on, hopefully he can join us later, and we’ll hopefully remember to have him introduce himself as well at that point. Well, thank you all for joining us. We’re gonna go through the newsletter sequentially here, starting with the News section. We have four News items.
Pluggable channel factories
First one titled, “Pluggable channel factories”. ZmnSCPxj, you started your post on Delving Bitcoin saying, “As proposed in my SuperScalar document, I want to create an extension supported by common node software for ‘pluggable channel factories’”. Optech covered your SuperScalar proposal in Newsletter #327, and you, Dave Harding, and I did a deep-dive podcast on SuperScalar a couple of weeks back as well, so if people want to listen to that or reference back to that newsletter to get up to date on SuperScalar, please do that. So, SuperScalar is a channel factory proposal that uses timeout-trees. And ZmnSCPxj, from your post, it looks like you’re looking to create an extension that can be used by Lightning node software that would support not only SuperScalar channel factories, but other kind of channel factories as well. Do I have that right?
ZmnSCPxj: Yes, that’s the proposal. So, the thinking here is that we are not even sure that SuperScalar will work. So of course, if you’re going to hard code a channel factory protocol into the node software, that turns out to be less optimal than a future proposal, then that’s sort of wasted effort. That’s going to be a maintenance burden afterwards. So, the hope here is to have a minimal set of changes that can be used for a variety of different channel factory schemes, hopefully as best as we can imagine them, and hopefully it can be used for SuperScalar. And if in the future, we figure out a better way of creating channel factories, then we can also hopefully reuse the same scheme. So, what we only need to do is basically to plug in a different channel factory protocol, and then we’ll be able to use this new scheme rather than SuperScalar, or something similar to that.
Mike Schmidt: What would be involved in creating an extension? Like, to talk about that, is that specific to each implementation? Is that something that’s standardized? What needs to go into it?
ZmnSCPxj: Okay, so basically you will still need messages between the nodes, and those messages between the nodes are there to coordinate. Like, for example, the plugin of this particular node claims that this will be the next state of the channel factory. And if the base node software will send a message to its counterpart, which checks its own plugin to determine if they agree. If they don’t agree, then of course there’s a problem and probably we need to raise some alarms or something. So, we do need some additional messages on the bulk layer in order for the base node software to coordinate. So, each implementation would need to agree on a specification on what those messages are, but how it communicates to its own plugin will depend exactly on the exact node software.
Mike Schmidt: And what has feedback been so far on this idea from the different implementations?
ZmnSCPxj: There has not been any feedback at all. So, yeah, in any case, I’m creating a spec document for this, which I hope to create a PR in the BLIP repository and maybe get some more detailed feedback for that.
Mike Schmidt: Don’t you have BlueMatt’s ear over there on the LDK team?
ZmnSCPxj: Yeah, BlueMatt is there, but he hasn’t responded much about it yet.
Mike Schmidt: Okay. Murch or any other guests, do you have questions about ZmnSCPxj post? I see Bob is requesting speaker access. Hey Bob!
Bob McElrath: Hey guys, how’s it going?
Mike Schmidt: Doing well.
Mark Erhardt: Bob, did you have a question about the pluggable channel factories news item?
Bob McElrath: I did not, I just joined in the middle of that conversation, but looking forward to hearing the rest of the talk.
Mike Schmidt: ZmnSCPxj, what would your call to action be for the audience of potential Lightning users or developers or node contributors?
ZmnSCPxj: Yeah, I’d like to have some feedback on this basic concept. Like, is this something that is considered useful? I think it’s something that is useful because we do want to be able to change exactly what the channel factory will be, because we cannot really be 100% certain that SuperScalar is the be-all and end-all of all channel factory schemes. So, I do want to have some feedback on whether people do actually want to implement something like this.
Moonsettler: It sounds good to me, to be honest. Of course, I’m more in favor of having consensus changes, but it sounds like that you would be able to plug in any sort of channel factory using any new process or features to this. So, it sounds like awesome work.
ZmnSCPxj: Yeah, even with consensus changes, you do still need some way to coordinate the channel level software, you know, the software that handles channel level state versus the software that integrates with some kind of multi-party scheme, whether that scheme requires a consensus change or not.
Mike Schmidt: ZmnSCPxj, while we have you, maybe quickly, have there been any updates to SuperScalar and the way you’re thinking about it since we last covered SuperScalar?
ZmnSCPxj: No, basically what I’m doing now is focusing on these pluggable channel factories. Currently, what LDK is doing is they’re focusing on actually implementing splicing and like I pointed out, the splicing code can probably be reused or at least much of the flow of splicing can be reused for pluggable channel factories. So, I guess what they’re trying to do now is implement splicing first, and then from there we can look at modifying the splicing code to support pluggable channel factories.
Signet activity report
Mike Schmidt: ZmnSCPxj, thanks for joining us. You’re welcome to stay on, or if you have other things to do, we understand. Next news item from the newsletter, Signet activity report. And this news item was spurred by a Delving post by AJ Towns. It included a bunch of statistics around the usage of software proposals that have been activated on the signet test framework for some time now. BIP118, which is ANYPREVOUT (APO), and BIP119, CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY (CTV), they’ve both been available for use on signet through AJ’s Bitcoin Inquisition for the last two years, and BIP347, OP_CAT has been available on signet for the last six months. So, AJ posted a bunch of example usages of these different soft forks activated on signet proposals and theorized to the reason they were used in certain scenarios. Murch, I think you maybe dove a little bit deeper into this, and I know, Vojtěch, you built a tool on top of this as well, so I’ll open up to either of you to jump in on this.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, let me take a start here. So, my understanding is that APO has been used in about 1,000 transactions on signet. It looks like there’s a few tests of LN-Symmetry, but most of these uses of APO are more like to simulate CTV. CTV itself appears to have been used 16 times before this report. Someone started since again. There seem to be 14 more transactions, which I learned from Vojtěch’s And those CTV users seem to be mostly related to primitive vault tests, and someone also put a RickRoll in those CTV transactions. And then I saw that CAT has the most transactions, that’s about 74,000 transactions that use CAT. Obviously, there’s AJ’s proof-of-work faucet. So, I think every block that he mines at least puts some money into proof-of-work faucet outputs. So, a ton of those transactions are related to that, because someone is collecting these every block. And then, there appear to be some STARK verification experiments, and I think something that looks like maybe the purrfect vault being tested or some other CAT-checksig- based introspection like vaults or covenants.
Anyway, there’s CAT scripts with some 143 opcodes there, so I assume it’s something like a vault or covenant. Yeah, so that’s all I had. Vojtěch, you made an explorer. I assume you looked more at this stuff.
Vojtěch Strnad: Well, I didn’t really look at what the different use cases for the different soft forks were. I just implemented the index for collecting all the transactions with the different soft forks. AJ actually posted a patch for Bitcoin Core that he used to collect these. It seems unnecessarily complicated. So, my tool works with just any signet node. It doesn’t even have to be an Inquisition node.
Mark Erhardt: Okay, cool. So, you built the tools for someone to look at this more. You didn’t actually analyze it much yourself. Did anyone else look more into this?
Brandon Black: I didn’t look closely at it, but I did have a comment, which is just that it is interesting with regtest being very popular these days, you want to use signet whenever you need to test an actual multiparty interaction, things like channel closes and things like that. But for a lot of the testing that used to go on a signet or testnet, regtest is actually a better platform because you get reliable, consistent block times, etc. So, it’s interesting to see what we’re learning here with signet tests is where people think they need to test kind of multiparty interactions with a new opcode, as opposed to where people are testing new opcodes or even CAT scripts or whatever in general.
