Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Jonas Nick and Pieter Wuille to discuss Newsletter #312.

The Bitcoin Optech Podcast and transcription content is licensed Creative Commons CC BY-SA 2.0


  • Distributed key generation protocol for FROST (1:37)

  • Introduction to cluster linearization (28:45)

Changes to services and client software

  • ZEUS adds BOLT12 offers and BIP353 support (56:15)

  • Phoenix adds BOLT12 offers and BIP353 support (57:02)

  • Stack Wallet adds RBF and CPFP support (57:42)

  • BlueWallet adds silent payment send support (57:59)

  • BOLT12 Playground announced (59:10)

  • Moosig testing repository announced (59:56)

  • Real-time Stratum visualization tool released (1:01:01)

  • BMM 100 Mini Miner announced (1:01:57)

  • Coldcard publishes URL-based transaction broadcast specification (1:02:32)

Notable code and documentation changes


Mike Schmidt: Welcome everyone to Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #312 Recap on Twitter Spaces. Today we’re going to talk about distributed key generation, a protocol for FROST, an introduction to cluster linearization; we have nine interesting technical updates to ecosystem softwares; and then we have our usual segment on notable code updates with eight different PRs to eight different repositories. I’m Mike Schmidt, contributor at Optech and Executive Director at Brink, where we fund Bitcoin open-source developers. Murch?

Mark Erhardt: Hi, I work at Chaincode Labs on Bitcoin topics.

Mike Schmidt: Jonas, you’re on mute.

Jonas Nick: Oh, should I introduce myself?

Mike Schmidt: Yeah, say hi, for folks who might not know you.

Jonas Nick: Yeah. Hello, everyone, I work in the Blockstream Research Group, working on various cryptographic topics, signatures, zero-knowledge proofs. And I recently published a BIP draft for a distributed key generation protocol for Rust to the Bitcoin mailing list.

Mike Schmidt: Pieter?

Pieter Wuille: Hi, I’m Pieter, I do research and development on Bitcoin at Chaincode Labs. And I recently published an introduction to cluster linearization writeup on Delving Bitcoin, which I understand you want to talk about.

Distributed key generation protocol for FROST

Mike Schmidt: We do. Thank you both for joining us. For those following along, this is Newsletter #312. We’ll be taking the news items and then notable code changes in order here. Our first news item is distributed key generation protocol for Frost. Jonas, Tim Ruffing posted to the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list a draft BIP that you both worked on regarding generating keys for use in FROST, the threshold signature scheme. Maybe first a quick summary of FROST compared to something like MuSig2, and then we can get into the challenges and considerations around FROST key generation.

Jonas Nick: All right, okay. So, the thing we’re talking about is FROST, and FROST is a threshold signature scheme. And what this allows you to do is to create a signature for a message that is valid for a certain public key. And the interesting thing is that you start with a setup where n people are part of a group, and then you set some parameter that is usually called t, the threshold, and then t out of that n of that whole group, they can produce a signature over a message. So, not everyone needs to participate, just t of these n total signers in this group, they need to participate to create a signature. And so, the first step they do is they sort of set up a shared public key. That is the first part. Second part, they create a signature.

The simplest threshold signature scheme, call it sometimes naïve or trivial, is the classic OP_CHECKMULTISIG, where okay, they are the group, they don’t come up with a shared public key, just that everyone contributes their public key, and then t signers contribute a signature, and then you have the script that checks, “Okay, now t out of these n signers have contributed a signature”, and if so, the script succeeds. And the interesting thing about proper multisignatures and threshold signatures is that this group comes up with a single public key instead of each participant having their own public key. And they create a signature together so they don’t have to each provide a signature, but rather they provide a single schnorr signature, a single signature that is valid under the BIP340 schnorr verification algorithm. And this is then therefore much more efficient when you do that on the Bitcoin blockchain, compared to something like OP_CHECKMULTISIG, and it looks as if a single signer has produced a public key and signature is not really distinguishable. It’s not distinguishable at all if you don’t have additional information, if you just observe the chain and then you don’t know, well, was this a single participant, is this a MuSig multisignature, or is this a FROST special signature?

Mike Schmidt: Excellent, thanks for that summary. Maybe you can get into why key generation is potentially a challenge and what considerations need to go into that, as folks may not be aware of why that can be challenging.

Jonas Nick: Yes, so roughly speaking, you could distinguish two parts in this FROST signing scheme, and the first part is the key generation part, second part is the signing part. The signing part is quite similar to MuSig2, the key generation part is different. So, key generation can work in essentially two different ways. Either you have what is often called a trusted dealer, who just generates the public key and then sends shares to the participants of the FROST setup such that they can sign in this t-of-n manner. The problem with this is, of course, that this introduces a single point of failure, because if that trusted dealer is malicious or compromised, then they can just create a signature on their own without having to consult anyone from the group. So, this is generally something that probably we don’t want to see in practice very much.

The other way to do this is what is called distributed key generation (DKG), where every participant of the setup contributes a key, contributes some randomness such there is no such single point of failure. And for example, there is this specification of FROST from the IETF. There is an RFC 96-something, and they consider key generation out of scope, they roughly explain how you could do this with a trusted dealer, but they don’t explain how to run a DKG algorithm. And this tells you that this DKG is a little bit more challenging than it may sound. So, okay, it’s more challenging, but still it’s described in the FROST paper, for example. So, if you look in any of the papers, these papers describe a DKG protocol.

What they require, what they don’t explain you to do, but what they tell you to use is a secure channel. So, you need secure channels between the participants, which means that the messages sent through it, they are encrypted and authenticated. Okay, engineers probably know how to do that, use some library and then hopefully that does the work for you. And the second thing they require is a so-called broadcast channel. And a broadcast channel is a cryptographic primitive, or distributed systems primitive, which is more complicated than – like one way, you might read broadcast channel and then you think, “Okay, I have channels to everyone else, to all of the participants, all participants have channels to every other participant, and they just send the message to everyone”. But that is not a broadcast channel, or at least it wouldn’t be a secure one.

