Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #284 Recap Podcast
Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Gloria Zhao, Gregory Sanders, Dave Harding, and Stéphan Vuylsteke to discuss Newsletter #284.
The Bitcoin Optech Podcast and transcription content is licensed Creative Commons CC BY-SA 2.0
Bitcoin Core PR Review Club
Notable code and documentation changes
Mike Schmidt: Welcome everyone to Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #284 on Twitter Spaces. Today we’re going to be talking about v3 relay policy and fees, LN-Symmetry, a Bitcoin Core PR Review Club, and more. I’m Mike Schmidt, I’m a contributor at Optech and also Executive Director at Brink, where we fund Bitcoin open-source developers. Murch?
Mark Erhardt: Hi, I’m Murch and I work at Chaincode Labs on Bitcoin stuff.
Mike Schmidt: Dave?
Dave Harding: I’m Dave, I’m co-author of the Optech Newsletter and of Mastering Bitcoin Third Edition.
Mike Schmidt: Gloria?
Gloria Zhao: Hello, I’m Gloria, I work on Bitcoin Core, mostly mempool and transaction relay stuff.
Mike Schmidt: Greg?
Greg Sanders: I’m Greg or instagibbs. I’m with Spiral and I do research, which is a kind of cross between mempool policy work and I’ve also done Lightning work, so kind of the intersection of smart contracts and mempools.
Discussion about LN anchors and v3 transaction relay proposal
Mike Schmidt: Well, thank you all for joining us. We have some interesting discussions this week. We’ll go through the newsletter sequentially, starting with Discussion about LN anchors and v3 transaction relay proposal. So, last week we discussed v3 transaction relay in the context of transaction pinning and pinning costs, and the fact that v3 could drastically cut down on the maximum fee costs that an attacker can force upon an honest user, something like from 100X to only about 1.5X to 2X to 3X. This week, some of that discussion has continued, and in the newsletter we’ve split the discussion into five different parts. Gloria, maybe you can provide a quick elevator pitch on v3 policy for folks that aren’t familiar, and then we can tie that into this discussion of endogenous, exogenous, and out-of-band fees.
Gloria Zhao: Sure, yeah, and feel free to jump in, Greg. We were actually discussing rebranding v3 to priority transactions; credit to Greg for coming up with that. It kind of stems from a multiyear-long discussion about RBF pinning, especially in LN. So, there were quite a few posts by BlueMatt and Greg and t-bast and Antoine about the various pinning attacks that plague LN users, that kind of weaken at security when they try to go onchain. And so, we spent some time collecting all the grievances and limitations and trying to categorize them and come up with solutions. And so, that’s kind of where the discussion started. And one of the categories of solutions was to try to create an opt-in policy, where users could be like, “This is a transaction in which I’m not interested in spending the outputs before they’re confirmed, but I am very, very interested in getting this confirmed in a timely manner”. And this stems from the idea that we have these pretty permissive package limits, like ancestor and descendant limits in mempool policy, and they’re not always suitable for the use case.
So, the biggest pinning problem that priority transactions are trying to address is, well, you have 101 vbytes of descendants that you can have. In LN, you’re not actually really trying to spend these unconfirmed outputs before they confirm, and that permissive descendant limit can sometimes really, really hurt you because an attacker can attach a very big, low feerate, but high fee transaction to increase the amount of money you might have to spend in order to replace that, much more than what you were planning on spending just to fee bump your transaction. So, yeah, that’s where v3 priority transactions comes from. This discussion, I think it started with Peter Todd posting on the PR itself with a number of issues, and I think Antoine’s idea was, some of these are kind of general design questions that maybe are better suited for Delving instead of the PR, and some of these are just about LN anchors in general.
Some of the discussion is just like, “CPFP is more exogenous fees compared to RBF. Does that –” or I guess now I’m starting to summarize; I don’t know if you wanted Harding to talk about this instead. Yeah, just like, “Is CPFP good? Is LN Anchors a good design? Can it be better?” etc, and so starting to zoom out a bit and talk about more broader things than just the v3 proposal itself. Anything I missed?
Mike Schmidt: No, that was great, that’s great, and that leads into my question for Dave here to frame up these parts of the newsletter, these five different parts of the discussion, all kind of involving these terms. And, Dave, we have endogenous fees, exogenous fees, and out-of-band fees. How would you summarize each of those terms before we jump into some of the parts of the discussion?
Dave Harding: Well, credit to Greg for the exogenous and endogenous fees. He’s the first person I saw using those terms and I like them, so I used them in the newsletter. So, exogenous fees would be fees that are paid outside of the core of the transaction you want to put onchain. So there’s some data you want to put onchain and you have to pay a fee, of course, to miners to encourage them to put that in their blocks and put it onchain. And how do you pay that fee? Well an endogenous fee, that starts with EN, that would be a fee that’s fundamental to the transaction itself. So, for our normal transactions that we spend every day on Bitcoin, we’re paying endogenous fees. We’re just including a fee, an implicit fee, in that transaction and sending it to the relay network, and relay network is sending it to miners, and miners are looking at that fee and deciding whether they want to include that transaction in their blocks.
However, Bitcoin provides a number of different methods that allow you to decide what fee you want to use after the fact to create the core of your transaction, without having that fee included, and then include it later. A really simple one is CPFP. That would be, you send the transaction you want to get confirmed, and then you send a second transaction that spends one of its outputs, a child transaction, and you make that child transaction pay extra fees in order to encourage miners to also mine its parent, which is required by the protocol. If you want to cut the child fees, you also have to mine the parent. But another way to do that is using the signature hash (sighash) flags, changing what inputs the transaction commits to, allowing you to add an input later on. So, you have the core of your transaction, the data that you want to put onchain, but you also allow someone to add extra transactions to it, extra inputs to it later, and those extra inputs can pay a fee. You also allow them to add extra outputs later so they can get their change back if they have any. And those are the two main methods, although you can think of other methods for paying fees exogenously, so again, outside of the core of the protocol.