Moonsettler: Yeah, I’m personally a little bit disappointed that Ark was not built out on Bitcoin using CTV. I think it would have been a very interesting and valuable experience because that’s really like a multiuser thing and very interactive, and there would have been a lot of volume in testing that out on signet. We are currently looking to get all the others on signet as soon as we can, and we are hoping that once we have the Lightning signet implementation, that we want to demonstrate will be observable to everyone on these signets. So right now, all the opcodes are live Mutinynet signet, and we are looking to at least two more short term. I’m not sure when the opcodes will be available on Inquisition, that’s a bit harder. But like I said, we are working on both finalizing the code, the BIPs, and getting them on signets, and then getting people to deal with them and experiment with them interactively.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, I have a follow-up question here. So, a lot of the theorized use of CTV was either vault or some multiparty transactions where interactions could be sort of pre-painted into the future. So, when you test that on regtest, you just simulate all the parties yourself. But wouldn’t showing off CTV on signet be a good use case to – it’s very hard to show off regtest, right?
Brandon Black: Yeah, I think the vaults are easy to test on regtest. The multiparty stuff, there hasn’t been working code for really. And I mean there’s been Sapio, but only Jeremy knows how to work with Sapio really. So, yeah, I think you’re absolutely right. It’s just that the code hasn’t been in a place where other people can work with it for those interactive multiparty protocols with CTV.
Moonsettler: Yeah, I think that’s another problem that I forgot about, that people can’t really get Sapio working, building, as far as I know. Last time I tried, I failed. And that’s probably also what leads to this underutilization of CTV, because that was kind of the only user interface actually doing CTV stuff on signet available for a good while. Of course, that can change and probably will change in the future.
Mark Erhardt: Vojtěch?
Vojtěch Strnad: Yes, so I’m glad to hear that people are going to use the signet for testing the soft forks like CTV, because testing on regtest is nice, but it doesn’t let anyone else see the transactions. And before I created the, trying to see the transactions on signet was also kind of tedious. So, I hope this will provide some visibility to people who are testing this stuff in public.
Brandon Black: I think it’s great. It gives motivation to do it in public too, and people are actually going to see it.
Mark Erhardt: All right. Anyone else on this topic?
Bob McElrath: I want to advertise real quickly. There is one more testnet that I made. This is mostly for testing Braidpool. We need the proof of work and we also need the difficulty adjustment to be normal. And we don’t want to have transaction floods when people plug in a money device. So, I just modified the proof of work, I added a string to the end of the proof-of-work header, that’s all that it is. This week, I modified Rust Bitcoin and Rust Bitcoin Core RPC. You can find these in the Braidpool repository to interact with cpunet and check the proof-of-work header properly. If this is of interest to anybody, I’d love to see more people using it, if you need retargeting for blocks in a steady stream or proof of work.
Mike Schmidt: Bob, you cut out there for a second, but I think you did mention it. It’s cpunet is the alternate test network, right?
Bob McElrath: Correct, yes. It is a fork of Bitcoin. Unfortunately, I can’t really merge this into Bitcoin very easily because of the way Bitcoin is structured and the way it checks its proof-of-work header. So, there are forks in the branch cpunet in the Braidpool repository, if this is of interest to anybody.
Update to LNHANCE proposal
Mike Schmidt: I think we can move to our next news item titled, “Update to LNHANCE proposal”. Moonsettler, you posted a post titled, “OP_PAIRCOMMIT as a candidate for addition to LNHANCE”. Rearden, since we have you on, maybe you can give the audience a quick summary of your original LNHANCE proposal, and then we can have Moonsettler explain OP_PAIRCOMMIT and why it would be a good idea to add to LNHANCE?
Brandon Black: Yeah, for sure. So, LNHANCE is a proposal I made about a year ago, I guess, to combine CTV, CHECKSIGFROMSTACK (CSFS), OP_INTERNALKEY, and CHECKSIGFROMSTACKVERIFY originally. Yeah, four opcodes, but I put them in a weird order there. And the point was to do things that make Lightning better. So, it supports LN-Symmetry, it supports enhanced Ark. At the time, we thought it was needed for Ark, but now we know that there’s ClArk out there, so you don’t need something like this for Ark, but it makes Ark work better. It also improves the scripts for PTLCs (Point Time Locked Contracts), things like that. So, it’s basically a proposal to make Lightning better, better endpoint solutions, etc. And then, of course, along with that, it does all the other stuff that CTV does that are more speculative.
As we were developing a LN-Symmetry based on LNHANCE, we talked with Greg Sanders and realized that the way he solved a certain data availability problem in LN-Symmetry was by abusing or using, depending on your perspective, the annex on signet. And because CTV does not commit to the annex, we couldn’t use that same trick to build LN-Symmetry for LNHANCE. And we then spent the following, whatever, ten months agonizing over whether LNHANCE should include CAT to solve that same problem or add the Annex to CTV, or something else. And then that’s where PAIRCOMMIT comes in, So take it away, Moonsettler.
Moonsettler: Yes, so basically the entire idea is nothing new. Like Rearden said, we have been working around this over a year, I believe. A lot of things have been discussed. Basically, one could think of the four current opcodes of the LNHANCE family as one super-opcode that has been decoupled so that the code is simpler, it’s easier to understand and these individual pieces are more composable for other use cases and more compatible with additional upgrades that Bitcoin might receive in the future. For example, like CHECKCONTRACTVERIFY (CCV) and introspection opcodes. And basically what happens, or maybe one way that one could describe the LNHANCE family of opcodes is that we basically took APO, the functionality that APO provides, and we decoupled the sighash check from the signature check, that is CTV and CSFS. And if you have a super-CSFS that can use a 1-byte public key to interact with the taproot internal key, just like I believe the APO does, then the APO can also point to the annex for data availability. Although this is probably going to be a controversial thing if anyone wants to proceed with that. I might return on that later.
But the point is, right now, by relay policy, it’s not really workable to use the annex for these things. And basically, PAIRCOMMIT allows to commit to multiple stack elements, to sign multiple stack elements as a package. And we use this for the data availability instead of the annex. So, it’s really just a CSFS that could use a 1-byte public key and could sign multiple stack elements as a message. If you take that apart to individual pieces, then you get CSFS, INTERNALKEY and PAIRCOMMIT. So, that is really the LNHANCE proposal. At its core, it’s just CTV plus CSFS. And it helps a lot with doing covenant pool tree stuff, like Ark and other similar proposals. And also, we believe it’s the best possible, most efficient possible implementation of LN-Symmetry that we know of currently.
Brandon Black: Yeah, and I wanted to add about PAIRCOMMIT. We’re talking about CAT versus PAIRCOMMIT, and I’ve seen the feedback, “Oh, you should just do CAT for this rather than PAIRCOMMIT”. And my response to that is that PAIRCOMMIT is better for this job than CAT. CAT has this footgun, which is one of the reasons we were hesitant to use it, which is that if you just use CAT to commit to two pieces of data and you’re like, “Oh, I got two pieces of data, CAT them together”, you could end up in the situations where you accidentally make your script an ANYONECANSPEND.
The quintessential example of this is you’re going to commit to a locktime and a CTV hash or a locktime and a key, and keys and CTV hashes are either NOPs or automatic success on the signature check, not OP_SUCCESS, if they are different length than 32 bytes. And so, if you shift 1 byte either from the key to the locktime or from the locktime to the key, depending on exactly what you need to do to keep the transaction valid, you elide the CTV check or the signature check. And so, CAT has that footgun in it, where PAIRCOMMIT takes that away and says you can safely commit to multiple things with this. And of course, if you need to commit to more than two items, you can iteratively apply PAIRCOMMIT.
The other thing that that then leads to is that PAIRCOMMIT can be used for verifying merkle proofs efficiently, which could be used for other constructions. But the central thing is to safely commit to multiple items, whether with an equality check with a hash lock or with a signature check with CSFS.