There’s two properties that we want from a broadcast channel. So, another challenge is that this broadcast channel sometimes has subtly different definitions that sometimes matter more, sometimes matter less for security. But one property that we want, that is kind of a usual property you have in a broadcast channel, is what we call integrity, which means that all honest participants, if they successfully receive a message in the broadcast channel, then they all receive the same message. And what this prevents is that a malicious participant in the key generation protocol would send a share to someone that is inconsistent with a share that they sent to someone else. So, they don’t really match, match not meaning that they’re equal, but they’re not consistent, which would mean that in the end, the signers, t-of-n, won’t be able to sign, and this will be a problem. So, if you have integrity in a broadcast channel, you can set the DKG up such that the honest participants would notice, “Okay, there is someone who has sent us a different message, potentially inconsistent share, so at least we consider the broadcast to not have worked”. So, that is the one property that we want, integrity.

The second property, that is a bit more specific to our Bitcoin use case, we call conditional agreement. And what this means is that if some honest participant considers the DKG successful, then they will be able to eventually convince everyone else, or all other honest participants, that it was successful. Why do we need that? Well, in some cases, it could happen that one of the participants considers the DKG successful, and then they have this public key, they compute an address, they send coins to it. Now, the problem would be that some other participants, for whatever reason, considers the protocol to have failed, for example, and they have deleted all the secrets, all the secret shares that they have received, or whatever. And that would be a problem, because now those coins could be burned, could be unrecoverable. So, we need this additional property that we call agreement.

So now, what this BIP does, it specifies the whole protocol without referring to some external things, like secure channels or broadcast channels. So everything, you can just implement the BIP, the specification is written in Python, you can copy that to your favorite language using secure cryptography libraries, of course. And then, you don’t need to worry about definitions of broadcast channels at all. And we believe that this was a significant gap, because previously, before the specification, there wasn’t really anything you could just give to engineers and ask them to implement it, because there were all these different pitfalls that you had, for example, with a broadcast channel and this agreement property.

Mark Erhardt: Okay, let me jump in here real quick. It sounds to me like coming from MuSig, which we are more familiar with, the signing appears to be similarly complicated, but what gets really much more complicated is the key generation. So, would it be fair to say that the biggest lift would be in creating output scripts for this, well, for P2TR addresses, for example, that make use of ChillDKG?

Jonas Nick: What do you mean by output scripts?

Mark Erhardt: Well, so if we split up the use of addresses, there’s of course being able to receive funds, and to that end you have to agree with your counterparties on an output script that you distribute in your invoices. It sounds like at least once, you need to make a fairly complicated and interactive protocol to set up the quorum of receivers, or to make them participate in creating an address. I assume then after that, you would be able to derive other addresses from this initial seed, but so it seems to me that that is the most complicated part of adopting.

Jonas Nick: Yes.

Mark Erhardt: Okay.

Mark Erhardt: Yeah, so this DKG definitely seems to be, at least to us, there’s no FROST-signing BIP right now, but it’s in the work. But it should be very similar to MuSig. The DKG is a bit different also in other ways; we could get to it later, or I could talk to it right now. So, for example, one of the problems traditionally in Rust, if you want to use this in practice, is that you receive shares from other parties, and from that you compute your secret that you’re going to use in signing. That means that difference to normal single sign or schnorr signatures, or whatever, you don’t derive the secrets from a seed. You receive them, then you need to store them if you want to sign later. So, that is a challenge, so something that is different to normal signing, also different to MuSig, for example, because you have this interactive protocol where you need to remember stuff.

Pieter Wuille: If I can jump in for a second, I think you, so you touched on the difficulty of, yeah, there’s this requirement that DKGs have, like, a secure broadcast channel, but I don’t think you really went into how burdensome some of the requirement is. My understanding is, basically it needs a consensus algorithm between the participants to actually implement that in practice. Like, even ignoring existence of libraries or whatever, this is just technically a complicated thing, right?

Jonas Nick: That is what we thought a while ago, but luckily that is not the case, at least if you buy some of the downsides that we have.

Pieter Wuille: Right. So, my understanding is that what ChillDKG does is drop the requirement for a full broadcast channel, and instead, don’t require that everyone ends up with the same thing, but still just change it to a successful participant can convince others that they were in fact successful and recover their key.

Jonas Nick: Exactly. This is what we call conditional agreement, which works with any number of dishonest participants, whereas if you wanted to have full agreement, which means that the signers, not only – so, conditional agreement is if one participant believes the protocol to have run successfully, they can convince the others it was successful.

Pieter Wuille: And not only that, it can help them recover the keys they need to sign.

Jonas Nick: Yes.

Pieter Wuille: That’s pretty great.

Jonas Nick: And full agreement would mean that not only – so, if a participant believes the protocol has failed, then no other honest participant will succeed, and we don’t have that property. So, we also don’t have, for example, robustness, which is probably something that would require a full consensus algorithm, or at least something similar to that.

Okay, so I wanted to talk about backups. So, one of the features of the ChillDKG is that you don’t have to store a share that you receive from the others for each DKG session. Instead, you have a single seed and you need to back up what we call recovery data. And this recovery data is public, for the purposes of security, which means that it contains all the data you need and your shares encrypted to you. And it’s the same for all participants, it’s the same recovery data for all participants, which means that you backup the recovery data; and if you were to lose it, you could ask another honest signer to give you the recovery data, then you can restore the whole thing. You could backup the recovery data on some public cloud storage provider, whatever. This has privacy implications, but at least no one will be able to impersonate you or store your coins. So, we believe that this is a significant improvement over the previous way of having to store secret data for every DKG that you are involved in. Instead, you have one seed that works for multiple DKG sessions with multiple setups, and for every setup, you have this recovery data.

Pieter Wuille: How big is the recovery data?