Finally, Mike alluded to the out-of-band fees. And this is the difference between paying a miner in a transaction using the implicit fee mechanism versus paying an individual miner or a small group of miners independently not using a transaction. So, a good example of this is, for example, the mining pool, ViaBTC, allows you to I think use a credit card to pay them to what they call accelerate transactions. So, you tell them the txid of a transaction and you use your credit card to pay them $10, and they will use their hash power to confirm that transaction regardless of what fee it pays through the protocol. And out-of-band fees are really bad for mining decentralization because it’s easy for a large mining pool to offer that as a service and grab those fees, for example via credit card, but it’s very hard for small mining pools to offer the same service. ViaBTC, I don’t know, they’re at like 20% hashrate right now. So within 12 blocks, you’re almost guaranteed to have that transaction confirmed, maybe it’s 15 blocks; whereas somebody with 1% of hashrate probably can’t offer that guarantee for about 200 or 250 blocks. So, you’re not likely to go out and find a small miner and offer to pay them $10 via a credit card transaction just so you can wait 250 blocks for your transaction to be confirmed. And if small miners are making less money than large miners proportionately to their hashrate, then there’s a very strong incentive to be a large miner and not a small miner. We drive all the small miners out of Bitcoin and there’s only a few large miners who need to be corrupted in order to begin censoring Bitcoin transactions at a protocol level, which again, that breaks Bitcoin censorship resistance, which breaks a whole bunch of properties in Bitcoin that we either like or absolutely depend on.
So, I’ll get to the first bullet point here and then I’ll hand it back to you, Mike, to decide who’s to talk next. But I think the really interesting insight from Peter Todd’s post, and it’s something that I haven’t heard before, is that if we depend too much on exogenous fees, fees that are added to the core of a transaction after the fact, we create an incentive for people to pay fees out of band. Because if the core of a transaction can be broadcast and can be confirmed without the extra data necessary to add extra fees, whether that’s a child transaction or that’s extra inputs being added through a sighash flag, then it would be more efficient for miners to not include the extra fee information and collect fees out of band. So, if you can imagine two different versions of a transaction, we’ll think of the CPFP example, there’s one version where you only send the version with the parent to the miner and you pay the miner fees using your credit card; and there’s a version you send both the parent and the child to the miner and you use the regular transaction fee mechanism in Bitcoin to pay the fees. And in the second example, you could be using a fair bit more block space, than the first version.
So, in the first version, the miner could, say, include twice as many transactions in theory in a block, parent-style transactions, as a different miner who has to include both the parent and the child transaction in their blocks. And that creates an incentive for a large miner, who can guarantee relatively fast confirmation, to offer a discount to people who are willing to pay fees out of band because they can include twice as many transactions in their block. They can offer, for example, Peter gives the example of a 25% discount on fees to have you pay using a credit card rather than using bitcoins in the transactions. And this is a really interesting idea, it’s something I haven’t seen before. People talk about this potential risk of exogenous as fees, but I think it is worth noting that even in Peter’s post and even more so I think in follow-up discussions, this is clearly on a spectrum, how much extra space in a block is taken up by the extra transactions or inputs or whatever it takes to pay the exogenous fees, relative to again that core of the transaction, the data that you absolutely need to go onchain.
Peter focuses on an example where the extra data to pay the fees roughly doubles the size of a transaction over that fundamental core, and he thinks that’s really bad. But on the other hand, there’s examples where he thinks, it seems in his posts, where he feels comfortable with that, when it only represents say 10% of the data; the fee-paying data only adds an extra 10% to the size of the transaction. And so there’s a spectrum here. I don’t see anywhere in this discussion anybody drawing a bright line and saying, “This is an unsafe level and this is a safe level”. So, I think it’s something that needs to be discussed and thought about. And yeah, that’s it, I’ll hand it back to you, Mike.
Mike Schmidt: Dave, if I’m to sort of paraphrase or summarize, I think maybe folks would have thought, if you’re paying the transaction fee in bitcoin, that’s good and fine, and maybe if there’s something being paid on a credit card out of band, that’s a little funky. And it sounds like this discussion is maybe saying, well, maybe not every fee paid in bitcoin is kosher, maybe there’s some risk; if you’re bringing external, exogenous, outside-of-the-transaction fees, that is potentially introducing some risk as well. That’s how I’m understanding it. Is that right, Dave?
Dave Harding: Yeah. Basically, if we build protocols that handle this type of behavior, and we create an incentive for people to pay out-of-band fees, then there’s a risk that people will pay out-of-band fees. And if too many people pay out-of-band fees, then it puts Bitcoin’s mining decentralization at risk.
Mike Schmidt: Instagibbs, the next point here mentions ephemeral anchors, and I also see you have your hand up, so maybe you want to comment generally or specific to ephemeral anchors?
Greg Sanders: More generally. First, I would say this writeup is great, I just read it while you guys were talking. So, I think this is a pretty fair representation of the arguments. One point that I don’t see here is this major point that I think I’ve made elsewhere, that in a number of smart contract cases, it’s really a strange credulity that you’re going to have endogenous fees, right? I guess this leaks into LN-Symmetry as well, but there’s many cases where you just simply can’t do it, or maybe you need really, really heavy covenants and state machine logic to do it, maybe you could. But I think that makes it really difficult to think about. And then, second is that exogenous fees can also happen – or I guess, sorry, out of band is a form of exogenous. So, let’s say out-of-band fees can also happen in a bunch of scenarios like transaction accelerator, which most people are going to be using for simple payments that can’t RBF. So, I think there’s also a danger in saying, “Let’s not improve RBF today”, for general usage, where if we’re too focused on one protocol, exactly how LN has specced up today, exactly, we might lose some of the bigger picture.
So, I just caution a little bit focusing too much on LN. It is an important use case, but there’s also other use cases. Alright, I’ll cede my time.
Mike Schmidt: Gloria?