Moonsettler: Yes, and I would like to mention that it was, there have been a lot of candidates for this. We actually went through a whole bunch of possibilities that would be super-composable with other things, other improvements in the future and other features. But we ended up on doing PAIRCOMMIT because we actually wanted to be very deliberate and very specific over the behavior that we want to enable. And basically, it’s the polar opposite of CAT, even though the source code of PAIRCOMMIT and CAT is like 99% the same, if you look at it. They are the polar opposites in the sense that CAT, as people say, sort of enables everything, and PAIRCOMMIT on the other hand basically enables nothing new in itself. So, our hope is it is a very controversial, very easy-to-review change that adds the specific functionality that we need for efficient LN-Symmetry channels, mainly, and also very easy to reason about what it actually enables in the future in combination with other opcodes.
The other end of the spectrum is CAT, which is super-exciting and cool, but also potentially a lot more controversial and hard to reason about.
ZmnSCPxj: I’d also like to add about CAT. CAT is the Turing tarpit of opcodes. A Turing tarpit is something where everything is possible, but nothing of consequence is easy.
Brandon Black: Very well said, thank you.
Ethan Heilman: Could I jump in on that?
Mike Schmidt: Jump in.
Ethan Heilman: So, I’m one of the authors of the CAT BIP, and I think a lot of what’s been said, I agree with. CAT lets you do a lot, but when you do many of those things, it’s actually pretty difficult to do those things. I think someone called it a paperclip the other day. But there is one thing that CAT is really good at, which is concatenating two things on the stack. So, one of the perspectives at least I’ve been thinking about with CAT, is that you could get CAT now as this prototype way of doing a lot of different things, and then you get the special purpose opcodes to do them once we’ve learned about it. But the flipside of that is if you don’t get CAT now, if you just jump to the special purpose opcodes to do them, you’ll probably want CAT later, not to do any of these general things, but just to concatenate things on the stack, because that’s a pretty useful tool. So, I think of CAT as like jack of all trades, master of one, where the one thing is just concatenating things on the stack, because that’s useful.
Brandon Black: Yeah, I agree with every word that Ethan just said. And PAIRCOMMIT happens to be specifically very useful for one thing, so it’s the time to propose it now. That is not saying that PAIRCOMMIT is an alternative to CAT. It’s, we have a specific use that we want right now, and so that’s why it goes there. CAT is still good, I would like to see CAT in Bitcoin at some point in the future. It’s just a different conversation because it has this property of doing many things.
Mark Erhardt: Vojtěch has been raising his hand for a while. Did you want to say something on this?
Vojtěch Strnad: No, sorry, that must be a mistake. I don’t see a hand next to my profile picture.
Mark Erhardt: Oh, maybe it’s a bug in my GUI here. Moonsettler then, you were starting to say something.
Moonsettler: Yeah. I think I also agree with everything that is said. We are trying to make LNHANCE a non-controversial upgrade that receives a wide community buy-in. And therefore, like I said, we have spent a lot of time iterating over various ways of doing the same thing, and we ended up with PAIRCOMMIT specifically, because it is in itself completely useless, and it is perfectly suited for the one thing that we actually need it for right now. And in the future, it can also be a useful composable tool, but not a substitute to CAT generally, of course. That’s not a claim that we would make. And, yeah, CAT is awesome.
Mark Erhardt: I’ll just quickly put on my BIP editor hat here and say, there’s a bunch of these PRs that are open right now, and it would really help if the other people that are interested in these opcodes actually commented on them. Some of these have never gotten any comment except for BIP editors and the authors. So, if you could weigh in on the review and say – well, you have a different set of glasses viewing those, so maybe please take a look at those.
Mike Schmidt: Maybe to piggyback on that, Moonsettler, I saw some activity in the BINANA repository, which is sort of a repository for specifications. I saw OP_PAIRCOMMIT is being iterated on there by yourself. Is that the home for the work on the proposal? Should folks follow along there?
Moonsettler: There was a phase where the main work, basically the finalization of the PAIRCOMMIT, how it actually works, was done there with the awesome feedback from AJ Towns. So for a while, you could say that the home of PAIRCOMMIT was the Inquisition repository and the BINANA repository. But I think now that we have finalized it, the main home of these proposals is the LNHANCE repository. This is an organization of loosely associated individuals who try to bring these changes to Bitcoin, And we are nevertheless very much interested in actually activating these opcodes on the Inquisition signet, but also looking to add them to other signets. And right now, the BIPs are also making headway and making progress on them. I believe the finalization of CSFS is happening right at this moment and the other opcodes can pretty much be considered final. And CSFS also did not officially be actually removed from it. So, based on feedbacks from remaining in use and long discussions and long deliberations, again we decided to remove the CHECKSIGFROMSTACKVERIFY feature from legacy script, because upgradable opcodes are sort of expensive, there is not very many of them.
We don’t actually see a compelling use case for having CSFS because again, the most optimal way to use these opcodes is going to be in tapscript. And we also see a potential that tapscript might actually be backported to legacy and that would enable all the OP_SUCCESS upgrades to be backported automatically with that. And that basically gives the whole LNHANCE functionality to legacy script anyhow. So, that seems like a better use of an upgradable model than just adding CHECKSIGFROMSTACKVERIFY that has all sorts of various issues in legacy state.
Brandon Black: Yeah, so the summary of that is that LNHANCE went from being four opcodes when I first proposed it with CTV, CSFS, CHECKSIGFROMSTACKVERIFY, and INTERNAL, and now it’s CTV, CSFS, INTERNALKEY, and PAIRCOMMIT. So, it went from four opcodes to four opcodes, but I think it’s a better proposal now than it was.
Moonsettler: Didn’t you originally propose CSFS as something that would sign n elements on stack? So, wasn’t there a vector?
Brandon Black: I can’t remember if I ever actually formally proposed that. I went around on it. It was one of the options for solving this data availability problem, was adding a vector commitment to CSFS itself. And so, that was one other way we could have gone with getting the right set of functionality. But given that tapscript has more available opcodes to work with and that PAIRCOMMIT, I think you downplayed how useful it is without the other opcodes, I think that PAIRCOMMIT being able to generally commit to multiple things and do that in a way that is safe and consistent and predictable is very useful even without any of the other LNHANCE opcodes, but it’s still very specific. It’s like, if you want to say, the example I came up with recently with PAIRCOMMIT, you could do a 1-of-n multisig as a merkle tree instead of as an OP_CHECKMULTISIG or OR_CHECKSIGADD opcode using PAIRCOMMIT, and have a more efficient 1-of-n multisig. That’s kind of a silly example perhaps, although with some of the more advanced miniscript while it’s coming out, it could be used there.
So, long and short, I think PAIRCOMMIT is the better solution than CSFS on a vector or than VECTORCOMMIT or than CAT to get this specific piece of commit-to-multiple-things functionality into Bitcoin.
Mike Schmidt: Moonsettler, Rearden, what’s the call to action for listeners here?
Brandon Black: Please review our BIPs and soon, our code. We have to rebase some things and get them up to date, but yeah, please review.
Moonsettler: Yes, yes, we really need reviews and engagement, and especially from Lightning and Core developers, who would be the main users of these opcodes. Because I think there’s a bit of apathy and a lot of energy to engage with any proposal that is not actually managed and activated. But their feedback will be invaluable I believe, when we are actually trying to garner support for this proposal to be activated. There has to be some feedback that, “Yes, this is useful for us, we would love to use this if it was available”, even if they don’t go and spend months and months on actually delivering an end product on a similar listing that it may never actually get activated and they wasted all that work. If they just look at it and give feedback and talk about it in public, that would help a lot.