Jonas Nick: Small. It’s linear in the size of the signers at least. This was one of the things that took a while to figure out how to do. But it’s not megabytes. Of course, it depends on the number of signers, but I don’t have it off the top of my head.

Pieter Wuille: No, but it being linear, that sounds great.

Jonas Nick: Yeah. So, another feature I could talk about is maybe the way how we designed the thing. That’s more for people who want to implement it. So, essentially, ChillDKG, how we call the DKG, is a wrapper of a wrapper of a DKG. And that internal DKG is called a Simple PedPoP: Simple Pedersen Proofs of Possession DKG. And that one was proven secure in a paper by Tim Ruffing, my co-author for ChillDKG, and his collaborators, proven to be secure when used with FROST. And this Simple PedPoP DKG is a protocol that requires secure channels to be provided somehow and a broadcast channel. So, we wrap the Simple PedPoP in a protocol that we call Enc PedPoP, or Encrypted PedPoP, and that protocol adds the secure channels, and then we wrap that whole thing in ChillDKG. And that adds the agreements, the conditional agreement and broadcast part. And we hope that this way of describing the protocol in such an abstract manner helps to understand it and to analyze it and also to implement it.

Mark Erhardt: So, for the engineers that will end up trying to implement that into their wallet system, I assume that there would be a library implementation that wraps all of these calls to functions, and you would just be able to call something like, “Create broadcast channel with participants”, or how would that work on an engineer level?

Jonas Nick: So, maybe one important thing I should say, so the whole design is centered around an untrusted coordinator because we think that this is what people use in practice. So generally, you send a message to the coordinator and then the coordinator does something, sends messages back to the participants. So, what you would call, according to our reference implementation, is to call a function that we call participant_step1, and that returns a message that you send to the coordinator; you receive a message from the coordinator; you run participant_step2; send a message to the coordinator; you receive a message; then you finalize it. So, it’s two rounds with the coordinator, back and forth, back and forth.

Mark Erhardt: Okay, that’s even more abstracted away than I thought. So, really it’s just a matter of calling certain steps and then trusting the library to give you back the right things; and then on your end, of course, to implement the correct hooks for signing, when signing comes out eventually.

Jonas Nick: Yes. So, we have this one setup assumption, which is that the participants, they have distributed their public keys – they have some sort of what we call host public keys. So, these are long-term public keys that are used to identify the participants, used for encryption, for example. And we assume that they have the correct public keys of all the other participants, which is the same assumption we have in OP_CHECKMULTISIG setups or MuSig as well. So, you need to be sure that you have the right long-term public keys of the other participants. And of course, other assumption is that you have created your public key with proper cryptographic randomness, and then you will use that randomness in the DKG. So, that will be input to the functions, to the step functions I just mentioned. But I think that’s about it. I mean, other input is the threshold, but not much more.

Mark Erhardt: So, comparing to previous optimistic outlooks that some network participants would have FROST wallets last year, it sounds like there’s a BIP for part of the problem coming out soonish, then there would be a BIP for the signing eventually, and both of these would need to make their way into libraries first. So, it sounds to me like it’s moving forward but it’s a few years away from being available to be used in wallets. Would you agree with that?

Jonas Nick: I don’t know. Since I’m not working on a wallet, this is hard to tell. But the current state of this BIP is that we’re just looking for feedback. So, we’ve received some very valuable feedback already, we’re looking for more feedback. We have this reference implementation that works, we believe it’s secure. We’ve both read it, so both co-authors, but I don’t think anyone else, or analyzed it. And a bigger part that still needs to be done is to add the test vectors, for example, to make sure that when libraries implement this, they can test it in an exhaustive way that would uncover all these edge cases that could happen in these multi-step interactive protocols.

We are considering to add another feature that we call “identifiable aborts”, because right now if the protocol fails for some reason, you cannot really tell who is responsible for it. You could argue that problem away and saying, okay, if at the point of creating a key something fails, then maybe you just want to fail and investigate. Maybe the group you’re doing it with is the wrong group, something went wrong. But still, you probably want to know who is responsible for it. And the kind of property we can get is that we believe we could tell the user either participant number i was responsible for it failing, or the coordinator is malicious. So, we call that property identifiable aborts. That’s not included right now. We currently believe that we can edit. So, that’s another thing we want to add. So, those are the two big things, test vectors, identifiable aborts, and yeah, looking for feedback; probably also, we’ll need to incorporate feedback somehow. Will it take years? I don’t know, I hope not.

Mark Erhardt: Thank you for that overview. Mike, back to you.

Mike Schmidt: Sure. Yeah, it sounds like there’s a few potential takeaways for the audience. For those who are technical enough to review the proposed BIP and participate in the discussion, there’s the mailing list post as well as the draft BIP to review. And for folks who maybe like to tinker, there is the reference implementation in Python as well. Jonas, anything else that you would add for the audience to help this project along?

Jonas Nick: Yeah, so it would be cool if you want to play around with this, maybe implement it, read the BIP. Really, any kind of feedback is welcome, and you can open issues on our GitHub project or contact us directly. That would be great, thanks.

Introduction to cluster linearization

Mike Schmidt: Thanks for joining us, Jonas. You’re welcome to stay on, or if you have other things to do, you’re free to drop. Next news item this week is titled, “Introduction to cluster linearization”. We had Pieter on in Podcast #280 for a more broad discussion of cluster mempool, and in that discussion, we touched on cluster linearization. But this week, we highlighted a specific deep dive, Pieter, that you posted to Delving on the topic. Maybe to frame the discussion a bit, what’s your summary of cluster mempool for listeners, and then we can explain how cluster linearization forms the basis for a cluster mempool?