Gloria Zhao: Yeah, basically very similar to what Greg said, I think the argument of incentivize – yes, out-of-band payments are pretty toxic to decentralization, but this argument of incentivizing it, like when we’re talking about I guess in a market sense, it’s like, okay, we have this decentralized way of communicating to miners your priority and paying them fees, and it’s inefficient. We’ve spent a lot of time talking about how fee bumping mechanisms today are not useful enough and not expressive enough and not efficient enough, and that’s why people might be interested in using something much more efficient and more centralized, which is very natural. But this is also something that we can improve, right? Like with ephemeral anchors, one of the biggest improvements there is reducing dramatically the size and bytes of that kind of output/input step of doing that CPFP, and that should take away a lot of the friction of using these in-band, whatever the opposite of out-of-band is, ways of paying miners. And so, I think the solution is to make our decentralized thing more efficient instead of demonizing these various ways of doing it.
Mike Schmidt: Murch, I saw you had your hand up.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, I wanted to sort of approach this from a different angle in saying that there is this incentive, but there are also a few disincentives of using out-of-band payments. First, you always pay, whether the miner actually succeeds or not at finding a block, and you only pay the ones that you choose to hire. So, if you are paying any miner out of band to get your transaction accelerated, you need to pay upfront and that money is gone, whatever success or not. And I know that is trying to sort of be a middleman there and gives you back the fees, so that would be slightly different. But in general, this is only an interesting product to sell for miners if they make more money that way.
However, if you do an in-band bump, a reprioritization where you offer more fees on the network itself, you bid on everybody’s block space; while if you only hire a single mining pool, you only bid on their block space. So, you’ll have to wait longer, you pay more, and you have the additional friction of needing to go out of band instead of communicating directly in network. So, there’s also a few things that push back on this incentive of, yeah, saving a little bit of box space.
Mike Schmidt: A quick disclaimer here, obviously we’re talking about some of Peter Todd’s ideas and Peter Todd is not here. Same thing with last week. I’ve asked Peter to join both weeks and I think he wants to join but it’s just been bad timing for him. I think he was traveling during both of these Spaces, so we’re trying to represent his ideas as best we can. Another point brought up in the newsletter here was the necessity to keep an extra UTXO in your wallet and the downsides of that, and having that UTXO essentially sitting around waiting for fee bumping. Does anybody have any comments on that particular criticism? Go ahead, Murch.
Mark Erhardt: Yes. So, the alternative that Peter proposes is that we assign 50 different versions of higher feerate replacements of each other. So we have to sign a lot more, manage a lot more state, especially if we have multiple transactions that build on top of each other with splicing; I think that could be more complicated. And if you have to have the funds for larger commitment transactions on hand for your RBFs to remain valid, then you also have to tie up funds here, because if you have a commitment transaction in which you do not have to tie up the funds upfront but can deliver them upon trying to close the channel, you do not have to tie up funds for the larger RBFs during the signing of 50 variants. But I just don’t see how it’s that significantly different, to be honest.
Greg Sanders: Yeah, I’ll just say the whole topic is complicated and there’s actually very few right answers and wrong answers. So, it’s like a lot of judgment calls and design goals that are competing. This is why I would say we don’t stop methods of investigation just because we have an opinion about one specific instantiation of one specific smart contract. That’s my big point, I guess.
Mike Schmidt: Greg, one of the bullets here harkens back to last week’s discussion, where Peter Todd describes a pinning attack against uses of ephemeral anchors. Maybe you can summarize that briefly and comment on it.
Greg Sanders: Is this the one that I had in the BIP for a while? So, okay, we’ll talk about pinning in general, I guess. The pinning problem, to recap, is that the overall transaction package that you might have to RBF can be up to 101 kilo-vbytes (kvB). This is more than two orders of magnitude larger than what you typically need to do to make a small payment, right? So, if you do like a – let’s see, do I have a calculator? I’ll get the Optech calculator out. If you have like two inputs, one output, that’s, you know, 200 vB, or something like that, versus 101 kvB. That’s one, two, two orders of magnitude plus 5X. So basically, you’ve got 500x pinning, right, something like that.
The v3 idea is basically that we can’t really get around the free relay problem, which means we can’t just toss absolute fees out of the mempool safely. What we can do is kind of have prior restraints. So instead, this child transaction can be small, and we picked an arbitrary number, 1 kvB, which is 100 times smaller than the maximum, and so you still have this wiggle room, this 200 vB, let’s say as an example, 200 vB to 1,000 vB wiggle room. And that’s where, in my ephemeral anchors BIP, I say it’s about 500X pinning to 5X pinning. So you still have, depending on the mempool weather and how things are shaking out, you have about up to 5X pinning possible. The practical pinning is probably smaller. Peter Todd, and Gloria were arguing about these numbers. I’m not too interested in that personally since they’re hyper-focusing on one protocol. It’s fine to talk about, but that’s kind of the upper limits, and there’s practical lower limits. It’s more like, you know, it really depends on what you’re doing, I guess. So it gets smaller, depending on what you’re doing. I don’t know if it’s satisfactory, but…
Mike Schmidt: Any comments from our other guests? Dave says good. Is there any other feedback about what Peter Todd suggests in terms of pre-signed fee bumps? We kind of touched on it, but does anybody have any further commentary there? Go ahead, Dave.
Dave Harding: First of all, I think we want to qualify the worst case. So the LN protocol currently allows 983 Hash Time Locked Contracts (HTLCs) in a channel. And every one of these has to be pre-signed. And if we do 50 variations of incremental RBF fee bumps, which I guess I should take a step back and explain. Peter Todd’s suggestion for changing exogenous fees into endogenous fees is just when two people in an LN Channel or another protocol are negotiating the transactions, they’re offchain transactions, they sign the fees on that transaction at 50 different feerates, each about 10% difference, which will give them a range between 10 satoshis per vbyte (sat/vB) to 1,000 sat/vB. And they can go outside that range, they can go higher if they need to with just a small increase in the number of different versions. So, we’ll use 50 different versions as a rough sketch there. But if you have 50 different versions of your main commitment transaction and you also have to sign for each of those a different version of the spend from the output, you’re looking at tens of thousands of different signatures you have to generate for a completely full channel.