Covenants based on grinding rather than consensus changes
Mike Schmidt: Thank you both for joining us this week. We have a few more interesting items if you want to hang on, otherwise if you need to drop we understand. Last news item this week is titled, “Covenants based on grinding rather than consensus changes”. Ethan, you posted to the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list about ColliderScript and research that you, Poelstra, and two researchers from StarkWare drafted. The paper outlines how we can have covenants on Bitcoin today without any soft forks. Wait, Ethan, what?
Ethan Heilman: So, the main idea here, which has sort of been discussed in some circles for a long time, is that Bitcoin already has arbitrary computation that’s bound only by the size of transactions. But this arbitrary computation has one limitation, which I’ll explain in a second. So, the idea with this paper was to exploit that ability to be able to do transaction introspection. So, the arbitrary computation that Bitcoin can do is using the math opcodes in Bitcoin, which only work on 32-bit values. So, that means that if you take a signature and encode it as a series of 32-bit stack elements, you can do all sorts of transaction introspection. And people have written implementations using the math opcodes of, like, SHA256. I know there’s a SHA1 implementation floating around. So, you can basically do anything up to 4 million math opcodes.
The two drawbacks are that, one, using the math opcodes to do arbitrary computation is very inefficient. Imagine you want to do an exponentiation. Well, first you have to do a bunch of OP_ADDs to simulate OP_MUL, because OP_MUL doesn’t exist in Bitcoin, and then you have to do a bunch of those simulated OP_MULs to do exponentiation. So, the second drawback is this fact that it only operates on 32-bit elements. So, if you want to do something like a covenant, you care about being able to use a signature that passes CHECKSIGVERIFY, and that signature is going to be 64 bytes, not 32 bits. And if you encode it as a bunch of 32-bit elements, it will fail CHECKSIGVERIFY. So, basically you need some way of saying, “Is this 64-byte signature the same value, or is equivalent to, this set of 32-bit stack elements?”
This ability to show equivalence is why OP_CAT or substring are so important, because if you could just take the 32-bit elements and concatenate them together into the 64-byte signature, then you could just do equals and then bridge into this 32-bit realm in Bitcoin Script. We call this 32-bit realm, ‘Small Script’. Substring would get you the same thing, because you could take the 64-bit signature and break into 32-bit chunks, but really we need a bridge there. So, the idea with ColliderScript was to build such a bridge by exploiting 160-bit hash collisions. So, Bitcoin Script supports SHA1 and RIPEMD, which are hash functions that have 160-bit outputs. And 160-bit hash outputs are vulnerable to collision attacks, because the collision strength of a hash function is equivalent to half of its bit length. So, if you can do 280 hash queries on RIPEMD-160, you will, with high probability, create a collision. And Bitcoin does, I think, 279 hash queries per block. So, it’s like 2 blocks’ work to create a collision.
The essential idea is that you have this 32-bit representation of a signature and a 64-bit representation of a signature and you want to prove that they’re equal. So, the way that you prove that they’re equal, because you can’t directly compare them, is you hash the Big Script, the 64-byte signature, and compare it to the hash of this value d, and then you also compare the 32-bit value to the hash of this value d. And it would be perfect if the value d could just be equal to the signature, we wouldn’t need collisions. But because the value d is carefully chosen so that you can evaluate in Small Script and Big Script, and so for this reason you need to create a collision. This is what requires the work, the grinding, to be able to prove this equality.
Currently, the work is 286 hash queries, which is roughly the amount of hash queries that the Bitcoin Mining Network does every 33 hours. You can’t use Bitcoin ASICs, so if you actually want to do this, you’d have to tape-out your own ASICs. We have a number of improvements that can make this a little bit lower, but there’s probably a floor without exploiting the cryptanalytic weaknesses in these hash functions of how low we can make it. So, that’s the general idea. I hope I explained it all right. I’m happy to answer any more specific questions.
Mike Schmidt: Even with these optimizations that you mentioned, it seems like the cost would be quite high. Is there a path to practicality here? How could this practically be used?
Ethan Heilman: So, it depends how low it needs to be to be practical. My personal take is that if it costs in electricity roughly equal to 1 Bitcoin block, maybe that’s practical. It’s really what people use it for. If they’re only doing it for a single spend, that might not be practical, but if they can batch a bunch of spends into the same covenant… I think that this is sort of the beginning of a bunch of techniques that can be used, but we’re still in the Model-T stage of this. One reason I wanted to get this paper out was to get other people interested in this line of research and to build upon it, because I think there’s a lot of room here. One example of some of the room is that so far when I’ve been talking about SHA1, I’ve been talking about it like it’s this ideal hash function. But SHA1 is actually super-broken. People have attacks that I think are really, really low, that are much lower than the 280 queries that we typically think of.
So, if you could conceivably exploit some of those cryptanalytic weaknesses, you could potentially make this much more efficient. I’m not saying that that’s possible, and determining whether that’s possible is sort of a big project, one which I’m not taking on. But I think that there is a lot of room to use these techniques, and to improve these techniques. We actually have a number of improvements that get it down to about 284, which is a 4X improvement, that we just haven’t published, that we hope to get out at some point. But I think there’s enormous amount of room here for improvement, probably without exploiting the cryptanalytic approaches. You’re going to get capped at about 282, which is like maybe 8 Bitcoin mining blocks. But I think that this paper should be viewed as the beginning of these approaches, not the end.
Mike Schmidt: Ethan, can you talk a little bit more about the surprise quantum computer use case?
Ethan Heilman: Sure, and there’s something that is really important to understand when discussing this. So, taproot outputs have two ways of spending. There is the key spend, which is the spend where you just spend it like it’s a pubkey that you’re spending; and then there’s the script spend, where you post a script and prove that that script is included in that taproot output, and then you execute that script to determine who can spend from it. And it is definitely the case that the keyspend would be vulnerable to a quantum computer. So, a cryptographically relevant quantum computer would be able to take funds in a taproot output via the keyspend. So, any attempt to use taproot script spend outputs or script spend must first have a soft fork that disables keyspend or otherwise we’re – script spend is totally secure, but then keyspend is broken.
So, one thing that you could use for ColliderScript is you could create a ColliderScript lamport signature and hide it in a script spend tapleaf, somewhere in that merkle tree. And then, if it were to be the case that a cryptographically relevant quantum computer were to come out, and it were to be the case that Bitcoin, to protect against this, allowed the ability of turning off keyspends in taproot outputs, then you could use your quantum secure signature in the script spend tapleaf to still control your funds without being vulnerable to quantum computing attacks.
Mike Schmidt: Brandon?
Brandon Black: Yeah, so two things. One, Ethan mentioned the idea that some people have ideas about aggregating a lot of activity into a single spend, in which case the amount of energy or dollars you need to spend to do a single covenant goes up, because they can aggregate a bunch of activity into one spend. At OP_NEXT a couple of weeks ago, the StarkWare folks said that even at the current costs of doing this, it might be practical. So, using the techniques that you were mentioning, it will almost certainly become practical for that kind of aggregate kind of stamping economic activity into Bitcoin type of covenant.
Then the other thing that was worth mentioning is that Moonsettler just kind of blew past mentioning earlier the idea of bringing Tapscript to earlier output types. And that would be one potential way to get access to these kind of newer quantum-resistant type of spend paths, would be to bring them to P2WSH, where you don’t have a hardcoded necessary key spend like you do in tapscript. I’m not saying that’s the right way to get those things. We could also introduce a new version of tapscript or disable keyspend, as Ethan said, but Moonsettler had mentioned it, so I figured I’d mention it again.
Mike Schmidt: Ethan, any parting words for the audience?