Pieter Wuille: Yeah, so I describe cluster linearization as a re-architecturing of how Bitcoin Core, or other code, reasons about unconfirmed transactions in a way to enable it to be able to actually compute and reason about incentive compatibility. So, if you look back at the number of pieces of code that Bitcoin Core does relating to unconfirmed transactions in its mempools, like block-building is an obvious one if you’re a miner, but obviously that doesn’t affect many people; but also, relay of new transactions and RBF for replacements or evictions when the mempool grows too big, or fee estimation, or all these things. Looking back now after our whole thinking around cluster mempool, I think we realized they’re all half-baked attempts at trying to reason about incentive compatibility. Like, is this transaction making things better or not; or what’s the best we can do? And cluster mempool is about replacing all of that with a single framework that’s well abstracted and we can analyze separately just about the question, how good is this transaction compared to this; or how good is this set of transactions compared to this one?

In order to do so, the big computationally hard part is we really need to have a full ordering on transactions in the mempool, like what order would we mine them in? And in cluster mempool, we pre-compute that to an extent, which makes this computationally feasible. Yeah, Murch?

Mark Erhardt: You said a few times, “Better or good” and, “Incentive compatibility”. Could you maybe give us a sense of what makes transactions better and what sort of criteria we’re using at this point?

Pieter Wuille: Yeah, of course. So, better means more fees in abstract, but concretely that is not as simple to reason about. Sure, a single transaction compared to a single other transaction, if the second one has the same size and pays more fee, it’s obviously better. But once you introduce dependencies between transactions, this becomes a much harder question to answer, because I assume most listeners will be familiar with CPFP, Child Pays For Parent, where you have a dependent transaction that pays a higher fee than its parent. Virtually, it bumps the fee of the parent, because we can think of these two transactions now as a collection that jointly pay for the relay and mining of both. Because clearly, the child cannot be included without a parent. And so CPFP is the simple example, which is something that Bitcoin Core has attempted to reason about since I think 2015 or so. But it’s really just one simple example of ways in which dependencies matter.

Cluster linearization is, in a way, a very broad generalization of that concept, where we just take a bunch of related transactions and basically run the mining algorithm just on that small group of transactions, which gives us the order in which we would want those transactions mined. And it turns out that just pre-computing that piece of information, like these related transactions, in what order would they be mined with respect to each other, ignoring everything else, is sufficient to answer most questions that we want to know.

Mark Erhardt: So, basically the problem that we’re looking at is, previously we looked at the mempool in the context of ancestor sets and they overlapped, and it was very hard to distinguish in what order all of the transactions stood to each other.

Mark Erhardt: And with cluster mempool, we group them into these sets, or components in the graph of transactions that are related to each other. Then we decide what order they would go in, and remember that, and that gives us sort of a general order for the entire mempool.

Pieter Wuille: Exactly. So, quick summary. The way the current algorithm works is, or data structures work, in the Bitcoin Core mempool, is it has all transactions sorted by their ancestor feerate and their descendant feerate. And the ancestor feerate is the sum of the fees of a transaction and all its unconfirmed dependencies, divided by the size of all of those. And descendant feerate is the same thing, but with all unconfirmed descendants. And in the block-building code, we just pick transactions according to the highest ancestor feerate first. This is sufficient to deal with CPFP correctly. But then, for example, if the mempool fills up too large and we need to remove some things, we would like to evict the thing that would be the last thing to be mined. And so, the approximation for that is we evict the thing with the lowest descendant feerate.

But it turns out these are not exact opposites. And this is the direct motivation that made Suhas and I and others look into this cluster mempool approach, because right now it is possible that the first thing you evict from a mempool is in fact the first thing you would want to mine, and that is broken. This made us realize we really need a total ordering on all the transactions in the mempool, and it is infeasible with the current algorithm to just – the obvious solution would be, well, run the mining algorithm on the entire mempool, don’t stop at 1 megavbyte, just keep going until the end and see what’s the last thing you would include, and that’s what you evict. But this is way too slow. And so, cluster mempool is about putting limits on how large the groups of transactions are that can be affected by one another, and then pre-computing enough to answer this question quickly.

Mark Erhardt: You mentioned that the ancestor set-based mempool was enough to reason about CPFP, and also of course longer chains that had single members at each generation. One of the things that is exciting in cluster mempool is that it also discovers multiple children that have a higher feerate than parents. How would that, for example, change how we build transactions?

Pieter Wuille: So, I’d say in a first step, the cluster mempool proposal is just running a mining algorithm on groups of transactions. We could keep the existing mining algorithm for that, which isn’t guaranteed to discover anything better than single CPFP. However, we realize that, oh, we need a limit on how big these groups of transactions can be. If we accept that that limit is there, suddenly it becomes computationally feasible to run a much better mining algorithm on these small groups of transactions at once. And with that, I believe in many, perhaps not all, but in many cases, it will in fact be pretty easy to discover multiple CPFP too.

Mark Erhardt: Sorry, I guess I threw a bit of a curveball. The point that I wanted to get to is when, for example, you get a withdrawal from an exchange and they use a batch payment transaction with, I don’t know, 200 recipients, we’ve often seen on the network that recipients of such withdrawals, they withdrew the money in order to make a payment, or have other reasons to send it further along immediately. So, very often, batch payments will have multiple child transactions that, in fact, are trying to reach some sort of priority processing and get confirmed quickly. Where ancestor set-based mempool would discover each of these children’s withdrawal transaction as an ancestor set and evaluate them in isolated fashion, so that they would be competing to be first. With cluster mempool, because we only look at the cluster and we evaluate the order in which all of the transactions in the cluster would be picked into a block, we would discover that these transactions are, in fact, collaborating and form a bigger package than just child and parent, that it has a total higher feerate. So, I guess I’m jumping ahead a little bit.

Pieter Wuille: Yeah, so thanks for that, for clarifying in what context multiple children appear, because they do appear in practice. The point I was trying to make earlier is that we can’t guarantee, even with cluster mempool, that multiple children will be discovered. But in practice, we probably will. And that is something that ancestor sort generally won’t. This is due to the chunking aspect. But yeah, that’s jumping ahead, I guess.