Now, Peter Todd has argued that a completely full channel is not something we see in the wild on LN right now, and I believe that’s a reasonable criticism. But that’s what this spec allows, and I think that’s worth considering, that this is a completely unreasonable number of signatures. Using the examples that Peter Todd offered in his post, it would take about 12 seconds to sign every different version of that transaction, and that’s for a single hop. So, we’re looking at possibly several minutes to relay a transaction across the latent network if every channel had all of its HTLC slots full. Again, that’s not entirely realistic, but I think it’s worth thinking about as the cost of this. And then, I was looking at this and thinking, even in the best case, which Peter analyzes to be about 5 milliseconds per hop, which is really short, right, that’s a really small additional time to be able to do these pre-signed feed bumps, I think that as LN improves and as people find techniques to reduce the amount of time it takes to relay transactions across LN, 5 milliseconds might end up looking like a big difference. There’s ideas out there, one of them I’m a big fan of, it’s called stockless payments. And that could make it so that somebody who takes an extra 5 milliseconds to route a payment, a forwarding node in LN, would earn much less revenue than a node that used exogenous fees and didn’t require those extra 50 signing sessions.
So, I just think that there’s reasons to believe that exogenous fees, even if they’re not strictly necessary, they might be preferable. So, this is something we’re going to have to design for. I think it’s coming back to Greg’s earlier point. I think he’s got his hand up too.
Greg Sanders: Yeah, I agree. So, one point is, this is where it’s helpful to make a spec, right? You don’t really know where the pain points are unless you try to implement it, which will circle back to LN-Symmetry on that. Second, or there’s two points I can make and kind of mitigate and/or help here, is that in practice, HTLCs are capped by nodes. So, maybe the spec would want to revisit the total number. I think Core Lightning (CLN), Eclair do 30 tops. I’m guessing LND does something similar. And also, reducing this HTLC max also reduces another pin where, in either case, with endogenous or exogenous, RBF, CPFP, where a revoked commitment transaction can be larger, because let’s say you cap 30 HTLCs, then if the current commitment transaction has no HTLCs, you have to compete against that larger transaction at any number of feerates that are pre-signed.
So, there’s still a pinning vector there, and I would call it a bug in the LN spec because there are other ways of designing the transaction that would have avoided this. The key problem here is that your adversary gets to pick the size of the transaction you’re competing against, which is a problem. But that’s kind of one note, is that this is like another pin that you have to handle, and in practice it looks like you get something like 1.3 kvB, I think. You can doublecheck my math; I used your transaction size calculator on Optech. This is something to think about.
Then last is that for the HTLC pre-signing problem. This is where something like ANYPREVOUT (APO) or CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY (CTV) plus CHECKSIGFROMSTACK (CSFS) really simplifies things because the spec – basically what you can do is have the pre-signed transaction be unbound to any specific txid. And so in the LN spec, you’d basically say, “Add this HTLC, add this HTLC”, and you’d include the signatures up front. And then the signatures would live for the entire lifetime of each HTLC or Point Time Locked Contract (PTLC). And so, I think that’s something that people also overlook that would greatly simplify these protocols, regardless of how we want to go.
Mike Schmidt: In wrapping up, there was one portion of the conclusion section of the newsletter which linked to Rusty Russell’s blogpost recently about stacking transactions. Admittedly, I have not read this blogpost, but Dave, I saw you and Greg both responded to his tweet about this. Is there something that either of you feel comfortable summarizing with regards to stacking transactions and potentially covenants?
Greg Sanders: You want to try, David?
Dave Harding: I think rusty is just thinking about this idea of how to minimize the size difference between, again, that core of the transaction that contains the data that you need to put onchain, and the part of the transaction that carries the fees that you might need to decide on afterwards. I didn’t look too closely at his blogpost, so I can’t summarize it effectively, but I just felt like some brainstorming that he’s putting out there for other people to read and think about in context of this and in context of the other protocols. Maybe Greg has more.
Greg Sanders: Yeah, so I think if you followed any of these flexible sighash proposals like SIGHASH_GROUP or anything, TXHASH or things like that, basically it allows you to, let’s say, combine commitment transactions, you could stack them together, right? You can imagine this. So, if we had sighashes flexible enough, we could get rid of a bunch of this overhead and then pay exogenous fees, but you could maybe just have one extra input, one extra output for change, pay for n smart contracts at the same time. So, he’s kind of thinking about what would be the best and what’s a safe way of doing this; and what’s the most compact way of doing this to reduce the amount of effect you get from this exogenous fee kind of incentives misalignment?
My only other comment to that was like, yeah, that’d be great, but we still have to figure out how to do anti pinning, because as soon as you batch these smart contracts, then you can think of an attacker that, let’s say everyone’s going to get paid 0.1 bitcoin, or something in the smart contract, if they can stick together 100 of these, pay 1 bitcoin in fees, no one single contract user is going to pay more than 0.1 bitcoin fees. So, they’d have to collaboratively RBF it, and that seems this is kind of a hostage problem. So, that’s something we have to figure out too, and I would love to solve it, so I’ve been thinking more about this stuff. But right now, I’d say smart contracting needs to be unbatched to be unpinnable, for now.
Mike Schmidt: Dave did a great job of breaking down this discussion into these different parts for the newsletter. But there’s also a lot of additional information available linking off linking off to Delving Bitcoin, linking off to previous discussions on GitHub, and then obviously the Rusty Russell post. So, if you’re curious about any of this, feel free to dig into that, because I think we’ve really only scratched the surface here in a summary fashion. Gloria?
Gloria Zhao: I just wanted to pre-shill. I’m working on a gigantic document to index all of the discussions that have happened over the years. It’s taking way longer than I thought it would. Big props to Harding who does this all the time. But I’ll try to post that sometime in the next few days.
LN-Symmetry research implementation
Mike Schmidt: Awesome. Moving on to the second news item this week, LN-Symmetry research implementation. Greg, you’ve posted to Delving Bitcoin about an LN-Symmetry, previously known as eltoo, proof of concept in CLN. I know this is something you’ve been working on for some time now. We noted five highlights from your work that you’ve posted about, and we can get into those, but maybe you can just provide a quick overview of the project to start.