Ethan Heilman: No, well actually, so I really like this idea of porting things back to P2SH, or something like that. I do have a scheme to get lamport signatures in P2SH using OP_SIZE, but I really should underline that no one should use my scheme. I talked about it in the Dev mailing list, but it makes a lot of assumptions. You’d probably be more secure against a quantum computer not using my scheme than using my scheme. So, I think that if we do port these things, if we do port tapscript back to P2SH, we’ll still want something that – like, if we’re going to go through all the work of that, we should probably have something like CAT or some sort of dedicated quantum secure signature algorithm in P2SH to do it, because it would be a shame to go through all the work just to enable ColliderScripts, when ColliderScripts are incredibly expensive and something, you know, if we’re going to go through all that work, why not just add something that lets us do lamport signatures in P2SH directly and make it highly usable.
Brandon Black: That was literally what I said to Moonsettler as well when he first mentioned this idea. I was like, “We don’t need to do this now. We do this when we have a practical way to do something quantum-resistant in tapscript”.
Moonsettler: Yes, I have a question. So, this collider scripting, because the hashing capacity of the Bitcoin Network, as you mentioned, is it actually feasible with the existing ASICs, or we are talking about our own fleet of ASICs?
Ethan Heilman: So, if I understood your question it’s, “Can we use this with existing ASICs?” And I don’t think you can. The activity that you’re doing on this is very different than what current ASICs are doing, and it applies to SHA1 and RIPEMD. It also actually requires storage. And because we’re using some clever cryptologic techniques, the storage bandwidth isn’t a problem, but you do need something like basically a couple of thousand hard drives plugged into the ASICs. So I think, yeah, I think you’d have to tape-out ASICs, and you’d also have to have the ability of these ASICs to do rights to the storage.
The interesting thing though is the ASICs don’t actually have to wait for the rights to complete, they can just keep running, and the rights are fairly infrequent. So, the storage does not prevent the scheme from working, but it would likely require a very different setup than most current ASICs. You’d have to tape something out.
Moonsettler: All right, thank you.
Mike Schmidt: Bob, did you have a question?
Bob McElrath: Yeah, so Ethan, correct me if I’m wrong here. This is totally impractical without a network of ASICs similar in size to the Bitcoin Network, right? And so, if that’s the case, I mean the correct number to think of there in terms of the cost of this is the CapEx of those ASICs, not their electricity costs. Because Bitcoin has a few million ASICs online and the total CapEx of those things is in the tens of billions of dollars. And the cost of those is amortized over a lifetime of 18 months to 2 years roughly. So, in order to make one hash collision here, one would need to build a network of ASICs. In order to make one script, you’d have to spend on the order of $1 billion to $10 billion just to get the ASICs. Do I have all that correct?
Ethan Heilman: So, I don’t know how much the Bitcoin Mining Network costs. I’ve heard estimates as low as $500 million, you’re always trading off the time to find a collision to the amount that you build out. But I do think that building this out at scale with what the paper currently has, without additional improvements, would be incredibly expensive; incredibly expensive to get one ColliderScript output spend per 33 hours. So, there’s two things here. One is, because this is likely to improve a lot in the future by at least an order of magnitude, just based on what we know, we probably shouldn’t tape-out ASICs now. But the second side of that is, if you did tape-out ASICs, and then, like, OP_CAT or OP_CTV were to show up, the ASICs, you would have spent a lot of money on something that you probably can’t use.
So, I would say that it is probably possible to create a contract on Bitcoin where you hedge against, like, CAT or CTV to fund your ASICs or something, you bet on that. But if it was up to me, I would probably wait a little while before spending $100 million to $1 billion.
Bob McElrath: Yeah, I think CTV is a way better idea, or any of the other opcodes for that matter. It’s way cheaper! But one question for you. I would have thought that a SHA1-length extension attack would be a far easier way to do this. Could you comment on using SHA1 for the same kind of idea?
Ethan Heilman: Sure. So, part of the problem is that length extensions don’t get you collisions, you can just extend a value without knowing what the prior input was. So, they tend to be much more useful against authentication protocols. There are some very, very effective SHA1 collision attacks that work on 2 message block sizes. If we could get those down to 1 message block size, or 1 message block, which is 512 bytes, we could have a significant speed up here. We generally were just kind of curious if, without getting into that level of detail, that this was even possible, and it is. But I really look forward to using some of the more specific details of the hash function. And perhaps you have a way to do it with length extension, which if you do, please write it up, I’d love to see it.
Bob McElrath: I don’t have a way. I was asking you because you’re the expert on hash functions!
Ethan Heilman: So, as far as I know, there’s no way to use length extension in this setting, but there is a lot to explore here.
Bob McElrath: Awesome, thank you.
Mike Schmidt: Ethan, thanks for joining us. That was interesting conversation. I’m glad you were here to walk us through that. You’re welcome to stay on. Otherwise, we have just a few more things to get through. But if you need to drop, we understand.
Ethan Heilman: Thanks.
Mike Schmidt: Next segment from the newsletter is our monthly segment on Changes to services and client software. We picked out four this month.
Spark layer two protocol announced
The first one titled, “Spark layer two protocol announced”. Spark is a new layer 2 that has been developed by the Lightspark team, which is a company that is working on Lightning services. Spark uses statechains along with threshold signing behind the scenes, on the tech side of things, and their website indicates that they see Spark as a payment-focused layer 2 solution. And in terms of features or capabilities, Spark uses native Bitcoin, it’s self-custodial, it’s low fee, it interfaces with Lightning, it has a 1-of-n trust assumption, it supports unconditional unilateral exits, and doesn’t require any Bitcoin consensus changes. I should note also that Spark is currently alpha, and there is a form on their website if you’re curious and want to sign up for their beta testing. But I wanted to query our smart special guests this week to see if anybody’s looked into this a little bit deeper.
Mark Erhardt: Well, I looked over it. Oh, Moonsettler, were you going to say something?
Moonsettler: I just wanted to say that I have one last comment about LNHANCE, but you can put it to the end.
Mark Erhardt: Sorry, how does this tie to LNHANCE?
Moonsettler: No, it doesn’t.
Mark Erhardt: Okay, so on the Spark layer 2 protocol, I looked over it briefly, I don’t think I have a full understanding yet, but I do have a gripe here. If you call yourself fully self-custodial and then also say that there’s a 1-of-n honorable, honest party trust assumption, I think we have different understandings of how grammar works.
Moonsettler: Statechain zombies have this special HSM security model, I believe.
Mike Schmidt: Bob, did you have a question or comment?
Bob McElrath: Yeah, I just wanted to mention that there’s another implementation of statechains, and that’s the Mercury layer statechains. I don’t know if it’s widely known at this point, but the company that wrote the Mercury layer is shutting down. It’s fully open source, including the server, including the HSM code. I wish that those guys would have bought Mercury layer from those guys, unfortunately they did not. So, there’s a lot of inconsistencies in their news releases. They said they’re gonna open-source it, as far as I’m aware they have not. But everybody should know that there is an open-source implementation of a statechain that basically accomplishes all the same things. It would be awesome to figure out how to integrate this with Lightning, it looks like these guys have already done it. But there’s another alternative here that’s not proprietary that I wish everybody would look at. It’s fully open source, do whatever you want with it.
Moonsettler: Yeah, I think there is a way to integrate the statechains with Lightning, by the way, especially if we get LN-Symmetry, because then we can do immortal statechains that do not have a fixed lifespan. And not only you can do LN-Symmetry channels, but you can actually stack LN-Symmetry channels and use the statechain technology developed by Mercury, and basically transfer ownership of the entire Lightning channel without an onchain transaction. I think that would actually be super-interesting.
Bob McElrath: I think that is an awesome use case. I’ve been arguing for that for a long time and I’d love to see somebody do it.
Moonsettler: And of course, you can pack these to virtual UTXO leaves in any time-out tree structure as well, if you want. So, I just want to float it out that you can really compose these things and come up with very interesting stuff like that.
Mike Schmidt: Interesting. Thank you, Moonsettler and Bob, for chiming in on that. I did not know about the Mercury folks shutting down.
Bob McElrath: Yeah, I’m sad, but they wrote some awesome software.