Mark Erhardt: Right. So, okay, we now have decided that we’re basically running the mining algorithm on clusters. The output of that is a linearization and ordering of the transactions, telling us how they would be picked, in what order they would be picked into blocks. But surely if we see a parent with a low feerate and then the next transaction has a higher feerate, even though they are topologically ordered in that way, we wouldn’t pick the parent alone. So, would you like to jump into how we proceed from having linearization?

Pieter Wuille: Yes, exactly. So, the computationally hard part is just run some mining algorithm on these clusters of transactions. Let’s skip that part, assume we’ve done that. What you do with that linearization, so this is just an ordering of transactions, is you group transactions together whenever a higher fee follows a lower fee. Turns out there’s a unique way of doing that and this gives what we call the chunking of linearization. It’s really just chopping up the linearization. In the one extreme, it may end up with all individual transactions being their own chunk, or it could be the entire cluster becomes a single one, or anything in between. And this is really the generalization of CPFP, because whenever you have something higher feerate follow something lower feerate, they’ll be grouped together. And now, if you do this, you’ll see that the chunk feerates, so those are the sum of the fees of the transactions in a chunk divided by their size, are non-increasing. Within a single linearization, you have the highest one first, then lower, then lower, then lower, then lower.

This leads to an obvious, probably not what we’ll do in practice, but it’s an easy thing to reason about mining algorithm or block template building, which is just you pick the highest fee chunk across all clusters, put it in your block and continue. And because the chunks are already sorted in a fee-decreasing way, this will respect topology. You will never pick a later chunk from the same cluster before a lower one. Yes.

Mark Erhardt: Sorry, a nitty comment, but just to be clear, the chunks are ordered by feerate, right?

Pieter Wuille: Yes.

Mark Erhardt: So, we pick the chunk with the highest feerate and any other chunks have a lower or equal feerate in the mempool, and that provides us with an order for chunks to pick them into the block template.

Pieter Wuille: And what this also means is that eviction is now just picking the lowest chunk across all chunks of all clusters. And this gives us the property that eviction is in fact the exact opposite of mining. And this is a much more important property for individual nodes. In fact, maybe this is something I should go into, why we care about this stuff at all. And really, I think it is important that nodes on the network are able to make decisions about which transactions being relayed or replaced, or whatever, are incentive-compatible. Because if the network ends up doing something very different than miners, this creates an incentive for the ecosystem to just submit transactions directly to miners, which is a hugely centralizing effect.

So, I think of cluster mempool really as one piece of technology to help align the network with miners’ actions. And yeah, so that is why we care about this. Examples of this are all these places where things break, like eviction can pick the worst thing, or replacements make the mempool worse, like is possible today, and cluster mempool will abstract all of that away. We just go into reason about actual scores of transactions and then we can directly compare them, and everything else is implementation aspects or policy rules to make this question computationally feasible.

Mark Erhardt: So, maybe let me add another sentence to mining incentive-compatibility. It sounds sort of like we’re elevating the miners to make decisions for what we want to keep on our nodes. But really, we do have guarantees for propagating blocks, and that is what forms the consensus of the Bitcoin Network and causes us all to synchronize on a shared state across the network. The propagating of transactions and relaying unconfirmed transactions is sort of a behavior that doesn’t really provide us any benefit except that we want to use it ourselves too. And it is the best way for us to be participating in the network and being able to anticipate what the miners might be doing so that blocks propagate quickly, that we can make proper estimates on feerates, that we ourselves can reason about what we might need to do with our transactions in order for them to achieve confirmation within the timeframe that we’re aiming for them to get confirmed.

So, we sort of not completely selflessly participate in broadcasting unreliable and potentially useless information across the network in order to have that information ourselves in order to inform ourselves. So, the miners are not elevated to the dictators of what we should be sending around, but rather we are trying to figure out a best guess of what they might be picking in the end because we want to have that information to inform our own actions.

Pieter Wuille: To inform our own actions and in order to make the network align, right? There are other cryptocurrencies out there where mining is essentially outsourced to centralized services because it’s infeasible for the network to do this, just computationally, it’s too hard a question. And that’s really not a situation we want to end up in. So, yeah, I guess should we talk about – the writeup that resulted in us discussing this here is something I started writing from a perspective of, well, I wanted a document that explains, why are all these problems hard, what are the issues you would encounter if you try to reason through this, to someone who is technically competent and is perhaps interested in reading the code, or at a higher level, understand what the algorithms are, but hasn’t heard about anything cluster mempool at all.

So, I wanted something that gave examples, like “Let’s try this, see what goes wrong”, because I realized that many of the discussions my coworkers and I have had about this have been on whiteboards or on calls, or whatever. And this, yeah, it’s hard to convey information without examples, I think. So, I wanted something that is more easily accessible.

Mike Schmidt: Pieter, I see on Delving for this particular post, you have a bunch of thumbs up reactions to the writeup. Obviously, there’s some other writeups on Delving in addition to open PRs. Have there been any concerns raised to the approach at a high level?

Pieter Wuille: I haven’t heard much. I think the biggest question, there are a number of open questions we have, such as cluster mempool involves a policy change, namely we’ll replace the ancestor and descendant count and size limits with a cluster size limit, which is similar in some fashions, but not in others. Suhas been doing research to try to figure out, will that change affect any real users? Probably not. But that is certainly something we’d want to hear input on. Another is, there are questions about computational costs of this. Exactly how big can we set things, or benchmarks, so we can reason about those, but a lot of that is still to be fleshed out, how everything integrates.

Mike Schmidt: One question I had, I was curious if there was any sort of existing non-Bitcoin literature on this sort of research. Obviously, there’s Bitcoin-specific things here, but is there anything from academia that was useful?