Greg Sanders: Right, so the original proposal was, “Hey, there’s this eltoo paper, sounds good, but there’s a bit of script pseudocode and there’s no actual discussion about what the nitty-gritty details will look like”. So I, with Rusty Russell, we kind of came up with this plan. So, I rejoined Blockstream at the time and started working on this. Along the way, I wanted to get to a point where all the major technical hurdles have been cleared so we can have a better idea of what works, what doesn’t work, what software changes would we need, would we need mempool changes. And that’s where maybe I didn’t express this properly in my writeup, but a lot of the anti-pinning work was reflected in this because I realized with without penalty transactions, you really need to get that part of the story right; and actually, if it wasn’t made clear, that LN-Symmetry also uses v3 and ephemeral anchors, or priority transactions, whatever you want to call it, as a key component. So, this kind of smart contract doesn’t have endogenous fees almost by definition.
Mike Schmidt: I saw in your post that you noted that you broadcasted channel opens and closes using LN-Symmetry on Bitcoin Inquisition signet. Is LN-Symmetry something currently that you’re running there or that other folks can run there or can be expected to be run there?
Greg Sanders: So, what prompted this was, AJ was aware of my work, AJ Towns, and he’s like, “Hey, did you not tell anyone else about it?” And I was like, “Oh, yeah, I probably should put a post together or something, recapping a project”. So, I ran it. I spun up two nodes on the Inquisition signet, I did all the transactions and then closed them normally, well, not normally, unilaterally, because the interesting part is when things fall apart and you have to have the smart contracts execute. So, you have the channel opening, the update period, meaning the claims, the challenge, and then the response as well; challenge, response and then settlement. And then I don’t think I had HTLC’s auto-settle, but the code is there to do it and it’s got test coverage. So, I would expect that to work.
Yeah, so once I finished the implementation, I got more sucked into the mempool side of things because I was like, okay, we have to we have to make things easier to RBF and CPFP and all of the above, so I put that down. But it looks like there’s some more current interest by AJ Towns himself. He’s started running nodes and showing me crashes, because it’s stuff I didn’t fix. And then, he tried a cooperative close and I did not implement that, so it hung. And also others too, they’re talking about future soft forks, whether you need APO, or can you use CTV plus CSFS, those kind of conversations. So, that’s kind of the current state of things. We got code that should work, it has functional tests with the HTLC state machine coverage and all those goodies. If you want me to dive in any more, let me know.
Mike Schmidt: Yeah, to piggyback on what you just mentioned there about soft forks, you noted, “I hope this work helps de-risk conversations about future soft forks and channel designs”. Maybe unpack that a little bit for us.
Greg Sanders: Right. So, if we want to do a soft fork, we should be sure it’s actually the thing we want. I think that’d be such a catastrophic mistake if we had a soft fork that wasn’t actually usable. So, proving out these designs is the most important thing, I think. So, that’s the soft fork side of things. The channel design side of things is, I looked at the LN spectrum top to bottom, I said, “What would I change?” And so, a lot of it was simplifications. So, there’s this concept in today’s LN where the commitment transaction is what we call – I think this is an AJ word that he made – layered transactions. So, the commitment transaction has all the HTLCs right there.
So, during this challenge and response period, all this stuff is being exposed. And so, as a knock-on result, your node should probably remember all the previous HTLCs forever, because if an HTLC was in a revoked transaction that your adversary wants to play, you need to be able to open the commitment to that scripthash and spend it with your revocation key. There’s also this pinning thing I talked about, that lets your adversary pick the size of a transaction, which isn’t great. The big benefit you get there is that you can reduce the delta, the expiry delta, meaning the latency to going onchain, if it fails, per hop significantly, because the current design allows you to essentially commit onchain instantly that the HTLC timed out or succeeded, while still allowing a revocation period where you can be challenged. So you can say, “Hey, this commitment transaction was legit, this HTLC success transaction was legit”, but then it sits there and has to wait for the counterparty to respond to say, “Hey, this is revoked, I’m taking the funds”.
So, this kind of layered setting is, I think, kind of a mistake. I would say this is my most opinionated thing, is I think that was a mistake. I think we’re optimizing for something people don’t actually optimize for in reality. Like Eclair, when they’re doing route finding, they don’t really, as far as I know, they don’t even wait in their objective function, they don’t even put the expiry delta in their function, as far as I know. They have like a hard cutoff, and then they don’t worry about it. Versus something like spec simplicity, like how simple is the spec to read; how can we think about what hits the chain; what is the adversary allowed to put on the chain? These things become a lot simpler. So for example, if we didn’t have this commitment transaction the way it is, waving away pinning for now, you could get rid of all the pre-signed HTLC transactions. So, you’d have one signature per commitment transaction and it’s a constant size. I think you can see where some benefits show up here.
Now, I put an asterisk here because you do, for pinning reasons, we need to somehow fix the case where the success direction doesn’t pin the timeout direction. So, like OP_EXPIRE would fix this as an example, if you somehow got that to work. But we’ve got to figure out how to stop that pinning direction. But if you just ignore pinning for now, for the HTLC resolution, that’s what we get. I think that’s pretty powerful as an idea. I’ll stop ranting there!
Mike Schmidt: One of the other highlights from your post was around penalties and the conclusion that penalties do not seem necessary. But I guess folks were not sure that that was the case. Maybe you want to drill in on that a little bit, I thought that was interesting.
Greg Sanders: So, I’m not sure what I wrote. I think penalties are more important when things don’t work correctly, right? So, when we’re not good at RBFing, not good at propagating transactions, the penalty is sort of like a wild card, I would call it. But in reality, this penalty is essentially 1% of channel balance. This is the default reserve value that each participant can’t actually spend. So, there’s this value you can’t actually spend, called a channel reserve. That’s reserved for the case where an adversary drains all your value into HTLCs through circular routing and then plays a revoked commitment. So, really what you’re getting is a 1% penalty against the attacker, no matter how much more they’re putting through and stealing from you. So, they could steal 99% of your liquidity in HTLCs, but aha, I burned their 1%. Well, congratulations, I guess. It’s kind of, I think our time is probably better spent making things work correctly instead of trying to penalize things for working incorrectly.