Unify wallet announced
Mike Schmidt: Unify wallet announced. Unify is a wallet focused on the payjoin use case. Specifically, Unify supports a variant of BIP78, which is the payjoin BIP, and it actually uses Nostr as the communication protocol to negotiate the transaction instead of an HTTP endpoint that the receiver would operate. So, there’s a little bit of difference there in implementation. This software is pre-alpha, so proceed accordingly. Any thoughts from the audience?
Mark Erhardt: Well, maybe briefly. There’s also BIP77, and it might be confusing. BIP77 is the newer payjoin proposal with the – they use something similar where they store the PSBT that is being assembled in a web directory. I am missing the proper term right now, but it’s very private. So, that might be very interesting in this context, too. I don’t know if the author of Unify is aware of this. So, BIP78, the original payjoin proposal, requires you to run a server. So, if they’re using Nostr instead, it might be closer related to BIP77. launches
Mike Schmidt: Next piece of software we highlighted in the newsletter was launching. And we have author here, who is Vojtěch. Vojtěch, do you want to describe the site and the set of tools that are provided?
Vojtěch Strnad: Yeah, so actually it didn’t just launch now. I’ve been incrementally building it for the past year or so. First, it started with just a few hash functions, which is a tool I would often just google. And then I just got sick of googling these tools and made my own. Actually, I don’t know if there are any tools online that can do SHA256 and then RIPEMD, which is an opcode in Bitcoin Script. So, I also got sick of just calculating SHA256 and then copying the result into RIPEMD. And then, I just built out more tools on the website, for example, ASCII decoding bech32. And then the real star of the show, I think, is the script debugger, which I released recently. And, yeah, you can just basically run any kind of script. So, there are actually quite a few script debuggers online, but most of the ones I tried were broken in very obvious ways.
Mike Schmidt: Yeah, I think it was last month, was it, Vojtěch, that there was one of these tools that I was going to highlight in this segment, and you were looking at it saying it’s broken. Well, it makes sense that you have something that you’ve built as well and you’ve played around with a lot of these.
Vojtěch Strnad: Yeah, for example, the tool you’re mentioning, it did some quite weird interpretation of stack items. For example, if you had a script with OP_0, it didn’t actually push the empty array, which is what it should do. It pushed literally the number 0 onto the stack, which is impossible because stack items are not supposed to be numbers. And then if you hashed it, it would actually hash the string representation of the number 0. So, that’s just terribly broken. I’ve raised it as an issue in the repository. I don’t know if they fixed it yet.
Mike Schmidt: So, if you’re the kind of person that has a list of bookmarks of interesting Bitcoin sites and services and utilities, you should check out and see if that’s useful for you to add to your collection. Anything else, Vojtěch?
Vojtěch Strnad: Yeah, and if there’s a tool you would like to have and it doesn’t have it yet, just open an issue on GitHub and I will probably implement it. It’s all open source, so you can even fork it and do some changes yourself.
Mike Schmidt: Thanks, Vojtěch.
Mark Erhardt: Very cool, thank you.
Great Restored Script Interpreter available
Mike Schmidt: Last piece of software we highlighted was Great Restored Script Interpreter available. And Jonas Nick has been working on Great RSI, which is currently experimental, but this provides an interpreter for the Great Script Restoration Proposal soft fork, which is referenced as GSR. So, GSR is a proposal from Rusty Russell to enable the opcodes disabled by Satoshi in, I believe, 2010, including the OP_CAT opcode and also a bunch of other opcodes. We link to Rusty’s BTC++ video where he explains GSR. And also to plug the Brink podcast, we spoke with Rusty a couple of months back about his GSR proposal, so check that out. This interpreter implementation that we covered in the newsletter, they noted, or Jonas noted, that it, “Lacks a crucial GSR feature”, which is the varops budget, which is sort of a change. The sigops budget to varops is one of the changes in the GSR. So, that’s missing currently, which is probably why it’s a partial experimental implementation.
One thing that I noticed as well, in jumping into the repository, that it’s written in Lean, which I had never heard of before. But lean is a proof assistant and functional programming language. So, I haven’t used that before, I can’t comment on it. Murch, do you know what Lean is?
Mark Erhardt: I had never heard of it before either. But I also saw that he implemented some experimental Winternitz One Time Signatures (WOTS), and was especially talking about how GSR could be a path towards post-quantum security.
Mike Schmidt: Yeah, this would be an interesting one to keep an eye on. It’s quite rigorous if they’re using this proofing and then assistant language in the interpretation to sort of, I don’t know, it’s a more rigorous approach to this soft fork activation if you’re putting all this research and proofing around the proposal. So, I think it’s interesting. Keep an eye on it, see where the maturity of that goes. Notable code and documentation changes. If you have questions for any of us who are still on the show, feel free to raise your hand and request speaker access or leave a comment in the chat, we’ll try to get to that.
Bitcoin Core #30666
Bitcoin Core #30666, “Fix m_best_header tracking and BLOCK_FAILED_CHILD assignment”. Murch?
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, so apparently when you call invalidateblock or reconsiderblock, or if an invalid block is found by your node, sometimes the header wouldn’t be updated in its markings, so it was possible that the header to an invalid block was still considered to be the best header; or after reconsiderblock, the reconsider chain tip wasn’t marked as m_best_header. This is just from a cursory look. The good thing is we don’t really use header for much. Apparently, the most prevalent use is to discover how close we are to the chain tip on a specific header, and in fee estimation. And it also affects the responses of some RPCs. This PR anyway fixes the behavior. So, when the user calls invalidateblock or reconsiderblock or when an invalid block is found, the m_best_header is reconsidered and recalculated, and now it should hopefully always show the right m_best_header.
Bitcoin Core #30239
Mike Schmidt: Bitcoin Core #30239, a PR titled, “Ephemeral Dust”. And, Murch, while I was out, I know you did Newsletter #328, and there was a PR Review Club on this PR, Ephemeral Dust. Do you want to take a crack at summarizing it briefly?
Mark Erhardt: Sure, of course. Yeah, so as you probably heard if you’re a regular follower of this recap, this year had a lot of mempool changes, a lot of standardness rules changes. This introduces another change to the standardness rules. So far, transactions that have an output with a very small amount below the dust threshold were always considered non-standard. And in this PR, Bitcoin Core’s mempool behavior is changed in that it permits a dust output, or it considers a transaction standard if it has a single output below the dust limit, as long as it is being spent in the same transaction package, and the transaction that has the dust output itself has a fee of zero. So, why would that be useful?
The idea here is that if you create a tiny amount output, it can serve to chain off another transaction from it, so for example to create a CPFP or in anchor transactions. And if the parent transaction, the transaction with this dust output, doesn’t bring its own fees, there should be no reason for anyone to ever include it in a block. So, the worry would be if we create outputs that are not worth anything, they would just live in the UTXO set forever. We wouldn’t be able to remove them because they would still be consensus-valid to be spent. So, any nodes that just forget about these UTXOs would be forked off the network. But if they’re spent immediately, because the parent transaction doesn’t offer any fees and the output itself is worthless, if we require that a child transaction, whenever it spends any output of such a zero-fee transaction, also spends the dust output, we can build more efficient anchor protocols and CPFP constructions from this.
Mike Schmidt: Murch, maybe you can help distinguish, I think you did a good job of explaining, but folks may be a little bit confused. We had this thing called ephemeral anchors, which I think is pay-to-anchor (P2A), and now there’s this other ephemeral thing, ephemeral dust, which interplays with P2A, but potentially other things as well. Maybe just distinguishing between ephemeral anchors and ephemeral dust?