Pieter Wuille: Not really, or not that I know of, I should say. It’s not the type of science that I’m most familiar with. It’s perfectly possible that there is some domain somewhere out there that has discovered all these properties already, but I think it wouldn’t surprise me if there isn’t, because it’s sort of a problem that only appears after setting a particular design. Like, if you approach it from the question of, well, we have a set of topologically-restricted transactions. So, we have things with a fee and a size, or a value and a weight, with dependencies between them, and now I want to solve a knapsack problem that maximizes the fee given these constraints. There is research on that question. But that isn’t enough in our setting, because we don’t just need a good solution to that, we need one that is pre-computable ahead of time. Because our end goal isn’t so much picking the maximum fee, it is being able to reason about what changes will affect it in a positive way or not. I have the impression that it’s only after restricting ourselves to this, we want one single order ahead of time, that this whole host of questions appears and with interesting properties around them.

Mark Erhardt: So, I wanted to maybe more explicitly ask the question again. Once this rolls out, so would it require a soft fork? Would it break things between nodes that have it and nodes that don’t have it? How would it even be apparent that people are using this?

Pieter Wuille: So, no, not a soft fork, not even a protocol change. It is just an internal change to how Bitcoin Core reasons about transactions in its mempool. It will probably be apparent to other nodes in certain cases where the number of certain transaction relay decisions are made somewhat differently, probably for the better. And it is, we could conceive of protocol changes after the fact, for example, ones that relay linearization information from one node to another. Or maybe more indirectly, say, package relay is something that’s been talked about for a while. Package RBF I think has, before cluster mempool, I don’t think we had a good idea how to do that at all, how to reason about it. Now, we sort of do. So, having it may affect future developments that do involve protocol changes, but yeah, definitely no consensus changes. This is all at the level of individual relay transactions.

Mike Schmidt: Maybe one way to wrap up here is to, and I think you alluded to this, Pieter, in some of your explanation here, but part of the motivation for this writeup was to provide some background material for folks who wanted to review a couple of PRs around cluster mempool. And so, if folks are curious about this topic and wanting to take a look at those PRs, it’s #30126 and #30285. So, hopefully we can get some members listening, or reading a transcript here, to go through this writeup and actually contribute to some of the review proposed in Bitcoin Core?

Pieter Wuille: Absolutely, but I do want to add that while that is why I started writing it, I think it is more generally interesting than just people who want to look at the PR. So, if you’re interested in what is all this cluster mempool stuff about and why is it hard and maybe why is it interesting, please have a look. And by all means, feel free to, if things aren’t clear in it, comment on it or send a DM, or whatever. I’m pretty interested in hearing what parts are hard to understand or need elaboration.

Mike Schmidt: Pieter, thanks for joining us. You’re welcome to stay on, or if you have other things to do, you’re free to drop.

Pieter Wuille: Great. Thanks for having me.

ZEUS adds BOLT12 offers and BIP353 support

Mike Schmidt: Next segment from the newsletter is our monthly section on Changes to services and client software. We have nine of them this month. The first one is ZEUS, adding BOLT12 offers and BIP353 support. This is the ZEUS v0.8.5 release and behind the scenes, they’re actually using TwelveCash, which is a new service that helps support offers, as well as BIP353. BIP353 is the specification of DNS payment instructions, and that essentially describes how you can put a BIP21 URI with payment information into a DNS text record. So, ZEUS is leveraging TwelveCash to provide that to their users. And you can check out Newsletter #307 for more on BIP353.

Phoenix adds BOLT12 offers and BIP353 support

Similar update for our next piece of software here, Phoenix adding BOLT12 offers and BIP353 support as well. As far as I can tell, they are not using an external or separate service behind the scenes to facilitate that, it’s all homegrown. And it’s the Phoenix 2.3.1 release that added offers, and the Phoenix 2.3.3 release that added the DNS payment instruction support. And I believe with Phoenix, you can also plug in your own DNS-related records, whereas I think the TwelveCash is all done behind the scenes.

Stack Wallet adds RBF and CPFP support

Next piece of software is Stack Wallet adding RBF and CPFP support. This is in the v2.1.1 release for Stack Wallet. Both of those fee bumping mechanisms have been added, as well as support for Tor.

BlueWallet adds silent payment send support

BlueWallet adds silent payment send support. This is in the v6.6.7 release. BlueWallet added the ability to send to silent payment addresses. We’ve covered a bunch of silent payment adoption and discussion and tooling over the last several weeks, which is great to see.

Mark Erhardt: Yeah, generally it’s pretty exciting to see these UX improvements for users come through. I think that BIP353, the DNS-based static addresses, or static payment information, is going to be a big gamechanger. And, yeah, BOLT12 on the LN side, of course, has been a long time coming, and I think that silent payments will also, once it rolls out a little more, I think there’s few wallets that currency actually can generate silent payment addresses. And even when some consent to it yet, it’ll take a moment, but yeah, good things are coming.

BOLT12 Playground announced

Mike Schmidt: Another BOLT12-related update. There is this BOLT12 playground that was announced by the Strike team, which is a testing environment targeted for testing BOLT12 offers between different LN implementations. So, it actually uses Docker behind the scenes to spawn a bunch of wallets, create channels, and then make payments across those different LN implementations. We talked about scaling Lightning, which was a similar initiative, which was a testing toolkit for the LN that ran on regtest and signet. I’m not sure, it doesn’t look like Stripe’s using that behind the scenes, but I guess it’s good to see multiple testing environments for these different protocol updates.

Moosig testing repository announced

Moosig testing repository announced. This is probably a bit niche repository. It’s a Python testing repository for MuSig2 and BIP388 wallet policies for descriptor wallets, specific for testing I think the Ledger hardware device. It’s a simple script that’s in Python that just tests support for BIP388-compliant wallet policies in the Bitcoin Ledger app. And as a reminder, BIP388 is a templated set of output script descriptors, and these policies allow software and hardware that can opt in to make certain simplifying assumptions about how descriptors will be used, which helps minimize the scope of the descriptors, and thus reducing the amount of code and details needed to be verified by users. So, specifically for hardware devices, it could come in handy.