So, that was kind of my design ethos when building this. I’d rather RBFing and bumping and paying fees be reliable, so the chance of theft is zero if you’re online. There is an argument about, if you go offline and you’re never going to go online anymore, your counterparty kind of has no interest in trying to cheat. So, maybe they will. That’s the remaining argument there, which there’s no right or wrong answers. But philosophically speaking, I’d rather we simplify the spec, make it easy to reason about and don’t add punishments that they don’t actually punish what we want to. But when you’re saying like LN-Penalty, you take all their balance, a confident adversary will only lose 1% of the balance getting caught. So, I think designing for 100% is kind of silly. It’s going to punish simple bugs and people that didn’t actually want to do the thing they did.
Mike Schmidt: Murch, Dave or Gloria, any questions or comments on LN-Symmetry and what Greg’s talking about?
Dave Harding: First, I just want to say a huge thank you for working on a proof-of-concept implementation. It sounds like you learned a lot and that we are all, the rest of us, learning a lot as proxies through your learning, and it’s just amazing having this software out there. And the other thing I wanted to say is that I did miss something important in my writeup that I didn’t realize until I was going back to the post again yesterday, that Greg also, in addition to doing proof-of-concept implementation, he did a rough revision of the BOLTs, the LN specification, to match his implementation. So, you can actually go through the BOLTs and see the amazing simplifications that are, at least in theory, possible from eltoo. I think it’s a really strong validation of the idea here. So, I’m sorry for not writing that out.
Greg Sanders: Yeah, go check. I mean, are you talking about the eltoo spec, the Symmetry spec?
Dave Harding: Yes.
Greg Sanders: Yeah, the first thing I did was write the spec. And then I went and implemented and then I came back and fixed the spec. And I think this is very important, right? We have ideas. Make the ideas concrete, try to think through it, and then – so, I mentioned the expiry delta stacking issue. It was actually worse than I thought. The trade-off’s larger than I thought, and this is something that no one actually worked through until you actually try to program the state machine. And it’s like, oh, there’s this actual gotcha here. And people that thought much harder about it than me didn’t catch it because they didn’t actually try to make it.
Mike Schmidt: Instagibbs, thanks for joining us. You’re welcome to stay on as we wrap up the newsletter. Any call to action for the audience? Do you want people playing with this yet, or what would you have folks do or not do based on your proof of concept?
Greg Sanders: Well, it looks like a couple of people who are interested – so, a couple of people seem to be picking it back up again now that I published this, which I should have done a while ago. My bad. So, they’re taking a look at what’s there. I know I think AJ wants to get this running, like nodes running constantly. I know I’m getting pinged by people who are interested in CTV plus CSFS, so I suggested, “Hey, if you think it’s a substitute for APO, I mean it’s pretty, I mean I don’t want to say easy, but I can show you the spots where you’d switch out the thing for what you need”. And so, at least in an idea perspective, it’s simple to switch out, but the important thing is, yeah, validation. So, I think if you’re interested, ping me, personally DM me, I can put you in connection with other people who are interested. I don’t want to dox people who have been damning me.
Mike Schmidt: We have a question from the audience. Chris, thanks for joining us.
Chris Guida: Hey, what’s up, guys? Thanks for having me. I think, Greg, you pretty much already answered this, but just to be clear, so there’s this new soft fork possibly proposal called LNHANCE, which is CTV plus CSFS plus internal key. It sounds like you’d be okay with that change because it sounds like it would work pretty well with LN-Symmetry. Do you think it would work better than APO or would you be equally happy with either APO or LNHANCE?
Greg Sanders: I don’t weigh too much in it. I just say I’m not too opinionated, I guess. I think people have been thinking about this stuff more than me recently. So, if it works it works and it might simplify a couple things. It’s also nice that you just get these knock-on effects, right? So, in LN-Symmetry, I end up doing a CTV emulation, so you could save a few bytes there by using actual CTV, which is kind of nice. It does what’s on the tin, it’s just easier to analyze. In the spec, that’s actually kind of an annoying part because if you’re doing the APO covenant, you have to pick a nonce scheme and my nonce scheme is a lot of words for things that should be simple. So, it’d be nice to remove some of that complexity. And then even if we don’t do LN-Symmetry, or whatever, either one of those would give you the re-attachable HTLCs or PTLCs. And if you’ve looked at my PTLC writeup, it makes things so much simpler. So, anything that fixes that problem would fix a lot of smart contract spec work, I think.
Chris Guida: Cool, thanks.
Greg Sanders: And if you want to look up alternative specs, or not specs, I guess designs of channels that use APO-like structure, you can look up Daric. It’s by Pedro, I forget his last name; Pedro Moreno-Sanchez, I think, that uses that and that’s like a penalty-based one. So, you know, there’s a lot of things you could do, and I think these general covenant-like primitives or detachable signatures and commitments to tech structure is quite useful in general.
**Mike Schmidt: **Thanks again for joining us, Greg. You’re welcome to stay on if you have things to do.
Greg Sanders: I got to hop though, thank you.
Nuke adjusted time (attempt 2)
Mike Schmidt: All right. Cheers. Next segment from the newsletter is our monthly segment on a Bitcoin Core PR Review Club. This month we’ve highlighted Nuke adjusted time (attempt 2), which is a PR by Nikas, which was hosted, this PR Review Club was hosted by stickies-v, who’s joined us. Stéphan, you didn’t get a chance to introduce yourself earlier, so maybe you want to introduce yourself now and we can talk about why we would want to nuke adjusted time.
Mark Erhardt: Well, how about we talk a little bit about median time passed and general restrictions on block times so far.
Mike Schmidt: Okay, yeah. Murch, why don’t you start with that and I will try to coordinate with Stéphan.