Mark Erhardt: Right. So, we recently introduced a new P2A output type, and now we’re adding ephemeral dust. And those two together composed the ephemeral anchors proposal. They were split up when someone provided the feedback that really, these two things could be useful separately. So, P2A is a way of making an anyone-can-spend output that you attach that is, due to a Small Script, cheap to spend. But the problem with that is, of course, that anyone can spend it. So, some third party might interfere with your expected transaction behavior or reorg it. Let’s not talk about that at the moment. So, anyone can interfere with this output and spend it. There’s also the key variant, where there is a key on it that is usually shared by all the stakeholders in the transaction, so they can spend it and create child transactions, but nobody else.
So, the other part of that ephemeral anchors proposal was the notion that this output could have a tiny amount, and that now got split out into the ephemeral dust proposal. So, regardless of whether it’s a P2A output, you could have now a dust output that has a tiny amount, and that could be useful in order to make the anchor transactions for Lightning channels, or maybe in Ark timeout-trees, BitVM, or other protocols, where you would like to have the longer cached transaction with a zero fee itself, and then have a means of providing fees in a child transaction. So, yeah, those two concepts got split and that’s the main story here.
Mike Schmidt: Thanks, Murch. The last six PRs this week are all to Core Lightning (CLN). Good news is we found Dusty, he’s with us. I thought it would be interesting to bring him on for the last PR specifically about splicing, but since he’s also been contributing to CLN, he might do a better job of walking us through some of these PRs than we might have done otherwise. Dusty, do you want to introduce yourself to folks?
Dusty Daemon: Hey, good morning. Yeah, I’m Dusty, working on CLN and splicing stuff in particular. Good to be here. I’m super-excited about that anchor stuff. It’s going to clean up a lot of awkward transactions in Lightning.
Mike Schmidt: Thanks for joining us, Dusty. I think we can probably just go through these sequentially, and if you feel comfortable explaining them, please do, because otherwise I just have the title of the PR in my notes right now.
Core Lightning #7833
Core Lightning #7833, “Offers: not just for breakfast anymore!” is the title of this PR. Maybe self-explanatory, but Dusty?
Dusty Daemon: All right, let me pull this up.
Mark Erhardt: Well, maybe I’ll jump in intermittently. Recently, the offers BOLT12 got merged to the BOLT spec, and we’ve been reporting on a bunch of different Lightning implementations now. Started to work towards it being active in their mainline client releases. This looks like it is the CLN release of offers support. And, yeah, so I think that makes it now LDK and CLN both having support, and I think also Phoenix with the ACINQ release.
Dusty Daemon: Yeah, I think the big thing with this is taking it out of the experimental mode, now that it’s interoperating with the other implementations. So, it makes offers officially released and usable on Lightning, which is pretty exciting.
Core Lightning #7799
Mike Schmidt: Excellent. Core Lightning #7799, a PR titled, “Xpay, a rewritten payment plugin using askrenee and injectpaymentonion”. Are you familiar with that one, Dusty?
Dusty Daemon: I’ve been hearing about it ancillary. I mean, basically the way we’ve been doing payment routing through Lightning worked in the beginning, but it’s not going to work long run. And René has this amazing proposal of redoing the way we do payment routing. And for those that don’t know, payment routing is basically, in Lightning, to get to make a payment to Joe, you’ve got to route it through a bunch of other Lightning nodes, to Alice and other people, and you have to find the ideal path through the network to get there. And it ends up being a quite complex problem and important to do it correctly, because the better route you find, you’re going to get increased payment reliability, cheaper fees. And that’s a really key feature of lighting, since the whole point of it is getting payments done. I haven’t been following it very closely, but from what I’ve been hearing, it’s a huge upgrade into the way that we do routing. So, very exciting.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, I think early on, most of the routing approaches were just trying to optimize for lowest fees, and that made, in some cases, the routing reliability suffer. So, various implementations have now upgraded their approaches to take into account the history of previous payments, and making sure that they learn from past failures which nodes might not have sufficient liquidity in the direction that they’re trying to use the channel. And so, Pickhardt Payments, which is what askrene, I think, is referencing, tries to model the LN as a min-cost-flow problem and trying to guesstimate which route would work best on basis of that.
Mike Schmidt: We reference it in the Newsletter #316, where we talked about the askrene plugin and covered that in the Notable code segment. But we’ve covered René Pickhardt’s research over the years as well. So, I think if you search René Pickhardt’s with, you’ll get a lot of interesting research over the years that he’s put out around this.
Core Lightning #7800
Next PR, Core Lightning #7800, “New RPC command listaddresses”. Rusty, are you familiar with this one? Is it as easy as that, just listaddresses RPC?
Dusty Daemon: Well, it looks pretty simple, but diving into it, there’s some fun stuff in here. Looks like support for various things around P2TR are also added in. So, on the simple end, what this is is Lightning still has to have an onchain wallet for managing your onchain funds, and those get used for opening channels. They get used, the funds go there when you close channels. They’re also important for bumping channel closes and paying off anchors, that kind of thing. But it has to have a working wallet, which is his own project. And seeing some taproot stuff getting implemented there is pretty exciting for future stuff.
Core Lightning #7102
Mike Schmidt: Next PR from CLN is Core Lightning #7102, PR titled, “Hsmtool.c - Added new method to enable creation of hsm_file from cmd-line args”. Are you familiar with the hsmtool in CLN, Dusty?
Dusty Daemon: I haven’t looked at this one. I’ve interfaced with lib_hsm. CLN has this really cool method of the way it’s implemented, where all of the stuff that touches your private keys is like sandboxed into one little daemon. And it’s a pretty simple daemon, it just basically signs everything. But it’s done that way specifically so that it can be removed from CLN and put somewhere else. And this is how we get stuff like Greenlight and the remote signing stuff, and this looks related to that. It looks like probably a dev tool to help people working on that kind of stuff. So, it’s really a good improvement.
Core Lightning #7604
Mike Schmidt: Next Core Lightning PR, Core Lightning #7604, which adds RPCs to the bookkeeping plugin, so that you can update or set description on an event. It looks like they have one for adding a description to a payment ID and one for adding a description to an outpoint. I think the bookkeeping plugin we’ve talked about previously, but off the top of my head is sort of like an accounting plugin for all the different events going on in your CLN node and noting those. And it looks like now, you can provide a little bit of description to those particular events in the form of text.
Dusty Daemon: Yeah, it sounds like it. Bookkeeper is a fun project. It’s funny that trying to do accounting in Lightning sounds like it’d be simple, like okay, payments in, payments out. But Lightning has so many different states that a payment can be in that it actually becomes really complex to do it. You’re like, “Okay, these are the funds I have now, plus these pending funds that I may or may not receive, plus these funds I had to use in some kind of weird force close thing”. So, the bookkeeper plugin is kind of a huge project that Lisa pulled off to actually get down to the set accurate information on where all of your funds are and where they’re going in Lightning. And I know there’s been an effort, because it’s been so elegant, the results, there’s been an effort to merge it in with just onchain transactions. So, this would be like a merchant that accepts Lightning for stuff, but then also accepts onchain payments. And if they use bookkeeper, all the Lightning payments, their accounting is really well handled. Just adding in onchain tracking to it too really rounds out the bookkeeper, and this looks related to it. But there’s also adding descriptions. So, it seems like a small improvement to a really awesome project.
Core Lightning #6980
Mike Schmidt: Last Core Lightning PR this week is #6980. And as you can see from the previous five CLN PRs that were all in the high 7000s, this one’s been worked on for quite some time. So, we are honored to have its author here, Dusty, to talk us through it.
Dusty Daemon: Thanks.
Mike Schmidt: Why don’t you set this up for us? Is this splicing final, or what piece of splicing is this, etc?