Real-time Stratum visualization tool released

Next piece of software is a real-time Stratum visualization tool that was released. You can see the tool running itself at, which is sort of a live look at various Bitcoin mining pools’ Stratum messages. So, you can see some information there. I think the source code is available, and it’s based on some work from 0xB10C that had a similar tool. I know when the halving occurred, there was some of us that were viewing 0xB10C’s webpage that had something similar up, so you could see what Stratum, what the different mining pools were mining on during the halving, which was potentially quite dramatic at the time. So, it’s great to see a source available tool for doing something similar.

BMM 100 Mini Miner announced

BMM 100 Mini Miner announced. This is a piece of mining hardware from the Braiins folks, and it came with a subset of Stratum V2 features enabled by default, specifically increased security using Stratum’s end-to-end encryption, as well as reduced data loads due to the binary protocol used in Stratum V2. So, not necessarily choosing your own block template just yet, but some Stratum V2 features in there.

Coldcard publishes URL-based transaction broadcast specification

Last piece of software this week is Coldcard, publishing URL-based transaction broadcast specification. So, there’s a few different things here, but there’s a protocol that allows the broadcasting of a Bitcoin transaction using an HTTP GET request, and the Coldcard folks are using that for their NFC-based hardware signing devices to be able to broadcast transactions with a tap. You may see this Push TX website that Coldcard I think is running, and that’s not to be confused with a different Pushtx Rust tool that we actually covered previously in our Changes to services and client software section. That other Pushtx tool was a Rust library that would connect to a variety of Bitcoin nodes to broadcast your transaction. Whereas this is more of a specification for broadcasting using HTTP GET requests. Murch, any comments on these?

Mark Erhardt: Oh, well maybe on the last one. I think people are familiar with the problem of trying to get the transaction to the network without revealing anything about the sender. So, one of the problems here is, of course, that if you just push it out to all of your peers, especially if you’re a light client, it’s probably obvious to your peers that you were either the sender, or you were submitting it on behalf of your counterparty. So, there’s a few interesting proposals around that. One is, of course, you can just use a website or a mining pool that offers this as a URL, to drop off the transaction there. The problem there is, of course, that you would leak your IP address. So, people have been doing that over Tor. And there’s also the one-shot transaction submission via Tor proposal that is being worked on in Bitcoin Core. So, it’s just another flavor, sort of, that fits more a signing device that doesn’t actually have any networking capability. Yeah, I think it’s interesting how many different ways there are to approach this problem.

Mike Schmidt: Jonas, are you still on with us? There’s a question here that I believe is targeted for you.

Jonas Nick: Yeah, sure.

Mike Schmidt: Big picture question. Let’s see. It’s a two-part question. When will Bitcoin be upgraded to quantum resistance? And two, can Bitcoin be upgraded to quantum resistance?

Jonas Nick: Oh, wow. Maybe the second question first. I think yes. So, one thing that seems to be a theme that is developing is that the threat of quantum computers doesn’t go away, it will always be there, so it will be good to be prepared or even have some mechanisms in the Bitcoin protocol that would allow you to create or have wallets that are sort of quantum resistant. And there are even some recent studies which say that quantum computing might come earlier than expected by many. Of course, we don’t really know for sure, but certainly a very interesting topic. I think at least right now, there isn’t really a very good scheme for how to actually achieve this. So, there has been some recent discussion and proposal on the mailing list, which doesn’t really have all the details that you would want for, of course, implementing it, but it seems like a first step.

The thing is, the general problem is that making Bitcoin secure against quantum computers has pretty big trade-offs, at least in the way we have to look at it right now, because the schemes that would provide quantum security would be either very slow to verify, so the signatures are very slow to verify, or signatures and/or public keys are extremely large on the order of kilobytes and/or that is so slow to verify and/or would be slow very slow to sign. So, right now it would look like we would have to accept some of these trade-offs if we wanted to make Bitcoin quantum secure right now. Plus some of the more efficient schemes, they are not, they are pretty new so from a cryptographic viewpoint, it might not make sense to settle on one of those schemes right now, because they might turn out to be not as secure as you would hope or as you would expect. So, this is certainly a challenge right now.

There are schemes that have been proposed, let’s say in the last two years, which have fewer drawbacks in the sense they are relatively fast and they are relatively small. But those are exactly the ones where we don’t really know how, in the long term, or whether they will turn out to be secure. So, that that I think is the main challenge. So, we could make Bitcoin quantum secure sort of right now. There are these older schemes, but they have pretty big drawbacks, and I don’t think that Bitcoin would work in the way it works today with these huge public keys and huge signatures. So, I think, in the longer term, we will have to evaluate these proposals and hopefully there will be better post-quantum algorithms that we can use in the future, potentially to achieve post-quantum security.

Mike Schmidt: So, no open research questions still.

Jonas Nick: Yes.

Bitcoin Core #26596

Mike Schmidt: Thanks, Jonas. Notable code and documentation changes, starting with Bitcoin Core #26596 involving the legacy database. Murch?

Mark Erhardt: Yeah, so we reported earlier how Bitcoin Core introduced its own implementation of the Berkeley DB scheme for read-only, and that was, I think, merged a few months ago. So, the intent here is, a Berkeley DB is a severely outdated implementation, I think like a dozen years old, or the scheme that was used by Bitcoin Core was defined in a version that was published a dozen years ago, and then it sort of went partially open source, or whatever. Anyway, it’s unmaintained software, we want to get away from it. So, we’ve had a multi-year effort to get new wallet types that use a different database scheme and now are based on descriptors. But of course, if someone comes back with a Bitcoin Core wallet from 2010 and wants to be able to spend their money, we want to be able to support that they will forever be able to access or import their wallet.

So, we, mostly Ava actually, got this implementation for read-only Berkeley DB and this is now being used for the migration of such legacy wallets to descriptor wallets. Yeah, that’s the PR. It tears out the actual Berkeley DB implementation at this point and uses the read-only version in order to migrate legacy wallets to descriptor wallets.