Mark Erhardt: Yeah, so generally blocks are restricted in their timestamp. We need that because we use the timestamp to adjust difficulty every 2,016 blocks. So, we require that generally the timestamps go up. And to that end, we look at something we call the median time passed, which is the median timestamp of the last 11 blocks, which generally means it’s about 60 minutes of the current time if blocks come every 10 minutes. And we require that a block must be bigger than the median time passed, which means that the timestamp of blocks generally has to move forward. Now, lying by putting your blocks in the past isn’t super-useful, because that’ll make the difficulty explode over time. And the other variant is – oh, and we can make this a consensus rule. So, we do require this in blocks for blocks to be valid in the first place.
On the other side, maybe somebody’s time on the computer is off, they had a time shift, or the data is wrong on their computer, and therefore they’re in summertime instead of wintertime. So, it can occasionally happen that a computer system is off by an hour or, well, usually not too much. So, we do permit blocks to be slightly set in the future and still accept them. But we don’t want people to be able to set the time extremely far into the future, because if they were able to keep increasing the timestamps on blocks, they would actually be able to affect a difficulty decrease. So, if they can just keep having the timestamp run away into the future, they might be able to mine a lot more blocks than they’re supposed to. So, we have this restriction on the timestamp that it has to be roughly, at most, one hour in the past and no more than two hours of your network-adjusted time, because we don’t know which computer’s clock is off. It might be your own clock, it might be your peers’ clocks, so we actually do not trust our own clock alone, but we also look at the timestamps that our peers attach to their messages on the network. So, every P2P message has a timestamp, and we look at our peers’ times and adjust our own guess at what the correct time is by our peers’ message times. Yeah, Dave, did I miss anything?
Dave Harding: Two things is that in the original protocol, we also didn’t want miners setting their block times forward because they could also take transactions that were timelocked in the future. We’ve mostly fixed that with BIP113, median time passed using for timelocks. But still, if we could get six or more miners moving their time forward too far, they could start taking transactions that were timelocked in the future, which would be problematic in all sorts of ways. And the other thing is, it sounded to me like you said that all P2P messages have timestamps, but I think it’s only version messages that have a node’s current time in it. But besides that, I think you’ve been doing great.
Mark Erhardt: Thanks for the correction.
Mike Schmidt: Let’s do a quick check and see if stickies-v can speak; stickies-v?
Stéphan Vuylsteke: Hello, does it work now?
Mike Schmidt: Yeah, we got you. Who are you? Introduce yourself.
Stéphan Vuylsteke: Sorry for the earlier issues. So, my name is Stéphan, or stickies-v. I’m a Bitcoin Core contributor and I also co-host the Review Club along with Gloria. And, yeah, I’m funded by a Brink grant as well, and that’s pretty much me. So, yeah, I hosted last week’s Review Club. It’s a very sensational title. We’re trying to not make it too sensational of a change. I might have missed some of the things that you said, Murch, so apologies if I’m repeating. But I figured also maybe I wanted to give a quick recap on why it’s important that we have this concept of time in the first place, and I think the main requirement that we have is difficulty adjustment. Without time, we can’t actually do difficult adjustments so the blockchain wouldn’t be able to run reliably. And then, because we already have these hard requirements, we’ve also been able to add functionality, like timelocks that also use time.
Now time is also difficult, it’s inherently relative, and we also have usual problems of clocks drifting, synchronizing being difficult, and so forth. And it’s also exogenous to the blockchain, it’s not an inherent concept within Bitcoin. So, we need to come to consensus on it, and essentially it’s like an Oracle problem to fix. So, because we need it, because there’s not a single source of truth, we commit to it and that’s why time is in the block header. And that’s also why we need to deal with this whole validating time in the first place and why this PR is relevant.
I think the explanation of network resistance time is already pretty complete. I think a couple of good points to add is that, like Harding said, it’s only done on the handshake. So, it’s only used for whenever we connect to a new peer, we calculate the offset with that peer at connection time or at handshake time, and then afterwards there’s no more corrections. There’s also been a couple of bugs with it in the past. For example, it was meant to be on a rolling 200-peers basis; for the past 200 pairs, it would keep that offset to calculate the network adjustment. But actually, it turned out that we only stored the first 200 peers, and then as soon as the cache was full, it basically stopped updating it. That was one issue. It was never fixed because it did allow for a different vulnerability, which was never disclosed, so I don’t have too much detail on that. And also, it’s actually 199 as opposed to 100 nodes, but that’s not, I guess, a huge problem.
Then finally, in the initial version of this network-adjusted time, we look at both inbound and outbound peers. But obviously, given that inbound peers can be spammed quite easily, that makes it much easier for an attacker to manipulate that. But I think three years ago, Martin fixed this by only having the network adjustment be based on ad-hoc peers, which makes it much more robust than we have now.
So, basically the goal of this PR is you just nuke adjusted timing from the codebase. The initial goal was to remove it completely, I think, but based on reviewer feedback, basically what Niklas did was remove it from everything except from a warning system. So, we removed the dependency on things like block validity, block template generation, but also some checks like whether or not we’re still in IBD, and for calculating how many block header commits to store, and so forth. He replaced all of those network-adjusted time checks with local system clock checks, and then we still show a warning to the user whenever we observe that their clock is out of sync with network too much. And this, of course, remains relevant because if a user’s local system clock is too much out of sync, then that means that they can fall out of consensus with network, which is potentially a very big problem.
I think this PR has a lot of benefits, it has some drawbacks as well. Benefits are, for example, it’s cleaner codebase. We can remove some dependencies on code we no longer need. We also remove the attack vector where Bitcoin nodes can make you fall out of consensus by manipulating your time maliciously. But then it also increases dependency on your local system clock, because if you happen to be wrong, if your own clock is wrong, then you may fall out of consensus and your benevolent peers will not be able to help you get on the correct time anymore. And then your local system clock, of course, can be vulnerable through various ways, including NTP attacks, but then of course you’re in charge of hardening your own system in theory, so maybe that’s not really a responsibility that Core needs to take on.