Dusty Daemon: Oh, man, this is something I’m really excited about. It’s been a project that I have been working on for a long time. It’s in the 6000s, as you mentioned, in the PR numbers. The path where I got to this is essentially that now that you can do splices in Lightning, it came to the realization it’s just really hard for users to do. And turns out making a new script language for it really makes it a lot more approachable for people. So, it’s kind of like miniscripts, but for Lightning. And the core idea is having an ability to describe multiple splices you’d want to do. And then, instead of having to do them, have the have the node itself auto solve it, right? And with that power, you can also do stuff beyond splicing. You could open channels and move funds around onchain, you could even implement a coinjoin using this. So, it ended up being quite a useful scripting language in its own right that I’m going to keep adding on to.
Then, the other thing I want to do to it is you can’t do channel closes. This is sort of the beginning stages of enabling what splice can really do. Because there is a lot of powerful stuff that’s possible, particularly around merging multiple operations, and this scripting language is really the first step in unlocking a lot of that possibility. And once we finish this, I get this rounded out – this is basically like the beta release of it. So, now it actually works, it’s the whole language, there’s a whole compiler for it, there’s a whole solver, it’s kind of like a compiler and linker stage to it. But once this is working really well and it comes out of beta phase, then I’m going to be able to build on top of this to do these temporal transactions. And this is kind of a complex concept that I haven’t really seen anywhere else in Bitcoin, is the idea of instead of describing an individual transaction, just having a formalized way to describe the intention of transactions.
This ends up, you need it for lightning for like one specific case, which is if you’re going to close a channel and then move those funds somewhere. The reason you need that is because you don’t know how long a channel close will take. It could be right away, often it is, but then you might have an HTLC (Hash Time Locked Contract) that’s pending for a week, that’ll delay a close. We might have any number of conditions that delay the situation. So, you really want to be able to just close a channel and move it into an existing channel that’s good, right? So, you have a channel that’s doing you no good, you have a really good channel; moving the funds over to that channel makes all the sense in the world, but you can’t do it without some kind of temporal transaction engine. And I suspect once we start building that out and ranting that out, it’ll be useful all over Bitcoin. Just having a formalized structure for delayed transactions I think is a big deal.
But this release is all the work that I’ve worked on for a long time to literally make a script that can do every kind of splice you’d ever want to do, and there’s a lot of different kinds. So, I’m really excited about it. I think that it adds like a really nice usability layer to splicing, and it’s finally merged in. It’s been a long time coming. This one I’ve been working on really hard, so I couldn’t be happier to get this PR merged.
Mike Schmidt: Very cool. So, this is sort of like a domain-specific language or scripting language for describing what the what would occur during a splice?
Dusty Daemon: Exactly, yeah.
Mike Schmidt: Okay. And so, am I writing this as somebody – like, what sort of languages is this? Is this thing like a human-readable DSL, or am I writing it in some pseudocode?
Dusty Daemon: Yeah, it’s a human-readable DSL thing. It’s kind of like miniscripts, that sort of idea.
Mike Schmidt: Yeah, okay, very cool. Does it have a cool name?
Dusty Daemon: We’re calling it Splice Script, I think that’s kind of a fun name.
Mike Schmidt: Splice Script, okay, seems descriptive.
Mark Erhardt: So, if you instruct your node to splice multiple things at the same time, the node translates that into singular splice operations? Would I be right to guess that this means it’s interoperable with what other node implementations do with splicing?
Dusty Daemon: Yeah. So, yes. The interoperating with other nodes in the splice protocol itself, this is for like, you’re handling your own node. If you want to do multiple channels, there’s this funny problem where you don’t actually know the balance of a channel until you freeze it, because there’s always pending stuff going on. So, one of the first things you have to do if you want to do multi-channel splice is you have to freeze all the channels that you’re touching, kind of like a shared mutex, right? And so, you have to go through each channel, freeze it, and then you can get the exact balance of available funds, which is different than the funds that you own, because they could be locked up in a pending HTLC or something. And once you have that, then you can execute the splice across multiple channels that you own.
So, this language wouldn’t handle the inter-node stuff. It’s just for your own node, but it could handle other onchain stuff.
Mark Erhardt: Right, but if you run the quiescence protocol on multiple channels, wouldn’t the other nodes respect that? And if your node then does whatever you want it to do from your end, it should maybe work?
Dusty Daemon: Absolutely, yeah, that’s the idea. You go and quiescence and it’s like a bunch of channels. And part of the reason it needs to be a scripting language is because you don’t know the exact balance. So, the script gives you a token that’s like, “Here’s the available funds, give me the whole amount, 1%, some percentage of it”, that kind of thing.
Mark Erhardt: Okay, cool. That sounds really useful.
Mike Schmidt: Dusty, I know you’ve been working on not only this, but all the foundational work and research that went into this for years now. It must feel good to be getting these things across the finish line, yeah?
Dusty Daemon: Oh, it feels so good. The other one that I’m excited for, that we’re so close to, but not there yet, is getting interop with splicing between CLN and Eclair. It’s like inches away. There’s actually another PR in this release that almost brings it, but it’s just not quite there yet. Couple of little hanging fruits, but yeah, it feels good. Years of effort really starting to come together.
Mike Schmidt: Murch, any other follow-up questions or comments?
Mark Erhardt: That’s it for me.
Mike Schmidt: Dusty, thanks for jumping on with us. Thank you for your work on splicing and walking us through some of these other CLN PRs as well.
Dusty Daemon: Thanks for having me, man.
Mike Schmidt: Murch, I don’t see any questions or requests for speaker access. I think we can wrap up. We’re back to the hour-and-a-half episodes these days.
Mark Erhardt: It seems like it. Moonsettler is still here.
Moonsettler: Hi, yeah, I wanted to say a few words because when we had up Spark, I forgot to mention a few things, so thank you very much. I will be quick. So, I think it’s interesting that decrementing timelocks are now being looked at in composition with time-out trees. I think that’s super-interesting. In general, I’m not a big fan of decrementing timelocks, because I don’t think they give us the scalability that we need. They don’t actually save all that much on the block spaces as they could. So, I’m more excited about the immortal statechains and transferable Lightning channels, and these things being composable.
Another thing I would like to mention, the great advantage, because some people are still asking the question, “Why not just APO?” I think that’s an interesting question, and the answer to that is the Lightning state machine, the internal state transfers, the number of steps the peers have to do to make an update are greatly reduced and simplified by the peers. And they are actually smaller than an onchain footprint and also cheaper to the entire network of validating nodes than checking signatures, and you don’t actually have to check signatures. So, decoupling APO into CTV plus CSFS is actually beneficial to the whole ecosystem, and also just makes for better Lightning implementations that are much simpler. Lightning simplicity itself makes things better. That is why Lightning developers want it, but actually using CTV, it further simplifies these things and makes them cheaper, literally for everyone. So, that’s another thing I would like to add.
One more thing is a lot of people think that for really good vaults that actually are valuable, you can just use CTV and you have to have something else. I want to push back on that a very little, because there are actually practical improvements in the usability and backup schemes of robust Core storage and inheritance that you can do with CTV alone. You don’t actually need anything else for that. And I also wanted to mention that for this reason, again, decoupling these things is extremely beneficial, I believe. That’s all I wanted to mention earlier. Sorry about that.
Mike Schmidt: Yeah, no problem. Thanks for bringing that up. I would suspect that Rearden or ZmnSCPxj would have some feedback on that. I don’t have any comments. Murch?
Moonsettler: And one more shout out to the Mercury guys. They were awesome and I will miss them.
Mark Erhardt: That’s all from me.
Mike Schmidt: All right. Well, thank you all for listening. We had a bunch of guests this week. Thank you to Dusty, Ethan, Rearden, Moonsettler, Vojtěch, ZmnSCPxj, and for Bob jumping in and having some comments as well. Thank you, Murch, for hosting and co-hosting while I was gone and co-hosting today, and we’ll see you all next week.
Mark Erhardt: Cheers.