Core Lightning #7455

Mike Schmidt: Core Lightning #7455, which is a PR that enhances Core Lightning (CLN) support for onion messages in a few different ways. First, onion messages are now rate limited to 4 per second. Secondly, CLN can now forward onion messages using short_channel_IDs (SCIDs) in addition to the full node_ID which was previously supported. And finally, CLN now turns on onion messages by default, since they are now in the spec.

Eclair #2878

Eclair #2878 is a PR titled, “Activate route blinding and quiescence features”. So, there’s two different LN features being turned on here. First is route blinding, which was added to the BOLT spec, and we covered that in Newsletter #245, which route blinding allows a node to receive a payment or an onion message without revealing its node identifier to the sender. And the second feature is the quiescence protocol, which we covered as part of BOLT2, which is in Newsletter #309, which is a way to stop certain channel activity for a period of time so that the channel can make certain protocol upgrades using the STFU message. T-bast noted in the PR, “We start advertising that we support them by default”, and these features were flipped from disabled to optional in Eclair’s code with this PR.

Rust Bitcoin #2646

Rust Bitcoin #2646 adds several methods for retrieving information about a Bitcoin Script. It adds the ability to get the redeem_script from a P2SH BIP16; it improves retrieving the tapscript from the witness; it adds the ability to get the taproot_control_block from the witness; it adds the ability to get the taproot_annex from the witness; and it adds the ability –

Mark Erhardt: You’re still there? I lost your sound.

Mike Schmidt: Sorry, I got an incoming phone call. I’ll recap the last few of these. It adds the ability to get the taproot_control_block from the witness; adds the ability to get the taproot_annex from the witness; and adds the ability to get the P2WSH witness script from following the BIP141 rules.

BDK #1489

Next PR, BDK #1489. This is part of BDK’s efforts to rework their Electrum backend to use merkle proofs. Now, when BDK fetches a transaction, they will also get the merkle proof and block header for verification, and there’s some reorg considerations that have been re-architected as well as part of this PR. And this stems from an issue comment noting, “I think Electrum really intends for you to use merkle proof API. Best solution is to do that and attach confirmation time of each block to local chain”. Yeah, go ahead, Murch.

Mark Erhardt: Yeah, one comment here. It seems to me, if I saw that right, that BDK now finally released their 1.0 version with the big re-architecture that we talked about last year sometime. And, yeah, so there was a huge flurry of BDK updates recently. I think that this is all sort of the last swath of things that were happening before BDK 1.0 got released.

Mike Schmidt: One other thing to note here for BDK #1489 is that, in the PR summary, they note that this is a breaking change. So, if you’re using BDK, make sure that it’s not breaking your software.

BIPs #1599

BIPs #1599, Murch?

Mark Erhardt: Yeah, so this one adds BIP46. BIP46 is about documenting what JoinMarket does with their fidelity bonds. So, one of the problems that you have with an open protocol to coordinate coinjoins is that it would be very easy to sybil a naïve marketplace. If, I don’t know, 90% of all participants are actually some sort of surveillant, they would be able to learn a lot about the participants by participating in every single JoinMarket coordination. And the way that JoinMarket apparently defends or mitigates the impact of such a surveillant is, it requires people to lock up funds for a significant amount of time, and uses this fidelity bond, just locked-up funds, they can’t be slashed or anything, to sign the offers on the JoinMarket. That allows participants to be sure that some participant at least had to set aside coins that they can’t use otherwise for some period of time, like a year or even longer, and would make it way more expensive for surveillants to generate a lot of participation in the JoinMarket protocol.

So, BIP46 describes the wallet setup of how JoinMarket tracks these funds, and there’s a bunch of details there, how it locks up the funds exactly to, well, just to some start of a month, which reduces the number of possible timestamps that you have to remember, which makes it much easier to just store static information and be able to recover all of your funds, even if you don’t store the timestamp itself. Anyway, there is apparently some incompatibilities with other BIPs, and unfortunately I think that there is little chance of that getting fixed because this is documentation, not a proposal, that is still looking for feedback on how to approach this situation.

BOLTs #1173

Mike Schmidt: BOLTs #1173 is a change to the LN spec titled, “Drop the required channel_update in failure onions”. This updates BOLT4 of the specification for onion routing, and the spec is changed. And I think a relevant piece here is, “The channel_update field used to be mandatory in messages whose failure code includes the update flag. The channel_update field is no longer mandatory and nodes are expected to transition away from including it”. The motivation here, I think, is articulated well by BlueMatt, who notes, “As noted previously, channel_updates in the onion failure packets are a massive gaping fingerprinting vulnerability. If a node applies them in a publicly-visible way, the erring node can easily identify the sender of an HTLC”.

BLIPs #25

And our last PR this week is to the BLIPs repository, BLIPs #25, which actually adds BLIP25. And BLIP25 is titled, “Allow forwarding HTLCs with less value than the onion claims to pay”. And the motivation here is that many LN users are expected to be connecting to the network using LSPs, or Lightning Service Providers, and these LSPs manage LN channel liquidity on behalf of the end user. And often, these end users are onboarded to an LSP using a just-in-time (JIT) inbound channel when they are receiving an incoming payment. But since those channels cost fees to open, LSPs will want to take some extra fee from an end user’s incoming payment to help pay for those channel opens.

So, this BLIP codifies that ability to take that extra fee by specifying that the penultimate hop in a Lightning payment can take an extra fee. The BLIP defines a TLV, a Type-Length-Value field, it’s titled update_add_htlc, and that allows a relaying node to relay a smaller amount than the amount in the onion. Any comments on those last few PRs, Murch?

Mark Erhardt: Nothing is certain except for death and taxes!

Mike Schmidt: Well, I don’t see any additional questions for us, so I think we can wrap up, Murch. Thank you to Pieter and Jonas for joining us this week as our special guests. Murch, thank you for being co-host yet again, and thank you all for listening. See you next week.

Mark Erhardt: Or even sooner.

Mike Schmidt: Indeed! Cheers.