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Segwit Addresses
What are segwit addresses? Transactions that spend bitcoins secured by segregated witness (segwit) use less block weight than equivalent non-segwit (legacy) transactions, allowing segwit transactions to pay less total fee to achieve the same feerate as legacy transactions.
Tested: version 10.0.0 on Android
Tested on: 2022-05-11
Receive support
- Allows receiving to P2SH-wrapped segwit
Allows the generation of P2SH-wrapped (either P2WPKH or P2WSH) segwit receiving addresses.
- Allows receiving to bech32 segwit addresses
Allows the generation of bech32 native (either P2WPKH or P2WSH) segwit receiving addresses.
- Allows receiving to bech32m addresses
Allows the generation of bech32m (P2TR) receiving addresses.
- Default receiving address is bech32 P2WSH
This service generates bech32 P2WSH segwit receiving addresses by default.
Send support
- Allows sending to bech32 P2WPKH addresses
Allows sending to bech32 P2WPKH native segwit addresses.
- Allows sending to bech32 P2WSH addresses
Allows sending to bech32 P2WSH native segwit addresses.
- Allows sending to bech32m addresses
Allows sending to bech32m (P2TR) addresses.
- Not tested: Can bech32 addresses be used for change?
We either didn’t test this or could not appropriately determine the results.
Click on a thumbnail for a larger image or to play its video.
Replace-by-Fee (RBF)
What is Replace-by-Fee (RBF)? An unconfirmed transaction can be replaced by another version of the same transaction that spends the same inputs. Most full nodes support this if the earlier transaction enables BIP125 signaling and the replacement transaction increases the amount of fee paid. In terms of block chain space used, this is the most efficient form of fee bumping.
Tested: version 10.0.0 on Android
Tested on: 2022-05-11
Receiving support
- Notification does not note RBF
Notification of incoming transaction does not note that the transaction signals RBF.
- Received transaction not labeled replaceable in list
Does not visually indicate that an incoming transaction has signaled RBF.
- Received transaction not labeled replaceable in transaction details
Does not visually indicate that a received transaction has signaled RBF when viewing the transaction details.
- No unconfirmed transactions
Neither the original nor replacement transactions are shown in the transaction list. Unconfirmed transactions are probably not supported.
Sending support
- Does not signal BIP125 replaceability when sending transactions
Does not allow sending of BIP125 opt-in-RBF transactions in the interface.
- Sent transaction not labeled replaceable in list
Does not visually indicate that an outgoing transaction has signaled RBF.
- Sent transaction not labeled replaceable in transaction details
Does not visually indicate that a sent transaction has signaled RBF when viewing the transaction details.
- No replacements in transaction list
Because no transaction replacement is possible in the user interface, we could not test whether original or replacement sent transactions are shown after replacement.
Click on a thumbnail for a larger image or to play its video.
Transaction sending confirmation screen - Bitnob does not have an option to enable RBF when sending transactions.