Then finally, we have this common security assumption in Bitcoin, that we don’t require a majority of honest nodes, we just require a single honest node. For example, when it comes to validating what the current chain with the most proven work is, we just need a single node to tell us that. But in this case, we actually did need a majority of honest outbound nodes in order not to fall out of sync, which I think is a pretty big breach with the rest of the assumptions. So, cleaning it up, in my view, is a pretty big win. So, we’re still keeping the network-adjustment time logic around, but only to warn.
But I think one of the main topics in reviewing this was, we are in some ways touching consensus logic, because having a wrong view of time can make you fall out of sync with the network. So then naturally the question comes up, is this a soft fork or a hard fork? But essentially, it is neither. We’re not really changing consensus, this is purely a network acceptance rule. And even though it touches consensus, it’s not a consensus rule.
Mike Schmidt: Interesting, okay, so the validity of a block header’s timestamp is now not based on this network-adjusted time, which was sort of this algorithm that used peer time to come up with what would be compared to the median time past for the block’s timestamp. Now instead, we’re just only using system time of the local nodes, of that node’s system time to compare validity of the timestamp. So then you point out that since you’re relying on that and that could be wrong or could be updated maliciously or unintentionally, that you could cause some blocks that are valid to the rest of the network to not be valid to your particular node because your system time is off.
Stéphan Vuylsteke: Yes, exactly. We use a combination of median time past for the lower bounds of block validity and system time for the upper bounds, or depending on the direction you look at.
Mike Schmidt: Murch?
Mark Erhardt: So, if your system time were running low by two hours, as in you think it’s earlier than it is, you would perhaps reject blocks that are valid. Would it be right to assume that these blocks are only temporarily rejected and would get accepted as soon as your local time has caught up fast enough?
Stéphan Vuylsteke: Yes, exactly. We have different ways of classifying when our node finds an invalid block, and there’s a special label also to indicate that it is because of time being too far apart. And if we see it again, when it does match with our own clock, then we will exit the block again, so it’s not a permanent fork.
Mike Schmidt: Murch or Dave, any questions for stickies-v? Go ahead, Dave.
Dave Harding: Not so much a question, but I thought this was really, really interesting particularly for the item that stickies-v highlighted, the question we have on the newsletter, “Does this PR change consensus behavior? Is it a soft fork, a hard fork, or neither?” And this was just kind of a mind-bender to me because I’ve been telling people for years that one of Bitcoin’s consensus rules is that blocks could not be more than two hours in the future, according to your local clock, and I was just ignoring adjusted time. I knew about it, it’s always been kind of a weird, icky thing. I’m glad it’s hopefully going away.
But there’s an argument here by Pieter Wuille that this is not a consensus rule. And I remember when I was reviewing this PR, this writeup was done by Larry Ruane, and I saw this and I was just like, “What? No, that’s a consensus rule, I swear, I know it is”, and you carefully think about this logic and Pieter is of course right; this isn’t a consensus rule, this is a local node local node acceptance policy, and I’m still kind of grappling with this in my head. It’s just an interesting way to think about things, is that consensus can only be about things where we all have the same data and we’re all using the same rules. But when it comes to our individual clocks and our nodes, we don’t all have the same data. Every clock is unique and so we can’t have consensus about what time it is currently. And so, any rule that depends on our current clocks isn’t consensus and there’s no way to make this fully a consensus rule that we know of. So, it’s just it’s just a really interesting thing. I think it’s something I’m going to be pointing out for years to come, you know, think about this rule and think about why this isn’t consensus. So, I really enjoyed reading this PR Review Club write-up.
Mike Schmidt: Well, stickies-v, thanks for joining us; Larry, thanks for doing the writeup; and, Niklas, thanks for the PR and great points on the discussion. Stickies-v, thanks for joining us, you’re welcome to stay on. We’re just going to talk about one LND PR. Appreciate you joining us last minute to walk us through this.
Stéphan Vuylsteke: My pleasure, thanks for having me.
Mark Erhardt: If there are any other people that want to ask questions or comment, now is a good time to start looking for the request speaker access button, because we’ll be done after just a single PR.
LND #8308
Mike Schmidt: No releases or release candidates highlighted in the newsletter this week, and just one Notable code change, and this is to the LND repository, LND #8308. This PR mostly smoothens out some of the issues between CLN and LND, some of the interoperability, having to do with the min_final_cltv_expiry_delta field. And from the BOLT, the min_final_cltv_expiry_delta is the minimum difference between HTLC CLTV (CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY) timeout and the current block height. And we talked a little bit about this last week, in #283, on the CLN side of things, where CLN was rejecting CLTV deltas of 9 from LND, and the remedy on the CLN side was to explicitly start requesting that value to be 18 instead of 9. And now, on the LND side of things, they are bumping one of their previous CLTV delta defaults that was previously 9 to 18.
One note from the PR says, “This only affects external invoices which do not supply the min_final_cltv_expiry_delta parameter. LND has not allowed the creation of invoices with a lower min_final_cltv_expiry_delta value less than 18 blocks since LND 0.11.0. I think there was some commentary from the LND team back in 2020 that says, “We still retain the behavior of using 9 if no CLTV is present for backwards compatibility on both sender and receiver side”. That was the genesis of this, is they left that default a few years ago at 9, and then CLN was not requesting specifically 18, and so now they’ve both sort of amended some of their defaults to make sure that this interoperability doesn’t happen any further. I’m sure an LN person would butcher that summary, but Murch or Dave, any commentary?
Dave Harding: I can’t wait for BOLT12 offers to hopefully make all of this go away. The reason not to include a parameter in a BOLT11 invoice for this is it makes the invoice a little bit smaller, it saves some space. But if we have BOLT12 offers, the size of the offer, the text you need to copy and paste, or the QR code that you need to scan, that remains constant, and then your node can go out and request all the details from the remote node and get all this information in the background. So, these sort of minor compatibility issues, hopefully a lot of them go away. So, I’m really looking forward to that.
Mike Schmidt: I don’t see any questions from the audience or speaker requests, so I think we can wrap up. Thank you to Dave and Gloria and Greg and stickies-v for joining us as special guests this week, and thanks always to my co-host, Murch, and thank you all for joining. Cheers.
Mark Erhardt: Cheers, hear you next week.